Version English
Comment: I wrote it to be read not only to spread the influence of any political, threatening anyone and to disclose personal life, the thoughts, the plan of life, perception, feedback and things ever in my experience.
Comments: I do not spread incitement, influence or make treason and evil anyone but this is a fact of life and the subject of my life.
Comment: Mobile & Personal Computers I have been hacked by a particular party.
Comment: I do not ever want to be famous or well-known that actually makes me a grave disadvantage, I am of the first just want to be rich or have a lot of wealth, and I do not need many people to be a part of my life and maybe first I thought that no matter how bad if celebrity / artist / influential figure, former life I was quite close and I always cover my identity or cover my personal life or cover up how I was real but they since elementary school always hurt me, they opening about my personal life and destroy my life.
Name : Bondan Ramadhani Purnomo.
Place and Date of Birth : Indonesia, March 24, 1993.
Shelter : Java Island, Indonesia.
Status : Student.
Blood Type : A +
Ras : Chinese - Java.
Activity : Students of the Faculty of Law.
Contact Person:
- 089 669 960 081.
E- Mail :
I only ask for things - small things, small activities and profits are relatively small in accordance with the Act - Act or law in force in a State:
- Being Entrepreneur (Entrepreneur), Investor's Business, the Business Owner / Company Owner and Common stockholders / Preferred stockholders.
- Being Factory Owner (Own Factory), Rancher (Rancher), Farmer (Farmer) and Land Owner (Landlord).
- Being a Politician (People Politics), Servant Social (Social Waiter / Social Activist) and Philantrophic (Generosity).
- Being a Novelist, Writer Classic - Modern Fantasy Book (create fictional works such as Narnia, Lord of The Rings and The Hobbit).
- Story of The Fantasy Magical World of Ardin Earth Book :
- The Series 1 : Story of Boris & His Sibling Life in Earth & Mystical of The World of Ardin.
- The Series 2 : Story of Battle Alliance White State toward Lord of Devil Empire Alliance.
- The Series 3 : Story of The First Age of a Prophetic about Birth Lord of Devil and The Man Saviour.
- The Series 4 : Story of Reapperance The Holy Paragon bring a Peace of The World.
- The Series 5 : Story of The 10th Emperor descend of Boris, Advanced & Age Golden.
- The Series 6 Part I & II : Story of The Second Age : Period the Fallen of Alliance States & Story of Last The Fifth Age : Period the Rise of Unity of Alliance States under Ardin Empire.
- The Series 7 Part I & II : Enemies Glorious Age&The White with Neutral Race Fell & Adventures of Musad The Kind.
- The Series 8 Part I & II : The Death of Lord of Devil The Strong & The Reincarnation of Lord of Devil.
- The Series 9 Part I & II : The Last Great War The Kind with The Enimies Rise Lord Devil & End The Destroyed of The Space of Ardin to towards of Heaven & Hell Eternal.
- The Last Series 10 : The Age Sixth Age : Golden Age & Wellfare Age.
- A Story of Life in Ardin Earth Book :
- Story of Create of Ardin Space by God El (Allah).
- Story of Create of Ardin Earth, Other Planets & Stars.
- Story of Create of Inhabitant of Ardin Earths (Human of the earth, Mythical Habitat, All Animal of The Earth, Devil, Angel and etc).
- Story of Flowering of Inhabitant of Ardin Earth.
- Story of History of Life in Ardin Earth
- At The First Early Life (for 9 million years).
- At The Second Early Life (for 9 million years).
- At The First Age (20.000 years).at The Series 3.
- At The Second Age (20.000 years). The Series 6 : 1,
- At The Third Age (20.000 years).The Series 4, the series 7 : I, Novel II.
- At The Fourth Age (11.000 years). The Series 7 : I, The Series 7 : II. The Series 8 : I. Novel II.
- At The Fifth Age (5.000 years). The Series 8 : II, At The Series 1. The Series 6 : II. The Series 5.
- At The Sixth Age (10.000 years). The Series 9 : I&II & The Last Series 10. Novel I.
- The End Age.
- The Heaven & Hell Life Eternal Age.
- Story of Monarch & Republic State in Ardin Earth from the First Age – The Sixth Age.
- Story of War and Battle Age of Ardin Earth.
- Story of Heroic.
- Story of Adventure.
- Story of Sosial, Culture, Tribal, Science, Political, Law and etc at First Age – The Sixth Age.
- Story of Ardin Ordinance / Ardin Ordonansi & Ardin Canoni.
Part of Book :
- dan membuat Novel :
- The Seriality Life Peaceful Advance (Novel I).
- The Incumbent White The First Class (Novel II).
- Love You Vtre Drign
- Gold Noble Life in World
- Platoniser Ram with Als & Alg.
- My Life is Misery (still have little happines)
- Between Life in Republic & Monarchy
- Love & Life with Ndara Pangeran.
- Life Prince Basilieus
- If I have a Little Realm
- Story of a Republicans.
Last Education :
- TK Al Husna Kotabumi Tangerang.
- SD Negeri Kotabumi 04.
- SD Muhammadiyah 01 Poris Jaya.
- SMP Muhammadiyah 04 Cipondoh.
- SMK Prudent School d.h. SMK Pelita Bangsa.
Twitter :
Facebook :
Bondan Ramadhani Purnomo.
Bondan Ramadhani.
1. Chairman Elected Class 2A SMP Muhammadiyah and became Vice Chairman Resigns Class 2A SMP Muhammadiyah period 2006-2007.
2. SMP Muhammadiyah Chairman 3F Class Period July 2007 - October 2007 (resigned).
3. The Chairman of the Consultative Assembly of Class SMK Pelita Bangsa period 2008-2009.
4. The Secretary-Islam SMK Pelita II Soul Nation.
5. Members of Journalists Modis SMK Pelita Nations.
6. Members of SMK Pelita Nations Choir.
- Kung Kung Bong A Fuk, national origin Hanging & manggar, Kab. Belitung.
- Popo Nyat Chin, national origin Hanging & manggar, Kab. Belitung.
Name of Father: Papa Bong Nyu Long / Papa Along.
Mother nasab line:
- Grandfather Bahu (Village Chief) Tutors Syungep or Syungeb bin grandparent Penatus (Village Head) Madirsad, Origin Sidamulya area, District Sidareja, Cilacap.
- Grandmother Kustiyah binti Raden Mas Suromenggolo, national origin Cindaga, Banyumas.
- Grandfather Stepfather: Mbah Bahu (Village Chief) Simin.
- Grandfather Lift: Mbah Master Murslan.
Name of mother : Mama Wati.
- Old Sister Anita (Employees PT.PP.Tbk).
- Octavian
- Sukemi grandparent, Head of Village of Sidamulya, district. Sidareja, Cilacap.
- Uncle Drs. Kadar, Head of Village of Sidamulya, district. Sidareja, Cilacap.
- Uncle Drs. Sudarno, Manager PT.Bukit Asam.Tbk.
- Uncle Drs. Agus Salim, Manager PT.Pusan.Tbk.
- Grandpa Kung Kung Bong A Fuk (father of father) has a multi-storey wooden house with an area of 1000 meters on time 1950 – 1980 year.
- Great Grandfather Raden Mas Suromenggolo (father of kustiyah grandmother) of a child of aristocratic Javanese and have customary land covering several hectares on time 1940 – 1960 year.
- Great Grandmother Mbah Uti Nyai Karsinam (maternal grandmother kustiyah) take care of the soil in the form of a vegetable garden measuring thousands of meters and pigs on time 1940 – 1980 year.
- Grandftather Madirsad (father of grandfather sungep) penatus or a village head in cilacap near Sidareja rumored to have customary land covering several hectares on time 1940 – 1980 year.
- Grandfather Mbah Kakung Bahu Sungep hamlet heads have a brick house of 500 meters down the road sudirman generals, Sidareja, cilacap and have customary land in the form of a 2 hectare coconut plantation (3 bau) with proof of ownership of a tax return and have a traditional coconut sugar factory on time 1950 – 1970 year and die because murdered case in tumiyang.
- Grandma Mbah Uti Kustiyah had inherited from her Grandfather and Grandmother Sungep until the end of life on time 2000 year have customary land with the remaining area of 340 meters with proof of ownership of the financed tax petuk first child's grandmother and uncle I Drs. Sudarno.
- Brother in-law's grandfather Mbah Kyai Sukemi, Lurah of Sidamulya village has a house wall architecture java - European VOC of less than 3000 meters and has a bent form of rice land area of 4 hectares on time 1950 – 1980 year.
- Cousin Mother and Child Pakde Kyai Sukemi namely Drs.Kadar of a headman of the village Sidamulya for two periods and inherits all the property of his father as a child on time 1980 – 2011 year.
- Pakde Drs. Sudarno a manager of PT. Bukit Asam. Tbk with a record salary of IDR. 8 million in 2008, owns a house measuring 800 meters in Cilacap and have a home & perkarangan area of - / + 1000 meters in Lampung on time 1980 – 2010 year.
- Grandmother Penatus Kholidah married grandfaher Lurah Sukemi.
- Grandfather Bahu Sungep (grandfather) married grandmother Kustiyah (Grandma).
- Mbah Warno.
- Mbah Surati to married Mbah Mbah Karsono.
- no children and raised the child as much as 3.
Second wife.
has to 2 Boy :
- 1.Manager Hotel Borobudur
- 2.seorang to the doctor.
Third wife.
- Kustiyah (grandmother).
- 9 siblings.
- Papa
- Kuku Mey Lan.
- Susu Afong.
- Pakde Drs. Sudarno & Bude Prami.
- Bude Darni & Pakde Karyono (divorce), Pakde Leman (Divorced) & Pakde Par.
- Bude Sugi & Pakde Sadiman.
- Pakde Aying and Bude Nunung.
- Bude Sutiyah & Pakde Yono.
- Pakde Susmanto & Bude Laminah (Divorced) & Bude Ida.
- Mother & father
- Lik Muji & Lik Puji
Cousin :
- Mas Deni, Mbak Dwi, Mbak Susi, Mas Sungging, Mas Awit, Mas Wiji, Mas Ari, Mbak Heni, Mbak Nuri, Mbak Amin, Mbak Gina, Bimo, Teh Tari, Teh Yani, Aa Asmet, Depi, Intan, Vira, Emil, Ayu, Mas Pandu, Mas Andri, Isma, Gita dan lainnya.
- Koko Akun, Koko San San, Koko Sisi, Koko Ipay, Cici Yung Yung, Cici Muna, Cici Nini, Kakak Tini, Koko Toto, Ferdi, Mario, Andre dan Lainnya.
- Bu Indah (Guru TK Al Husna).
- Bu Mei ( Guru SDN Kotabumi 04).
- Pak Riyadh (Guru SDN Kotabumi 04).
- Pak Bustomi, SE (Kepala Sekolah SD Muhammadiyah 01).
- Bu Titin ( Guru Kelas 4 SD Muhammadiyah 01)
- Bu Hetty ( Guru Agama & Kemuhammadiyahan SD Muhammadiyah 01).
- Pak Firdaus ( Guru Kelas 5 & 6 SD Muhammadiyah 04).
- Pak Muhibin (Wali Kelas 2 A & Guru Fisika SMP Muhammadiyah 04).
- Pak Bambang ( Guru Biologi kelas 2, SMP Muhammadiyah 04).
- Kak Bayu ( Guru Biologi kelas 1 & wali kelas 1D, SMP Muhammadiyah 04).
- Pak Drs. Khoirul Bustami (Kepala Sekolah & Guru Bahasa Indonesia kelas 1, SMP Muhammadiyah 04).
- Pak Abdurrahman (Kepala Sekolah & Guru Hadist kelas 3 SMP Muhammadiyah)
- Pak Adi Suciadi (Guru Kesenian & Budaya kelas 1, 2 dan 3 SMP Muhammadiyah 04).
- Pak Yusuf ( Guru Geografi & Sejarah kelas 1 dan 2 SMP Muhammadiyah 04).
- Bu Herry (Guru IPS kelas 3 SMP Muhammadiyah 04).
- Bu Rahma (Guru Bimbel Ujian Nasional Bahasa Indonesia SMP Muhammadiyah 04).
- Bu Maryam (Guru PKK SMP Muhammadiyah).
- Pak Suparman (Guru Budi Pekerti kelas 1 SMP Muhammadiyah 04).
- Pak Suherman (Guru Bahasa Indonesia 1 SMP Muhammadiyah 04).
- Bu Siti Pramanik (Guru IPA kelas 3 & wali kelas 3F SMP Muhammadiyah).
- Bu Leta (Guru Ilmu Komputer kelas 3 SMP Muhammadiyah).
- Pak Andi Lala ( Guru Agama kelas 1 & guru ilmu komputer kelas 2 SMP Muhammadiyah).
- Pak Imam (Guru Bahasa Inggris kelas 2 SMP Muhammadiyah 04).
- Bu Susi ( Guru Bahasa Arab kelas 1 & 2 SMP Muhammadiya 04).
- Pak Zulfikar (Guru Bahasa Arab kelas 3 SMP Muhammadiyah 04).
- Pak Lutfhi Hidayat, S.Pd (Kepala Sekolah SMK Pelita Bangsa).
- Bu Mardiana, SE. (Wali kelas 1.2 & Guru Akuntansi kelas 2 SMK Pelita Bangsa).
- Bu Cahyani Sumardianto, S.Kom (Guru Komputer kelas 1, 2 & 3 SMK Pelita Bangsa).
- Bu Atit Maryati, SE ( Manager Prudent Office).
- Bu Wahyu (Guru Administrasi Perkantoran kelas 2 SMK Pelita Bangsa).
- Pak Didik Yulianto (Pembimbing Ekstrakulikuler SMK Pelita Bangsa).
- Pak Arief (Pembimbing Prudent Radio).
- Pak Heru Sri Kabariyanto, S.Pd ( Guru Agama kelas 1,2 & 3 SMK Pelita Bangsa).
- Pak Didi Ahmadi (Adi), S.Psi (Guru Bimbingan Pelajar).
- Bu Sri Anggraeni, S.Psi (Guru Bimbingan Pelajar).
- Pak Beni (Guru Kesenian SMK Pelita Bangsa).
- Pak Irfan Rifa'i, SH (Guru Pkn & wali kelas 1, 2, 3 AP 1).
- Pak Ahmad Rifai (Wakil Kepala Sekolah SMK Pelita Bangsa).
- Bu Yahya (Staf Tata Usaha).
- Pak Ali (Staf Tata Usaha).
- Bu Heni ( Guru Administrasi Perkantoran SMK Pelita Bangsa).
- Bu Tri Ningsih (Guru Administrasi Perkantoran kelas 3 SMK Pelita Bangsa).
- Bu Miftahul Sari, SE (Guru Matematika kelas 1 & 2 SMK Pelita Bangsa).
- Bu Komala Sari (Guru Matematika kelas 3 SMK Pelita Bangsa).
- Bu Eka Martiana Wulansari, SH. MH (Dosen Pengantar Ilmu Hukum Universitas Pamulang).
- Bu Ari Widiarti, SH. MH (Dosen Pendidikan Karakter & Budaya Universitas Pamulang).
- Bu Fenny Wulandari, SH. MH (Dosen Hukum Agraria Universitas Pamulang).
- Pak Endi Suhadi, SH. MH (Dosen Hukum Kewarganegaraan & Hukum Dagang Universitas Pamulang).
- Pak Dadi Kuswadi, SH (Dosen Hukum Perdata & Hukum Acara Perdata).
- Pak Agus Salim, SE. SH. MH (Dosen Hukum Acara Pidana).
- Bu Ayni Suwarni Herry, SH. M.Kn (Dosen Hukum Ilmu Negara & Administrasi Negara Universitas Pamulang).
- Pak Bambang Herman Panji, SH. MH (Dosen Hukum Tata Negara Universitas Pamulang).
- Bu Ratna Sari, SH. MH (Dosen Bahasa Belanda Universitas Pamulang).
- Bu Dina Novita, SE. MM (Dosen Bahasa Inggris & Ilmu Bisnis Ekonomi Universitas Pamulang).
- Bu Nani, SH. MH (Dosen Pendidikan Kewarganegaraan dan Politik Nasional Universitas Pamulang).
- Pak HMZ Iqbal, SH. MH (Dosen Hukum Adat Universitas Pamulang).
- Pak Guntarto Widodo, SH. MH ( Dosen Bahasa Inggris Universitas Pamulang).
- Pak Mahmud, SH. MH (Dosen Hukum Pidana Universitas Pamulang).
- Pak Ilhamsyah Lubis, SH. MH (Dosen Hukum Lingkungan Univesitas Pamulang).
- Bu Anissa Sabrina, SH. MH (Dosen Hukum Internasional).
- Kotabumi :
- tian
- yakut,
- aco,
- roy
- nur,
- tien.
- adi.
- kak kiki,
- aa endang,
- kak febi,
- tetah hanum,
- romi,
- tomi,
- ari.
- krisna dan lain lain lupa.
- Teman.
- Rudi,
- Zola,
- Esti,
- Dede Rosadi,
- Abang Habib,
- Alfian,
- Eci,
- Edo,
- Daniel,
- Angga,
- Rizal,
- Irji,
- Ayu,
- Ari,
- Fajar,
- sinta,
- laras,
- alfian,
- silvi,
- oki,
- amidi,
- bang kiki,
- bang heru.
- bang muhibin,
- ka eka,
- ka febri.
- randy.
- bintang.
- alpian.
- hasan.
- febi.
- andrian.
- adityasa.
- Sultan.
- Imam santoso.
- teman semasa sd kotabumi :
- anjas.
- pandu,
- faisal,
- bela,
- yoga.
- wahyu.
- dan lain aku tidak tahu namanya yang lain.
- teman semasa sd muhammadiyah :
- teman semasa smp muhammadiyah :
- jafar,
- burhan,
- lukman,
- hendrik,
- choirul,
- yoga,
- miftah,
- ahmad fatoni,
- irlan,
- hari,
- indah,
- fahri,
- fahmi,
- noval,
- tari,
- wati,
- bias,
- aan (ketua kelas pengganti 2A & ketua OSIS IRM),
- genta,
- yosi,
- diyah,
- deni,
- deni ivan,
- septian (ketua kelas pengganti 3F),
- khalid,
- nurhadi,
- salman,
- bambang,
- asep,
- affas,
- novi,
- indah,
- sabrina,
- gina,
- ayu,
- elsa,
- yayah,
- nuraji,
- megi,
- rendi dan lain lain lupa.
- teman semasa smk pelita bangsa :
- alpan sukri,
- ryan soeryatama (ketua paduan suara),
- hestu subhika garindi,
- antika agustina,
- indah,
- Anjarlia Kusumawardhani.
- dimas antonius,
- dimas hisbulah pandiangan,
- ubay dillah,
- steven polman,
- steven julius.
- kak alfian fransiscus (ketua MPK Pertama),
- Kak April (Ketua OSIS),
- Ika (ketua OSIS),
- Muhammad Rio (Ketua OSIS),
- kak bintoro (ketua ROHIS),
- hilman,
- devi septiarani (Ketua MPK keempat),
- puspa/rini puspitasari,
- darto,
- nana yuliana,
- ade kurniyawan (Ketua ROHIS),
- dewanti,
- kak khusaeri,
- fauzan akbar,
- fauzan arifandi,
- purwandani,
- rizki,
- riski ahmad paozi,
- intan sari.
- silmi nursyifa restu (cucu pemilik yayasan),
- chairul anwar,
- siti nurpadilah (Ketua Reastater/Ketua Kelas 1AP1, 2Ap1 & 3AP1),
- mega mentari,
- vika,
- timur wardhana,
- nia,
- nia rosiana,
- nur pradana,
- dita mitariyani,
- sabrina mulyadani,
- ricka octy putri sukandar,
- ana kurniadewi,
- irma fajrin,
- irma damayanti,
- irma nurmalasari,
- ayu lestari,
- afni,
- kak rini agusetyarani,
- kak leni,
- kak inayah aqidah,
- kak yayu,
- dewi purwasih,
- rasa kustiyana,
- kinana,
- indah pratiwi,
- jansen alexander,
- risma sagita,
- reza febrian,
- gina mahdiyana,
- mia kusmiawati,
- rizka oktavia,
- endang nurhayati,
- ida komalasari,
- rizka tistiara,
- desi retnoaryani,
- nining rosita,
- dewi ratnasari gondrong,
- silvia dewi,
- ranika agustina,
- titi mutiah,
- imas,
- nur azizah,
- merry ervianita.
- sukarelawan MPK lainnya dan lain lain.
- Teman semasa universitas pamulang kelas 01Hukef :
- Amul Futuh.
- Bapak Parmo.
- Bapak Hananto Sembodo Wardhana.
- Bapak Suhardi.
- kak erwinda wijaya.
- kak nana permatasari.
- indriyani.
- yoga kuswaya.
- firman mulyawan.
- kak sella yulianti.
- siti sofa.
- bang muhammad sukur.
- bang surya eka gunata.
- bang ahmad rifai.
- hashemi rafsanjani.
- Kak hetty.
- bang muhammad faisal.
- takka.
- rizka suraenisyah.
- bu maswati.
- kiki yuliani.
- desyana citra damayanti.
- bang abdul qadir jaelani.
- bang doddy hardiyana.
- reno irawan.
- nur faizah.
- listyawati fauziah.
- Kak selvi afrida.
- bang rahmat shaleh.
- bang zainuri.
- rifaldi rusman.
- bu ratna sasih.
- muhammad raka yudho pratama.
- bang ismail.
- azwar annas.
- kak anissa almaida.
1. The first is the continuing education strata law degree (Bachelor of Law) / economics graduate (Bachelor of Economy) and the second strata of continuing education that is master of law (Master of Law) / master of management (Master of Management).
2. Working as an employee of a limited liability company / public servants who earn Rp.3.500.000. - Rp.2.500.000.- and promoted as a subordination manager / superintendent who earn Rp.5.000.000. - Rp.6.000.000, -
3. If there is a good chance that I will work abroad such as in Singapore, Hong Kong, Malaysia, Taiwan, Japan and Australia with a salary of USD 500 - 1000.
4. The program of health insurance, education insurance, life insurance, health BPJS, BPJS employment and pension plans.
5. Saving, investment funds, investment of state bonds, investment insurance, investment gold and precious stones at Bank CIMB Niaga, BCA, BRI, BNI, BTN, Mandiri, CITIBANK and Pawn.
6. Buying a house and yard in Jakarta, Samarinda and Palembang.
7. Buying a house and yard in several countries.
8. Buying farmland of 2 hectares and 1 hectare of land burial.
9. Make the fish ponds, rice fields, vegetable gardens, orchards and livestock (cattle, buffalo, sheep, goats and ducks).
10. Take care of the core family and marry european women and men have two biological children.
11. Investing in stocks and bonds in a limited liability company and invest multinational and bona fide franchise like The Petrol Station, MC Donald's, KFC, Hoka - Hoka Bento and others.
12. Being a shareholder with a stake of 30% in the second limited liability company / company limited small scale, and be an ally of passive limited partnership in two limited partnership companies.
13. Establishing the Primary Cooperative Agriculture & Livestock Business Small Business Enterprises Restaurant.
14. Establish Business with Limited Liability Law Firm (Company Limited and Corporation) small-scale agriculture, livestock, fisheries, food processing industry, industrial & agricultural produce traditional garments factory.
15. Establishing the Foundation which has a School, Foster Home Nurturing Orphans Home / Neglected Children, House Foster Displacement, Foster House Mental Disorder Patients, Health Clinic, Library, Houses of Worship (Islam Mosque, Sinagogue, Katredral Church, Protestant Church, Temple Hindu & Buddhist temple), Aid Post and Bussiness Agricultural & Manufactor.
16. Buying island covering an area of 1 km / 5 km and invoke privilege as state protectorate status.
Small Plan in Birth Country:
- build a house measuring 60 meters in Semarang.
- buy farmland and farms of 5 hectares in Kalimantan or Sulawesi.
small plan in abroad:
- buy a house in the United States for USD 150,000.
- buy a house in Italy for USD 50,000.
Offerings for papa and mama:
- giving the car.
- giving domestic travel packages and abroad.
- gave the Hajj and Umrah packages.
- clothe.
- gave 24 carat gold jewelry / 22 carat form of bracelets and necklaces.
- give food or food needs each month.
Personal Program:
- pay state taxes from tax number card.
