I love Allah. I love Islam. I love Al Qur'an. Injil. Zabur dan Taurat. I love Nabi Muhammad. I love Nabi and Rasul. I love Malaikat. I love My Father and My Mother. I love My Sister and Brother. I love Science and History. I love Encyclopedia. I love My Kingdom. I love My State and My Empire. I hate people who hate me. I am a Moslem but i hate moslem who hate me.
Monday, December 10, 2012
Sunday, December 9, 2012
My Idea but not all that I tell
Bondan Ramadhani Purnomo, Imperial Monarch of Boryaltra.
Abdul Rizky Grey (Right) and Bondan Ramadhani Purnomo Red ( Left ).
Serene Highness Prince Bondan Ramadhani Purnomo, 1st Duke of Boryaltra, Prince of Gronchester, Prince of Hartington, Marquess of Schaantrebury,
Earl of Graftonshire, Count of Swestergud, Count merchdichia, Viscount of Erstlecadic,
Viscount Severndorn, Baron of Winchester, Baronet Graenberg, Lord
Wishtlebachs and Lord Herbertshire.
a) Lord Boryaltra.
b) Marquess Boryaltra.
c) His Serene Highness Duke of Boryaltra.
d) His Grand Royal Majesty King of Boryaltra.
meaning of my name means Bondan in the Java language is the Eternal or servant.
Ramadhani taken from Ramadan in Arabic is the Heat.
Purnomo taken Javanese language means it is light
means that the meaning of my name is Abdi eternal in the heat and light
I want to Building a Organization and foundation :
1) The Boryaltra Organization.
2) The Grand kingdom of Abernmount
3) The Kingdom of Boryaltra.
4) The Duchy of Scheweilz Damzeg Burg.
5) Orphanage House Trust Foundation.
6) Keraton Ramadiningrat Organization.
7) Movement People Key.
I want to create a Company or Corporation:
1) The Boryaltra Plagoldi.Co.Ltd. (Minning, trading and manufacturing)
2) The Boryaltra Farm.Co.Ltd. (Agriculture, Livestock, Fisheries, trading and Manufacturing)
3) Boryaltra Cooperation.Investment.co.ltd. (finance, investment, trading, bank and share)
I will take positions in the Organization and Foundation that I founded as :
1). President / Imperial Monarch of Boryaltra Organization.
2) President of Orphanage House Trust Foundation.
3). President Commissioner of Boryaltra Plagoldi.Co.Ltd.
4). President Commissioner of Boryaltra Farm.Co.Ltd.
5). President Commissoner of Boryaltra Cooperation Investment.co.ltd.
6). President of Keraton Ramadiningrat Organization.
7) Chairman of Movement People Key.
8). Monarch and Head of State of Grand Kingdom of Boryaltra..
I hope one day, I would be a :
a) Bupati in an area Indonesia.
b) The Governor in an area Indonesia.
c) The Excellence President of Republic of Indonesia.
Canada or Greenland, Liechtenstein, Iceland, New Caledonia, Azores, Canary Islands, Antartic Authority, African Sahara Authority and Kerguelen Islands.
make me want to have it.
and someday I will buy it if I had become a Billionare.
if I've become a billionare.
My Tree Family ( Descendant Line ) or My Family:
a) line of Paternal :
- My Grandfather : Bong A Fuk keturunan (descendant) salah satu Kepala Suku Khek ( Chief of hakka tribe ).
- My Grandmother : Nyat Chin.
My Father is Along Purnomo (Bong Chun Long), Sovereign Duke of Scheweilz Damseg Burg.
b) line of maternal :
- My Grandfather : Sungep bin/son of Madirsad menurut riwayat keturunan (descendant) penatus dan kepala desa dari zaman leluhur ( Chief of Village Ancient ).
- My Grandmother : Raden Ajeng Kustiyah Sendang Duwur binti/daugther of Raden Mas Suromenggolo Sendang Duwur of Cindaga, Banyumas. descendant of Panembahan Senopati Ing Alaga Sayidina Panatagama or Raden Ngabehi Sutawijaya ( 1st King of Mataram Islam ).
My mother is Sukarelawati, Duchess of Scheweilz damzeg Burg.
relatives :
- Drs kadar (kepala desa sidamulya) bin/ son of soekemi (kepala desa sidamulya).
- Soekemi (kepala desa Sidamulya)
details about the organization will i founded.
I'm Bondan Ramadhani Purnomo (Centre), Candidate The President of Boryaltra Organization and High Commissioner of Boryaltra Organization.
(This article is under development)
Boryaltra Organization.
