Bismillahirrahmanirrahim Audzubilahiminasyaitanirajim.
Audzubilahiminasyaitanirajim Bismillahirrahmanirrahim.
Ya Allah ampunilah aku atas segala kesalahan ku dan dosa dosa ku yang telah aku lakukan selama didunia.
ampunilah juga dosa dan kesalahan kedua orang tuaku.
Dan jadikanlah aku, papa, mama, kakak dan adikku beserta keturunan ku yang pertama dan terakhir di hari kiamat kehancuran semesta raya ini menjadi Ahli Waris Kerajaan Dunia maupun Kerajaan Jannah.
Janganlah kau biarkan kami tersentuh api nerakamu yang panas itu.
Ya Allah berilah aku Ilmu dan kecerdasan.
berilah aku kemudahan dalam setiap aku memahami ilmu.
Ya Allah berilah aku beserta keluargaku rezeki yang bermanfaat bagi dunia maupun akhirat
Ya Allah Berikan Aku dan juga Keluarga ku kekayaan juga harta benda yang berlimpah.
berilah dan permudahkanlah aku dalam mencari juga mendapatkan nya.
Ya Allah berilah aku kedamaian, kesejahteraan, ketentraman, keamanan dan kenyamanan dalam hidup.
terutama tiada yang tidak mungkin yang tidak dapat dilakukan Allah.
Ya Allah jadikanlah keluarga ku kembali tentram, sejahtera, damai,aman dan bahagia.
Ya Allah Lindungilah aku dan keluarga ku dari segala bahaya yang mungkin akan terjadi apapun itu.
Karena Engkau Maha Pelindung dan Maha Perkasa Lagi Maha Kuat.
Sungguh Tiada Daya dan kekuatan melainkan kekuatan Engkau Yang Maha Agung.
dan ya Allah aku ingin dan berilah aku awet muda dan aku ingin hidup selama ratusan tahun sesuai dengan kalender masehi maupun hijriah.
begitu juga keturunan ku yang pertama maupun yang terakhir di hari kiamat kehancuran semesta raya.
dan berikanlah aku dan keluargaku beserta keturunanku yang pertama maupun yang terakhir di hari kiamat alam semesta anugerah berupa usia yang panjang dan lama hingga ratusan tahun sesuai kalender masehi dan juga kebahagian di dunia maupun di akhirat..
Ya Allah namun aku bukanlah Orang Musyrik yang meminta usia seribu tahun seperti yang engkau katakan kepada Muhammad SAW melalui Wahyumu dalam Al Qur’an.
janganlah Engkau biarkan aku dan keluarga ku menjadi orang Musyrik.
Lindungilah kami dari perbuatan Syirik.
Ya Allah aku ingin menjadi Raja (ratu) atas sebuah pulau dan planet ( sistem tata surya lain yang ada di galaksi/ Al Buruj lain ).
tapi pulau mana yang cocok dan berilah aku rezeki agar aku dapat membeli dan menguasai pulau dan planet ( sistem tata surya / Al Buruj yang lain ) yang aku inginkan .
Apabila aku ataupun keturunanku telah memiliki pulau dan planet ( tata surya lain yang ada di galaksi lain ) tersebut maka jadikanlah aku beserta keturunan ku yang pertama dan yang terakhir dihari kehancuran semesta raya tetap menjadi Raja dan Ratu ( Ratu ) atas pulau dan Planet yang aku beli.
Ya Allah jika memang ada planet lain seperti planet bumi ini dan apabila aku ataupun keturunanku telah menguasai planet itu.
maka jadikanlah aku dan keturunan ku yang pertama maupun yang terakhir dihari kiamat kehancuran semesta raya menjadi Raja Raja (ratu) atas planet yang seperti planet bumi itu.