- budgeted charity / alms amounting to Rp 1 million per year in the form of rice and basic food, clothing and food to orphans and the indigent.
- charity of sacrificial animals are bulls and goats on Eid al-Adha.
- Livestock Zakat ie Cow, Buffalo and Sheep.
- Agriculture & Zakat Zakat Fruits - Fruits.
- Meal program 1 time a day except Saturday and Sunday.
- Fasting on Mondays and Thursdays, sunna fasting of Shawwal, fasting is sunna rajab, Arafat fasting, fasting Shaban and others. \
- fard prayer (Fajr, Dhuhr, Asr, Maghrib and Isha).
- tahajud prayer, Duha prayer and more.
- Home.
- Donation forum.
- Discusion forum.
- Chat forum.
- News forum.
- Open media sosial & Blog.
- Electronic mail.
- Electronic Library (Electronic Book).
- Video Channel (Film Documentary, All Genre Film, Cartoon, Music, Travel & etc)
- Photos Channel.
- Game Strategi.
- Bussines Application (Payment Bussines Investment).
- Television Channel.
And create web applications in mobile phones, personal computers, other electronic devices as well as the target of 100,000 people as loyal users.
Make Private Owned Enterprises and Public Organizations in accordance with Law and the State Law in force in a State:
- Perseroan Terbatas (PT). BRP Bumi Raya / BRP Plagoldi.Co.Ltd.
- Koperasi BRP Bumi Raya.
- Yayasan Movement People Key / Movement People Key Fundation.
- Boryaltra Organization.
- Partai Nasional Bangsa Agung.
- get the rank strata undergraduate and masters education in the form of, for example: Bondan Ramadhani Purnomo, SH, MH, MM.
- Getting the rank of educational strata foreign countries (USA / UK) as Bachelor, example: Bondan Ramadhani Purnomo, LLB.
- Getting the rank of nobility of Yogyakarta Sultanate and Duchy of Pakualaman be Lurah, Riyo and Bupati Anom, for example: Mas Lurah Bondan Ramadhani, Mas Riyo Bondan Ramadhani and Kanjeng Tumenggung Buminoto Prajanegara.
- Getting the rank of nobility of Keraton of Surakarta Kingdom and Puro of Duchy of Mangkunegaran Rank Prince Sentana form: example: Kanjeng Pangeran Harya (KPH) Padmanegara.
- Getting a knighthood from the United Kingdom in the form of Knight Commander of the Most Excellent Order of the British Empire, or KBE / Knight Grand Cross or Dame Grand Cross of the Most Excellent Order of the British Empire (GBE), for example, Bondan Ramadhani Purnomo, KBE / Bondan Ramadhani Purnomo, GBE.
- Getting a knighthood from the Papal State of the Vatican in the form of the Pontifical Equestrian Order of St. Gregory the Great (Knight / Dame Commander (KCSG / DCSG)) / (Knight / Dame (KSG / DSG)), Ramadhani Bondan example Purnomo, KCSG or Bondan Ramadhani Purnomo, KSG.
- And others.
- United States of America.
- Japan.
- United Kingdom.
- Ireland.
- Netherland.
- France.
- Belgium and Luxembourg.
- Spain.
- Italy.
- Greece.
- Switzerland.
- China & Taiwan.
- South Korea.
- Malaysia.
- Singapore.
- Thailand, Cambodia & Vietnam.
- India.
- Australia.
- Philipina.
- New Zealand.
- Turkey.
- Norway, Denmark, Sweden and Finland (Scandinavia).
- Portugal.
- Austria & Hungary.
- Liechtenstein, Monaco, Malta & Andorra.
- Montenegro, Bosnia, Albania, Croatia, Slovenia, Serbia, & Macedonia.
- Israel & Yerusalem.
- Argentine, Galapagos, Brazil, Guyana, Suriname, Columbia, Uruguay, Paraguay & Chili.
- Tonga, Vanuatu, Micronesia, Palau, Hawaii, Tahiti & etc.
- Pakistan & Afganistan.
- Kazakhtan, Turmenikstan, Uzbekistan, Georgia, Armenia & Azerbaijan.
- Mexico, Belize, Panama, Guatemala, Bahama, Jamaica, Dominica, Haiti, Puerto Rico, Cuba, Aruba, Curacao & Nicaragua.
- Saudi Arabia, Eghypt, Marroco, Syirria, Palestine, Irak, United Emirat Arab, Oman, Yaman & Jordan.
- Botswana, Mozambique, South Africa, Madagaskar (Malagasy), Namibia & Zambia.
- read a book - a book of general knowledge (Social Studies, Science, History, Geography, Sociology, Economics, Political Science, Law, Biology, Space, Physics, Indonesian, Dictionary Multiple Languages, Islamic Studies, Administration, Accounting, Biography, Engineering Sciences, Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism, Christianity, Judaism), especially Encyclopedia.
- Reading books - books on engineering science, computer, cultivation, fish farming, livestock farming and more.
- Reading the book - the book by the ancient times.
- Reading newspapers, articles, theses, thesis, magazines and scientific research reports.
- Reading novels, fiction, literature, fantasy and comic book manga.
- Like domestic traveled and want to really traveled abroad.
- Like do travel or sightseeing.
- moving road or sporting hike.
- happy to shopping.
- happy saving though exhausted by failing to account.
- Like watching movies - documentaries about science and general knowledge.
- Loved cartoons like Dragon Ball, One Piece, Hamtaro and others.
- Like seeing pornographic films and pornographic pictures.
- Like masturbation.
- hanging out with close friends and family or small community.
- Like as individualistic and socialist limited.
- Like listening to songs - songs song / chant.
- Like seeing the video - the video interesting.
- Like with computers and mobile phones latest technology / electronics.
- Like using the internet.
- like foreign television channels such as National Geographic and the Discovery Chanel.
- likes to do household chores.
- really want to join a community organization or association such as vocational future.
- enjoys cooking or cooking.
- Like with images, photographs, paintings and videos of the natural landscape and unique.
- Like store electronic books and picture books or unique landscapes.
- happy buying and collecting books.
- first I like to laugh out loud but could not because of the influence of drugs psychotic psychiatrist.
- Like to see, hear and read unique information and news about the general knowledge and adventure.
- like to plan things about myself I or imaginary life for the future of my life.
- happy with the world of beauty, I used scrubs, maskeran and want to really injectable vitamin bleach with the aim that my skin can be white.
- happy to live with her parents and brother and sister even though there is grief and sad story.
- Glad to be alone when sad and happy to calm down.
- Glad to education and learning as a student or students.
- Like crying but drug-induced psikofarma of psychiatric difficulties to cry.
- Like with condoms penis because when worn it feels comfortable and cool.
- happy to see beautiful women and handsome men / handsome.
- Really like it with cheese or cheese.
- Like with culinary food or dishes and fruits that taste sweet.
- Favorite food: cheese sandwiches, tomato sauce, chicken noodles, hamburgers, fried chicken, french fries, gado - gado, karedok, pecel, salad, chicken teriyaki, rendang, fried duck, shrimp teriyaki, shrimp flour sweet tamarind, pecel catfish, salmon, carp fry sauce sweet and sour, squid flour sweet tamarind, vegetables squid sauce, vegetables, tamarind, lodeh, chicken soup, soup meat, soup of coconut milk, meatballs, yakiniku, meat kebab, bananas fried cheese, satay chicken and goat, capcay , PUYUNG O, cake donuts, pancakes, tuna sauce, tilapia fish fry, catfish vegetables, carp fry, carp vegetables, anchovies terrain + nuts, fish cue, mackerel fish fry + vegetables, for pizza sauce, sour, kwetiau , fried rice, martabak cheese and gruel.
- Favorite fruit: Dates, Pineapple, Strawberry, Mango, Rambutan, Carambola, guava, apples, avocado, soursop, coconut, Duku, Lychee, sugar apple, Salak, Orange, Banana, Watermelon, Papaya, Melon & Pear.
- I liked the game playstation 1 in Harvest Moon: Back to Nature Version English: harvest moon three years time, money (money) out 4,999,999 g of a maximum of 9,999,999 g, the house was enlarged, the soil is clean and well maintained, the garden has a maximum in all the land , equipment farmer and mines already in the melting level 1 (gold / blue stone), already complete other equipment, cattle and sheep number 40 fish, chicken number of 20 fish, 2 ponytail, house cattle, sheep and chicken already in view, the fish pond filled with small fish - medium - large, wool machine, cheese machine, machine - other machinery, greenhouses have been built, but failed marriage for failing in his application when all the women his own love & karen that the drill even been back to be purple.
- I also likes to play Playstation 2 games: naruto shippuden been all explored and implemented all the missions that still stayed last mission fails.
- I am a passive user internet since 2006, active users of the Internet since 2009, active users of electronic mail from google - yahoo since 2008, active readers wikipedia since 2006, active users game strategy: tribal wars since 2009 - Travian in 2008 - build a kingdom 2014 - throne rush since 2014 - imperia online since 2014 - castle ville since 2012 - and the game of facebook the other, the audience pornographic websites since 2006, readers of the website compass - a republic - an independent - viva - bbc - bloomberg - Reuters - DW - Yahoo News - VOA Indonesia - tempo - Legal and others since 2009, active users google account since 2010 and pendownload active internet since 2011.
- I was a fan of Dynasty Monarchy Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Commonwealth of Realms (Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II, His Royal Highness Consort Prince Philip, His Royal Highness Prince Charles, Her Royal Highness Princess Diana, Camilla Duchess of Cornwall, Prince William, Princess Catherine Middleton, Prince Henry (Harry) and etc) and some other monarch.
- Love the United States of America since 2002 because it is the first republic in the world didirkan years 7 July 1776 BC to the revolution the American who managed to implement a system of republican government purely legal systems - economic - political stability and the development of science and technology is amazing and great at the beginning modern age as well as being a superpower hegemony or countries that affect the world economic system and international political world to rival the Soviet Union / Russian Federation in terms of ideology and international politics.
- Liked the United Kingdom and Commonwealth Realms (British Empire) since 2002, because it is the country's longest and the first to apply the parliamentary system of the world and make the constitution / charter first in the world and apply the conventional system or laws (laws - laws) are not written to protect the rights human rights since 1290 AD with the charter magna Carta were legalized at the insistence of the nobles to the king john lackland, the country with the strongest military in the fleet in the century 18-20, as well as the monarchy woman longest in the world of Queen Victoria (1837-1901) during the 62 years and Queen Elizabeth II (1952 - present) for 63 years, along with the dynasty of famous dynasty normadia from 1066 AD, the dynasty Plantagenet dynasty lancaster, dynasty tudor dynasty stuart, Commonwealth or Protectorate state, restoration dynasty stuart, dynasty hanover (1724 - 1901), Saxe coburg Gotha dynasty (1901-1934) and the windsor dynasty (1934 - present) and countries that havecolonized or conquered worlds largest and widest in the world.
- Liking Federation of Russia / the Soviet Union since 2006, because it is the largest country in the world with an area of 22 million kilometers and soil bed / land abandoned lucrative for agriculture, plantation, farming and the potential of natural resources and potential mineral resources & energy overflow and become a rival to the United States of America in the international political hegemony, the communist ideology (Soviet) - liberals (America) and Military with a strong nuclear power.
- Japan since 2005, because of the developed and rich after collapsed and destroyed during World War II, with an area of 378,000 square kilometers, or an area of the island of Sumatra, decorated with views of the mountains in the middle and the west side and the east are the coastal and island areas around less / more than 6800 islands, centered industry advanced technology, with the achievement of the carriage that can only be rivaled by europe and America, the country is implementing a monarchy constitutionalism that limit the power of the emperor only in terms of symbol - leader of the ceremony the state constitution in 1948 that created by the American unions, and advanced economic systems, educational disciplines, a fascinating culture, high and strict discipline, a high work ethic and freedom of expression.
- Monaco since 2003 in the cookbook world, because it is a small country covering an area of 2 square kilometers or 200 hectares with a system of constitutional monarchy government since 2002 and led the crown by a prince with a government headed by the minister of state in the national assembly as a legislative or regulatory and high courts as law enforcement or supervisory rules and regulations as well as the French state is the patron states through treaties.
With high economic and development infrakstrur advanced enough for filled-rise buildings and contains yatch harbor (cruises) and the average population of 35,000 people.
And with a history founded in 1300 AD by Lord Rainer I of Monaco and in 1602, Lord Honore II of Monaco to raise the status of the Lord into the Principality becomes Prince Honore II of Monaco until now monaco independent state. - Liechtenstein since 2003 in the cookbook world, is a small country has an area of 160 square kilometers, to enclose the Alps with country borders swiss and austria flowing river rhine west side with a stretch of woods and green pastures spacious with four spring, summer , fall & winter and with developed economies as well as the average per capita income - average US Dollar 30,000. with the urban setting of an organized and well maintained and the political system of constitutional monarchy since 2001, with the monarchy held by the prince and successor held by the prince heir, the executive held by the council of ministers and the legislature held by the Landtag and the judiciary held by makhamah grand and in this country there is no the military since 1816.
And history was founded in 1600, during the roman empire saint who gives the rank of nobility principalities or furstentum to Karl I, Prince of Liechtenstein and in 1716, the prince liechtenstein gaining ground in Vaduz and Schellenberg and in 1806 through the confederation of the rhine the country liechtenstein get the status of an independent state during the reign of prince johann I to leadership status now held by Prince Hans - Adam II. - Luxembourg since 2003 in the cookbook world, a country with an area of +/- 2500 square kilometers, with a constitutional monarchy with a political system headed by a Grand Duke, who heads the council of state and government held by the prime minister and the council, with a strong military, as well as geographical conditions hilly with an altitude of 500 meters above sea level, surrounded by forests and densely populated cities and villages around more than 500,000 people.
And history luxembourg founded in 1200 AD under the auspices of the roman empire holy and 1801 under the combined state namely Benelux (belgium - nederland - luxembourg) which broke out in 1890, namely nederland & luxembourg split led by King Willem III of nederland and who ruled the country this is still a descendant of King Willem III of nederland is currently serving as the monarchy luxembourg is Grand Duke Henri of Luxembourg from 2005 – present. - Roman Empire (year 523 BC - 553 AD) and the Byzantine Empire (year 453 AD - 1453 AD) since 2003, because the country is changed three government system of absolute monarchy, republic aristocracy and monarchy imperialist most prominent of the monarchy is the founder romus and Romulus along with its kings were called rex but since rex absolute and cruel then rex hated by the people and the nobility until the nobility at that time against and remove the monarchy of the roman and form a government republican aristocracy controlled by the aristocrats in the council of the senate led by consul and laws overseen by tribunate and militarization strong for defense and security of the country, forming a triumvirate leader (the triumvirate ruling the first period) that is led by Sulla, Pontus and Lucius and triumvirate second period, namely Julius, Marcus and Pompei but Julius & Pompei dominate when it was Julius Caesar in power in the west and Pompei in the east but ambition Pompei want to master roman in full until the civil war began until Pompei defeated by Julius and fled to Egypt under the dynasty of Ptolemy because behest vizier (chief minister) when the pompei killed when julius know then julius rage and invasion of Egypt until the queen cleopatra VIII took over and became the wife of julius caesar after julius killed by the senate and eventually formed the triumvirate party led by Octavian, mark antonius and mark Lepidus then split power roman be two sections in the west controlled by Octavian and the east controlled by mark antonius power struggle to be won by Octavian in the year 1 AD at the time of Octavian already mastered roman and become Caesar, until the offspring of Emperor Titus, Emperor Claudius, Nero, several dynasties more and the formation of the roman west centered in Rome until the fall of the Roman west by the vandals who established a kingdom Visigothic which lasted until the year 953 AD and the Roman east at Byzantium survived until 1453 AD by the last dynasty palaigos ruling in asia southwestern and eastern europe until the last stronghold only stay limited to constantinople under emperor Constantine is the country's longest in the world about 2200 years and the first country to have a system of laws or codes of civil law - trade - political - criminal used by the modern nation of the 19th century, the state introduced a system of military first largest in the world and as well as territory that includes the entire western europe, southern europe, central europe, eastern europe, northern Africa, the Mediterranean and most of the middle east.
- Countries - Ancient Greece / Hellena Ancient since 2003, as athena is a country practitioners democratic system the world's first republic in the world and apply the electoral system, the city-state (Polis) and the architecture of the building lonia magnificent and beautiful & sparta is a country town / policies applying monarchy with two kings and a strong military force and military compulsory education for every citizen who androgynous man, the state that saved his country from colonial and imperial Persian architectural style called doria magnificent city.
- Persian Empire / Madia since 2003, was the first country that religion Zoroastrianism, government systems empire, and the territory is vast and military systems are robust and countries with authoritarian governments, legal systems antiquated and science & technology adequate to the future the advanced and economic systems and open trade with some countries already fairly advanced and famous king is king darius the great in 500 BC from the dynasty madia and Akkadian.
- Ancient Egypt since 2003, is the oldest state first known / in the know first by the world since the year 4000 BC that his records are still intact in a pyramid, ancient buildings and inscriptions in the form of hieroglyphics, in the records of ancient manuscripts of the Torah, the Gospel and al quran, countries that initially divided into upstream (Thebes) and downstream (memphis), states that in order pharaoh / Pharaoh (absolute ruler of the first known) that initially only chiefs who divided for over many tribes to lead the tribal areas - set of agricultural products - manage the affairs of religious / political / trade / economic / social with the electoral system based on descent or chosen directly by members of the tribe until the ruling becomes king absolute and claimed to be a god, a country of ancient Egypt from Thebes (upstream) and downstream ( Mempis) put together by the Pharaoh (Pharaoh) of Thebes (upstream) and Pharaoh once powerful is the First Dynasty that Menes, Khufu, Menkaure, the Second Age dominated by Thutmose I - VI, Amenhotep I - VII and several other kings, The Age imperialism hykos the master of Egypt came from Arabia / Sham, the Third age dominated by Ramses I - III to the dynasty's independence last is a dynasty Ptolemy in roman times in the year 100 BC to 200 AD by the kings of the Pharaoh Ptolemy I - XII and Queen government Cleopatra I - VII and several other kings who are descendants of General Ptolemy friend of Emperor Alexander the great, the first country in the know as a maker of great architecture in the history of the world that still left the ancient buildings seeded the pyramid or building triangle / pyramid which is the worship of gods - ancient Egyptian god - tombs of the pharaohs (Pharaoh) and the state that is synonymous with the nile as the center of his life.
- Magadha Empire / Maurya Gupta Empire since 2003, is the country largest empire in India which is located along the river Ganges in the century 200 BC - 10 BC that is famous for the legend of the king moon maurya gupta majestic and king Ashoka warlike, conquered many countries and finally moved to the religious teachings of Hindu Buddhist religion to create the life of a peaceful world.
- Mesopotamia since 2003, is one of the country early in the year 3000 BC are known by the man of the century, the state initiated by the legend of the nation Sumerian who founded countries cities such as Ur, Uruk, Isin, Lagash, Akkad and others who rely on the life of the river tigris and Euphrates, the history of Babylon first controlled mesopotamia famous by king Hammurabi with its laws called the code of Hammurabi, after it was controlled by the Assyrians or Assyrian empire with its capital Nineveh and retaken by the Chaldean who moved the capital on centers of power which is long famous Babylonian king nebukanezar and in the famous legend of the nation Babylonian construct a building which is called the garden depends whose whereabouts is still a mystery.
- In 2003 I liked the kingdom of Macedonia under the dynasty argaed which is led by Alexander the Great in 300 BC who ruled over eastern europe, middle east (asia southwest) and Hindustan western and southern parts and proclaim died from drunk on excessive alcohol at the age of 32 years.
In 2003 I liked the Tribes of Israel and Judah, a tribe that is formed of 12 descendants of Jacob, the son of ishaq son of Abraham, the prophet of Islam - Christians - Jews and the father of the nation israil & yehuda who succeeded in forming the kingdom of Israel (Samaria) & yehuda under King saul (thalut), Daud (David) and Sulaiman (Solomon) and of the kingdom yehuda it gives birth to judaism and countries that greatly decreases the prophets of the descendants of ibrahim / Abraham as Isa, Ezra (Ezra), Samuel, Habakkuk, David ( david), Solomon (Sulaiman), Jonas (Yunus), Elijah (Ilyas), Mikhail, Ellila (Elisha), Zakaria, Yahya (John), Musa (Moses), Aaron (Horan), Yusuf (Joseph), Daniel, Yosea and more and this nation's story is told in the book of the law and the gospel (the Bible) and the Qur'an. - In 2003 I liked Country Madinah Al Munawarah, formerly known as Yathrib led by the Prophet Muhammad who is a descendant of Prophet Ibrahim through his son Prophet Ismail and offspring Qusai conqueror city of Mecca from the hands of the Khuzaah of years 612-632 AD is a country town called Yathrib with government theocracy with a law book called the Koran and hadith (sunnah of the apostle) called sharia which were revealed by Allah (God of Islam) and the country where the religion of Islam was born and developed first by the government and worship in the mosque nabawi & hall apostles berkiblat in unclean or mecca Masjid after berkiblat in baitul maqdis (Jerusalem).
- Kingdom of Majapahit since 2002, is a country founded by Raden Wijaya (Katarajasa jayawardana) in the year 1293 AD after the conquests Singasari and killed the king Kertanegara by the king subordinate kediri (daha) is Jayakatwang after getting help protection of arya Wiraraja (duke of Sumenep) and the army of the Mongolian and the time of king Hayam Wuruk and assisted by mahapatih elephant mada years 1330 - 1350 BC when it majapahit has expanded the area of the entire eastern Java, central Java, Bali, peninsula Malay, Minangkabau, cape pura (borneo), Sulawesi, tumasek , philippines south, Sundanese small and Irian western part but after the death of king Hayam Wuruk, majapahit civil war Paregreg by the king wikramawardana (king companion majapahit) and Bhre Wirabumi (king Blambangan) and won by wikramawardana as well as in the year 1478 AD majapahit extinct after the king Brawijaya V or Bhre Kertabumi defeated by ranawijaya / Girindrawardana who ruled in 1478 - 1498 followed by the duke of air in the year 1498 - 1520 when it majapahit already small and covering half of east Java, according to records by the end of the Portuguese nation.
- Japan Empire / Nippon since 2008, state that the restoration Meiji emperor Meiji in the year 1850-1870 BC which restores political power to the emperor and remove the power system of the shogun and political building of constitutional monarchy first in Asia, to form the first parliament in asia, reform education and military-style European, form a system of nobility to imitate europe, shaping the nation's culture original Japanese mix with cultural systems of europe, opening the open politics after conducting the policy of closed since 1600 AD and in 1910 led by the emperor taisho (Showa) is replaced by the emperor Hirohito in 1939 and the days of emperor Hirohito, the nation of Japan controlled by the fascist military of Japan involving Japanese in the second world war as opposed to the allies and alliance with Germany and Italy and seize control of south korea - china northern part (manchuko) - china southern - asia and the pacific ocean and in 1945, Japan suffered a defeat because of the atomic bomb by the United States military that is in the city center hiroshima and nagasaki.
German Empire since 2006, since the dissolution of the Holy Roman Empire in Germany so that the establishment of the federation of German and eventually assume leadership federation german switch of the Habsburg dynasty in the days of Emperor Franz josef and of the small states in Germany to form a confederation and elected new king of prussia named wilhelm I and the establishment of the German empire in 1876 AD and when it was at the time of emperor wilhelm II, German military confirmed that lead the world europe ambitious entangled in war for control of europe and the colonies in Africa, South asia. Southwest Asia, southeast Asia and the Pacific called the first world war (first world war) with the alliance german - austria in 1914-1915 and tangent to great britain. - Mongol Empire (Gengiz Khan) since 2002, a nation led by Temujin since childhood in 1230, to finally unite all the tribes of the various tribes of the Mongolian throughout all the land of the Mongolian and formed a line of strong military so that it can conquer almost all of Russia, the plain china , central Asia and western Asia until the dynasty divided into dynasties yuan in plain china with the triumph of the emperor Kublai khan finally in tumbangkan by the ming dynasty in the year 1334, other dynasty golden horde & white horde in central Asia and others.