Boryaltra Organization is the organization that I set up to be the international standard Organization has branches in many countries - countries. I will set up a board meant to be overshadowing concerns about the board of education, child custody, health scrutiny, technology development, development and finance, social welfare centers done a space agency, health, law, economic development, environmental preservation, protection of flora and fauna, and others.
Institutions - Institutions and Companies under Boryaltra Organization:
a) Education, Culture, Arts and Children:
1. International Child & Education Boryaltra Found.
2. Education, Culture & Socio Boryaltra Institute.
3. International School Boryaltra Foundation.
b) Field of Food and Agriculture.:
1. Agri logistical Boryaltra Organization.
2. Saving Food & Research Centre Boryaltra Organization.
c) The field of environment, nature conservation, protection of fauna and flora:
1. Green Earth Saving Boryaltra Organization.
2. Central Environmental Conservation and Preservation Boryaltra.
d) The field of health and health research:
1. Boryaltra Health Research Organization.
2. International Hospital Boryaltra Organzation.
e) The field of economic and financial development:
1. Boryaltra Economy and Monetary Organization.
2. Boryaltra Bank International Finance Corp.
f) Field of guardianship of children and adolescents:
1. Trusteship Boryaltra childern Organization.
g) Field of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries protection:
1. Boryaltra Ocean Preservation Organization.
h) Field and research Space Outer space:
1 Space Helderwulf Boryaltra Organization.
2. Space Observation Center Boryaltra Institute.
i) Field of technology development:
1. Boryaltra Technology Development Center.Inst.
2. Boryaltra Techno.co.ltd.
j) Field Distribution and public charity:
1. Boryaltra Charity Foundation.
k) Field of Meteorology, Climatology and Geophysics:
1. Boryaltra International Meteorological Organization.
l) Telecommunications and information dissemination center:
1. Boryaltra Telecommunications and Information Center Organization.
2. Boryaltra Telecommunications Co.Ltd.
m) for Research, Rescue and Conservation of Natural and Social Sciences:
1. Boryaltra Science Research, Saving & Conservation Organization.
2. Boryaltra Science Institute.
n) Social and International Community:
1. Boryaltra International Social Organization.
o) International Livestock Sector Development:
1. Boryaltra Industry International Development Organization.
2. Boryaltra Industry Corporation.
This organization shall establish or build:
1. Schools - Schools:
Elementary School.
Junior High School.
High School.
3. Mental Hospital.
4. Clinic.
5. The Orphanage Children and seniors.
6. Child Custody house.
7. Modern Building Tower and Tower.
8. Office Office.
9. Apartment.
10. Research Center for Health and Health Assistance.
11. Research Center for Biology and Geography.
12. Flora and Fauna Research Center.
13. Center Fauna and Flora conservation preservation.
14. Zoo and wildlife sanctuary.
15. Harbor and dock.
16. Logistics center storage crops, livestock, fisheries and mining.
17. Central storage of seed flora and fauna.
18. Observation and research center space (outer space).
19. Library.
20. Central solar power, wind, methane gas, hydrogen gas, and others.
21. Central city development - the modern city and the real estate.
22. Mall and shopping center or the modern market.
23. The research center of agriculture, livestock, fisheries and mining.
24. International data archiving center.
25. Manufacturing - Manufacturing.
26. International airport.
27. International disaster relief center.
28. International Space Flight Center.
29. Center for Research, Conservation and History International Rescue.
30. Establishment of centers of worship and maintenance of houses of worship, such as mosques, Baitullah, Church, Cathedral, Temple, temple and synagogue.
31. Research Center of Meteorology, Climatology and Geophysics International.
32. Corporate Telecommunications Center and international telecommunications services.
33.Center for Research, Development and International Modern Technology Industry.
Saturday, December 8, 2012
Friday, December 7, 2012
I want became a/an
Ya Allah aku ingin menjadi Raja (ratu)
atas sebuah pulau dan planet ( tata surya lain yang ada di galaksi/ Al Buruj
lain ).
tapi pulau mana yang cocok dan berilah
aku rezeki agar aku dapat membeli dan menguasai pulau dan planet ( tata
surya lain ) yang aku inginkan .
Apabila aku ataupun keturunanku telah
memiliki pulau dan planet ( tata surya/ Al Buruj lain yang ada di galaksi lain ) tersebut maka
jadikanlah aku beserta keturunan ku yang pertama dan yang terakhir dihari
kehancuran semesta raya tetap menjadi Raja dan Rani ( ratu ) atas pulau dan
Planet yang aku beli.
maka jadikanlah aku dan keturunan ku yang pertama maupun yang terakhir dihari kiamat kehancuran semesta raya menjadi Raja Raja (ratu) atas planet yang seperti planet bumi itu.
