Thursday, January 3, 2013

My hope " to My Life and My Descendant"

 Note of Hope Bondan Ramadhani Purnomo ( It's me).

Bondan Ramadhani Purnomo.

If I can get 600,000.  - / 1,000,000.- People who was 3 years older than me and 6 years younger than me and his family and his descendants later or 600,000, - / 1,000,000, - head of the family and the family of his descendants would become a People, Support, officer, officials, friends, Sahib (Companions), Carib, tribe, Bani, Tribe, Clan, Family, Nation, Followers, Protector, waiter, maid and Barisan also forces loyal slave, useful, usable, slavishly , ridho sacrifice, help, service, faith, nurture, protect, love, love, love, purify, caring, considerate, magnify, magnifying, and support in the form of wealth, knowledge, power and soul to me and to ((King) Bondan Ramadhani Purnomo 王) and my offspring from the first to the last Day of Judgment (Qiyamah) destruction of the universe (Lil Alamin) from 8,5 billion, - the spirit world with the percentage of 0.0199% and although only 0.36% of the 280 million, - diIndonesia soul.
Amen O Allah give me what I want, 'God.

Other than that I have servants and slaves were handsome, handsome, sweet, and beautiful too young age, and faithfully serve the people of my same number of 2,500. - the soul.

if I get it I would be happy, calm, joy, love fun, carefree, happy, happy, peaceful, peaceful, prosperous, vibrant, prosperous, safe Sentausa, colorful, delicious, good, grateful, though somewhat a bit but it was very much me and useful for me.

of course I was shocked, disbelieving, shocked and confused?

And thinking is it possible? does not seem to be possible, whether it will actually happen and what it iya would happen???

if that never happens I must be sad if all does not exist., chaotic thoughts, weakness, upset if it's just wishful thinking, sorry for lack of support, miserable loneliness, mourning all left me hurt for hurt, pessimistic, gloomy, feel weld, suffering, distress, hardship because no one helped.
and pray for the death or Doom quickly come to take my life and ask forgiveness of Allah Subhana Wa Ta'ala.

Until kahirnya jealous because other people happier than me, envy because others be successful while I failed to achieve success and success.

and I was only able to fantasize, seek a useless and seeing someone else.

Until finally the Punakawan said: "Ah, queen Bondan 王 did you dream this? Expect something uncertain and unlikely.

The Punakawan: Dyah Queen Ramadiningrat 王 Do not expect too Muluk disappointed and hurt you later, 600,000. - / 1,000,000. - The soul or the head of the family is just not necessarily you get, so do not be delusional you will get 6,000,000. - Soul.
That's not possible.

Biodate Bondan Ramadhani Purnomo Full

Biodata Bondan Ramadhani Purnomo Name : Bondan Ramadhani Purnomo. Birth Place & Date : Tangerang, March 24,1993. Addre...