- Mughal Empire since 2006, established by Babur a descendant of the emperor Genghis Khan through the emperor Tamerlane who escaped from the city of his father's kingdom is located in Central Asia as controlled by a common enemy troops formed a kingdom in Afghanistan until finally mastered pakistan and whole india north - central mughal empire that formed its glory at the time of the third king is the grand sultan and ended in 1880 after the last mughal king knight shah handed over power to the british monarch.
- Since 2005 I liked the Habsburg Dynasty / Austrian - Hungarian Empire / Holy Roman Empire (Holy Roman) since 2007, the Habsburg dynasty founded by Rudolf I in 1220 AD and was chosen as king german in 1250 AD and was elected Holy Roman Emperor in the year 1300 AD to hereditary until the end of the roman empire holy in 1806 AD as deleted by the emperor napoleon bonaparte upon the approval of emperor Francis II of roman sacred and from the year 1806 to 1918 the Habsburg dynasty survived in the imperial austria - hungary, empire bohemia, royal Slavonia - Dalmatian and a german confederation under the reign of Emperor Franz Josef (1948 - 1916) and the last emperor Karl I & V (1916-1918).
- French Empire (Napoleon Bonaparte) since 2007, in 1795 napoleon bonaparte take joint control and he became consul and run a reign of terror, in 1804 he declared himself emperor of France until 1816, during the reign him to expand controlled almost the entire plains europe except Russia that failed he won and great britain, during his reign he made the code napoleon taken from code roman ie lawsuits civil and during his reign he raised her as the Queen mother (Queen mother of France), younger brother Louis Napoleon as King of the Netherlands , younger brother Jerome Bonaparte as King of Westphalia in German, younger brother Joseph Bonaparte as King of Spain, anaknnya Napoleon II as King of the Unification of Italy, his younger sister as a daughter of princes and kings when in 1815 he successfully defeated by an alliance of anti napoleon and successfully alienated by the statesmen and anti-military and exiled him to the island elba after which he fled to France and he returned to power for a few months in 1816 he was exiled again by the opponents to the island saint helena, great britain colony.
I am quite please the Kingdom of France and Navarre, the kingdom coming from navarre and French western part ruled by the dynasty bourbon and managed to take over the kingdom of France in the south in 1400 AD so that the reign of the kingdom of France after the dynasty capet & valois after seizing territory Angevin of the British empire during the war a hundred years, and the leaders of the most striking is the king louis XII, who died because of the war and replaced by his son king Lousi XIV (1645 - 1715) that of an understanding by the teacher - a teacher of political namely cardinal mazarin and others and during government he dissolved parliament and establish absolute power and build a magnificent palace and big named Versailles Palace along the park - a beautiful park of 100 hectares which was originally the home of the chateau de Versaille and he was succeeded by his grandson the king Louis XV (1715-1774) just like his grandfather he ruled in absolute terms only assisted by a chief of ministernya in running the government, and when he died, he was replaced by his grandson king Louis XVI (1774 - 1793) and his Queen Marie Antoinette who is the daughter of Holy Roman Emperor Francis I, during his reign the kingdom of France was the peak of the downturn and the bankruptcy due to the waste of state finances as a result of a large party of the royal family, the cost of war is more swollen as a result of defeat in the fight over the colonies, people are increasingly resentful and envious of the king, a dynasty, the nobility and the church because they accumulate wealth at a time when the people being in poverty and squalor, taxes were higher in the practices of the people so as to make people depressed, the government's increasingly repressive against those who oppose the state and the nobles and scholars began to worry about the state of the country is increasingly a crisis until finally they forced the king to declare state of emergency, the king louis XVI agreed to follow their will and the nobles and experts to reshape the parliament or the estates general comprising 1000 people to represent the people, making the constitution to limit the king's power and share power into three parts, namely the executive, legislative and judicial branches, As for the rights and duties of a king who has been governed by the constitution is the king power of government together with the chief minister and the king may veto (the right to refuse) are limited to 2 times during the reign of the legislation - legislation / new laws or financial budget prepared and approved by parliament , parliament responsible for managing the financial budget of the country and make laws. But after the French Revolution broke out, and the people of France to fight constantly to the royal army and its momentum is when the fort Bastille was destroyed and the king demanded to obey the constitution in 1792 that has been agreed but the king louis XVI subject only until 1793 and she and her family and the nobles and troops loyal fled for protection of the Holy Roman in Austria under the auspices of the brother of Queen Marie Antoniette that Emperor Leopold I of the Holy Roman but when it arrived in the border area of France is no betrayal of his own troops and the troops of espionage from the ranks of the revolutionary army until Louis XVI caught and Queen Marie Antoinette who had fled in advance was also arrested along with the other nobles until he was brought to back to paris and decided to in law died with pancungan / beheaded with an ax guillotine and eventually King Louis XVI and Queen Marie Antoinette along some other nobles were put to death and until France became a republic only from 1793 - 1795 and turned into government consul under napoleon bonaparte and friends of his friends to napoleon bonaparte declared himself Emperor of the French from the year 1804 - 1816 and after the French back into a monarchy under the dynasty bourbon, led by the sister louis XVI namely Louis XVIII and was replaced by brother Lous XVI others are Charles X and dropped on the revolution July 1830 and became the Republic of the second period and again became Monarchy Imperial led by nephew napoleon bonaparte Napoleon III after it was replaced by the last French monarch, King of France Louis Phillipe Nations, Duke of Orleans who is a descendant of King Louis XIII and the younger brother of Louis XVI, namely Louis Philippe, Duke of Orleans and abdicated in 1848 and returned to the Republic of France at the insistence of the republicans. - Kingdom of Mataram since 2003, the kingdom established by Panembahan senopati in 1587 through the village free or fief which had inherited from his father Ki Ageng Pemanahan which was a gift from Sultan Hadiwijaya of Pajangn and in 1602 senopati died replaced by Panembahan Hanyakrawati, replaced by Sultan Agung Hanyakrakusuma, replaced Sunan Amangkurat I, replaced by Sunan Amangkurat II, is replaced by Sunan Amangkurat III, was replaced by Sunan Pakubuwono I, replaced by Sunan Amangkurat IV and replaced by Sunan Pakubuwono II after it was split into two parts due to the civil war and urged on by VOC to make an agreement Giyanti split mataram grand east to sunan pakubuwono II named Kasunanan Surakarta and mataram grand west to Mangkubumi holds lane I called the Sultanate of yogyakarta in 1795 and subdivided into an agreement salatiga to divide power between sunan pakubuwono II power in the State Agung Surakarta and Raden Mas Said title of Prince Duke Arya Mangkunegara I ruled mangkunegaran palace that includes wonogiri and some areas karanganyar & Sragen and in 1815, the Sultanate of yogyakarta divided power by the colonial British for the prince Natakusuma title of prince duke arya Pakualam I with territory called duchy Pakualaman.
- Kingdom of the Kingdom of the archipelago since 2002, the names of kingdoms in the archipelago is the famous royal hindu kutai the year 500 BC, the kingdom salakanegara year 5 BC - 500 BC, the kingdom hindu Tarumanegara year 500 AD - 800 AD, the empire hindu Sundanese year 500 - 1200 BC, the kingdom of Hindu Pajajaran years 1200 to 1580 BC, the kingdom of Hindu Balinese and ancient (dynasty Warmadewa) in 500 AD - 1300 AD, the kingdom of Hindu Mataram year 500 BC - 935 BC, the kingdom of Buddhist Sailendra year 800 BC - 900 BC kingdom hindu medang ( dynasty isyana) in 935 AD - 1035 AD, the empire hindu kediri year 1035 BC - 1222 BC, the kingdom of hindu Janggala year 1035 BC - 1145 BC, the kingdom of Buddha sriwijaya the year 700 AD - 1285 AD, the kingdom of Buddha wither the year 1200 AD, Singhasari years 1222 - 1292 BC, the kingdom Kanjuruhan in the year 1000 AD - 1200 AD, the kingdom of Hindu majapahit years 1293 to 1478 BC, the kingdom of Demak in 1500 BC - 1598 BC, the kingdom shelf years from 1556 to 1587 BC, the sultanate of palembang Darussalam (South Sumatra), sultanate of Banten (west Java), the sultanate cirebon (kasepuhan, Kanoman, Kacirebonan and kaprabon) (west Java), the sultanate of Yogyakarta, Surakarta, duchy Mangkunegaran, the duchy Pakualaman (central Java), the sultanate sambang, the empire Lacker, royal Sumenep (madura) , giri kedaton (gresik), royal cape temple, the empire Mempawah, sultanate of Pontianak, Sambas sultanate, the sultanate banjar, royal sand, sultanate of Kutai sultanate tidung, sultanate of bulungan (Kalimantan), the sultanate ocean pasai, sultanate perlak, the sultanate of Aceh, the sultanate siak , the empire deli, sultanate Langkat, sultanate serdang, sultanate Bedagai, sultanate of Riau, the empire Pagaruyung, sultanate jambi, sultanate indragiri, (Sumatra) sultanate gowwa - Tallo, the empire bone, royal Luwu, royal Soppeng, the kingdom of Buton, royal Gorontalo, (Sulawesi ) kingdom mengwi, the kingdom of Buleleng kingdom Klungkung, the kingdom of Karangasem, royal tabanan, royal Denpasar, the kingdom of the blows, the royal Ubud, royal delinquent (bali), royal tidore, royal eclectus, royal Bacan, royal Jailolo, royal obi (Maluku) and royal chili, bima kingdom, the kingdom of Sumbawa, sepalarang kingdom, the kingdom of Larantuka (Nusa Tenggara).
- Russia Empire (Rurik - Romanov Dynasty) since 2004, started from khaganate of Moscow in the year 900 AD formed into tsardom of russia in the year 1200 BC and was led by the tsar (caesar / czar) until occupied by the Romanov dynasty in 1500 AD by Michael Romanov of russia as tsar first Romanov dynasty and eventually expand the powers of europe east to Siberia east and central asia in the early days of the reign of emperor nicholas succeeded his father emperor alexander III who died in molotov cocktails in a diplomatic visit to France in 1897, after becoming tsar, many the people of Russia wants changes in political, economic and social but acts reactionary of tsar nicholas II, who always opposed the will of the people, at that time there was a socialist party (molshevik) who want to change russia from an absolute monarchy into a monarchy whose constitution but there is the communist groups (bolshevik ) who want to change the revolution from a monarchy into a republic, when the world was hit by the first world war in 1911 - 1918 when it was Russia in a war in winter warfare in eastern Europe in 1914 - 1915 but suffered defeat against the imperial German & in the year 1916 - 1917 war in the east with the nation of Japan defeated and the battle in the south by the ottoman empire ottoman and the various wars that are skipped during the first world war, the russian suffered losses due to war, at that time the people of Russia wanted to make changes and folk show protests and mass strikes / demonstrations / long march and in 1917, the revolution Russia was won by the proletariat or smallholders so tsar nicholas II and his family under siege on the train and the tsar agreed to abdicate led by prince alexander as leader emergency and in 1918, on the orders of the communist revolution the Bolsheviks in a house in yakiterina tsar and his family slaughtered by using bayonet with recorded by the camera antiquity behind the door and his body buried in the woods.
- Inca Empire, the Mayan Empire and the Aztec Empire since 2004, a kingdom located in the Americas, namely Incas in Peru, South America while the Aztec and Maya is in Mexico and Central America and they build civilizations since 500 AD to 1500 AD before the nation spain conquer them and they are the remains of a building pyramid-like buildings of the ancient Egyptian nation in the days of the pharaohs (pharaoh).
- Dynasty Xia - Shang - Chou - Chin - Han - Tang - Sui - Sung - Yuan (Mongol) - Ming - Manchu / Ancient China since 2004, the country has started building a civilization from 2000 BC beginning of all ethnic groups who control a territory, led by chiefs who handed down to form a unity tribal large and formed a dynasty to rule many tribes and the wider region begins with the dynasty worth descendant of Emperor Yu one of the legends of the five emperors yellow and eventually replaced by dynasty shang which in power for 900 years and was succeeded by the dynasty chou bersistem feudal political power to be divided for over suzerainty king area to continue the dynasty chin under the emperor shih huang ti unites 13 countries and managed to unify china under the auspices of the dynasty and create a program to unite china with a single language namely mandarin and writing material, uniform military clothing, promote agriculture, promote trade and build a giant wall of china to banish foreign tribes from the north and finally followed by the ming dynasty after the emperor shih huang ti died replaced her but did not last long because of a power struggle that was won by rebellious farmers, who succeeded to the throne named emperor gao wu from han in the year 200 BC and during the reign of han empire expanded to the south china and a stable government and economic progress and the opening of trade with the outside world or many of the world and the opening of the silk road at that time until the year 200 AD han dynasty collapsed and over 500 years of Chinese split into dozens of small states to unified by dynasty sui but only lasted about 100 years before being replaced by a dynasty tang under the leadership of general surnamed li who became emperor of the dynasty tang in the year 500 AD after the dynasty tang replaced by dynasty sung during the year 800 AD - 1255 AD was replaced by a dynasty yuan in the year 1255 AD - 1334 AD until in 1334 was replaced by the ming dynasty during the Yongle emperor in 1450 on orders on the rise and the imperial palace forbidden city in Beijing with an area of 100 hectares and in 1644 AD, the dynasty ming has been at the invasion by the Manchu from Manchu north and attacked the ming dynasty and destroy the rest of the rest of the ming dynasty and dynasty Manchu will be extended to the whole of china exactly such as mainland china now and Mongolia as well as the emperor famous is the Qianlong emperor who ruled for 60 years and the emperor final that Puyi ruled the age of about 9 years old in 1902-1912 when the power of the Manchu dynasty has lost South china were controlled by the nationalists led sun yat-sen and the 1912 nationalist army managed to seize the northern china ruled by the dynasty ching / qing and until china successfully used as a republic by nationalists and when the Japanese invaded northern china in 1928 and Japan formed a vassal state named imperial manchukoku led by Pu Yi, the Last Emperor of China.
- Koryo Dynasty and Joseon Dynasty (Kingdom of Korea) since 2005, after the country early first century begins the formation of the kingdom of Baekje, royal style, The kingdom of Silla, the kingdom gogueryo and kingdom Gojoseon until finally the one by the royal union Shilla in 650 BC and lasted until 1230 BC was replaced by the Koryo dynasty and replaced by the Chosun dynasty / Joseon until 1911 led by Emperor Gojong to power in 1901-1910 and declare empire or empire han korea and japan meninvasi and when it was annexed to the monarchy korea korea removed.
- like Europe because of its natural beauty, composition beautiful city with arsiktektur and design planning beautiful city and the palace - a magnificent palace since 2005, like the palace of the Chinese emperor or the forbidden city (imperial palace / forbidden city) in beijing, china since 2004.
- and I liked the buildings tall buildings above 50-100 meters above sea level on Arsitekstur in the United States.
- And I was a fan of Princess Diana (Public Figure / Former Royal Family), Agnes Monica (Singer), Raden Rara Nike Ardilla (Singer), Anggun (Singer) Daniel Radcliffe Harry Potter actor (Harry Potter The Series), William Moseley cast of High King Peter of Narnia (The Chronicles of Narnia), Skandar Keynes starring King Edmund of Narnia (The Chronicles of Narnia), Anne Poplewell starring Queen Susan of Narnia, Tilda Swinton character Jadis Queen of Charn & Narnia, Georgie Henley starring Queen Lucy of Narnia, Willl Pouter cast Eustace Scrubb, Paris Hilton, Justin Bieber (Singer), Josh Hutcherson, Greyson Chance, Ranz Kyle, Troye Sivan, Kevin Julio, Al Ghazali Kohler, aliando syarief, Chand Kelvin, Dimas Anggara, John Bermundo (Singer ), Harris J (Singer), Shawn Adrian, Fahmi Abdillah, Bondan Prakoso (Singer), El Jalaluddin Rumi, Abdul Qadir Jelaani, Titi Dwijayanti (Singer), Reza Artamevia (Singer), Dimas Beck, Elijah Wood's character Frodo Baggins (Lord ot The Rings), Brent Corrigan (Artis Porno Homosexual), Dominic Trojan (Artis Porno Homosexual), Dido (Singer), Rupert Grin Ron Weasley actor (Harrya Potter The Series), Emma Watson's character Hermione (The Harry Potter Series), Tom Felton cast Draco Malfoy (The Harry Potter series), Robert Pattinson starring Cedric Diggory & Edward Cullen (Harry Potter & Twillight), Leonardo Di Caprio, Rowan Atkinson starred Mr.Bean, Demi Lovato, Esa Sigit, Bio One, Randy Martin, Bryan Elmi Domani, Ajil Ditto, Natasha Wilona, Merriam Bellina, Muhammad Edward, Edward Chen, Ray Idol Little, Cakka Nuraga (the finest tree band), elang nuraga (The finest Tree band), Warkop DKI (Dono, Kasino and Indro), Ricky Harun, Ricky Weather, Cicio Manasero, Eza Gionino (2009), Billy Davidson, The Roxette Band, John Lennon (The Beatles), Mariah Carey (Singer), Whitney Houston (Singer), Shania Twain (singer), Freddie Highmore, Afgansyah Reza (Singer), Avriel Lavigne (Singer), Taylor Swift (Singer), Diana Pungky, Cinta Laura, Mulan Jameela (Singer), Pingkan Mambo (Singer), Maia Estianti / Maia Ahmad (Singer) & Gita Gutawa (Singer) & Mey Chan (singer), Edie Baskoro, Yuki Kato Stefan William, Cinta Laura, Sherina Munaf, Debby Romero, Gibran Fauzan, Gracia Indri and Bintang (The Band Friday).
- In 1992, for 6 months papa i live in south korea invited by Mr. Riam, his boss.
- In 1993, I was born.
- Year 1995 - 1999, I bought a family house in Regensi, sangiang, Tangerang.
- Year 1999 - 2001, the family home in Regensi, sangiang in selling and buying a new home in Kotabumi.
- Year 1997 - 2000, my family has a convection socks with employees 15 people.
- At year - that year papa revenue from the year 1995 - 2000 reached Rp. 1.5 million - Rp. 3 million.
- In the past I and family like road trip to the mall in jakarta & mall orchid garden, Lippo Karawaci mall to watch the New Year's fireworks.
- Every month, I always travel to the mall like robinson & MC Donald.
- In the past I did not like the name of the food in the form of live chicken, vegetables - vegetables and other foods.
- I was once just like eating sunny side of soy sauce, a fried egg sauce, rendang, chicken nuggets, fish sauce, gruel, fries, hamburger, milk candy, ciki chocolate, food - chocolate drinks, milk, porridge nestle / sun, cakes sprit & muffin.
- In the past I just love watching tom & jerry, Teletubbies, toys story, power ranger and program educational television cartoon show in Indonesia and other cartoons.
- In the past, I often bleeding nose / nosebleeds and heat due to malnutrition.
- Every month, I always ask in the buy toys like cars - toy, robot,
- The family had a maid named Ms. Umi / Khumaisah.
- In the past I still drink milk with a baby bottle nipples until the 4th grade.
- In the past I often returned home to cilacap to see grandma.
- I was once asked for papa & mama buying a car but it was not accomplished because the family I have fallen into poverty.
- In 2001, papa I went bankrupt and in breaking up the work by the parent company and the family home for sale.
- Year 2001 - 2002, I had never dropped out of primary school but further back in 2002.
- In 2002, we first moved to the city of Tangerang to rent a house, the first time I signed it felt very embarrassed when seeing others have privately owned homes and began to feel ashamed of being poor when all looks richer.
- In 2003, Dad I've started to get a job with a salary of Rp. 1 million.
- In 2002, papa I was fooled by the Employment Agencies Indonesia and failed to become Indonesian Workers in Japan, I wish if papa I can work abroad for 10 years my family must have been wealthy at that time for paying around Rp.7 millions per month ,
- Year 2005 - 2010, papa I began to experience a raise Rp. 2.5 million (above the minimum wage in Jakarta in 2011 alone still Rp.1,6 million).
But that upset because why papa I can not land anywhere else in that time land prices in 2000 - 2008 in Tangerang - Jakarta - Bogor still Rp.350.000, - until Rp.800.000, - or in other areas is still around Rp.80.000 , - to 400,000, - see the price of land in the days of old newspapers. - Maybe someone else in Tangerang, Jakarta, Depok, Bogor and surrounding salary Rp.4 million times huh? In the past my friend said his father was Rp.4 million salary so on can have a home.
- And when the days of my junior high school, I was often watching television at that time I liked was the metro tv because always show documentaries on environmental issues, history and foreign news from the years 2005 - 2012, TV 7 saw a trail of adventure and environmental problems, and watching the news - news about the foreign and watch Voice of America.
- And when the days of my elementary school, junior high schools and vocational schools, many television programs that featured the theme of sexuality and pornography, and I love to watch a movie about the animal or the animal world such as in the quiz, Lativi & more.
- And a junior high school I always read the Qur'an translations Indonesian property my parents & Gospel in the bookstore and I went through the rituals of Islam such as praying five times daily fard, sunnah prayers duha - tahajud - lavatory - istikharah - and others, fasting obligatory fasting of Ramadan, fasting is sunna Arafat - Monday / Thursday - Shawwal - every - rajab, remembrance and others.
- And when I was in a junior high school and vocational high school, I really like the school library me, every break I always read a book - a book especially encyclopedias, history books, books geography, economics textbooks, books sociology, biology book, physics textbook, space books, political books governance, civic education book, books administration offices, social studies books, science books, books Indonesian, Islam and other religious books.
- And when I was in a junior high school, I always walk up the street to the mall, shopping, buying pirated tapes, buy food and drinks, purchase scrubs / handbody / soap facial cleanser / soap bleach body but I use regularly but never received the results of the agency and my face was still brown.
- And when I was in 6th grade, my face with acne and dark spots, because at that time I put soap face my brother suddenly my face was oily and acne while already diligently wash your face but nonetheless acne when in 2012, the acne began to fade because psikofarma taking drugs.
- And when I was grade 1-3 Middle School Association, the first brother I always buy novels, comics and magazines name kartini, Pleiades, ideals of love, magazine and others, I always read magazines, comics and novels have my brother but if my brother did not is at home and if not so often in mad by a brother, but now I still have a few magazines brother.
- And when my elementary school, I have a penchant maintain betta fish until 11-15 betta I got a price of IDR 25 thousand - Rp.30 thousand.
- And when my elementary school, I was always in love pocket money ranging from Rp 5 - Rp.3 thousand per day but since I often walk rather than ride public transportation so my money I could still play Playstation on the tube for Rental.
- And when I was a junior high school, I was always given an allowance ranging from IDR 25 thousand per week but I always walk home and go to school so economical fare.
But when I was a junior high school, I began to experience financial difficulties because it is rare in the love of pocket money. - And in the year 2010 - 2012, papa I rode salaried Rp.4 million.
- And in the year 2012 - 2014, papa I ride salaried Rp.7 - 5 million.
- In 2013, the family I can buy back home.
- Since the year 2010 - 2011, I experienced a downturn due to depressed because a lot of psychological pressure, discrimination and acts antipathy from home, neighbors, neighborhood, other neighborhoods and other areas.
- After I was under pressure in the form of sound from the environment around me and action - action silliness - antipathy - other people I did not know as well as loss of people - people I knew then I was taken to a psychiatrist and I was seeing a psychiatrist but first I refused but due in rehab forced into mental and afterwards in let out then I continue treatment.
But drug psikofarma I drank effect is very painful, because it caused pain back pain when tense, strained, reduced sperm such as consumables, such as drunk as eyes droop like sleepy, writing became worse, can not feel happy and laughs of the response cute, reducing taste in the chest, palpitations - pounding, causing anxiety, heart weakened heartbeat, difficulty in tears & become more body fat - In 2011, I worked as a sales staff of the Boston Health, during the work I had trouble because it calculates the amount of money but unfortunately I have been dismissed because of a matter that I do not know with any certainty deactivated.
- In 2015, I thought the book privately owned savings accounts still exist Rp2 million turned out after check still Rp. 11 million and in the cut flower / administration Rp.2 million.
- since the year 2001 - 2010, the life I've been very sad and slumped because of the limitations of our economy, and when in 2011 when I thought my life better place, but live I slumped again due to a mental illness that I experienced, when in 2001, my family went bankrupt because craftiness of people - people who do not like in my family and in 2010 - now I had sunk because of people who do not like to me the reason I act mistakes in my childhood.
- I was the one who nag, nag but sometimes silent and aloof but sometimes mute can not say and like to forget want to talk about it.