Ya Allah aku ingin mempunyai negara yang besar dan jaya, lahan - lahan yang luas, peternakan, perikanan, perkebunan, pertanian, pertambangan, manufaktur, istana – istana dan rumah - rumah yang besar juga megah, kabulkan lah ya Allah dan jadikanlah aku dan keturunanku yang pertama maupun yang terakhir di hari kiamat semesta raya menjadi Raja - Raja di dunia maupun akhirat / Jannah.
Ya Allah berikanlah aku.
+/- 10,000,000.- jiwa untuk menjadi Rakyat, Pendukung, Petinggi, pembesar, Teman, Shahib (sahabat), Karib, Kaum, Bani, Suku, Klan, Famili, Bangsa, Pengikut, Pelindung, Pelayan, Pembantu dan Barisan Pasukan juga budak yang setia, berguna, bermanfaat, menghambakan diri, ridho berkorban, membantu, melayani, mengimani, mengayomi, melindungi, menyayangi, mencinta, mengasihi, mensucikan, peduli, perhatian, mengagungkan, pembesar dan mendukung dalam bentuk harta, ilmu, tenaga dan jiwa untuk aku dan kepada ( (King) Bondan Ramadhani Purnomo 王) dan keturunan ku dari yang pertama hingga yang terakhir dihari kiamat (Qiyamah) kehancuran Alam semesta ( Lil Alamin ) juga bermanfaat bagiku dan keluargaku maupun kepada keturunanku yang pertama hingga yang terakhir dihari kiamat kehancuran Alam Semesta agar aku dapat membangun kerajaanku didunia maupun kerajaan ku dijannah.
permudahlah jalanku ini Ya Allah pencipta, raja, dan pengatur semesta raya dan luar semesta raya.
permudahlah dalam aku meraih dan mewujudkannya .
Amin Ya Rabbal Alamin.
Kabulkanlah Ya Allah dan Penuhilah permintaan ku amin.
Sesungguhnya Engkau lah Maha Pengampun, Maha Pencipta, Maha Kaya, Maha Raja, Maha Agung, Maha Adil, Yang memberi Rezeki, Maha Pengatur, Maha Pengabul, Maha Memberi, dan Maha Segalanya.
O God Allah, forgive me for all my mistakes and my SIN I have done
for the world and I'm sorry over indecency mazmumahku deeds which I
did during my life.
O God Allah, make me as an expert Warisun Jannatun Adn when I can't
be an expert Warisun Jannatun Firdausi.
O God Allah, I did not serve their child, maybe I was the son of
sin. Please forgive me, O God. That has a lot of faults and Forgive
the mistakes my parents very I care about. Amin.
O God Allah, give me your help give me your favour &. Over
problems that I encounter despite mild or severe. Only on Thee O God
O Allaah, until recently. I'm just still speechless and silent
without doing anything and do not know what to do.
O God, forgive and forgive our sins and mistake me, mama, papa,
brother, my sister, my niece and my seed.
Provide us with sustenance that kosher, well, plenty, suffice,
smooth, clean, useful and beneficial.
You shall not create a fiber, you create hard, you Snooze, you
subtract, you grab a bastard and you're over us. Amin.
Ease the burden of our lives and take up the burden of living and
permudahkan trials which we are living.
The trials. Trials and suffering will certainly happen again. God
gave me some ease, spaciousness, kindness, patience and enjoyment
I live in a world full of inequality, inequity, lack of weirdness,
occultism, the influence of the impact, the weight of the next, not
the same, discriminatory, and so on.
in the struggles of my life I have always experienced a failure,
disappointment, hurt, misfortune, destruction, deterioration due to
the negative influence of the Lariat to put all the good that I have
and the ignorance and carelessness are also errors which I do.
just a bit of happiness, prosperity, wealth, prosperity, harmony,
comfort, wealth, pleasure, joy, knowledge, intelligence, cleverness,
goodness and pleasure that I have.
in loneliness and solitude of this I still have limited freedom
before being confined in prison life and the demands of the times or
the prison of death.
only a beam of bright light that reads instructions and advice from
sources that don't I know it comes from.
but I try to do good and avoid evil deeds even if hard to understand
I'm probably destined to become occupants of hell so God make me to
do easily in a crime.
hope of heaven or Jannah makes me unwilling to as its inhabitants
although I placed in the lowest level of jannah though important I
get the goodness of life hereafter though a bit.
because life indeed is always an important deficiency can live
enough and has the advantage of small and simple.