Ya Allah Subhana Wa Ta'ala I want to be a king (Ratu) on an island and the planet (another solar system in the galaxy / Al Buruj others).
but the islands are suitable and give me sustenance so that I can buy and control the island and the planet (another solar system) that I want.
If I or my descendants have had islands and planets (solar / Al Buruj other is in another galaxy) hence I make my descent along the first and the last Day of the destruction of the universe remains the Raja (King) and Rani (Queen) of the island and the Planet that I bought.
Ya Allah, if there is another planet like our planet Earth, and if I or my descendants have mastered the planet.
so make me and my offspring of the first and the last Day of Judgement destruction universe became King's and Queen's (Ratu) of planets like the earth planet.
I want buy land in an area of 100 km2 of Europe, Australia, China, Middle East, Siberia and Canada for me make a modern largest city and I became a Rulers of the Land.
I give it a named :
1) Retzborveg City (5km) in U.S.A .
2) Brizdyston City (5km) in U.S.A.
3) Gronchester City (5km) And Arbercarry Estate (20 km2) in Canada.
4) Hartington City (5km) in Canada.
5) Winchester City (5km) in Canada.
6) Schaantrebury City (5km) Canada.
7) Graftonshire City (5km) in Canada.
8) Helton City (5km) and Heaven Aton Estate (5 km2) in Australia.
9) Hefordest City (5km) and Percy Etlad Estate (10km2) in Africa.
cannot yah? hopefully materialize treasury Amin.
Ya Allah I hope I win the lottery worth 1 Billion Poundsterling and USD 500 million. Amin.
or I found a treasure worth the money 100 Billion Poundsterling & 5 Trillion GBP.
Ya Allah, give me a rich treasure in the form of 24 carat gold weighing 10kg some 1,000,000 stems.
Ya Allah, give me a rich treasure in the form of a 5,000,000 Silver weighing 10kg rod.
Ya Allah, give me a rich treasure in the form of platinum and palladium weighing 10kg of 1,000,000, - trunk.
Ya Allah, give me a rich treasure of gold dinar with number 1,500,000, - pieces and silver dirham number 5,000,000, - Chips.
Ya Allah, grant me land vast land and other solar system for my home and the people I form.
Ya Allah, give me wealth is abundant form of modern objects that are useful to meet the needs and desires.
Ya Allah, give me a magnificent palaces and buildings for me and my people.
Ya Allah, give me a galaxy or al buruj for my offspring and my people until doomsday lil Alamin.
Ya Allah give foster children (not biological children bondan Ramadhani purnomo or I) totaled 5,000,000, - the soul to be My Trusteship.
Ya Allah, give me or my descendants a galaxy or al buruj and make me or my descendants to be king and emperor and the guardian of the galaxy or al buruj.
Ya Allah make me and my people are also descendants as heirs of the kingdom jannah paradise.
Ya Allah, give me this.
Cattle, buffaloes, camels, horses, sheep, goats and poultry into animal flocks.
Ya Allah, give me all that I want.
Raden Ngabehi Bondan Ramadhani Purnomo :
" aku ingin mempunyai harta dan uang senilai USD 5,000,000,000,000.- , Emas batang sejumlah 20,000,000.- seberat 10kg, perak batang sejumlah 50,000,000.- seberat 10kg, Platina sejumlah batang 10,000,000.- seberat 10kg, Paladium batang sejumlah 15,000,000,- seberat 10kg dan tanah seluas 3 juta hektar atau 30,000 km2."
"I want to have property and money worth USD 5,000,000,000,000. -, A total of 20,000,000 Gold shaft. - Weighing 10kg, a total of 50,000,000 silver shaft. - Weighing 10kg, Platina total of 10,000,000 shaft. - Weighing 10kg, Paladium trunk number 15,000,000, - weighing 10kg and land an area of 3 million hectares or 30,000 km2. "
Canada or Greenland, Iceland, French Guyane, Canary Islands, Antartic Authority, African Sahara Authority, Namibia and Kerguelen Islands.
make me want to have it and someday I will buy it if I had become a Billionare.
I want Became a /an :
His Grand Royal Majesty King
Title and Style of Grand Kingdom of Boryaltra :
- His Grand Royal Majesty Bondan I, Grand King of Boryaltra.
- His Serene Highness Bondan I, Grand Duke of Boryaltra.
- Bondan Ramadhani Purnomo, Marquess Boryaltra.
- Bondan Ramadhani Purnomo, Lord Boryaltra.
Title of Keratuan Ramadiningrat ( Keraton Ramadiningrat Organization ):
- Yang Mulia Dijunjung Tuan Agung Gusti Prabu Panembahan Sunan Ratu Ramadiningrat I.