- I really do not like sports but are just happy with the hike.
- I am a person who likes social studies (Geography, History, Sociology, Law, Anthropology, Psychology, State Science, Governance Studies, Studies in Constitutional, Political Science, Economics, etc.), science (Biology and Space), Islam , the Qur'an, Christianity, Buddhism, Hinduism, Pancasila and Citizenship Education.
- I particularly liked that the TV Channel National Geographic, Discovery Chanel and Metro TV (2004-2012).
- I was the most ignorant in the count because I was not able to mathematics, physics and accounting count does not even understand and can not do about the lesson.
- I was sentenced to a psychiatrist suffering from paranoid schizophrenia seemed to be able to change the disease.
- I hated the Indonesian and foreign people who hate me.
- I do not really like women and were happy with him but do not really like him, too.
- I am a forgetful.
- I was a loser incredible stupid.
- I was careless, forgetful and pains.
- I was a hypocrite.
- I am a person who likes to memorize.
- I am a strange person.
- I am a somewhat anti-social because a situation and condition.
- I was the one in the isolate and discriminated from social interaction or community so that I become a individualism.
- I do not accept used as the dregs of society, discriminatory society.
- I do not ever want to be supervised / visits gestures / dihalusinasikan by Indonesia and worldwide. I do not want a lot of attention / concern in the world.
- I only ask for a bit of attention, care, compassion and support of the world. Not discriminated against / monitored motion behavior by the world.
- I need a life, occupation, income, wealth, education, family, happiness, community, honor, rank and dignity they deserve.
- I just want the food, beverage, wealth, fortune and wealth is lawful and good and valid in the country and the religion of Islam.
- I just want possessions, wealth and sustenance constituted under Islam and the state obtained from Business Investment Stocks, Bonds, Insurance and Salary as well as the personal allowance from my profession.
the fact that I never needed by parents, relatives, friends, other people, society and the state. - I want an abundance of clothing, slippers, shoes, gold - silver, cattle - bull - buffalo - goat - sheep - horse - camel - chicken - duck, a vegetable garden, a small forest, fruit trees, rice paddies, fields, home & yard , helpers, machines - machines, electronic equipment, furniture, technical equipment - farmer, livestock barns, garden, fish pond / pond, car, motorcycle, bycicle and greenhouse.
- I want to have a business network and organization incorporated small scale in some countries that could produce revenue of thousands / tens of thousands of US Dollars per month.
- If no BPJS how expensive I was seeing a psychiatrist to treat schizophrenia and drug per month to buy up to Rp. 1 million per month if no BPJS.
- I was annoyed because the environment around me always voiced causing hallucinations for me.
- I have no fault in those who do not I do something wrong to him but they always hurt me and disturbed me, and they discriminate against me.
- I have no fault at all but the Indonesian Indonesian nasty and cynical to me.
Indonesian people always envied because of them and I do not like them because they are many who are not sincere when sharing with me.
why is everyone always mean to me when I was never to harm them and their cynical to me. - Not delicious be a citizen of Indonesia, and become citizens which favors ?.
- I was discriminated against by society and I was upset for the injustices of society.
- I lived further complicated by those who are not happy with me and lost my job because they were not happy to me.
- if could I ask I want to die in a firing in the brain as much as 5 times and 5 times in the chest.
- if I had the freedom I threatened to disappear because I was detained by a psychiatrist in a mental rehabilitation center or a mental hospital to god I beg me diwafatkan quickly. amen.
NEVER THERE IS NO SOLUTION AND TEACHING OR ALL GOOD PROBLEM SETTLEMENT WITH MULTIPLE HARDWARE AND ANGER. - I had lost my degree and the rights and obligations as citizens are normal because it is restricted by law - mental health legislation.
- I do and the life I was threatened by the public.
interests and rights and obligations I always threatened. - I always be embarrassed by the public.
- I was hated by the public.
- society is always noisy and voiced a sound and action that made me hallucinations and delusions.
- people who make me nervous, and not I make people uneasy, a strange thing if people uneasy to me when they were a lot while I'm alone.
- I was discriminated against or isolate in social relations by the public.
- I was dizzy always saw the attitude and behavior of people who do not like me and hate me.
- they always make me dizzy because their behavior is not like me.
- Indonesian people are always insulting me with insults and cemohan "CRAZY, STRESS AND MENTAL HOSPITAL, MENTAL DISORDERS, CON, LIAR"
Indonesian people always make hallucinatory visions and hallucinations vote for me because they hated me. - Indonesia and the world people hate me.
- Indonesian people when I'm on a road always makes hallucinatory visions and hallucinations sound.
- I was arrogant, but others are more arrogant than me.
- I want to work but how do I want to get a job that others who have positions in these companies do not agree and do not want to accept me to work.
- I hate people who are hostile to Indonesia and I hate people who hate the world and hostile to me.
- I have always been bothered by the actions and voices of their mouth against my nosy and stigmatized.
- I have been harmed by the public because of the sound hallucinations and visual hallucinations which have made a group of people.
- I have been impaired due to discrimination by society and people want to do isolir / isolation against me.
- One thing that I said that I did not know and did not have affairs all the people of Indonesia and the people of the world so I do not want to be bothered by people I know and people I know and do not hate me because I had no fault or act badly on you except people who did
- I ever do wrong or criminal offense to her.
- people who know that I do not have a fault or offense in You then do a nosy and nagging at me.
- I had neighbors and neighborhoods that bring bad luck, they always create a failure for me and always meddlesome and self harass me.
- I want to work but how do I want to get a job that others who have positions in these companies do not agree and do not want to accept me to work.
- One thing I have to say that I do not know and I do not have Affairs all the people of Indonesia and the people of the world so I do not want to be bothered by people I do not know and people I Knew and don'ts hate me Because I have no errors or bad actions on you guys except people who did I ever did wrong or a criminal act to him.
people know that I have no errors or criminal acts on you guys then do not be nosy on me. - AND SELF-Conscious LAH Nosy YOU, NASTY, hateful, HARMING INSULTING AND THE ENVIRONMENT, DO NOT MISTREAT MY FUN TOO BUT I DO NOT HAVE AN ERROR AT YOU.
- yet they will die because of themselves even if they are destroyed as well as they also.
People Tangerang, Indonesia and even the world may have always wanted to, prevent, thwart, impoverish, dropping and personal isolate me. - Some Indonesian and the world that have a stronger economy / jobs remain because of the support of the educational level / ability / performance / physical health and mental / work environment or family and the surrounding community and because they understood and retained and in trust by the environment it works.
- I created jealousy and envy because the public and private persons from Indonesia / world always makes me live a poor, destitute, unemployed, job loss, not quality, low, ugly, diseased, stressed, depressed economic / soul and lost degrees.
- And if they are rich, top quality, successful, happy, prosperous, useful and successful, I do not prohibit or frustrate them but they made me worse and it did not work? What have I done to all communities that make me fail?
- What has been you and the Indonesian and the world might think that I have an effect? Until I say that the talk and the words I've no effect.
- Who says I matter? Do you think all this time, I am happy and prosperous when influential? And the benefits of what I achieved or can for effect? What's in it when I influence? I have never felt nor really influential and I have created by your loss.
- I never spread the influence on society and the world, if I say something or write something and then made its way was not to spread the influence but simply to read or understand it.
I have never felt famous but I was disturbed and made a loss by the Indonesian people and the world are conspiring. - I want to die quickly, because there is no good life for me in this world, they have destroyed my life, I want to die in firing a pistol five times in the brain and five times in the heart by militants / criminals after that I want the bodies I buried in the deep sea, the bodies may I not be touched many people and not in the obituaries I know a lot of people or the general public.
- May I have a distant exile crossed oceans and continents lie on the ground in the middle of a quiet and leave me alone even without a faithful follower until my death.
I have been entangled intrigue by tangerang and Indonesia as well as the conspiracy of the world so I had fallen, fallen, poor, lost degrees, life, rights and obligations as citizens normal because limited by laws - laws mental health, crazy and destroyed, "might as well be tomorrow create intrigue that can kill me quickly " - Delicious yeah! I'm so envious of people who are already at work as permanent employees and had revenues corresponding Minimum Wage Rate or above the average minimum wage ratio with that they can meet their needs starting from shopping for food, health himself, continuing education first strata or both provide for the family, or his parents, for the cost of the vehicle, to buy vehicles like motorcycles or cars, to buy a home, for travel or tourism, for the purchase of electronic equipment, to buy clothes and shoes, to save and invest.
- They just want to be someone who has a higher education, property, home, car, motorcycle, health, life assurance, peace of life, welfare, enough income, savings, business, jobs, positions are quite high, happy family, traveled domestic and abroad and the other - the other, but they always want me to suffer, and worse of them.
I never had a criminal mistake / make loss all the people in Indonesia / world except those with whom I had wrong with him. - People Indonesia and perhaps even the world, has always made me fall, poor, destitute, unemployed, depressed, beggars, stress, misery, collapsed and crumbled, and they conspired to make me destroyed like this, especially the Tangerang and its surroundings as well as the Indonesian or may world who come to them.
- I know that I was never in need and not in care or not in pity again by parents, family, relatives, friends, other people or society even nature though it be a cause they want to kill life, isolate, marginalize, get rid of, alienate & imprisoning myself.
- God, if there is no good life just give me heart disease so I quickly die.
- God, divert and I pay less attention from the mind and missed all the previous people who have touched my life. Amen.
- Ya Allah, give me the quiet life of a crowded place, give me peace of mind and give me forgiveness and love you. Amen.
- For the sake of me and friends separate us so that our peace and quiet during our separate ways. And disconnect our relationship in any form.
- God, give me the mental space of the friend who had rejected me, give me the kindness of friends who are still close to or already departing.
- God, let me live alone without family and friends. But give the protection and welfare of the family so I did not worry him.
- They conspired so messed up my mind and heart as well as my mouth was upset that I could not think and make me crazy.
- Obviously they make me live in poverty, suffering, unemployed, crazy, tangled and not quality, if I were rich and happy they surely even you can re recurrent heart disease in the form of envy to me.
- Every day the neighbors and the environment around me is always silent, if they had refused, had said nothing of their mouths. Break up all the relationships, yet if I greet them and scolds and smile alone is not responsible for it really discriminatory, isolatif indirectly and discredited.
- Sounds Indonesian people who make hallucinations for me, sometimes carry the name of the artist, the rich, politicians, state officials, state employees, state leaders, businessmen, public officials, public figures and even people I've ever known, that a relative or relatives. Like them, especially the neighbors know the figures above, or they are in cahoots with those mentioned above.
- And what is important to their lives made hallucinations for me to speak out every day and do not delight in front of me.
- God, take me to go and live in a new country for me a good life and gave me a place to stay in the country and give me some of the smaller islands as well as a small region to be inherited by the child's biological children and adopted me. Amen.
- Who feels sacred? I never feel holy. Until they told me sanctimonious, what all this time I never claimed holy and good faith or more of them.
- And has been since elementary school, I know that I am followed by someone to my life known by those who are not known by me and I also have a lot of experience rejection from various people as well as young people or children my age and height when after graduating from secondary vocational schools with a silly action and action as well as the rejection of their antipathy strengthened to make my stress.
- In the past I often send short messages from the phone to the Call Center number 555 with SIM Card Esia and IM 3 because I was lonely and pressured life in voice and action of rejection and the ridiculous actions of people I do not know.
- And since 2011 - until now, I could not sleep because of the noise of those who are outside and inside the house of voice father - the father, children and mothers.
- Computer and my cell phone in the dikes by certain parties, if they are not breaking the law? Do they have received permission from the legitimate state agency.
They want me in the stocks and in resistant / prison in rehab and psychiatric hospital mental, did I ever steal their money amounting to over Rp 100 million / USD 10,000. or at least deh Rp 5 million / USD 500, what I never stole their valuables such as their gold jewelry / branded television / phone brand / bike / car / luxury furniture they / their livestock / or their virginity times they think ? What I never raped them? Or sexual harassment? Or commit fraud or misuse of funds by over 50 million / USD 5000 or at least Rp1 million / USD 100? or corruption as much as Rp. 100 billion / USD 10 million or least Rp. 100 million / USD 10,000? or severe maltreatment such a hit they used hammers / female genital piercing them with a screwdriver / nailing their heads / stab them with a knife / cutting their ideal male penis? Have I ever committed treason and rebellion like killing heads of state / government seized power in a legitimate state / territory seized power nearly half, or small / others? - I just have an error misdemeanors only and not a felony, the only traffic violations, once discovered not pay / not honest in paying the rent internet at the age of 14 years and take something home never take valuables and never break a promise to a few friends sd, smp friends and friends smk.
- And I never take any valuables or damage to goods and public facilities in the supermarket, grocery shop, bank, public places, malls, stores, or other.
And I never claimed to be a prophet or apostle, because I did not like it. - "Hallucinations of voices" they say "I was cut off instead send? I asked "I was sent by whom?" Toh fact I have never represented anyone? ".
- They carry the name of the artist - my favorite artist. And I have never asked them, especially my neighbors or others to call them.
- And women - women and their children to learn magic and made me enchanted by them because the display figure of illusion / ghost like demon on television as pocong, dwarves, witches long nose and make other strange things.
- those who make hallucinations for me to make one understand or illusions or delusions or misunderstood or delusions / false beliefs and "the words they were nice just can not believe especially with the ugly they make bad luck for me" and luckily I did not misunderstand or large actual heart was only bad / good illusion.
- And Semarang create hallucinations to me with the words "He (i) must not have private property rights here (Semarang) and people like me do not deserve to have a title or rank of higher education". Are they envious or jealous if I'm richer than them, so maybe I if their heart disease can arise if my property more or comparable with them when they just want to have personal property rights and title / rank higher education !.
- They have resigned to accept my fate, I asked "whether they are also resigned to accept my fate? If only fate that they can be that bad as their fates become criminals, thieves, fraudsters, rapists, adulterers / hooker, quarterback, (moneylenders which doubles the result of debt in others), gambler and the wrongdoers, whether they are resigned to accept the fate that bad ? And if we surrender to the results and enjoyment even during his lifetime that may be tasty and plentiful with bad road or street devil / demon was and whether one can always resigned to accept my fate? If fate does well thank God, try if life is bad, melas once and try the islam if he resigned to accept my fate to eat pork, alcohol and other illicit food every day? Even the Jewish people only proscribe pork.
- Society dogs, always barking and making noise hallucinations and bit me like a dog rabies carrier schizophrenia.
- Society and the environment around me, always spread about life, mistakes and bad deeds or bad on me and they always make my life were formerly quite closed until disturbed by their interference.
- O Allah, if I'm being held in a psychiatric hospital or mental rehab. I hope that place is not in jakarta or tangerang, but outside of Java.
- Ya Allah, made destroyed and create communities and disaster stricken Indonesia in order to live their suffering and miserable as they make me miserable and accelerates the death of me and I will be happy when they see suffering and death. Amen.
- Ya Allah, give me the quiet life of a crowded place, give peace of mind and soul and give me forgiveness and love you. Amen.
- I like to switch nationality and country of birth I broke up and formed a new life in a new country.
- They want to make me sell trading business that it becomes unsold and loss when they want if they sell trading business was profitable, salable and sold out.
- And they are allowed to talk or hang out or talk much as you like but do not offend me or bring leverage myself and they also rarely invited me to hang out and they also rarely invited me to make friends.
- And since I was a child the age of 5 years, I've felt that I was denied, at the age of 11 years, I have been hated, rejected, exiled and in isolir by those not in the know, at the age of 15 years, my life has been monitored by people not in the know and some people I know, at the age of 18 - now, my life is disturbed, monitored, all my life known by the people around me and the people - people not in the know.
- And I also know that from the beginning they are the Indonesian people never cared about me because they also have a life that should be their mismanagement and even those no one cares even a little but still could not help me as a whole.
- And I really hate people who do not matter to me but she was disturbing and evil and to make things worse and destroy my life when I do not have anything to them, well, I admit that I had faults to some people.
- And I envy, jealousy, hate, jealousy, sadness, resentment, indignation, resentment, mind murky and chaotic to those who are nasty to me, when I was living in excess possessions but my family alone and in evil when I do not ever bother them, when I had hard and shortage of sustenance in a precarious situation, in fact they are nasty to me with them makes my life much worse.
And parents, siblings and relatives do not understand and understand me, well I know for sure because I was not a good attitude also to my family.
And I was dizzy and noise in the ears hear them speak made hallucinations for me and even though their rejection action also makes me stressed.
On Wednesday, 24 March 1993 (1 Shawwal), I was born in Cipondoh, Tangerang city in accordance with the birth certificate with the name Mariah Ramadhani Purnomo was the second child of a marriage partner Along Purnomo & volunteer.
In midwives Cipondoh prosperous, at that time my family lived in a rented house in Cipondoh prosperous.
When my father was home from south korea korea since invited his boss, Mr. Cascade.
And my brother was 7 years old and I have a housekeeper named aunt race.
After that my family moved into the alley jamblang, al Husna, Poris, Tangerang.
Family profiles.
- Papa: Along.
Born: District Gantong, Belitung. 1960.
orphan status: mother dies aged 7 years and my father died 10 years old.
The family house of 2000 meters.
- Year 1983 - 1987, worked in West Jakarta, PT Aris Jaya (Factory Footwear) with a salary of Rp 100 thousand / USD. 200 thousand.
- Year 1987 - 1990, are unemployed and driving the car angkotan own property and work in the store hours.
- Year 1987 - 1990, buying a house on credit in the garden Cibodas and sold.
- Year 1990 - 1994, working with the boss south korea is Mr.Riam with a salary of Rp. 1 million.
- In 1992, the invite to travel and learn machines in south korea and stayed for six months in the fall and winter snow.
- Year 1994 - 1997, worked in a factory of footwear with the boss tionghoa as foreman superintendent with a salary of Rp. Of 1 - 1.5 million.
- Year 1996 - 1999, owns a house in a residential regency, sangiang. Sold.
- Year 1999 - 2001, has a home in the cottage prosperous Kotabumi, Tangerang and sold cheap.
- Year 1997 - 2001, worked in the footwear company boss china as foreman superintendent with a salary of Rp. 2 million - Rp.3 million and in modali convection footwear with employees 15 people with wages of employees amounting Rp.150 thousand / Rp 300 thousand.
- Year 2001 - 2002, are unemployed after the business went bankrupt and break up the working relationship of the parent company.
- Year 2003 - 2004, working again with the boss ko Yumeng with a salary of Rp 1 million at the time UMR Tangerang and Jakarta is Rp. 600 thousand - 800 thousand.
- Year 2005 - 2009, working in the boss ko Yumeng with the rank foreman superintendent with a salary Rp.2,5 million at the time UMR Tangerang - Jakarta around Rp 800 thousand and Rp 1 million.
- Year 2009 - 2011, working on a new boss with a salary of Rp. 4 million and at that time UMR Jakarta - Tangerang is Rp. 1.6 million.
- Year 2011 - 2015, a salary of Rp. 4 million increased by Rp. 6 million.
- Year 2015 - 2016, wages fell and fell. Really sad.
- Mama: Wati
Born: Sidareja, Cilacap. 1966.
orphan status: father died of murder in 1968.
The house belonged to the old wall covering in Sidareja in front of the street and a land area of 2 hectares of coconut orchards and tax status of ownership of the land the rest of the 340 meters with proof of ownership of the financed tax petuk sister mama Drs. Sudarno.
Activity: housewife. - Sister: Candra.
Born: Cilacap, 1986.
Occupation: private employee.
Education: Diploma II.
- Sister: Octavian.
Birth: Tangerang City, 2003.
My life is based on residence and school :
- Childhood in Housing Regensi, Sangiang, Tangerang (1996-1998).
- Housing Kotabumi childhood in Tangerang (1998-2001).
- Childhood in the family's economic downturn (2001-2002).
- Period Volume II Elementary School (2002-2005).
- The period of secondary school (2005-2008).
- Future Vocational High School (2008-2011).
- Graduation & Downturn period (2011-2013).
- Adulthood It (2013-2016).
Childhood stories in Housing Regensi, Sangiang, Tangerang (1996-1998).
And after that my family managed to buy a house in a residential regency, sangiang tangerang in 1996.
sister and I moved from elementary school districts Cipondoh close to SDN Gebang in sangiang.
is told from my mama, my papa used in the offer of land 1000 meters in the city tangerang but my father refused and preferred to Regensi sangiang in Tangerang.
When I was a child in Regensi, sangiang tangerang. The thing I remember the first time I stayed there, I played with toy cars and I chased down by dogs and then I ran head butt.
Mom says I still often miss out and ask the people in the alley jamblang there is a deceased uncle Nasir, aunt wani, nyi festive, front grandmother house uncle Nasir, deca and kak kak Kokom and 2 times go there once had a home in Regensi.
And I remember when I was playing at home is known as the 4th grade house belonged to the grandmother of a friend festive nyi I hidayat together with the children.
When it was in 1996, my home area may be approximately 100 meters and I like it used to be his home area there are gardens and a fish pond and I always play in it, but it all changed when it was under renovations and place machines convection with the machine about 10 machines smelly socks into oil and noisy.
And my family was often visiting a mall in northern Jakarta and Serpong in Tangerang there are several shopping malls have been closed.
And I remember when the desire to buy something that is not yet in the traded toys for a toy robot also robotan I had a fever until mama ask papa to buy a toy for me.
And I really like the aquarium we had as many fish I'm happy with the tank atmosphere is wonderful.
And I was always feeding bottle nipples and my life is still bottle-fed until the fourth grade of elementary school.
And I am not too familiar with my surroundings. I know just the neighbor boy chinese female named ana and I always play with him and in my neighborhood do not know the people - the people there because when I'm out playing evenings children - children who are playing on busy themselves and did not invite me to play and my children a rare night out as not allowed.
And I remember is that I always play with the kids pack fertile but I forget what his name is and I often buy sweets at the time the price is Rp 500 per 10 Sugus candies and milky, I remember going home been flooded and there are children who have exhausted my fishing see there are catfish, tilapia and eel (first I did not know tilapia fish and eels only catfish course I know because no mustache) and then I asked them "you can think of where the fish as much as it was, they told me of drains and sewers" and I first think what yes because I often play with friends I forget what his name was and when I was looking at the fish got only a tiny little fish called the cere.
And I was playing with small children my age but I forgot his name at that time I was playing in an empty house and they again eat fruit as a fruit of the ink from the grass and when I eat tastes bitter and my mouth trace of blue ink on my tongue.
And I ask them because it was weird because it tasted bitter and the trace on the tongue blue and I asked them "why like this", they are mainly the woman was told "it was poison, let lu poisoning, death lu die lu behold loh dead and My fear and panic "finally I ran and chased crying got home and I cried summon mama and I say" was abis eating poison, friend said it abis eating poison he'll die "(crying) then my mother told to gargle mouthwash water and give me joy and teats.
And at that time my father can gift Nintendo game from his boss and I often play it.
And while when I do not want to sleep after they were forced to sleep but did not want to sleep to play the game after playing the game because it is not a win win I cried cried cried in exasperation and finally pinch by mama and sent to bed.
And usually our family likes to visit the house of milk APET & sukmei in ciledug meet sister tini and koko toto.
And often we swim in the villa TOMANG, the earth and the city with family and sister tini.
And when a child I often sleep with my sister and brother taught me a prayer of forgiveness for both parents before going to bed as usual prayer "Allahuma firgli guardian guardian southwest warhamhumah kama rabbayini saghiro, Ya Allah forgive the sins I and both my parents as they cherished me in small time "and sister for a few months taught me a prayer before going to bed" allahuma Ahya wabismika amut wa, ya allah turn off me and turn me back ".
First papa had the employee his or her name Ms. Santi and Ms. merry when I was very fond of Ms. Santi and bitchy at ya merry when Ms. Santi go I'm sad to miss the end I care about ya merry and never bitchy at ya merry and Ms. Santi also came back.
And I remember almost every maghrib, papa always invited by neighbors to maghrib prayer worshipers in the mosque Regensi, and it turned out I was a trouble maker, I instead followed the prayer movement but instead I am the way, circling and running around the worshipers.
And once I've Koran, but indeed I am the one who sucks so when it was my Koran teacher called me with the title of "SEBUL or perhaps the intent of SEBEL / disgust".
And I remember when my sister always called his friend dimasjid to call a friend who was not involved Koran.