O God Allah, the owner of the Kingdom of the heavens and the Earth.
Thy nature is so widely give me a place in thy nature is vast though
different in another world.
O God Allah, take me away. There to the Kingdom of thy full of grace
and enjoyment. Don't you let me continue to be tormented in the nar
O God Allah, not what if I die I die with quickly because there is
no sin and errors that I do again in the world cause I went into
hell. Amin.
Help me and help me out of this world atrocities, protect me in THY
affection to me these weak. Amin.
O God Allah, give me the goodness of the good of life. Give me
kindness for eternity of my life as a ciptaanMu. Because of all the
Your Create in the universe is eternal, including mankind, Jinn,
Angels, Satan, the devil and all creatures is eternal. Amin.
Thou shalt make every provision that you specify for me is good. "
(Narrated by Ibn Maajah, Ahmad and Ibn Hibbaan).
Therefore I included those who purify themselves. Sacred art thou, o
God, and with thy praise, I testify that there is no God but Thee I
invoke thy forgiveness and I repent unto thee. "
And, when Ibrahim said: '' Yes, make this country, a country that's
safe, and take me with children of my granddaughter on worshipping
idols (Ibrahim verse 35).
Yes, indeed the idols that have misled most of mankind, then anyone
who's following me, then surely that person including the ku, and
whoever disobeys me, behold thou, Almighty Forgiving Most Merciful
again. (surat Ibrahim v. 36).
Ya Rabbana, behold, you know what we hide and what we were born, and
there is nothing hidden, either for God on Earth as well as existing
at the sky. (surat ibrahim v. 38).
Ya Rabbi, make me and my granddaughter son people people who
remained founded the prayer. Ya Rabbana, allow my prayers. (surat
ibrahim verse 40).
Ya Rabbana's sake, give me and my mom both and all those believers
on the day of reckoning (ibrahim v. 41).
And make me, papa, mama, brother and my brother with descendants of
my first and last on the day of resurrection, the destruction of the
universe this holiday be heirs of the Kingdom the world lil alamin
nor the Kingdom of Jannah.
O God Allah Make me, papa, mama, brother, sister, son, my child, my
niece, my best friend, my companion, my people, my followers, the
servant me, the troops and everything I mine become experts Jannatun
Firdausi wa And wa Darusalam.
"Indeed the experts of heaven will be facilitated for charity
with the practice of the inhabitants of the heaven, and hell will be
facilitated for charity with the practice of the people of hell."
(Narrated by Abu Dawood; see also Saheeh)
O God Allah, heal all diseases that exist within our self or due to
diseases caused by things outside of himself and our control. Amin.
"Ya Rabbi, behold, I have wronged myself forgive me because of
it." God forgive him, verily he is Most Forgiving Most Merciful
again. (Surat Al Qashas verse 16)
"Yes, for the sake of peace that you have granted to me. I once
times nothing will become a helper for those sinners "(Surat Al
Qashas para 27).
"O our Lord, the grace to us, our wives and our descendants as
the penyenang liver (us), and our leaders make for people who are
cautious" (QS. The Al Furqon: 74).
O Allaah, forgive our sins and mistakes of children, grandchildren,
great-grandchildren and my first and last on the day of
resurrection. Amin.
O God make children, grandchildren, great-grandchildren and my first
and last in the doomsday lil alamin become wealthy, affluent,
prosperous, healthy birth of inner, happy and successful.
make it my be the person who is righteous, good, virtuous Dharma,
good, smart, intelligent, scholar and able to understand also become
fighters for themselves, their families and the nation.
make my seed as King over a region, nation, planets, galaxies or the
top of the island in the universe.