- Gusti Raden Mas Adipati Arya Sura Merta Jayadiningrat.
- Gusti Raden Mas Tumenggung Suradipakusuma Wiranatha
- Gusti Raden Mas Ngabehi Bondan Ramadhani Purnomo.
Title of Puri Ageng Suromenggolo ( Keraton Suromenggolo Organization ) :
- Kanjeng Gusti Pangeran Adipati Arya Suromenggolo II.
- Raden Mas Adipati Arya Bondan Ramadhani Purnomo.
Title of Eorwyena March :
Bondan I, Eorwyena March Wangreiche , Eorwyena March Emperor, Eorwyena March Kaisereich, Eorwyena March Huang Di, Eorwyena March Caesar, Eorwyena March Maharaja, Eorwyena March Maharatu, Eorwyena March King, Eorwyena March Raja, Eorwyena March Ratu, Eorwyena March Konig, Eorwyena March Rey, Eorwyena March Roi, Eorwyena March Rex, Eorwyena March Wang, Eorwyena March Duke, Duc Eorwyena March, Eorwyena March Herzog, Eorwyena March Bhra, Eorwyena March Prince, Marquess Eorwyena March, Marquis Eorwyena March, Earl Eorwyena March, Count Eorwyena March, Viscount Eorwyena March, Baron Eorwyena March, Baronet Eorwyena March and Lord Eorwyena March.
Wednesday, November 21, 2012
Tuesday, September 11, 2012
Sunday, September 9, 2012
Sunday, July 15, 2012
Monday, July 9, 2012
Sunday, April 29, 2012
Thursday, April 26, 2012
Monday, April 16, 2012
Monday, February 13, 2012
Siang hari dilapangan
Matahari beranjak naik diatas kepalaku.
diselimuti tebalnya awan hitam seperti ular yang memanjang.
dengan birunya langit sebiru laut yang memantul warna dari langit.
kala itu ku duduk di atas bangku bambu beratap jerami.
sendiri menatap langit mendung dan lapangan luas berumput hijau.
sekian lama aku duduk terdiam hujan pun turun dari langit.
dengan gemerincik suara ketuk dan tetesan air bening dari langit.
nuansa sunyi yang kurasa hingga beberapa orang yang lalu lalang.
dan berserta suara sindiran dari pemukiman yang terdengar.
perhatian ku tertuju pada motor yang beberapa kali melewati.
yang kucurigai membawa suatu pesan melalui bahasa isyarat.
bahasa isyarat yang memang sedang kutunggu!
entah pertanda apa yang ingin ia beri tahu padaku.
didalam kebisuan dan sunyinya lapangan.
bernyanyi ku sendiri dengan rasa sesal dan sedih.
dasar nasib membawa ku pada kesendirian yang membuat sepi hidupku.
kau berpikir sejenak sembari terdiam!
apa aku benar benar kesepian atau aku yang menyendiri dalam keramaian.
Matahari beranjak naik diatas kepalaku.
diselimuti tebalnya awan hitam seperti ular yang memanjang.
dengan birunya langit sebiru laut yang memantul warna dari langit.
kala itu ku duduk di atas bangku bambu beratap jerami.
sendiri menatap langit mendung dan lapangan luas berumput hijau.
sekian lama aku duduk terdiam hujan pun turun dari langit.
dengan gemerincik suara ketuk dan tetesan air bening dari langit.
nuansa sunyi yang kurasa hingga beberapa orang yang lalu lalang.
dan berserta suara sindiran dari pemukiman yang terdengar.
perhatian ku tertuju pada motor yang beberapa kali melewati.
yang kucurigai membawa suatu pesan melalui bahasa isyarat.
bahasa isyarat yang memang sedang kutunggu!
entah pertanda apa yang ingin ia beri tahu padaku.
didalam kebisuan dan sunyinya lapangan.
bernyanyi ku sendiri dengan rasa sesal dan sedih.
dasar nasib membawa ku pada kesendirian yang membuat sepi hidupku.
kau berpikir sejenak sembari terdiam!
apa aku benar benar kesepian atau aku yang menyendiri dalam keramaian.
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Biodate Bondan Ramadhani Purnomo Full
Biodata Bondan Ramadhani Purnomo Name : Bondan Ramadhani Purnomo. Birth Place & Date : Tangerang, March 24,1993. Addre...
Version English Comment: I wrote it to be ...
Nama : Bondan Ramadhani Purnomo. Status Kegiatan : Mahasiswa Fakultas Hukum Univ...
Version English Comment: I wrote it to b...