And from my mama used to be famous indeed fierce and sometimes already threatened to use bamboo want to hit big time ago I was naughty.
And I never felt disgust from others when I cut my own hair with scissors
And if I was exhausted so I can have nosebleeds / disbursement of hot blood in her nose and fever.
And first I remember attending my sisters wedding party pretentious but I do not know who you were married there, where I met his sister called milk afong first I thought it was poor because she looked like Dad was not hehe.
And I remember when my brother and I rode a bicycle through the alley to the house to friend's brother, a dog chasing sister and my bike until the dog was biting my sandals and slippers escaped later that I use my mama dog owners go in that house.
And I know a friend whose name rizal and when it was my first time to hear if someone is dead or dying and the dead brother si rizal because of heat illness or fever.
And remember I'm gathered on the field in Regensi. I sat down with a bunch of adolescents aged 15 years but I do not know them if not wrong I heard them talking about the bloody events or demonstrations on the killing was or who knows.
At that time, the atmosphere is more a collection of the father was playing volleyball, and suddenly my eyes turn red and I cried frightened and ran to the house but a bunch of teens may be confused trying to prevent me to run and they say something that I had forgotten and I return to the house very frightened and my mama was shocked and puzzled me why and I told you that there was blood in the hands and I probably raved told me exhausted kill cats.
And I used to have the idea that God is an old man who had a long beard while God is a mosque which has the head, feet and hands, and if the rain that God brought ice to the cloud and in the shaved ice above the clouds and water to melt the earth and I ,
In the past when there is rain accompanied by lightning I was very frightened and trembling and I feel it is still up to grade 2 elementary school, and when it is usually when the rain runs papa, mama, sister and I mengedarai motorcycle looking rainbow.
And as a child, my milk teeth dislodged it hurt the first time that I experienced otek teeth and toothache and feel the pain of releasing the tooth and my sister said 'if dislodged teeth later put it under the pillow can be a gift from a fairy godmother "was superstitious.
And then I remember quite ridiculous when I play titit I suddenly felt cenat cenut so amused and severity I've inadvertently clipping the stapler is nothing to fill my titit result titit I bled and I cried out in pain finally given ointment.
And I remember when normally my sister and often fights but when every brother I stay at home are sister tini cousin or friend's home, I was sad to cry and feel lonely because of the absence of my brother.
Usually when Eid, 5 nights last mama I like to make cakes sprit or sprit yeah I forgot his name, and I really love that cake last mama ku create 2nd grade elementary school and after 1 SMK mama get me a cake again and I remember when she woke at dawn today and I see my brother and mama are making the cake and then my sister said "yah ya son was awake" and said mama I "biarin".
And when I have a baby and I thought that it was created out of what? Then I asked mama and sister "baby mama and I made of what" brother says "yah baby created from flour and eggs in jumbled inserted into his stomach mama".
And the thing I remember was when my grandmother came to stay a few days to my home at the time pakde and aunt and their cousins in gathered in the house.
And I remember when aunt sutiyah been to the house at that time I was around a bike ride with ya gina but when it ya gina fell off the bike and automatically we all fall then my legs hurt and around ankle foot hole and finally treated was wound me and has long legs that would still broad.
And usually my family often visited the home of aunt sutiyah & pakde yono in rented in Jakarta, and I actually like complaining because when the way I should ride in carpools and transit carpool problem was very smelly due to diesel fuel and made my head dizzy.
And when the flood, at that time my family often visited the house sutiyah aunt and I remember my cousin mas ari I carry myself as a flood, and there I liked the name gruel and sugar water and I liked the herbal rice kencur because it tastes sweet.
And my first visit by pakde nunung aying and aunt, when my cousin was there also but at that time I was not familiar with those who come to stay is aa ASMET, teteh dance, teteh ministered and Depi.
Back when my introduction and Depi not get along in our relationship often fight or bicker but when I scold Depi then Depi cry I feel sad and also where I began to receive Depi as brothers.
And we relate is still pretty good for his future while still in a blanket jealous, resentful, love, affection and impressed piercing / confrontation.
And I also frequently visit the house rented aunt nunung & pakde aying, I remember when aunt had a stall and when my aunt snack stall when mama would pay an allowance nunung aunt always said "Let Wati (mama) do not need to be paid".
But at that time I did not know the name pakde and aunt I name anyone, I just call pakde and aunt (at that time I remember there aunt sutiyah, aunt nunung, Pade yono, Pade aying and cousins like ya gina, ya amin, Ms. heni , teteh yani, teteh dance, Depi).
And I remember when it was 1996, I went to the grandmother's house kustiyah in Sidareja, cilacap and I remember the way I ride the bus and I passed the road turn turn when it was my lap by mama and papa when he arrived at the grandmother's house is usually the grandmother already waiting at the front door of the house.
In 1996, my father had an accident and had to undergo surgery and when it was my mother entrusted me to aunt sutiyah & pakde yono, when I was invited to stay at home aunt sutiyah & pakde yono and I stayed for approximately two months there after a long time did not see mama, sister and papa, the day I was getting panic and fear and often asking where papa, mama and sister to the aunt why not come come home and not in between.
And after that sister and mother came to the house aunt sutiyah to pick me home after my home and went to the hospital seemed like a public hospital district tangerang and at that time there was no television, and there is news that the mother tien, wife of president Suharto dies and after a half months passed papa I've been allowed to return.
And in the year 1997 - 1998, I paid a visit to grandma's house (mother of mama) as usual was greeted in front of the house and my greeting kiss hands and hug my grandmother but when I recall grandma facing backwards like not welcomed in cilacap and when it is also my visit to mbah murslan and also met mbah ganjen (wife of champion murslan) in Kawunganten and that time I paid a visit to the house pakde levels in the know turns out he is the headman of the village Sidamulya during the second period after my school junior who is a cousin of my mother and where I I remember when I was running around and there was broken glass and then accidentally because once I was stupid and ignorant so trampled the one shard was at the foot of pain pierced the shard was incredible and his broad as I saw last in 2009 to visit with home-style java - European VOC paint wooden shutters turquoise color covers approximately 3000 meters and at the end of the rearmost insulated lines railway lines.
In 1996 and 1997, nearly every year I visited Mall Lippo Karawaci to see the New Year's fireworks there and I passed the road once I do not know his name is now in the know called road Dipati unus and perumnas karawaci past the toll is still new in the wake jakarta toll name peacock that I saw was red soil deposits and turns near the cousin and uncle and my aunt.
And when in 1996, my grandparents house to ferdi or my uncle and my aunt in Cimone early time I went there. I have not met ferdi as possible unborn but after a few years I saw a small ferdi.
And in 1996, I often visited the house of an aunt (father's brother) in sangiang when I know my cousin Andre, my cousin ferdi and I had one friend female and 1 male friend but I've forgotten his name.
And by the time the story andre entrusted by his mother's sister from me that nail melan papa who was divorced by her third husband, Mr. andre itself and the story I just I know after the first secondary school of mama i.
Andre beginning of my introduction to the relationship I'm fine, but for some time my relationship with andre often fight and did not get along probably at that time I was wrong because I did high egoism.
And when it was that I remember is my cousin accidents name koko san san and after it reportedly died, then papa and mama to visit the house nail in kroncong and the first day it seems I see no body.
And when the third day took the corpse deh if not wrong and there I left with andre, ferdi and my friend forgot his name and others already in the deserted night late around 12 o'clock at night when it was then I panicked myself and ferdi & andre also panicked when it ferdi 4 years old / new 5-year forecast andre me when the road way to the vacant lot down the field with us down but once we were down the drain andre told me about demons and I shudder suddenly I saw a white shirt and down like pocong yah.
We panicked and I ran scared seems ferdi and andre also run terkocar turvy and was so panic us word-word-door my friend's house and out of my friends are women, and I wait with very frantic with fear and I think why papa mama and others not at home after 3 am new papa & mama go home after that I picked up to go home.
And in 1997, I saw a television when it does I do not understand but after I think and remember back in the news about the death of princess Diana, Princess of Wales and I asked the English what yah? King / Queen / Prince & Princess and the kingdom is well and I am wondering what the papa and mama.
I see a lot of television as well as a preacher of the riots in the year 1997 - 1998 and until the resignation of the pack Suharto, second president of the republic of Indonesia and highlights pack habibi become the third president of Indonesia.
and in 1998, violence is getting worse and when it had reached the region tangerang and Regensi that time many people came to my house and on staying a few days because of the riots and my mother also confused their stay was when it had run out of food.
And then the atmosphere of unrest forced my mother to pick up my sister back to school and I see someone standing and burning tires.
And when it's over it's eerie atmosphere.
In late 1998, my mother put me to kindergarten al Husna, Kotabumi, Tangerang.
And I remember when school is when mama and I walk when going to school and back home but because often feel tired then we go home - go by rickshaw and sometimes ride motorcycles.
And when I'm in strap or in law by not studying or joking hold or play alone and when I cut up the cake should be in for the teacher finally rejected by teachers kindergarten since been cut after coming home I live in mad because my food in rejected by a wonderful teacher.
And every day learning to write, draw and sport and singing "shoes bracelet bracelet si crowded at peak times let let's return home" when going home.
And the start is going to school at the State Elementary School Kotabumi 4 because at that time I wanted to quickly pass.
At the beginning of school I was able to follow the lessons but when riding level I could not follow the lesson.
In 1999. The family I am building a new house in Kotabumi, Tangerang and houses in Regensi sangiang been sold.
And the beginning of construction of three times a visit to see our new home.
And then when I'm home being built there are people who take the sand and when I was running toward the house and I said 'why do you take the sand in my house, what no sand anywhere else ". And it seems he's upset "and he asked if anyone behind you", I replied, "I have this house", and it looks like the father is already angry and he went home, it turns out he is Mr. RT alley pomegranate I, II and III.
Nah loh ya've finally scolded by mom and Pak RT Delima Gang seems furious until he his anti incredible.
And my family connection with mama and papa ani has existed a long time since we want to move to Kotabumi.
Housing Kotabumi childhood in Tangerang (1998-2001).
when in 1999, we started to move into our new home which is still 100 meters and at our new home.
And the beginning of my first stay in the house pakde Susmant catch doves or a turtledove, and we maintain the bird until 2001 before it is given to the father of my friend adi.
And earlier I lived in the city of earth, my relationship with prospective mates spelled out yet either, once I walk and besides I got there they then I told them "I have a sword when subjected to the sun and moon, the sword will shine brightly" and some the day after I passed them, the reckless roy opened a toy sword scabbard I was and must let loose the toy sword from his scabbard and then roy said "where is where lie lu, no light". And after that I was in the cheers by all the candidates of my friends who were there.
And after that they were all against me until about 2 months, they do not want to talk and say liar to me, but in the end they want to talk and invited me to play and that's where I started playing with them.
After a few months I played with them there is no tian, onyx, roy, kak nur, tomi & others & we used to play in my home or in my friend's house.
At that time tian and his mother was noisier because tian ask to play with her mother was not in love until tian crying and finally in the door lock from the outside but surprisingly the crying tian even so watch mother and friends there. I do not know any who dare Dingle still knocking home and called out "mama dong tian instead of the door, kasian tian" repeatedly and finally mama tian tian open the door after it stopped crying.
At that time almost every month, we went to robinson, eat at mc donald, eating satay and buy toys from robot - robotan, cars - toy, home - a home but unfortunately her toys on broken all because untreated and previously created one place toys in floor roof of the house to put all my toys.
And I usually equal tian, onyx, roy, nur and others played together at my house and we played papa cud and if the same tian, roy and tomi usually play house - there draw up a house, a car and no one person and play together.
And usually we play together in the street alley that is playing hide and vituperation, dac five basic, skip the word, hold the railing and we exult and sometimes if there are friends come from out of the alley we usually we play that hold hands holding hands and singing "I am poor, I said another group of people rich "and after the second group of interesting group behind to become a person that is in line opponents.
And for the business school because I thought it mainly just playing so well the lessons indifferent and could not follow the lesson did not even understand all of the lessons.
And when replay I certainly could not speculate what I have to fill. And at that time I never know no such thing as cheating behavior cheat so well even though the man said only see but I do not understand and I just scratch what is not known what was in it.
And if you look at the other elementary school friends do the problems and restating the lessons simple as its name brainiac waveguide and there anjas famous handsome, intelligent and wealthy at the time.
And I know he's also clever revelation but stingy at me when I ask for in prayer for science teaching in love anyway but, well I think I have forgotten but when I'm in love knows about the answer when the school does not want to give ...
and usually if you go to school or home from school was picked up at mama or equal mbak umi of grade 1-3 usually when my school wants at the reception and did not want to be left behind and I never hold any money because it is held by Ms. umi or Mama.
So if you want snacks should ask first, I once at my friend's name is yoga when I asked uang.sama mama me to buy green bean porridge later after we both ate green beans at the request of yoga but instead my mom nagging tip ends ...
and I had a school friend of his name faisal in the call cule all friends at that time because he always brought white mucus smell that is often out of the ear, and I think and ask why could he mucus or slime stench in the ear, and he and some friends school I said "because it was due to play a lot of heat - panasan so body heat or fever so ear he was, secrete mucus that way." and at one point I told him "cule", he was angry and instead dab myself with his finger that has been contaminated cule the mucus in to clothes I had to smell it, oh very disgusting, and once he jahilin I cule or congeknya he put it in the book I was really very disgusting smell congek in the book.
And at that time I fuss at him for something I do not know, the end of the school fight and yell at each other the way berate.
And when I went to school, I never did anything by accident when it was my foot accidentally touched the clothes he so former rubbing shoe was stuck in the back of his shirt, I do not understand why the school when it was a dead silence or all of the silent when the teacher is also silent and not explain anything to me.
And at that moment I was sitting at Ijul threes and Faisal but I do not know who the classmates who sits in a central position because I timed it like you've seen him.
When she finally knows that her dress had been tarnished by my shoes and when asked who fouled shirt I only silent but see him cry I admit but I told her this way "I was accidentally on your clothes, because I no longer call Faisal" and that time I was invited to chat Ijul & faisal because of all the silent but unfortunately they are in really cool, and he asked for his clothes immediately wash, even though I already offered his clothes I brought home later ya me clean it up, but since that time he is urgent and said "that later that his mother knew her shirt like this so her mother would be angry, and then he says" sorry for my mother because my mother was cancer of the uterus ". And Faisal have also picked up in tears because they feel in slander and finally Ijul well acted at that time and troublesome excited all seemed to him that I just saw it kept forcing me to wash his clothes. And Ijul increasingly forced then she said something like make an agreement but the agreement was what Ijul asked me to forget and I just say "yes", who knows what Ijul do when it's just a matter of minor or small things could be resolved if his shirt later in the wash if you already have at home.
And I remember in elementary school there was a girl named Mayong and people at school say that Mayong was stressed or mad whatever, whenever Mayong comes friend other elementary schools in the cheers of Mayong Mayong sometimes some say mad or stressed and he nearly struck stones at me because I saw him inexplicably what time it was I taunted him, or just to see him.
And once in school there was a test of cleanliness, when it was I was never toothbrush for toothpaste when it is very spicy and burning in the mouth when it is and when examined nails clean, clothes neat and stayed teeth when opening the mouth showing teeth is dental ku blackened and destroyed but fortunately it is still as if dislodged baby tooth can grow back.
And I also felt guilty when there ya umi, I was rough on ya umi (khumaisah) and I sometimes like mocking Ms. umi with a song "Umi ketelek jengkol kejendel" and not just Ms. umi's all I sneered, but my brother also I often taunted "swollen" or "Flying-Fox".
And the relationship I had with a sister, also seems to have been very strained when I just borrowed a stuffed Pikachu newly purchased for a short time, but already in mad when that time the word mama "already take it for you" and mama say to brother "later buy again the new one". And that time is our family go back to robinson to buy a stuffed Pikachu again.
And when the sister I've smp, and sister always wear a tank top together also a friend in the alley pomegranate three tea nung, papa I'm embarrassed and papa I got angry and beat my brother because recalcitrant do not want to wear clothes that are neat and brother angry with papa but at persuasion by mama to papa forgive.
And when the first start staying in Kotabumi, my sister often disturbed and word-word-door window of his room by who it is, my sister might be afraid in my own room on a regular floor and the roof on the roof floor, Ms. umi also sleep there.
And when in 2000, I asked papa and mama to celebrate the anniversary has long been asking around many weeks finally papa & mama made a small party at home.
And all the friends I had from the alley pomegranate II & III in legislation and the present of all, it feels glad and happy especially when get gifts, and gifts that I remember was a gift clothes of Depi cousin I had a pair of shirt and pants sinchan for me & Depi nah i always happy to wear them and I asked Ms. umi to never brush the picture sinchan remain flat and I most remember the gifts of Tian is a great toy soldiers.
And when it tien comes moved into place around us, family is the merchant ice mix around and after that his family rented a shop when the business behavior of being able to buy the store, according to the explanation tien formerly his father worked in the airline and I used to play house tien and at home tien there are miniature airplanes and no dragon statue in gold color tien forbidden by his father to be touched by anyone because then if in the grasp superstitions then people holding hands or parts that touched swollen for several days.
And tien was the one who told me that "our friendship and we are friends" and probably was the first friend I had.
And I've asked tien talking "tien female circumcision how many times yah?", "Tien: 1 time deh or twice", "I told you: what yes once if not twice what pain". While the cobbled street to the alley behind the melon.
And I was with tian, tien, roy, nur and tomi an invitation to attend a birthday celebration but I do not know who to invite in the alley melon.
In the past I ari, ani & aa kiki being cobbled street in the alley next to the pomegranate, we found a box containing five cats after that I took the cat white color yellow and sister is has ari and I brought home a small kitten that I name the yellow and when the cat was treated at home with ya umi.
And when the yellow went and did not come home, I was busy looking for yellow but then a friend in an alley pomegranate III told that the cat yellow met but I doubt and I thought it was a cat ari but not what I'd just take the cat but affectionate cat sick and eventually die afterwards buried by papa in addition to the ground beside the house.
And after that my family managed to buy a house in a residential regency, sangiang tangerang in 1996.
sister and I moved from elementary school districts Cipondoh close to SDN Gebang in sangiang.
is told from my mama, my papa used in the offer of land 1000 meters in the city tangerang but my father refused and preferred to Regensi sangiang in Tangerang.
When I was a child in Regensi, sangiang tangerang. The thing I remember the first time I stayed there, I played with toy cars and I chased down by dogs and then I ran head butt.
Mom says I still often miss out and ask the people in the alley jamblang there is a deceased uncle Nasir, aunt wani, nyi festive, front grandmother house uncle Nasir, deca and kak kak Kokom and 2 times go there once had a home in Regensi.
And I remember when I was playing at home is known as the 4th grade house belonged to the grandmother of a friend festive nyi I hidayat together with the children.
When it was in 1996, my home area may be approximately 100 meters and I like it used to be his home area there are gardens and a fish pond and I always play in it, but it all changed when it was under renovations and place machines convection with the machine about 10 machines smelly socks into oil and noisy.
And my family was often visiting a mall in northern Jakarta and Serpong in Tangerang there are several shopping malls have been closed.
And I remember when the desire to buy something that is not yet in the traded toys for a toy robot also robotan I had a fever until mama ask papa to buy a toy for me.
And I really like the aquarium we had as many fish I'm happy with the tank atmosphere is wonderful.
And I was always feeding bottle nipples and my life is still bottle-fed until the fourth grade of elementary school.
And I am not too familiar with my surroundings. I know just the neighbor boy chinese female named ana and I always play with him and in my neighborhood do not know the people - the people there because when I'm out playing evenings children - children who are playing on busy themselves and did not invite me to play and my children a rare night out as not allowed.
And I remember is that I always play with the kids pack fertile but I forget what his name is and I often buy sweets at the time the price is Rp 500 per 10 Sugus candies and milky, I remember going home been flooded and there are children who have exhausted my fishing see there are catfish, tilapia and eel (first I did not know tilapia fish and eels only catfish course I know because no mustache) and then I asked them "you can think of where the fish as much as it was, they told me of drains and sewers" and I first think what yes because I often play with friends I forget what his name was and when I was looking at the fish got only a tiny little fish called the cere.
And I was playing with small children my age but I forgot his name at that time I was playing in an empty house and they again eat fruit as a fruit of the ink from the grass and when I eat tastes bitter and my mouth trace of blue ink on my tongue.
And I ask them because it was weird because it tasted bitter and the trace on the tongue blue and I asked them "why like this", they are mainly the woman was told "it was poison, let lu poisoning, death lu die lu behold loh dead and My fear and panic "finally I ran and chased crying got home and I cried summon mama and I say" was abis eating poison, friend said it abis eating poison he'll die "(crying) then my mother told to gargle mouthwash water and give me joy and teats.
And at that time my father can gift Nintendo game from his boss and I often play it.
And while when I do not want to sleep after they were forced to sleep but did not want to sleep to play the game after playing the game because it is not a win win I cried cried cried in exasperation and finally pinch by mama and sent to bed.
And usually our family likes to visit the house of milk APET & sukmei in ciledug meet sister tini and koko toto.
And often we swim in the villa TOMANG, the earth and the city with family and sister tini.
And when a child I often sleep with my sister and brother taught me a prayer of forgiveness for both parents before going to bed as usual prayer "Allahuma firgli guardian guardian southwest warhamhumah kama rabbayini saghiro, Ya Allah forgive the sins I and both my parents as they cherished me in small time "and sister for a few months taught me a prayer before going to bed" allahuma Ahya wabismika amut wa, ya allah turn off me and turn me back ".
First papa had the employee his or her name Ms. Santi and Ms. merry when I was very fond of Ms. Santi and bitchy at ya merry when Ms. Santi go I'm sad to miss the end I care about ya merry and never bitchy at ya merry and Ms. Santi also came back.
And I remember almost every maghrib, papa always invited by neighbors to maghrib prayer worshipers in the mosque Regensi, and it turned out I was a trouble maker, I instead followed the prayer movement but instead I am the way, circling and running around the worshipers.
And once I've Koran, but indeed I am the one who sucks so when it was my Koran teacher called me with the title of "SEBUL or perhaps the intent of SEBEL / disgust".
And I remember when my sister always called his friend dimasjid to call a friend who was not involved Koran.
And from my mama used to be famous indeed fierce and sometimes already threatened to use bamboo want to hit big time ago I was naughty.
And I never felt disgust from others when I cut my own hair with scissors
And if I was exhausted so I can have nosebleeds / disbursement of hot blood in her nose and fever.
And first I remember attending my sisters wedding party pretentious but I do not know who you were married there, where I met his sister called milk afong first I thought it was poor because she looked like Dad was not hehe.
And I remember when my brother and I rode a bicycle through the alley to the house to friend's brother, a dog chasing sister and my bike until the dog was biting my sandals and slippers escaped later that I use my mama dog owners go in that house.
And I know a friend whose name rizal and when it was my first time to hear if someone is dead or dying and the dead brother si rizal because of heat illness or fever.
And remember I'm gathered on the field in Regensi. I sat down with a bunch of adolescents aged 15 years but I do not know them if not wrong I heard them talking about the bloody events or demonstrations on the killing was or who knows.
At that time, the atmosphere is more a collection of the father was playing volleyball, and suddenly my eyes turn red and I cried frightened and ran to the house but a bunch of teens may be confused trying to prevent me to run and they say something that I had forgotten and I return to the house very frightened and my mama was shocked and puzzled me why and I told you that there was blood in the hands and I probably raved told me exhausted kill cats.
And I used to have the idea that God is an old man who had a long beard while God is a mosque which has the head, feet and hands, and if the rain that God brought ice to the cloud and in the shaved ice above the clouds and water to melt the earth and I ,
In the past when there is rain accompanied by lightning I was very frightened and trembling and I feel it is still up to grade 2 elementary school, and when it is usually when the rain runs papa, mama, sister and I mengedarai motorcycle looking rainbow.
And as a child, my milk teeth dislodged it hurt the first time that I experienced otek teeth and toothache and feel the pain of releasing the tooth and my sister said 'if dislodged teeth later put it under the pillow can be a gift from a fairy godmother "was superstitious.
And then I remember quite ridiculous when I play titit I suddenly felt cenat cenut so amused and severity I've inadvertently clipping the stapler is nothing to fill my titit result titit I bled and I cried out in pain finally given ointment.