O God, I want to become a resident and have Al Mulk (the Kingdom) in
Jannatun Adn or the lowest heaven. Amin. Only you provide what I
would expect.
I'm not perfect. My life suffers. Yes God. Give me a little
happiness, eternal prosperity & welfare. Amin.
O God, I want to live the way I want and I expect. I want to live
happily without any suffering and miserable.
make it my be heirs Mulka jannatun wa world, scholars, the rich,
noble, leader of the Organization, Kings, Monarchs, heads of State
and others.
Say: "I seek refuge in the Lord of the man, the King of man,
Man Worships, from the usual Devil evil lurks, the whisper of the
human chest, from the Jinn and mankind.
Say: "I seek refuge to a Man who held No dawn", from His
creatures, and the crime of evil night in pitch dark, and from the
evil of female necromancer who breathed on the buhul buhul (Magic).
Say: "he is Allah, the one true God", God was the divine
all depend on it everything, he's no litter and no also make
children, and no one is on a par with him.
O God, protect me and my family of our enemies, keep us from our
enemies and enemies do not Thou our foes we hover. Amin.
إِنِّي أَعُوذُ
بِكَ أَنْ
أَسْأَلَكَ مَا
لَيْسَ لِي
بِهِ عِلْمٌ
وَإِلَّا تَغْفِرْ
لِي وَتَرْحَمْنِي
أَكُنْ مِنَ
"My Lord, verily I seek refuge from Thee to plead to you
something that I know not (substance). And if you do not give mercy
unto me, and (not) put the mercy me, I'm going to include people who
are losers "(QS. Huud: 47).
"O our Lord, we believe, then please forgive us and give us
grace and you are the Giver of grace is the best" (QS. Al
Mu'minoon: 109).
"Yes my Lord give mercy and grant grace, and you are the Giver
of grace is the best" (QS. Al Mu'minoon: 118).
اغْفِرْ لَنَا
فِي أَمْرِنَا
عَلَى الْقَوْمِ
"O our Lord, forgive our sins and our actions are our affairs
extravagance in and keep our establishment, and help us against the
infidels" (QS. Al Imran: 147).
"Our Lord, we have faith, then please forgive our sins and keep
us from the torment of hell" (QS. Al Imran: 16).
O Lord we, verily, we heard (shout) that called to the faith,
(i.e.): "Believe ye to your Lord," then we believe. O our
Lord, forgive us our sins and blot out our from our mistakes, and we
died along with many of the people who serve. O our Lord, give us
what you have promised to us by the Apostles; And thou shalt not
contemptible in our day of judgement. Verily thou shalt not violate
promises "(QS. Al Imran: 193-194).
"My Lord, I have wronged myself forgive me because of it."
God forgive him, verily he is Most Forgiving again Most Merciful
"(QS. Al Qashash: 16).
O our Lord, thou shalt not our laws if we forget or we, indeed. O
our Lord, thou shalt not will be loaded to our heavy loads as you
will be loaded to the people before us. O our Lord, thou shalt not
pikul told us what was not capable of carrying us. Let our maaflah;
Please forgive us; and our mercy. Thou art our Protector, then help
us against the infidels "(QS. Al Baqarah 2:286).
"O our Lord, we have wronged ourselves, and if thou forgive us
and give grace to us, we surely would include people who are losers"
(QS. Al A'raaf: 23).
"My Lord, give me the wisdom and put me into the pious people.
make an I said good fruit for people (who came) later. and therefore
I included those who had inherited the heirloom heaven of Bliss
"(QS. Al Syu'ara: 83-85).
"O our Lord, we believe, then we make a note with those who
bear witness (over the truth of the Quran and Muhammad's
Prophethood)" (QS. Al Maidah: 83).
"My Lord, give me from the side of Thee a son is good. Verily
thou art the Supreme prayer of the Listener "(QS. Al Imran:
"O our Lord, anugrahkanlah to us, our wives and our descendants
as the penyenang liver (us), and our priests therefore and for
people who are cautious" (QS. Al Furqan: 74).