And I remember when normally my sister and often fights but when every brother I stay at home are sister tini cousin or friend's home, I was sad to cry and feel lonely because of the absence of my brother.
Usually when Eid, 5 nights last mama I like to make cakes sprit or sprit yeah I forgot his name, and I really love that cake last mama ku create 2nd grade elementary school and after 1 SMK mama get me a cake again and I remember when she woke at dawn today and I see my brother and mama are making the cake and then my sister said "yah ya son was awake" and said mama I "biarin".
And when I have a baby and I thought that it was created out of what? Then I asked mama and sister "baby mama and I made of what" brother says "yah baby created from flour and eggs in jumbled inserted into his stomach mama".
And the thing I remember was when my grandmother came to stay a few days to my home at the time pakde and aunt and their cousins in gathered in the house.
And I remember when aunt sutiyah been to the house at that time I was around a bike ride with ya gina but when it ya gina fell off the bike and automatically we all fall then my legs hurt and around ankle foot hole and finally treated was wound me and has long legs that would still broad.
And usually my family often visited the home of aunt sutiyah & pakde yono in rented in Jakarta, and I actually like complaining because when the way I should ride in carpools and transit carpool problem was very smelly due to diesel fuel and made my head dizzy.
And when the flood, at that time my family often visited the house sutiyah aunt and I remember my cousin mas ari I carry myself as a flood, and there I liked the name gruel and sugar water and I liked the herbal rice kencur because it tastes sweet.
And my first visit by pakde nunung aying and aunt, when my cousin was there also but at that time I was not familiar with those who come to stay is aa ASMET, teteh dance, teteh ministered and Depi.
Back when my introduction and Depi not get along in our relationship often fight or bicker but when I scold Depi then Depi cry I feel sad and also where I began to receive Depi as brothers.
And we relate is still pretty good for his future while still in a blanket jealous, resentful, love, affection and impressed piercing / confrontation.
And I also frequently visit the house rented aunt nunung & pakde aying, I remember when aunt had a stall and when my aunt snack stall when mama would pay an allowance nunung aunt always said "Let Wati (mama) do not need to be paid".
But at that time I did not know the name pakde and aunt I name anyone, I just call pakde and aunt (at that time I remember there aunt sutiyah, aunt nunung, Pade yono, Pade aying and cousins like ya gina, ya amin, Ms. heni , teteh yani, teteh dance, Depi).
And I remember when it was 1996, I went to the grandmother's house kustiyah in Sidareja, cilacap and I remember the way I ride the bus and I passed the road turn turn when it was my lap by mama and papa when he arrived at the grandmother's house is usually the grandmother already waiting at the front door of the house.
In 1996, my father had an accident and had to undergo surgery and when it was my mother entrusted me to aunt sutiyah & pakde yono, when I was invited to stay at home aunt sutiyah & pakde yono and I stayed for approximately two months there after a long time did not see mama, sister and papa, the day I was getting panic and fear and often asking where papa, mama and sister to the aunt why not come come home and not in between.
And after that sister and mother came to the house aunt sutiyah to pick me home after my home and went to the hospital seemed like a public hospital district tangerang and at that time there was no television, and there is news that the mother tien, wife of president Suharto dies and after a half months passed papa I've been allowed to return.
And in the year 1997 - 1998, I paid a visit to grandma's house (mother of mama) as usual was greeted in front of the house and my greeting kiss hands and hug my grandmother but when I recall grandma facing backwards like not welcomed in cilacap and when it is also my visit to mbah murslan and also met mbah ganjen (wife of champion murslan) in Kawunganten and that time I paid a visit to the house pakde levels in the know turns out he is the headman of the village Sidamulya during the second period after my school junior who is a cousin of my mother and where I I remember when I was running around and there was broken glass and then accidentally because once I was stupid and ignorant so trampled the one shard was at the foot of pain pierced the shard was incredible and his broad as I saw last in 2009 to visit with home-style java - European VOC paint wooden shutters turquoise color covers approximately 3000 meters and at the end of the rearmost insulated lines railway lines.
In 1996 and 1997, nearly every year I visited Mall Lippo Karawaci to see the New Year's fireworks there and I passed the road once I do not know his name is now in the know called road Dipati unus and perumnas karawaci past the toll is still new in the wake jakarta toll name peacock that I saw was red soil deposits and turns near the cousin and uncle and my aunt.
And when in 1996, my grandparents house to ferdi or my uncle and my aunt in Cimone early time I went there. I have not met ferdi as possible unborn but after a few years I saw a small ferdi.
And in 1996, I often visited the house of an aunt (father's brother) in sangiang when I know my cousin Andre, my cousin ferdi and I had one friend female and 1 male friend but I've forgotten his name.
And by the time the story andre entrusted by his mother's sister from me that nail melan papa who was divorced by her third husband, Mr. andre itself and the story I just I know after the first secondary school of mama i.
Andre beginning of my introduction to the relationship I'm fine, but for some time my relationship with andre often fight and did not get along probably at that time I was wrong because I did high egoism.
And when it was that I remember is my cousin accidents name koko san san and after it reportedly died, then papa and mama to visit the house nail in kroncong and the first day it seems I see no body.
And when the third day took the corpse deh if not wrong and there I left with andre, ferdi and my friend forgot his name and others already in the deserted night late around 12 o'clock at night when it was then I panicked myself and ferdi & andre also panicked when it ferdi 4 years old / new 5-year forecast andre me when the road way to the vacant lot down the field with us down but once we were down the drain andre told me about demons and I shudder suddenly I saw a white shirt and down like pocong yah.
We panicked and I ran scared seems ferdi and andre also run terkocar turvy and was so panic us word-word-door my friend's house and out of my friends are women, and I wait with very frantic with fear and I think why papa mama and others not at home after 3 am new papa & mama go home after that I picked up to go home.
And in 1997, I saw a television when it does I do not understand but after I think and remember back in the news about the death of princess Diana, Princess of Wales and I asked the English what yah? King / Queen / Prince & Princess and the kingdom is well and I am wondering what the papa and mama.
I see a lot of television as well as a preacher of the riots in the year 1997 - 1998 and until the resignation of the pack Suharto, second president of the republic of Indonesia and highlights pack habibi become the third president of Indonesia.
and in 1998, violence is getting worse and when it had reached the region tangerang and Regensi that time many people came to my house and on staying a few days because of the riots and my mother also confused their stay was when it had run out of food.
And then the atmosphere of unrest forced my mother to pick up my sister back to school and I see someone standing and burning tires.
And when it's over it's eerie atmosphere.
In late 1998, my mother put me to kindergarten al Husna, Kotabumi, Tangerang.
And I remember when school is when mama and I walk when going to school and back home but because often feel tired then we go home - go by rickshaw and sometimes ride motorcycles.
And when I'm in strap or in law by not studying or joking hold or play alone and when I cut up the cake should be in for the teacher finally rejected by teachers kindergarten since been cut after coming home I live in mad because my food in rejected by a wonderful teacher.
And every day learning to write, draw and sport and singing "shoes bracelet bracelet si crowded at peak times let let's return home" when going home.
And the start is going to school at the State Elementary School Kotabumi 4 because at that time I wanted to quickly pass.
At the beginning of school I was able to follow the lessons but when riding level I could not follow the lesson.
In 1999. The family I am building a new house in Kotabumi, Tangerang and houses in Regensi sangiang been sold.
And the beginning of construction of three times a visit to see our new home.
And then when I'm home being built there are people who take the sand and when I was running toward the house and I said 'why do you take the sand in my house, what no sand anywhere else ". And it seems he's upset "and he asked if anyone behind you", I replied, "I have this house", and it looks like the father is already angry and he went home, it turns out he is Mr. RT alley pomegranate I, II and III.
Nah loh ya've finally scolded by mom and Pak RT Delima Gang seems furious until he his anti incredible.
And my family connection with mama and papa ani has existed a long time since we want to move to Kotabumi.
Housing Kotabumi childhood in Tangerang (1998-2001).
when in 1999, we started to move into our new home which is still 100 meters and at our new home.
And the beginning of my first stay in the house pakde Susmant catch doves or a turtledove, and we maintain the bird until 2001 before it is given to the father of my friend adi.
And earlier I lived in the city of earth, my relationship with prospective mates spelled out yet either, once I walk and besides I got there they then I told them "I have a sword when subjected to the sun and moon, the sword will shine brightly" and some the day after I passed them, the reckless roy opened a toy sword scabbard I was and must let loose the toy sword from his scabbard and then roy said "where is where lie lu, no light". And after that I was in the cheers by all the candidates of my friends who were there.
And after that they were all against me until about 2 months, they do not want to talk and say liar to me, but in the end they want to talk and invited me to play and that's where I started playing with them.
After a few months I played with them there is no tian, onyx, roy, kak nur, tomi & others & we used to play in my home or in my friend's house.
At that time tian and his mother was noisier because tian ask to play with her mother was not in love until tian crying and finally in the door lock from the outside but surprisingly the crying tian even so watch mother and friends there. I do not know any who dare Dingle still knocking home and called out "mama dong tian instead of the door, kasian tian" repeatedly and finally mama tian tian open the door after it stopped crying.
At that time almost every month, we went to robinson, eat at mc donald, eating satay and buy toys from robot - robotan, cars - toy, home - a home but unfortunately her toys on broken all because untreated and previously created one place toys in floor roof of the house to put all my toys.
And I usually equal tian, onyx, roy, nur and others played together at my house and we played papa cud and if the same tian, roy and tomi usually play house - there draw up a house, a car and no one person and play together.
And usually we play together in the street alley that is playing hide and vituperation, dac five basic, skip the word, hold the railing and we exult and sometimes if there are friends come from out of the alley we usually we play that hold hands holding hands and singing "I am poor, I said another group of people rich "and after the second group of interesting group behind to become a person that is in line opponents.
And for the business school because I thought it mainly just playing so well the lessons indifferent and could not follow the lesson did not even understand all of the lessons.
And when replay I certainly could not speculate what I have to fill. And at that time I never know no such thing as cheating behavior cheat so well even though the man said only see but I do not understand and I just scratch what is not known what was in it.
And if you look at the other elementary school friends do the problems and restating the lessons simple as its name brainiac waveguide and there anjas famous handsome, intelligent and wealthy at the time.
And I know he's also clever revelation but stingy at me when I ask for in prayer for science teaching in love anyway but, well I think I have forgotten but when I'm in love knows about the answer when the school does not want to give ...
and usually if you go to school or home from school was picked up at mama or equal mbak umi of grade 1-3 usually when my school wants at the reception and did not want to be left behind and I never hold any money because it is held by Ms. umi or Mama.
So if you want snacks should ask first, I once at my friend's name is yoga when I asked uang.sama mama me to buy green bean porridge later after we both ate green beans at the request of yoga but instead my mom nagging tip ends ...
and I had a school friend of his name faisal in the call cule all friends at that time because he always brought white mucus smell that is often out of the ear, and I think and ask why could he mucus or slime stench in the ear, and he and some friends school I said "because it was due to play a lot of heat - panasan so body heat or fever so ear he was, secrete mucus that way." and at one point I told him "cule", he was angry and instead dab myself with his finger that has been contaminated cule the mucus in to clothes I had to smell it, oh very disgusting, and once he jahilin I cule or congeknya he put it in the book I was really very disgusting smell congek in the book.
And at that time I fuss at him for something I do not know, the end of the school fight and yell at each other the way berate.
And when I went to school, I never did anything by accident when it was my foot accidentally touched the clothes he so former rubbing shoe was stuck in the back of his shirt, I do not understand why the school when it was a dead silence or all of the silent when the teacher is also silent and not explain anything to me.
And at that moment I was sitting at Ijul threes and Faisal but I do not know who the classmates who sits in a central position because I timed it like you've seen him.
When she finally knows that her dress had been tarnished by my shoes and when asked who fouled shirt I only silent but see him cry I admit but I told her this way "I was accidentally on your clothes, because I no longer call Faisal" and that time I was invited to chat Ijul & faisal because of all the silent but unfortunately they are in really cool, and he asked for his clothes immediately wash, even though I already offered his clothes I brought home later ya me clean it up, but since that time he is urgent and said "that later that his mother knew her shirt like this so her mother would be angry, and then he says" sorry for my mother because my mother was cancer of the uterus ". And Faisal have also picked up in tears because they feel in slander and finally Ijul well acted at that time and troublesome excited all seemed to him that I just saw it kept forcing me to wash his clothes. And Ijul increasingly forced then she said something like make an agreement but the agreement was what Ijul asked me to forget and I just say "yes", who knows what Ijul do when it's just a matter of minor or small things could be resolved if his shirt later in the wash if you already have at home.
And I remember in elementary school there was a girl named Mayong and people at school say that Mayong was stressed or mad whatever, whenever Mayong comes friend other elementary schools in the cheers of Mayong Mayong sometimes some say mad or stressed and he nearly struck stones at me because I saw him inexplicably what time it was I taunted him, or just to see him.
And once in school there was a test of cleanliness, when it was I was never toothbrush for toothpaste when it is very spicy and burning in the mouth when it is and when examined nails clean, clothes neat and stayed teeth when opening the mouth showing teeth is dental ku blackened and destroyed but fortunately it is still as if dislodged baby tooth can grow back.
And I also felt guilty when there ya umi, I was rough on ya umi (khumaisah) and I sometimes like mocking Ms. umi with a song "Umi ketelek jengkol kejendel" and not just Ms. umi's all I sneered, but my brother also I often taunted "swollen" or "Flying-Fox".
And the relationship I had with a sister, also seems to have been very strained when I just borrowed a stuffed Pikachu newly purchased for a short time, but already in mad when that time the word mama "already take it for you" and mama say to brother "later buy again the new one". And that time is our family go back to robinson to buy a stuffed Pikachu again.
And when the sister I've smp, and sister always wear a tank top together also a friend in the alley pomegranate three tea nung, papa I'm embarrassed and papa I got angry and beat my brother because recalcitrant do not want to wear clothes that are neat and brother angry with papa but at persuasion by mama to papa forgive.
And when the first start staying in Kotabumi, my sister often disturbed and word-word-door window of his room by who it is, my sister might be afraid in my own room on a regular floor and the roof on the roof floor, Ms. umi also sleep there.
And when in 2000, I asked papa and mama to celebrate the anniversary has long been asking around many weeks finally papa & mama made a small party at home.
And all the friends I had from the alley pomegranate II & III in legislation and the present of all, it feels glad and happy especially when get gifts, and gifts that I remember was a gift clothes of Depi cousin I had a pair of shirt and pants sinchan for me & Depi nah i always happy to wear them and I asked Ms. umi to never brush the picture sinchan remain flat and I most remember the gifts of Tian is a great toy soldiers.
And when it tien comes moved into place around us, family is the merchant ice mix around and after that his family rented a shop when the business behavior of being able to buy the store, according to the explanation tien formerly his father worked in the airline and I used to play house tien and at home tien there are miniature airplanes and no dragon statue in gold color tien forbidden by his father to be touched by anyone because then if in the grasp superstitions then people holding hands or parts that touched swollen for several days.
And tien was the one who told me that "our friendship and we are friends" and probably was the first friend I had.
And I've asked tien talking "tien female circumcision how many times yah?", "Tien: 1 time deh or twice", "I told you: what yes once if not twice what pain". While the cobbled street to the alley behind the melon.
And I was with tian, tien, roy, nur and tomi an invitation to attend a birthday celebration but I do not know who to invite in the alley melon.
In the past I ari, ani & aa kiki being cobbled street in the alley next to the pomegranate, we found a box containing five cats after that I took the cat white color yellow and sister is has ari and I brought home a small kitten that I name the yellow and when the cat was treated at home with ya umi.
And when the yellow went and did not come home, I was busy looking for yellow but then a friend in an alley pomegranate III told that the cat yellow met but I doubt and I thought it was a cat ari but not what I'd just take the cat but affectionate cat sick and eventually die afterwards buried by papa in addition to the ground beside the house.
Bondan DOA A POOR.
Audzubilahiminasyaitanirajim Bismillahirrahmanirrahim.
Astagfirullah al adzhiim.
Astagfirullah al adzhiim.
Astagfirullah al adzhiim.
Allahuma antasalam waminka regards tabarokta yes dzalzalali wal ikram
Allahuma lamani'a lima atoita muktiya five groom wala wala yan fauzal so minkal substances.
Allahuma ainni alaa dzikrika wasyukrika wahusni ibadaatika ilaahi rabbi ya maulana
Subhanallah 33X
Alhamdulillah 33X
Allahu Akbar 33X
Allahu akbar kabirra wal hamdulillahi kasiro wasubhanallahibukrotan waasila.
Laillaha illallahu wahdahu laa syarikala lahul mulku wala hul hamdu, yuhyi wa ala yumiltu wahuwa syaiin qadiir
Rabbi firgli wali wali kama rabbayani shogiro warhamhumah kuata. Amen.
Rabbi Zidni ilman warzukni fahman biromahtika yes arhamarrahimin. Amen.
O Allah forgive me for all my mistakes and my sins I have done for the world and I'm sorry for the actions indecency mazmumah / bad that I did during my life.
You can really only forgive sins and mistakes.
Ya Allah is Forgiving and forgiving.
Dear Allah.
If I die or died later, I beg Thy and ask for forgiveness from sin to thee.
Ya Allah, give pardon all my faults and my sins have been made as long as I live in this world.
Ya Allah, give me a place in heaven jannatun or lowest level. Amen.
Only on Mu where I ask the impossible will happen only to Thee, O God. Amen.
forgive sins and errors of the deeds of my parents.
dear to my parents as they loved me in when I was little.
Oh God, I did not filial, maybe I was a rebellious child. Forgive me ya Allah. Which has a lot of faults in the world and forgive the mistakes my parents who I care about. Amen.
Ya Allah, give me your help and give me your help.for the problems that I face even mild or severe .Only on thee, O God.
Ya Allah until this.I just still speechless and silent without doing anything and did not know what to do.
Unto thy Ya Allah can help me to face every trial and problem that you provide. Amen.
Is this true happiness.
I wish this was absolute bliss.
O Allah, Give me a little, and the adequacy of its assets, wealth, prosperity, well-being, happiness, joy, fairness, pride, loyalty, decency, peace, serenity, tranquility, health, the glory, honor, glory, goodness, power, strength. amen.
Ya Allah, give me a good life in the future or a time when that will come.
O Allah, Give me the little things that are precious in my life.
Ya Allah, Relieve pain and reduce the burden of living my life the burden of suffering it.
Ya Allah, give me the gift of a small paradise and a small kingdom. amen.
O Allah, forgive me and give forgiveness for sins and mistakes me, mama, papa, brother, my sister, my offspring, my nephew and my servant.
Give us your place in Jannah or Paradise bottom.
Give us a kingdom in Jannah.
Create unclean and protect us from the fires of hell (Nar). Amen.
Give us health and heal any disease when there is in us.
Give us health of body and soul, and leave to cure all ailments if it is deep within ourselves.
Give us sustenance is lawful, good, plenty, sufficient, current, useful, handy and clean.
Give us a wealth of great fortune, pretty, useful, lawful and smoothly. Amen.
Do you make, do not you stagnant, do not you delay, do not you subtract, do you take and do you make unlawful. Amen.
Ya Allah, give me sustenance lawful, good, plentiful and reasonably.
O God, give the abundance of sustenance and give breadth also give spaciousness sustenance to me, my family and I offspring.
Ya Allah, only to you, I beg and ask for big things and small things.
Give what I ask. Amin Yes Rabbal Alamin.
Ya Allah not difficult for us in terms of finding and getting sustenance is lawful and good.
Ya Allah help us in difficulty and exhaustion. Amen.
Give us peace, prosperity, happiness, prosperity, joy and kindness. Amen.
Ya Allah give me and the family and their descendants in the form of peace, prosperity, tranquility, security and comfort in life.
especially not the impossible can not do God.
O Allah make my family to be able to return peaceful, prosperous, peaceful, secure and happy.
Do not you let us in suffering and misery.
Give us perfection, grandeur and glory. Amen.
Do not make us insulted. Amen.
O God Protect me and my family from any disaster, calamity, the evil will befall us and protect us from the dangers that occur in any of it.
For thou Supreme Protector and the Mighty Again is Strong.
Nothing really power and strength but the strength Thou Spirit.
Protect us from the evil of our enemies. Amen.
Ya Allah, Protect me and my family from the Enemy - Enemy us, keep us from our enemies and do you hold us from our enemies. Amen.
Give us followers and servants loyal and love to kami.amin.
Give our friends and companions even a little. amen
Give us a pleasure in this world and hereafter. Amen.
Give us a hint and truth.
Thank each of our worship and our prayer is' God. Amen.
Make it easy for business and our intent and do not you difficult for us to solve any of our affairs and problems.
Lightened torment our world and the hereafter.
Lighten the burden of our lives and lift the burden of life and make it easy for the trials that we live.
Give us protection and relief suffering due to disaster and the dangers that befall us.
Give us a place in Jannah / paradise albeit in a most bawah.amin heaven.
O Allah, make surrounding environment and wherever I am, my family and servants were being environmentally friendly and welcoming.
O God, do not you create the environment in which I was evil, chaotic, chaos and dreary to me and my family. Amen.
Ya Allah, give me and my family sustenance in the form of clothing, slippers, shoes, gold - silver, cattle - bull - buffalo - goat - sheep - horse - camel - chicken - duck, a vegetable garden, a small forest, fruit trees, rice paddies, fields, house and yard, maid, machinery - machinery, electronic equipment, furniture, technical equipment - farmer, livestock barns, garden, fish pond / pond and greenhouse.
Ya Allah, give me and my family sustenance in the form of food and beverages is lawful, good and decent according to Islam.
Ya Allah, give me and my family a gift of a decent job, a decent living, earning sustenance viable, proprietary treasure worthy, decent education, decent family, honor it deserves, the rank of a decent, adequate housing , a decent neighborhood, friendship decent, viable community, freedom viable, socially viable, decent power, communication feasible and viable business in accordance with good standard. Amen.
Ya Allah beryl I Sciences and intelligence.
Add knowledge and intelligence I
give me ease in every I understand the science.
Spaciousness, breadth and flexibility in gaining knowledge. amen.
Trials, tests and anguish will surely reoccur. God gave me a little ease, spaciousness, kindness, patience and enjoyment
life miserable, poor, suffering and agony.
My family's story is full of irony and tragedy and grief too poignant story of the past.
I was hollow and empty life.
alone in the darkness just a speck of light guiding and illuminating in this eye.
I live in the world full of inequality, injustice, strangeness, mysteriousness, the influences that have an impact, one-sided, unequal, discriminatory, and so forth.
In the struggle for life, I'm always a failure, disappointment, pain, misfortune, destruction, deterioration as a result of the negative influence that led to drop all the good that I have and the ignorance and carelessness is also a mistake I am doing.
only a little more happiness, prosperity, wealth, prosperity, tranquility, comfort, possessions, pleasure, excitement, knowledge, intellect, intelligence, kindness and the enjoyment that I have.
dream sweet dreams only temporary.
only pain, grief, sadness and a little cry that adorn many.
in loneliness and solitude I still have limited freedom before confined in prison life and the demands of the time of death or imprisonment.
only a bright beam of light inscribed guidance and advice from a source that I did not know its origin.
I believe in God, the angels, the Prophets / Messengers, His Book, Islam and his Creation.
although in life I like the disbelievers and the hypocrites.
I know that.
but I'm trying to do good and avoid evil deeds even difficult to understand I might be destined to be the inhabitants of hell so God I made it easy to do easily in crime.
hope heaven or Jannah Residents wanted to make me as though I positioned at the lowermost Jannah important though I get a favor afterlife albeit slightly.
because life is always important deficit could live reasonably and has the advantages of small and simple.
how sad and miserable if life becomes the world's poor and the poor in the hereafter.
how poignant become wicked and be an expert nar blasted and eternal in it.
just expect Allah's forgiveness and mercy of God. Amen.
O Allah, I do not want to promise again because it promised to be difficult. it is difficult to hold that promise and also confirmed difficult to keep that promise.
I will not promise more. Because I do not want can not be agreed. I wish that was not promised but surely implemented
I'm afraid to promise because fear can not keep, carry out and agreed that promise. Help me, God. Amen.
O Allah, Owner of the Kingdom of Heaven and earth. Natural mu so spacious give me a place in your comprehensive nature although in another world different.
O God, take me away. Go over to your kingdom full of grace and pleasure. Do not you let me continue to suffer in a nar
O Allah, do not matter if I die I die quickly because there is no sin and error that I do more in the world that causes me to go into hell. amen.
Dear Allah.
My God. God of all the Universe.
Help me and help me out of this world atrocities, protect me in the affection MU me this weak. Amen.
Ya Allah, give me the kindness goodness hidup.Berikan I favor for my eternity as your create.Because all of God's riches in this Universe is eternal, including Man, Jin, angels, Satan, the devil, and all beings are eternal. Amen.
"Ya Allah!
I beg of Thee throughout goodness, both fast (in the world)
and slow (in the Hereafter), both of which I know well
I did not know. And I
refuge in You from all over
ugliness, either fast or
a slow, well I knew
and I did not know. Yes
Allah, I beg
Thee whatever good
filed by your servant and
thy prophet (Muhammad SAW). And I seek refuge in You from
ugliness whatever protection filed by thy servants and thy prophet. Ya Allah, I beg thee
heaven and every word or
act closer
him, and I seek refuge
You from hell and from
every word or deed
which is closer to him.
And, I beseech Thee that
You made every provision that you define for me is good. "(Reported by Ibn Majah, Ahmad and Ibn Hibban).
"Ya Allah! Make me included
those who repent, and
Make me among those who purify themselves. Most holy Thou, O God, and to praise you, I testify that there is no god but You I beg your forgiveness and I repent only to you. "
(HR. At-Tirmidhi and An-Nasai).
Prayer of Prophet Musa Alaihi Salam:
"Yes Rabbi, indeed I have wronged myself I myself therefore forgive me". So God forgave him, verily Allah is the Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful. (Surat al-Qasas verse 16)
"Yes Rabbi, for the sake of peace, whom you have the grace to me. I even once gone will be a helper to people who sin" (Surat al-Qasas verse 27).
"Our Lord, anugrahkanlah us our wives and our offspring as penyenang liver (us), and make us leaders for those who fear Allah" (Qur'an, Al-Furqan: 74).
Surat An Naas (Human) verses 1-4:
Say: "I seek refuge in the Lord of Man, King of Man, Man gods, from the evil of Satan who would hide, who whispered the man's chest, from the Jin and humans.
Surat Al Falaq (dawn) verses 1-5:
Say: "I seek refuge in the Lord of Man The master dawn", from his evil creatures, and from the evil of the night when it was pitch black, and from the evil sorcerer woman blowing on knots knots (magic).
Surah Al Ikhlas verses 1-4:
Say: "He is Allah, the Almighty," God is everything Divine that depend on it everything, He is no birth and there were not also in peranak right, and no one equal to him.
Surah Ali Imran verse 26-27:
Say: "O Allah, have the kingdom. You give the kingdom to the person who you want and you unplug the kingdom of the people you want. Thou glorious the one you want and you despised the one you want. In the hands of you belongs all virtues. Verily Thou hath power over all things.
You enter the night into day and you enter daytime into the night. You get out the living from the dead, and you remove the dead from the living. And thou giver of sustenance whom you wish without reckoning.
Surat Yusuf verse 101:
Yes Rabbi, thou hast indeed told me partially the kingdom and has taught me partially curtain dream of heaven and earth. You are my protector in this world and in the hereafter. Make me died in a state of Islam and join me with the righteous.
and Ya Allah I want and give me the gift of a young and I want to live for hundreds of years in accordance with the AD calendar or Hijra.
so also my first descent and the last in doomsday destruction of the universe (Qiyama Lil Alamin).
and give me and my family along with my first descent and the last one on the Day of Judgment universe the gift of a long life and long for hundreds of years BC also correspond calendar Hijri calendar and also the happiness in the world and the hereafter ..
Ya Allah, but I'm not the polytheists People who ask the age of a thousand years as you say to Muhammad through your revelation in the Qur'an.
Do not you let me and my family into the polytheists.
Protect us from doing Shirk.
O Allah, make me and my descendants neither the first nor the last in doomsday lil Alamin as Maharaja over most land in the earth and other planets of the galaxy.
Give us the glory and the gift of a sovereign nation.
O Allah I want to be a king (queen) on an island and a planet (other solar systems in the galaxy / Al Buruj others).
but the island and where suitable planet and give sustenance so that I can buy and take control of the island and the planet (the solar system / Al Buruj else) that I want.
If I or descendants have owned the island and planets (another solar system in another galaxy) that then make me along with the descendants of my first and last time on the day the destruction of the universe remains to be King and Queen (Queen) on the island and Planet that I bought ,
Ya Allah if indeed there are other planets like the earth planet and if I or descendants have mastered the planet.
then make me and my descendants neither the first nor the last in doomsday destruction of the universe becomes King - Queen (Queen) on planets like the earth planet.
O Allah, give me a man who bit to become the People, Support, Officials, magnifying, Friends, Sahib (companion), Carib, tribe, Bani, tribe, clan, Family, Nation, Followers, Hastelloy, waitress, maid and Barisan Troops also slaves faithful, devoted, have dedication, useful, useful, devote themselves, ridho sacrifice, help, serve, faith, nurture, protect, love, love, love, purify, care, attention, glorifying, magnifying and support in the form treasure, science, energy and soul to me and to ((King) Bondan Ramadhani Purnomo) and descendant me from the first to the last Day of Judgment (Qiyamah) destruction of the universe (Lil Alamin) is also beneficial for me and my family as well as the offspring of the first until the last Day of Resurrection destruction of the Universe so that I can build a world empire and kingdom are in Jannah (Paradise) of Eden, or Jannatun Ferdowsi.
O Allah I wanted to have Abdi faithful loyal to me useful, helpful, obedient, altruistic personal, experts in various fields, helps me in many ways, served to me in a sincere and honest, loving, love to love me, take responsible and secure me from all harm. Amen.
Oh God, I want to be King over 2400 km2 of land only.
I want to be King for 1000 years for my dynasty and dynasty descendants I may exist as a continuation of the kingdom after the extinction sensible with me until doomsday teachings of my descent was elected as a King or a King who holds fast to the teachings of me.
Oh God, I want to have followers for me and the children who clung to the doctrine for 1000 years and even until the end even if only a little, and they protect my descendants. amen.
Her Verily You are the Oft-Forgiving, the Creator, is the Rich, Maha Raja, the Supreme Court, the Justice, Which gives Sustenance, Maha Manager, Maha-fulfilling, Maha Giving, and All-Everything.
Audzubilahiminasyaitanirajjim Bismillahirahmanirrahim.
Luqman AlHakim message to son: يابني, ليكنأولشيءتكسبهبعدالإيمان, خليلاصالحا, فإنمامثلالخليلكمثلالنخلة, إنقعدتفيظلهاأظلتك, وإنأكلتمنثمرهاوجدتهطيبا. (لقمانالحكيملابنه)
"O my son, make sure the first thing that should be profitable for you after the believers, friends who soleh (good), because a friend who both like such as palm trees, when you sit at the bottom of her, she'll give you protection, and when you eat of its fruit and you will find it good (sweet) ".
Ya Allah, give me 100 people to become supporters, servants, followers, people and nation are loyal to me. Amen.
And they assist and help me. Amen.
O Allah, I beg and ask you. Give me the people, followers, supporters and a man of some 50 or 100an people as people start to help and help me. Amen.
Oh God, I do not have friends and companions that much, just a little I had, but I'm grateful to you because I still give friends and companions.
God willing, you will give me the grace and miracle in the form of a sovereign nation. Amen.
God, I really need supporters and followers loyal to me, only you can give.
Only You, O God. Give me the followers and supporters. Amen.
O God, you must know that I am now lonely and alone.
O Allah, I beg and implore Ya Allah.
O Allah, give me 100 boys to be my best friend Ya Allah. amen.
O Allah, give me 100 boys become friends my dream match my criteria. amen
I need a loyal friend, not a traitor, always in life and love, love and love me too my family.
Give me a good friend, sincere and honest to be friends of my dreams. amen.
O Allah, give me 100 companions were always concerned and the interests, happiness, prosperity, well-being and peace of me and the family and for the common good of our nation.
O Allah, give me 100 friends who have always supported me in many ways.
Give me a friend who always support me in carrying out daily activities.
O Allah, give me a friend who always helped me in many ways, including in terms of politics, business, study, work and friends.
O Allah, give me a friend who always helped and supported me in the dream, plan, prayers and I wish that I was successful in the world and in the hereafter. amen.
O Allah, give me a friend who never left me in any condition.
Give me a friend who is always with me. amen.
O God, give me a friend that is useful and helpful in many ways including in business, trade, politics, learn and educate me.
O God, give me a friend who is going to protect and keep me from evil and from the ugliness of the human world and the hereafter. amen.
O God come close to the right and I was at my friend's Ya Allah.
Ya Allah they came right to me to declare the pledge of friendship and pledge their loyalty to me.
and they came right to me to ordain me as a king who led them. Amin Yes Rabbal Alamin.
Audzubilahiminasyaitanirajim Bismillahirrahmanirrahim.
Astagfirullah al adzhiim.
Astagfirullah al adzhiim.
Astagfirullah al adzhiim.
Allahuma antasalam waminka regards tabarokta yes dzalzalali wal ikram
Allahuma lamani'a lima atoita muktiya five groom wala wala yan fauzal so minkal substances.
Allahuma ainni alaa dzikrika wasyukrika wahusni ibadaatika ilaahi rabbi ya maulana
Subhanallah 33X
Alhamdulillah 33X
Allahu Akbar 33X
Allahu akbar kabirra wal hamdulillahi kasiro wasubhanallahibukrotan waasila.
Laillaha illallahu wahdahu laa syarikala lahul mulku wala hul hamdu, yuhyi wa ala yumiltu wahuwa syaiin qadiir
Rabbi firgli wali wali kama rabbayani shogiro warhamhumah kuata. Amen.
Rabbi Zidni ilman warzukni fahman biromahtika yes arhamarrahimin. Amen.
O Allah forgive me for all my mistakes and my sins I have done for the world and I'm sorry for the actions indecency mazmumah / bad that I did during my life.
You can really only forgive sins and mistakes.
Ya Allah is Forgiving and forgiving.
Dear Allah.
If I die or died later, I beg Thy and ask for forgiveness from sin to thee.
Ya Allah, give pardon all my faults and my sins have been made as long as I live in this world.
Ya Allah, give me a place in heaven jannatun or lowest level. Amen.
Only on Mu where I ask the impossible will happen only to Thee, O God. Amen.
forgive sins and errors of the deeds of my parents.
dear to my parents as they loved me in when I was little.
Oh God, I did not filial, maybe I was a rebellious child. Forgive me ya Allah. Which has a lot of faults in the world and forgive the mistakes my parents who I care about. Amen.
Ya Allah, give me your help and give me your help.for the problems that I face even mild or severe .Only on thee, O God.
Ya Allah until this.I just still speechless and silent without doing anything and did not know what to do.
Unto thy Ya Allah can help me to face every trial and problem that you provide. Amen.
Is this true happiness.
I wish this was absolute bliss.
O Allah, Give me a little, and the adequacy of its assets, wealth, prosperity, well-being, happiness, joy, fairness, pride, loyalty, decency, peace, serenity, tranquility, health, the glory, honor, glory, goodness, power, strength. amen.
Ya Allah, give me a good life in the future or a time when that will come.
O Allah, Give me the little things that are precious in my life.
Ya Allah, Relieve pain and reduce the burden of living my life the burden of suffering it.
Ya Allah, give me the gift of a small paradise and a small kingdom. amen.
O Allah, forgive me and give forgiveness for sins and mistakes me, mama, papa, brother, my sister, my offspring, my nephew and my servant.
Give us your place in Jannah or Paradise bottom.
Give us a kingdom in Jannah.
Create unclean and protect us from the fires of hell (Nar). Amen.
Give us health and heal any disease when there is in us.
Give us health of body and soul, and leave to cure all ailments if it is deep within ourselves.
Give us sustenance is lawful, good, plenty, sufficient, current, useful, handy and clean.
Give us a wealth of great fortune, pretty, useful, lawful and smoothly. Amen.
Do you make, do not you stagnant, do not you delay, do not you subtract, do you take and do you make unlawful. Amen.
Ya Allah, give me sustenance lawful, good, plentiful and reasonably.
O God, give the abundance of sustenance and give breadth also give spaciousness sustenance to me, my family and I offspring.
Ya Allah, only to you, I beg and ask for big things and small things.
Give what I ask. Amin Yes Rabbal Alamin.
Ya Allah not difficult for us in terms of finding and getting sustenance is lawful and good.
Ya Allah help us in difficulty and exhaustion. Amen.
Give us peace, prosperity, happiness, prosperity, joy and kindness. Amen.
Ya Allah give me and the family and their descendants in the form of peace, prosperity, tranquility, security and comfort in life.
especially not the impossible can not do God.
O Allah make my family to be able to return peaceful, prosperous, peaceful, secure and happy.
Do not you let us in suffering and misery.
Give us perfection, grandeur and glory. Amen.
Do not make us insulted. Amen.
O God Protect me and my family from any disaster, calamity, the evil will befall us and protect us from the dangers that occur in any of it.
For thou Supreme Protector and the Mighty Again is Strong.
Nothing really power and strength but the strength Thou Spirit.
Protect us from the evil of our enemies. Amen.
Ya Allah, Protect me and my family from the Enemy - Enemy us, keep us from our enemies and do you hold us from our enemies. Amen.
Give us followers and servants loyal and love to kami.amin.
Give our friends and companions even a little. amen
Give us a pleasure in this world and hereafter. Amen.
Give us a hint and truth.
Thank each of our worship and our prayer is' God. Amen.
Make it easy for business and our intent and do not you difficult for us to solve any of our affairs and problems.
Lightened torment our world and the hereafter.
Lighten the burden of our lives and lift the burden of life and make it easy for the trials that we live.
Give us protection and relief suffering due to disaster and the dangers that befall us.
Give us a place in Jannah / paradise albeit in a most bawah.amin heaven.
O Allah, make surrounding environment and wherever I am, my family and servants were being environmentally friendly and welcoming.
O God, do not you create the environment in which I was evil, chaotic, chaos and dreary to me and my family. Amen.
Ya Allah, give me and my family sustenance in the form of clothing, slippers, shoes, gold - silver, cattle - bull - buffalo - goat - sheep - horse - camel - chicken - duck, a vegetable garden, a small forest, fruit trees, rice paddies, fields, house and yard, maid, machinery - machinery, electronic equipment, furniture, technical equipment - farmer, livestock barns, garden, fish pond / pond and greenhouse.
Ya Allah, give me and my family sustenance in the form of food and beverages is lawful, good and decent according to Islam.
Ya Allah, give me and my family a gift of a decent job, a decent living, earning sustenance viable, proprietary treasure worthy, decent education, decent family, honor it deserves, the rank of a decent, adequate housing , a decent neighborhood, friendship decent, viable community, freedom viable, socially viable, decent power, communication feasible and viable business in accordance with good standard. Amen.
Ya Allah beryl I Sciences and intelligence.
Add knowledge and intelligence I
give me ease in every I understand the science.
Spaciousness, breadth and flexibility in gaining knowledge. amen.
Trials, tests and anguish will surely reoccur. God gave me a little ease, spaciousness, kindness, patience and enjoyment
life miserable, poor, suffering and agony.
My family's story is full of irony and tragedy and grief too poignant story of the past.
I was hollow and empty life.
alone in the darkness just a speck of light guiding and illuminating in this eye.
I live in the world full of inequality, injustice, strangeness, mysteriousness, the influences that have an impact, one-sided, unequal, discriminatory, and so forth.
In the struggle for life, I'm always a failure, disappointment, pain, misfortune, destruction, deterioration as a result of the negative influence that led to drop all the good that I have and the ignorance and carelessness is also a mistake I am doing.
only a little more happiness, prosperity, wealth, prosperity, tranquility, comfort, possessions, pleasure, excitement, knowledge, intellect, intelligence, kindness and the enjoyment that I have.
dream sweet dreams only temporary.
only pain, grief, sadness and a little cry that adorn many.
in loneliness and solitude I still have limited freedom before confined in prison life and the demands of the time of death or imprisonment.
only a bright beam of light inscribed guidance and advice from a source that I did not know its origin.
I believe in God, the angels, the Prophets / Messengers, His Book, Islam and his Creation.
although in life I like the disbelievers and the hypocrites.
I know that.
but I'm trying to do good and avoid evil deeds even difficult to understand I might be destined to be the inhabitants of hell so God I made it easy to do easily in crime.
hope heaven or Jannah Residents wanted to make me as though I positioned at the lowermost Jannah important though I get a favor afterlife albeit slightly.
because life is always important deficit could live reasonably and has the advantages of small and simple.
how sad and miserable if life becomes the world's poor and the poor in the hereafter.
how poignant become wicked and be an expert nar blasted and eternal in it.
just expect Allah's forgiveness and mercy of God. Amen.
O Allah, I do not want to promise again because it promised to be difficult. it is difficult to hold that promise and also confirmed difficult to keep that promise.
I will not promise more. Because I do not want can not be agreed. I wish that was not promised but surely implemented
I'm afraid to promise because fear can not keep, carry out and agreed that promise. Help me, God. Amen.
O Allah, Owner of the Kingdom of Heaven and earth. Natural mu so spacious give me a place in your comprehensive nature although in another world different.
O God, take me away. Go over to your kingdom full of grace and pleasure. Do not you let me continue to suffer in a nar
O Allah, do not matter if I die I die quickly because there is no sin and error that I do more in the world that causes me to go into hell. amen.
Dear Allah.
My God. God of all the Universe.
Help me and help me out of this world atrocities, protect me in the affection MU me this weak. Amen.
Ya Allah, give me the kindness goodness hidup.Berikan I favor for my eternity as your create.Because all of God's riches in this Universe is eternal, including Man, Jin, angels, Satan, the devil, and all beings are eternal. Amen.
"Ya Allah!
I beg of Thee throughout goodness, both fast (in the world)
and slow (in the Hereafter), both of which I know well
I did not know. And I
refuge in You from all over
ugliness, either fast or
a slow, well I knew
and I did not know. Yes
Allah, I beg
Thee whatever good
filed by your servant and
thy prophet (Muhammad SAW). And I seek refuge in You from
ugliness whatever protection filed by thy servants and thy prophet. Ya Allah, I beg thee
heaven and every word or
act closer
him, and I seek refuge
You from hell and from
every word or deed
which is closer to him.
And, I beseech Thee that
You made every provision that you define for me is good. "(Reported by Ibn Majah, Ahmad and Ibn Hibban).
"Ya Allah! Make me included
those who repent, and
Make me among those who purify themselves. Most holy Thou, O God, and to praise you, I testify that there is no god but You I beg your forgiveness and I repent only to you. "
(HR. At-Tirmidhi and An-Nasai).
Prayer of Prophet Musa Alaihi Salam:
"Yes Rabbi, indeed I have wronged myself I myself therefore forgive me". So God forgave him, verily Allah is the Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful. (Surat al-Qasas verse 16)
"Yes Rabbi, for the sake of peace, whom you have the grace to me. I even once gone will be a helper to people who sin" (Surat al-Qasas verse 27).
"Our Lord, anugrahkanlah us our wives and our offspring as penyenang liver (us), and make us leaders for those who fear Allah" (Qur'an, Al-Furqan: 74).
Surat An Naas (Human) verses 1-4:
Say: "I seek refuge in the Lord of Man, King of Man, Man gods, from the evil of Satan who would hide, who whispered the man's chest, from the Jin and humans.
Surat Al Falaq (dawn) verses 1-5:
Say: "I seek refuge in the Lord of Man The master dawn", from his evil creatures, and from the evil of the night when it was pitch black, and from the evil sorcerer woman blowing on knots knots (magic).
Surah Al Ikhlas verses 1-4:
Say: "He is Allah, the Almighty," God is everything Divine that depend on it everything, He is no birth and there were not also in peranak right, and no one equal to him.
Surah Ali Imran verse 26-27:
Say: "O Allah, have the kingdom. You give the kingdom to the person who you want and you unplug the kingdom of the people you want. Thou glorious the one you want and you despised the one you want. In the hands of you belongs all virtues. Verily Thou hath power over all things.
You enter the night into day and you enter daytime into the night. You get out the living from the dead, and you remove the dead from the living. And thou giver of sustenance whom you wish without reckoning.
Surat Yusuf verse 101:
Yes Rabbi, thou hast indeed told me partially the kingdom and has taught me partially curtain dream of heaven and earth. You are my protector in this world and in the hereafter. Make me died in a state of Islam and join me with the righteous.
and Ya Allah I want and give me the gift of a young and I want to live for hundreds of years in accordance with the AD calendar or Hijra.
so also my first descent and the last in doomsday destruction of the universe (Qiyama Lil Alamin).
and give me and my family along with my first descent and the last one on the Day of Judgment universe the gift of a long life and long for hundreds of years BC also correspond calendar Hijri calendar and also the happiness in the world and the hereafter ..
Ya Allah, but I'm not the polytheists People who ask the age of a thousand years as you say to Muhammad through your revelation in the Qur'an.
Do not you let me and my family into the polytheists.
Protect us from doing Shirk.
O Allah, make me and my descendants neither the first nor the last in doomsday lil Alamin as Maharaja over most land in the earth and other planets of the galaxy.
Give us the glory and the gift of a sovereign nation.
O Allah I want to be a king (queen) on an island and a planet (other solar systems in the galaxy / Al Buruj others).
but the island and where suitable planet and give sustenance so that I can buy and take control of the island and the planet (the solar system / Al Buruj else) that I want.
If I or descendants have owned the island and planets (another solar system in another galaxy) that then make me along with the descendants of my first and last time on the day the destruction of the universe remains to be King and Queen (Queen) on the island and Planet that I bought ,
Ya Allah if indeed there are other planets like the earth planet and if I or descendants have mastered the planet.
then make me and my descendants neither the first nor the last in doomsday destruction of the universe becomes King - Queen (Queen) on planets like the earth planet.
O Allah, give me a man who bit to become the People, Support, Officials, magnifying, Friends, Sahib (companion), Carib, tribe, Bani, tribe, clan, Family, Nation, Followers, Hastelloy, waitress, maid and Barisan Troops also slaves faithful, devoted, have dedication, useful, useful, devote themselves, ridho sacrifice, help, serve, faith, nurture, protect, love, love, love, purify, care, attention, glorifying, magnifying and support in the form treasure, science, energy and soul to me and to ((King) Bondan Ramadhani Purnomo) and descendant me from the first to the last Day of Judgment (Qiyamah) destruction of the universe (Lil Alamin) is also beneficial for me and my family as well as the offspring of the first until the last Day of Resurrection destruction of the Universe so that I can build a world empire and kingdom are in Jannah (Paradise) of Eden, or Jannatun Ferdowsi.
O Allah I wanted to have Abdi faithful loyal to me useful, helpful, obedient, altruistic personal, experts in various fields, helps me in many ways, served to me in a sincere and honest, loving, love to love me, take responsible and secure me from all harm. Amen.
Oh God, I want to be King over 2400 km2 of land only.
I want to be King for 1000 years for my dynasty and dynasty descendants I may exist as a continuation of the kingdom after the extinction sensible with me until doomsday teachings of my descent was elected as a King or a King who holds fast to the teachings of me.
Oh God, I want to have followers for me and the children who clung to the doctrine for 1000 years and even until the end even if only a little, and they protect my descendants. amen.
Her Verily You are the Oft-Forgiving, the Creator, is the Rich, Maha Raja, the Supreme Court, the Justice, Which gives Sustenance, Maha Manager, Maha-fulfilling, Maha Giving, and All-Everything.
Audzubilahiminasyaitanirajjim Bismillahirahmanirrahim.
Luqman AlHakim message to son: يابني, ليكنأولشيءتكسبهبعدالإيمان, خليلاصالحا, فإنمامثلالخليلكمثلالنخلة, إنقعدتفيظلهاأظلتك, وإنأكلتمنثمرهاوجدتهطيبا. (لقمانالحكيملابنه)
"O my son, make sure the first thing that should be profitable for you after the believers, friends who soleh (good), because a friend who both like such as palm trees, when you sit at the bottom of her, she'll give you protection, and when you eat of its fruit and you will find it good (sweet) ".
Ya Allah, give me 100 people to become supporters, servants, followers, people and nation are loyal to me. Amen.
And they assist and help me. Amen.