"O our Lord, give please forgive me and both my father and
mother all the believers on the day of the last judgement (judgment
day)" (QS. Ibrahim: 41).
اغْفِرْ لَنَا
وَلَا تَجْعَلْ
فِي قُلُوبِنَا
غِلًّا لِلَّذِينَ
آمَنُوا رَبَّنَا
إِنَّكَ رَءُوفٌ
"O our Lord, let our ampunlah and our brothers and sisters who
believe it first from us, and thou shalt not let envy in our hearts
towards those who believe; O our Lord, verily, thou art the Supreme
manners again Most Merciful "(QS. Al Hashr: 10).
O God, the curse of society which became the source of the illness
that has been driving me mental illness due to disease that they
impact. Amin.
O God, I don't want to promise any more because of the promise it
was difficult. It is difficult to hold that promise and it's hard to
keep that also justifies that promise.
I don't want to promise more. Because I don't want to not be agreed.
I want that don't promise but surely implemented
I fear for the promises for fear of not being able to implement,
execute and undertakes the promise. Help me Ya Allah. Amin.
O God, I want to be me, my family and my be always be the person who
always praying obligatory prayers, prayer is sunnah, shaum (fasting)
Monday and Thursday, other traditions and also shaum shaum in
and become a people who always carry out the 5 pillars of islam
i.e., creed, prayer, fasting, zakat and Hajj. Amin
and Yes God I want and give the gift of Ageless form and I want to
live for hundreds of years in accordance with the Gregorian calendar
or Hijri.
so are the descendants of my first or last in the day of
resurrection, the destruction of the universe (Qiyamah Lil Alamin).
and give me and my family with my first or last in the day of
judgement universe grace in the form of a long and old age to
hundreds of years fit calendar a.d. also Hijri calendar and also the
happiness in the world and in the hereafter ....
O God, make me and my first or last in the doomsday lil alamin as
Emperor over some small areas on the Earth and other planets of the
Galaxy as well.
O God I want to be the King (Queen) over an island and the planet
(the solar system in the Galaxy there are other/Al Them.).
but the island and the planet where suitable and give me sustenance
so that I can buy and take control of the island and the planet
(solar system/Al Them for that matter) that I want.
If I or my island has had and the planet (other solar system in the
Galaxy) that make me with descendants of my first and last day of
the destruction of the universe Kingdom remained the King and Queen
(Queen) over the island and the Planet that I bought.
O Allaah, if indeed there are other planets like Earth and the
planet if I or my planet have mastered it.
then make me and my descendants of the first or the last day of
judgement of collapse of the universe Kingdom became King of Kings
(the Queen) on the planet as the planet Earth.
O God I wish I had a small Royal State and Kingdom, international
organizations, international corporations, International Foundations
and international movements, land-extensive agricultural land,
livestock, fisheries, forestry, agriculture, mining, manufacturing,
the Palace – Palace and houses a large, majestic visas also lah
and give what I ask God and make me and my first or last in the day
of judgement universe Kingdom became Kings in the world or the
O God, make me as ruler of the area of land covering an area of 2400
km2 and a Marine area of Ruler along 12 miles of coastline.
O God, I wish I had Company Limited, Corporation, Organization,
Movement and Foundation with assets valued at a maximum of USD 500
O God I wish I had 50,000 50,000 cattle, beef cattle, camels,
cattle, sheep 50,000 50,000 50,000 cattle and goats horses scattered
in various parts of the planet Earth fi Ardi. Amin Ya Rabbal Alamin.
O God, I want to have the gold bullion, silver bullion, Platinum
Bullion Palladium bullion and totaling 10,000 stems x 4 precious
metals with a weight of 1 kg. Amin.
give me a wealth of treasures of 5,000,000 Gold Dinar Coin for
personal possessions, my family and I. Amin.
and give my State and my Nation in the form of a number of property
wealth 5,000,000 Gold Dinar Coin. Amin
I want to buy an area of 2400 square kilometers to be a royal state
which form of government is a constitutional monarchy with a
parliamentary system and the form of the state as a unitary state.
O God, I want to buy an area of 2400 km2 for the rights to mine the
country's unitary system or unitary composition of the centralized
leadership and form a system of Government constitutional monarchy
with a parliamentary system.
O God, if I could get an area of less than 2400 km2 as a monarchy
and a Republic that I've mastered and I have shared my subjects.
O God, if I get the continental plains area covering an area of 24
km2, the island at least an area of 5 km2 and the waters of salty
water along 12 miles of coastline along with the people of 35,000
people or 500 people then I am definitely very happy.
O God, I want to form a Confederate State shaped parliamentary
Republic and parliamentary monarchy then let Ya Allah.
O Allah, make Islamic Ideology, Liberal, Socialist, has a Unitary
national system or form of our life.
make a Confederation between a parliamentary monarchy system and
parliamentary Republic system and our form of Government the
enduring follow this dualism. Amin.
O God, if I get an area of 10,000 km2 though teach and give me
strength so I can be sincere to give it to the people who love me
and dinastiku. Amin.
And I want to have the man who became the nation's 1,000 boryaltra
to help me and help me in I became King or Monarch of the boryaltra.
O God, give me a child for 1,000 I foster care, educates, and lead
the nation into Boryaltra bina and I became King of the Boryaltra.
O God, give me 35,000 people to keep me company when I already have
independent areas to become my personal monarchy country and when
I've become King. Amin.
O God, I want to establish a Boryaltra Organization to maintain,
protect, fight for and get anything into my interests on Earth.
O God, I wanted to establish the Orphanage Trust House Foundation
which aims to nurture children orphans and poor children from all
over the Earth. Amin.
Yes God give me a bit to become a man of the people, advocates,
government officials, magnifying, friends, Shahib (friend), Carib,
the clans, Banu, tribes, clans, Families, Nations, followers,
Protectors, Helpers, Servants and slaves who also Forces loyal,
devoted, has high dedication, useful, beneficial, devote themselves,
ridho sacrifice, help, serve, believe, trial, protect, love, love,
love, attention, care, purify, exalt, Princes and support in the
form of property , science, energy and spirit to me and to ((King)
Bondan Ramadhani Purnomo) and my descendants from the first to the
last day of resurrection (Qiyamah) destruction of the universe (Lil
Alamin) is also beneficial to me and my family as well as to quench
my coal which is the first to the last day of judgement of collapse
of the universe so that I can build my Kingdom on Earth as well as
my Kingdom is in Jannah (Paradise) or Jannatun Adn Firdausi.
O God I'd love to have a Man faithful loyal to me, useful, helpful,
obedient, worried about my personal interests, experts in various
fields, helping me in various ways, serve me with a heartfelt and
sincere, loving, love also loves me, responsible and secure me from
all danger. Amin.
The dynasty has its roots in the international political situation
of the world economy, international business, organizational &
international, an International Foundation, Royal international, an
international company (Business Empire & Corporation
International), an International Charity (international
Philantrophy), international social, international constitutional
law, international media, the country's monarchy that I shape, in
terms of international Islamic religious leadership and Commonwealth
international Caliphate.
Say: ' o God, who has the Kingdom. You give Kingdom to people who
will you have, and you unplug the Kingdom from the people whom you
want. Thou glorify people who will you have, and you create a
contemptible person who will you have. In the hands of Thee is all
virtue. Verily thou art Supreme power over all things.
Thou input night into day and you input during the into the night.
Thou take out the living from the dead, and you remove the dead from
the living. And thou lah give sustenance to who will you have
without being brought to account.
Ya Rabbi, behold thou hast granted me a part of the Kingdom and have
taught me the part the veil of dreams of the creator of heaven and
Earth. Thou art the patron of my self in the world and in the
hereafter. D. I'm in a State of islam and merge I'm with godly
I want to be the King (King) to 1000 years for my dynasty and there
might be my dynasty as a continuation of the Kingdom after Kingdom
1000 years extinct editor with me until the day of judgement my
offspring still chosen as the King or the King who held firm on the
teaching of.
make easy this my path, O God, the King, the creator and ruler of
the universe and the universe beyond the Kingdom (lil alamin).
Verily thou art the one Most Forgiving, Creator, Rich, Supreme King,
Almighty, Most Fair, which gives Sustenance, Supreme Ruler, Maha,
Maha Gave a wish, and Most everything.
Luqman AlHakim message to his son: يابني
، خليلاصالحا
، إنقعدتفيظلهاأظلتك
"O my son, make sure first of all slasher may bring advantages
for you after the faithful friends, wrote of Dharma (good), as well
as like yg friends of palms, when thou sit down below, he'll give
you protection, and when thou shalt eat of the fruit, you will find
it good (sweet)".
O God, give me 100 souls to become advocates, man, my followers, my
people and my people who are loyal to me. Amin.
O God, I begged and asked on the Mu. Give me the people, followers,
supporters and the man a number of 50 or 100an people as the
people's awalku to help me and to help me. Amin.
O God, I don't have a lot of friends & friends, few of which I
have but I'm thankful to you because I'm still on friends give &
I need a loyal companions, there was no treason, always present in
my life and love, love and love me too my family.
Yes God give me 100 companions who are always interested and give
priority to the interests of myself, my welfare, prosperity,
happiness and peace to my family or my also for the common good.
Yes God give me best friend who always helped me in various ways,
including in terms of politics, business, learning, working and
Yes God gave me friends always help me and support me in realizing
dreams, rencanaku also my desire and prayer that I succeed in the
world and in the hereafter. Amin.
Yes God give me a useful and rewarding companions in a variety of
things including in business, trade, politics, learning and
Yes God give me best friend who always protect and keep me from evil
human beings and from the ugliness of the world or the hereafter.
Audzubilahiminasyaitanirajim Bismillahirrahmanirr
Ya Allah ampunilah aku atas segala kesalahan ku dan dosa dosa ku yang telah aku lakukan selama didunia.
ampunilah juga dosa dan kesalahan kedua orang tuaku.
Dan jadikanlah aku, papa, mama, kakak dan adikku beserta keturunan ku yang pertama dan terakhir di hari kiamat kehancuran semesta raya ini menjadi Ahli Waris Kerajaan Dunia maupun Kerajaan Jannah.
Janganlah kau biarkan kami tersentuh api nerakamu yang panas itu.
Ya Allah berilah aku Ilmu dan kecerdasan.
berilah aku kemudahan dalam setiap aku memahami ilmu.
Ya Allah berilah aku beserta keluargaku rezeki yang bermanfaat bagi dunia maupun akhirat
Ya Allah Berikan Aku dan juga Keluarga ku kekayaan juga harta benda yang berlimpah.
berilah dan permudahkanlah aku dalam mencari juga mendapatkan nya.
Ya Allah berilah aku kedamaian, kesejahteraan, ketentraman, keamanan dan kenyamanan dalam hidup.
terutama tiada yang tidak mungkin yang tidak dapat dilakukan Allah.
Ya Allah jadikanlah keluarga ku kembali tentram, sejahtera, damai,aman dan bahagia.
Ya Allah Lindungilah aku dan keluarga ku dari segala bahaya yang mungkin akan terjadi apapun itu.
Karena Engkau Maha Pelindung dan Maha Perkasa Lagi Maha Kuat.
Sungguh Tiada Daya dan kekuatan melainkan kekuatan Engkau Yang Maha Agung.
dan ya Allah aku ingin dan berilah aku awet muda dan aku ingin hidup selama ratusan tahun sesuai dengan kalender masehi maupun hijriah.
begitu juga keturunan ku yang pertama maupun yang terakhir di hari kiamat kehancuran semesta raya.
dan berikanlah aku dan keluargaku beserta keturunanku yang pertama maupun yang terakhir di hari kiamat alam semesta anugerah berupa usia yang panjang dan lama hingga ratusan tahun sesuai kalender masehi dan juga kebahagian di dunia maupun di akhirat..
Ya Allah namun aku bukanlah Orang Musyrik yang meminta usia seribu tahun seperti yang engkau katakan kepada Muhammad SAW melalui Wahyumu dalam Al Qur’an.
janganlah Engkau biarkan aku dan keluarga ku menjadi orang Musyrik.
Lindungilah kami dari perbuatan Syirik.
Ya Allah aku ingin menjadi Raja (ratu) atas sebuah pulau dan planet ( sistem tata surya lain yang ada di galaksi/ Al Buruj lain ).
tapi pulau mana yang cocok dan berilah aku rezeki agar aku dapat membeli dan menguasai pulau dan planet ( sistem tata surya / Al Buruj yang lain ) yang aku inginkan .
Apabila aku ataupun keturunanku telah memiliki pulau dan planet ( tata surya lain yang ada di galaksi lain ) tersebut maka jadikanlah aku beserta keturunan ku yang pertama dan yang terakhir dihari kehancuran semesta raya tetap menjadi Raja dan Ratu ( Ratu ) atas pulau dan Planet yang aku beli.
Ya Allah jika memang ada planet lain seperti planet bumi ini dan apabila aku ataupun keturunanku telah menguasai planet itu.
maka jadikanlah aku dan keturunan ku yang pertama maupun yang terakhir dihari kiamat kehancuran semesta raya menjadi Raja Raja (ratu) atas planet yang seperti planet bumi itu.
Ya Allah aku ingin mempunyai negara yang besar dan jaya, lahan - lahan yang luas, peternakan, perikanan, perkebunan, pertanian, pertambangan, manufaktur, istana – istana dan rumah - rumah yang besar juga megah, kabulkan lah ya Allah dan jadikanlah aku dan keturunanku yang pertama maupun yang terakhir di hari kiamat semesta raya menjadi Raja - Raja di dunia maupun akhirat / Jannah.
Ya Allah berikanlah aku.
+/- 10,000,000.- jiwa untuk menjadi Rakyat, Pendukung, Petinggi, pembesar, Teman, Shahib (sahabat), Karib, Kaum, Bani, Suku, Klan, Famili, Bangsa, Pengikut, Pelindung, Pelayan, Pembantu dan Barisan Pasukan juga budak yang setia, berguna, bermanfaat, menghambakan diri, ridho berkorban, membantu, melayani, mengimani, mengayomi, melindungi, menyayangi, mencinta, mengasihi, mensucikan, peduli, perhatian, mengagungkan, pembesar dan mendukung dalam bentuk harta, ilmu, tenaga dan jiwa untuk aku dan kepada ( (King) Bondan Ramadhani Purnomo 王) dan keturunan ku dari yang pertama hingga yang terakhir dihari kiamat (Qiyamah) kehancuran Alam semesta ( Lil Alamin ) juga bermanfaat bagiku dan keluargaku maupun kepada keturunanku yang pertama hingga yang terakhir dihari kiamat kehancuran Alam Semesta agar aku dapat membangun kerajaanku didunia maupun kerajaan ku dijannah.
permudahlah jalanku ini Ya Allah pencipta, raja, dan pengatur semesta raya dan luar semesta raya.
permudahlah dalam aku meraih dan mewujudkannya .
Amin Ya Rabbal Alamin.
Kabulkanlah Ya Allah dan Penuhilah permintaan ku amin.
Sesungguhnya Engkau lah Maha Pengampun, Maha Pencipta, Maha Kaya, Maha Raja, Maha Agung, Maha Adil, Yang memberi Rezeki, Maha Pengatur, Maha Pengabul, Maha Memberi, dan Maha Segalanya.