O Allah, I beg and ask you. Give me the people, followers, supporters and a man of some 50 or 100an people as people start to help and help me. Amen.
Oh God, I do not have friends and companions that much, just a little I had, but I'm grateful to you because I still give friends and companions.
God willing, you will give me the grace and miracle in the form of a sovereign nation. Amen.
God, I really need supporters and followers loyal to me, only you can give.
Only You, O God. Give me the followers and supporters. Amen.
O God, you must know that I am now lonely and alone.
O Allah, I beg and implore Ya Allah.
O Allah, give me 100 boys to be my best friend Ya Allah. amen.
O Allah, give me 100 boys become friends my dream match my criteria. amen
I need a loyal friend, not a traitor, always in life and love, love and love me too my family.
Give me a good friend, sincere and honest to be friends of my dreams. amen.
O Allah, give me 100 companions were always concerned and the interests, happiness, prosperity, well-being and peace of me and the family and for the common good of our nation.
O Allah, give me 100 friends who have always supported me in many ways.
Give me a friend who always support me in carrying out daily activities.
O Allah, give me a friend who always helped me in many ways, including in terms of politics, business, study, work and friends.
O Allah, give me a friend who always helped and supported me in the dream, plan, prayers and I wish that I was successful in the world and in the hereafter. amen.
O Allah, give me a friend who never left me in any condition.
Give me a friend who is always with me. amen.
O God, give me a friend that is useful and helpful in many ways including in business, trade, politics, learn and educate me.
O God, give me a friend who is going to protect and keep me from evil and from the ugliness of the human world and the hereafter. amen.
O God come close to the right and I was at my friend's Ya Allah.
Ya Allah they came right to me to declare the pledge of friendship and pledge their loyalty to me.
and they came right to me to ordain me as a king who led them. Amin Yes Rabbal Alamin.
The Boryaltra Kingdom.
If I have a country, then I will do this.
Official rank of Head of State of Boryaltra Kingdom:
If I have a country, then I will do this.
Official rank of Head of State of Boryaltra Kingdom:
- Rego Bondan I, The Ruler of Boryaltra.
- Regido Bondan I, Sovereign Prince of Gronchiester.
- Kanjeng Gusti Ratu Panembahan Padmanegara (Raja Padmanegaran).
- Kanjeng Gusti Pangeran Arya Adipati Buminoto Prajanegara.
Official royal rank:
- Sovereign Prince of Gronchiester.
- Duke of Swestergud.
- Marquis of Schaanterbery.
- Count of Clevendham.
- Viscount Cavinshan.
- Baron Bonwood.
- Lord Entlinghland.
The Rex Bondan I, The Ruler of Boryaltra is the successor of the grandparent and grandparent Madirsad Penatus Uyut Uyut Raden Mas Suromenggolo.
A royal rank Boryaltra Kingdom / Kingdom of Palemahan Padmanegaran Style Traditional Javanese:
Head of Indigenous Stakeholders Kingdom:
Kanjeng Gusti Ratu Panembahan Padmanegara.
Daughter Companion (Garwa Padmi / Consort):
Kanjeng Gusti Ratu Padminegara.
Head of Indigenous Stakeholders Kingdom:
Kanjeng Gusti Ratu Panembahan Padmanegara.
Daughter Companion (Garwa Padmi / Consort):
Kanjeng Gusti Ratu Padminegara.
Garwa Ampeyan / Ampil:
- Kanjeng Raden Ayu.
- Kanjeng Mas Ayu (not allowed to have children by her, except for emergencies according Kitab State Law).
The title for the satriyan and the daughter of K.G.P.R. Padmanegara.
The title of Crown Prince and Crown Princess:
- Kanjeng Gusti Pangeran Anom Adipati Arya Amangkunegara
- Kanjeng Gusti Putri Ayu Amangkunegara.
The title Satriyan and The Princess of K.G.P.R. Padmanegara.
- Kanjeng Pangeran Arya when a small degree (Bandoro Raden).
- Kanjeng Putri Ayu when a small degree (Bandoro Raden Ajeng).
The title Satriyan and The Princess generation grandson of K.G.P.R. Padmanegara
- Kanjeng Pangeran when small degree Raden Bandoro.
- Kanjeng Putri when small degree Raden Ajeng Bandoro.
Degree generation great-granddaughter, and great-great Piut of K.G.P.R. Padmanegara:
- Raden Arya (Descendants Garwa Padmi) and Raden Ngabehi (Descendants Garwa Ampil) when a small title Raden.
- Raden Ayu when small title Raden Ajeng
The composition of the breed Family Kebondanan:
- Dad: Bong Chu Long title Kanjeng Gusti Pangeran Adipati Arya Cakrabumi.
- Mother: Sukawati title Kanjeng Gusti Ratu Sukawati.
- Sister: Candra title Raden Ayu Adipati Candra Candra Kesuma and Sulaiman title Pangeran Adipati Sulaiman.
- Brother: Octavian title Kanjeng Pangeran Adipati Cakranegara.
Monarch :
- The Rego Bondan I, The Ruler of Boryaltra, Raja Padmanegaran & Prince of Gronchiester.
Wife of The Reign Rulers :
- (name), The Consort Regina and Princess Consort of Gronchiester
- (name), The First Princess.
Heirs of to the throne :
- (name), The Crown Prince (Crown Heir).
- (name), The Crown Princess (Crown Heiress).
Son and daugther of The Rulers :
- (name), The Prince (name of family).
- (name), The Princess (name of family).
2nd – 3th descendant of The Rulers :
- (name), The Prince.
- (name), The Princess.
The Rulers Family :
Father :
The Rex Cakrabumi, The Duke of Schelweiz Damzeg (Lord Schelweiz Damzeg).
Mother :
The Regina Mater Sukawati, The Duchess of Schelweiz Damzeg (Lady Schelweiz Damzeg).
Old Sister :
The Regina Candra Kesuma, The Princess Easternwood (Lady Easternwood).
Brother in Law :
Sulaiman, The Prince Easternwood (Lord Easternwood).
Young Brother :
The Rex Cakranegara, The Prince Westernwood (Lord Westernwood).
Structure of the State.
Article 1 of the Constitution states that the state boryaltra is privileged or state protectorate status under the protection of the mother country were given greater freedom in his country under the reign of King Subordinate or Prince who ruled.
Article 2 of the Constitution of the country-specific system laid Boryaltra: Principality (the Kingdom) is a descendant of a constitutional monarchy and democratic parliamentary basis.
Boryaltra is a hereditary monarchy. Prince ruling head of state is not elected by the people, but on the contrary, the laws of the principality house (House of) Boryaltra determine the successor to the throne.
the line of succession of male force, and the rules, the eldest son of the reigning prince as his successor.
Boryaltra are descendants of a constitutional monarchy. The Reign bound by the provisions of the Constitution and can only exercise the right to force the state
in accordance with the Constitution and law.
As head of state, he may conclude international agreements are subject to ratification by Parliament. Prince reigns through the government issued regulations. This includes regulations issued under emergency powers.
Prince Ruler rights to issue emergency regulations is limited.
according to the Constitution, statutes of emergency ended after six months. In addition, the emergency regulations are no longer able to suspend the entire Constitution, but the reigning Prince may only limit individual provisions specified time.
The Constitution also states that state power is held Reign Prince and the People. Because the country lies on a democratic basis, people and Reign Prince have certain rights. People can influence the conduct state business through elections and popular vote.
Voters have the right of initiative and referendum.
People can use the initiative to request new law, and they can use a referendum to demand the elections on legal or financial decisions passed by Parliament.
amendments to the constitution, the people have the possibility of withdrawing their confidence from the ruling prince and the right to vote on the abolition of the monarchy even so the people are not able to remove the monarchy.
Boryaltra has 50 MPs elected by the people for a term of ten years.
Parliament is mandated to «represent and assert the rights and interests of people in relation to the government».
The main responsibility of Parliament is legislation. For the law to be valid, it must be approved by Parliament, by Reign Prince, and countersigned by the Prime Minister. Parliament also includes the selection of the strength of the government minister, appointed by the Prince ruled on their recommendation.
The government consists of the Prime Minister and four other Ministers. Deputy Prime Minister chosen from among four other Ministers.
Works according to the principle of collegial government. It is responsible for the national administration. All important affairs are subject to consultation and decision-making collegial government.
Boryaltra principality government council is part of the Principality. Consists of six members:
State minister sitting in the chair and members of the board of seven members (four counselors and one delegation);
He also has the right to vote, and have control of the military and police control, counselor for internal affairs, financial and economic adviser, counselor for the equipment, the environment and urban planning, Counsellor for Social Affairs and Health and counselor for foreign affairs.
Project planning council and the bill proposed for the Prince by the Council of the administration, provisions which are supported by the sovereign decision of the Prince, Minister of State, Minister of Finance, and the kinds of policies.
In addition to the Parliament as the legislative power and the Government as the executive power, there is also a third force, which is justice. Supreme Court to hear civil and criminal matters in the first instance, the Court of Appeal in the second instance, and the Supreme Court in the third and final example. Administrative Court has jurisdiction over administrative issues and act as a final example. The Constitutional Court has jurisdiction over constitutional matters.
Article 1 of the Constitution states that the state boryaltra is privileged or state protectorate status under the protection of the mother country were given greater freedom in his country under the reign of King Subordinate or Prince who ruled.
Article 2 of the Constitution of the country-specific system laid Boryaltra: Principality (the Kingdom) is a descendant of a constitutional monarchy and democratic parliamentary basis.
Boryaltra is a hereditary monarchy. Prince ruling head of state is not elected by the people, but on the contrary, the laws of the principality house (House of) Boryaltra determine the successor to the throne.
the line of succession of male force, and the rules, the eldest son of the reigning prince as his successor.
Boryaltra are descendants of a constitutional monarchy. The Reign bound by the provisions of the Constitution and can only exercise the right to force the state
in accordance with the Constitution and law.
As head of state, he may conclude international agreements are subject to ratification by Parliament. Prince reigns through the government issued regulations. This includes regulations issued under emergency powers.
Prince Ruler rights to issue emergency regulations is limited.
according to the Constitution, statutes of emergency ended after six months. In addition, the emergency regulations are no longer able to suspend the entire Constitution, but the reigning Prince may only limit individual provisions specified time.
The Constitution also states that state power is held Reign Prince and the People. Because the country lies on a democratic basis, people and Reign Prince have certain rights. People can influence the conduct state business through elections and popular vote.
Voters have the right of initiative and referendum.
People can use the initiative to request new law, and they can use a referendum to demand the elections on legal or financial decisions passed by Parliament.
amendments to the constitution, the people have the possibility of withdrawing their confidence from the ruling prince and the right to vote on the abolition of the monarchy even so the people are not able to remove the monarchy.
Boryaltra has 50 MPs elected by the people for a term of ten years.
Parliament is mandated to «represent and assert the rights and interests of people in relation to the government».
The main responsibility of Parliament is legislation. For the law to be valid, it must be approved by Parliament, by Reign Prince, and countersigned by the Prime Minister. Parliament also includes the selection of the strength of the government minister, appointed by the Prince ruled on their recommendation.
The government consists of the Prime Minister and four other Ministers. Deputy Prime Minister chosen from among four other Ministers.
Works according to the principle of collegial government. It is responsible for the national administration. All important affairs are subject to consultation and decision-making collegial government.
Boryaltra principality government council is part of the Principality. Consists of six members:
State minister sitting in the chair and members of the board of seven members (four counselors and one delegation);
He also has the right to vote, and have control of the military and police control, counselor for internal affairs, financial and economic adviser, counselor for the equipment, the environment and urban planning, Counsellor for Social Affairs and Health and counselor for foreign affairs.
Project planning council and the bill proposed for the Prince by the Council of the administration, provisions which are supported by the sovereign decision of the Prince, Minister of State, Minister of Finance, and the kinds of policies.
In addition to the Parliament as the legislative power and the Government as the executive power, there is also a third force, which is justice. Supreme Court to hear civil and criminal matters in the first instance, the Court of Appeal in the second instance, and the Supreme Court in the third and final example. Administrative Court has jurisdiction over administrative issues and act as a final example. The Constitutional Court has jurisdiction over constitutional matters.
Politics of Boryaltra Kingdom :
- Constitution.
- Kitab Hukum Negara/Law State Book.
- The Crown / Monarch (Raja (King) – Reign Prince).
- (Raja) Kings Family / Dynasty.
- Succession to the Boryaltra Throne.
- Royal Prerogative.
- Crown Council (Dewan Mahkota).
- Council of Goverment / Dewan Pemerintahan (Executive Council).
- National Council Parlemen and Crown in Parliamentary (Legislative Council).
- Princely House (Unlimited).
- Representative House (50 member elected by people)
- Supreme Court and Crown in the Bench.
- Army & Police under Council of Goverment, Parlemen, Supreme Court & The Crown / Crown Council.
- Elections.
- Parliement Constituantes.
- Election of Political People (The National Election and The Local Election).
- Refrendrum
- Administrative Divisions :
- District (Regent).
- Cities (Major).
- Village (Chief of Village).
- Political Independent People.
- Foreign Policy.
Status Country: State Protectorate under the Convention or Traktat (Treaty) with the State Parent shaped Constitutional Monarchy.
I'll make an international area for the Nation Boryaltra of 2400 km2 to be Duchy of Boryaltra.
become independent and sovereign land for Boryaltra Tribe.
become independent and sovereign land for Boryaltra Tribe.
I want to buy an area of 2400 km2 to be a royal state which form of government is a constitutional monarchy with a parliamentary system and the form of the state as a unitary state.
the maximum amount to the people -250,000. people.
the maximum amount to the people -250,000. people.
Vast territory of the Kingdom of Boryaltra is an area of 5 km2 archipelago with maritime territorial line along the 12-mile and 200 miles of coastline into the exclusive economic zone.
And bought an area of 100 km2 in the Antarctic.
Buying and make real measuring 2400 hectares spread in various countries.
The total population of 50,000 people maximum.
Conditions made exactly with Pilot Games Harvest Moon Harvest Moon: Back to Nature and other versions.
And bought an area of 100 km2 in the Antarctic.
Buying and make real measuring 2400 hectares spread in various countries.
The total population of 50,000 people maximum.
Conditions made exactly with Pilot Games Harvest Moon Harvest Moon: Back to Nature and other versions.
Political System Boryaltra kingdom.
A. Constitution.
Codified the basic law ( "Constitution") United Boryaltra
outline can be declared to have set things below.
1. Human rights, in which also governs matters concerning:
a. international human rights;
b. respect for human dignity;
respect for equality regardless of race,
religion, gender, social status, etc .; security;
the abolition of slavery; punishment; marriage and
family; ownership of the object;
c. protection law, equality under the law, respect
the courts, vindication, presume the
d. individual freedom, personal rights, freedom of movement, freedom
religion, freedom of expression;
e. political rights, asylum, citizenship, freedom of assembly
and association and freedom of trade;
f. social rights, the right to work, working time, right to the place
housing, education, science, art, culture.
g. limitations of human rights.
2. Organization of the state, which includes regulation of:
a. Common forms of government;
b. Parliament, House of Representative, idependent whole political, decision-making,
legislation, commissions, Princely House, finance, parliamentary ombudsman;
c. government, the composition of the government, the lobby, the Advisory Board;
d. local governments;
e. judicial, legal system, criminal court, civil court,
A. Constitution.
Codified the basic law ( "Constitution") United Boryaltra
outline can be declared to have set things below.
1. Human rights, in which also governs matters concerning:
a. international human rights;
b. respect for human dignity;
respect for equality regardless of race,
religion, gender, social status, etc .; security;
the abolition of slavery; punishment; marriage and
family; ownership of the object;
c. protection law, equality under the law, respect
the courts, vindication, presume the
d. individual freedom, personal rights, freedom of movement, freedom
religion, freedom of expression;
e. political rights, asylum, citizenship, freedom of assembly
and association and freedom of trade;
f. social rights, the right to work, working time, right to the place
housing, education, science, art, culture.
g. limitations of human rights.
2. Organization of the state, which includes regulation of:
a. Common forms of government;
b. Parliament, House of Representative, idependent whole political, decision-making,
legislation, commissions, Princely House, finance, parliamentary ombudsman;
c. government, the composition of the government, the lobby, the Advisory Board;
d. local governments;
e. judicial, legal system, criminal court, civil court,
- The Ministry of the Interior.
- Sekretariatan care of the state.
- Care of the state administration.
- Taking care of defense and homeland security.
- Take care of the internal problems in the country.
- Supervise, develop and designer village and district development planning.
- Take care of the inauguration, supervise and develop local leaders and organizations.
- Take care of the inauguration of the legal entity / organization of private and state-owned.
- Care of agrarian and maritime.
- The Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
- Take care of matters related to the relationship with the mother country.
- Take care of matters related to international relations.
- Take care of the affairs of the protection of citizens in foreign countries.
- Take care of issues related to foreign policy and international agreements negari.
- Take care of issues related to bilateral relations and international and mulitateral.
- Care of planning the international relations.
- The Ministry of Finance and Economy.
- Taking care of tax issues.
- Take care of the financial problems of the country.
- Take care of the country's economy.
- Care of the problem of social security of the country.
- Being a financial advisor, planning and implementation of the country's economy.
- Take care of the customs of the country.
- Care of state-owned enterprises (state enterprise).
- Take care foundations and state-owned organizations.
- Care of state investment.
- Take care of the country's wealth.
- Care of livestock, agriculture, plantation and fisheries.
- The Ministry of Social Affairs.
- Take care of the country's social problems.
- Take care of national communications.
- Care of the problem post.
- Take care of education and national culture.
- Care of religion and culture.
- Taking care of people's welfare.
- Care of public works.
- Take care of the health problems of the country.
- Take care of the social security planning.
- Take care of urban spatial planning issues.
- Care of the problem of preservation and environmental space planning.
- Care of forestry issues.
- Government Council - Parliament - Supreme Court.
- Administration & Service Official State.
Hierarchy Rule of Law State Boryaltra.
- Constitution.
- Al-Qur'an.
- Parliamentary Act.
- The Law of the State.
- Regulation Monarchy / Command King / decree of King.
- Government Policy & Regulations Regulations Minister of State.
- Regulation of the Minister and the Department.
- Administrative Regulations Division.
- District regulations.
- Regulation of Villages and Towns.
All departments directly related to the ministry in implementing the state administration and governance as well as the routine activities of the country.
- Constitution.
- Al-Qur'an.
- The Book of the State Law and the Criminal Procedure Code.
- Book of the Civil State Law and Civil Procedure.
- The Law of State of Commerce and Business.
- The Law of State of Culture.
- The Law of State Health.
- The Law of State Administration of the State.
- The Law of State of National Education.
- The Book of the State Law State Economy.
- The Law of State of Industry.
- Book of the State Agrarian Law.
- The Law of State for Population and Citizenship.
- The Law of State Politics and Law.
- The Law of State for Defence and Security.
- The Law of State Monarchy.
- Book of the Law of the State Military.
- The Law of State Administration Divisions.
- The Law Council of State Crown.
- The Law Council of State Government.
- The Book of the Law of the State Supreme Court.
- Parliamentary State Law Book.
- The Book of the Law of the State Election.
- Book of Indigenous State Law and Tradition.
- The Law of the Environment.
- The Book of the Law of the State Tourism.
- The Law of State hierarchy and the hierarchy of the State Agency Regulations.
- The Law of State Civil Service.
- The Law of State for Human Rights.
- The Law of State Norma.
- The Law of State Financial State.
Policy political of Kingdom Boryaltra :
- Every citizen is obliged to implement the national education funded by the state from elementary school, Intermediate School, High School and Education First Strata (Bachelor).
- In addition to the National Education Formally, every citizen is obliged to participate in the implementation of informal education organized by the state in accordance with the age citizens with education includes about economic, political, legal, health, sociology, psychology, religion and others.
- King and the Royal Family attended a special training so that the aristocratic kingdom know how to perform their duties and obligations as a state leader.
- Establish schools and universities outside the state boryaltra.
- Establish schools and universities domestic country with good quality and grade.
Institutions or scientific organizations as the development of scientific research. - Establish educational and cultural character boryaltra good, ethical, virtuous and moral.
Develop, establish, run and practice the tradition boryaltra.
- State finance national health affairs and to build adequate health facilities and citizens are entitled to a free health service.
- For patients with mental illness is treated equally and their rights and obligations equivalent to those normally until the time of recovery and not always taking the drugs and no permanent mental illness.
- The country established a modern hospital outside the country or inside the country boryaltra order to reach citizens who are sick everywhere.
- Every citizen is protected by health insurance and life insurance as well as accident insurance.
- State makes real agriculture, animal husbandry, agriculture and fisheries in the country and abroad.
- Countries implementing the program self-sufficiency in various fields and sectors of industry, farm and maritime.
- Countries implementing the cultural program crop and livestock farming / fish to realize an agricultural country and maritime systems sustainable, sustainable, environmentally friendly, profitable, generating, self-supporting people, educate, self-sufficiency and high economic value.
- Countries implementing modern industrialization program a friendly environment and an environmental impact assessment.
- The state takes 15 percent of the shares of each company founded by its citizens or foreign citizens as well as domestic and foreign organizations.
- State owes prohibited unless there is a specific need state / the precarious state of emergency it is allowed to owe by up to 15% of the country's wealth.
- Countries apply retention policies gold & silver in this policy states collect as much gold and silver to be included in the wealth of the country's national interests.
- Producing goods in accordance with a logical request.
- In countries boryaltra every citizen should work and there should be no unemployed according to age prescribed by state law book.
- In countries boryaltra every citizen facilitated or given a job by the state for the purpose of nation building.
- Every citizen is given the house and yard in the country to prosperity.
- Every citizen is obliged to be a rich man.
- The state will allot bonus for every citizen if the state benefit in the form of allowances for food, transport, communications and money bonus money retirees.
- Every citizen has facilitated a house and a car outside the country (abroad).
- Every citizen is required to pay in banks and invest funds.
- Removing riba (interest rents) in the country's economy.
- Imposes every citizen and people who have a residence permit in the country boryaltra to pay taxes relatively low and is obliged to pay zakat / jizyah.
- are given a mandate by the state must care and help solve them.
- For the sake of social justice then if people in emergencies such as famine or poverty, the king and the royal family also must be poor and hungry.
- Every citizen should know each other, communicative and social interest of the state.
- State plays or interferes in the private lives of citizens in terms of religious, social relationships, work, romance, marriage, etc.
- State limit human population in the country, every citizen and the royal family are allowed to have two children just been given dispensation to children who already pregnant to 3 and citizens must follow a national program setting population.
- The royal family should marry a fellow of the royal family or the person agreed upon by the monarchy.
- Every Member of the Kingdom are required to wear the letter B on a first-name to match the original name of the First King.
- Every citizen should have one boat for one house on the island in anticipation of tsunami or sea flooding as a countermeasure.
- State makes boryaltra communities outside the country aimed at social and environmental activities.
- The official language to be used boryaltra country is English and Indonesian.
- State archive of world language boryaltra set up to study the various languages of the world.
- State boryaltra establishing a center for scientific, scientific research and technology development.
- Boryaltra country set up a research and observation of space / space and space flight.
- State Boryaltra create television channels and national radio channels.
- The state religion is Islam mixes tradition and religious minorities boryaltra mixed boryaltra tradition.
- Assign the appropriate character education boryaltra culture.
- Each resident shall be circumcised at the age of 11 years.
- State set up an organization for citizens berasaskan boryaltra constitution and any citizen
- who became chairman of the civic organizations are allowed to become King of the Organization with the rank of Lord & Baron.
- In countries boryaltra always throw a party and festival meeting between the king and the people on the day - a great day and month of a particular month.
- Every citizen who is a child and adolescent is a child of countries and is a member of the royal family of passive.
- Romance same sex are allowed but restricted on condition not to be bedded in with anal sex and are not allowed to drink and swallow semen / sperm.
- Sex aids may be used for both men and women.
- Legal masturbation is allowed for men and forbidden to women as well as the permissibility of masturbation together.
- Permitted activities pornoaction and pornography at the time specified by the state and restrictions watching porn by the state for citizens is 30 times a year.
- State prohibits the use of hijab except in the month of Ramadan and religious holidays of Islam.
- The prohibition of drinking alcohol and smoking for all citizens.
- State prohibits all gambling activities.
- State ordered every citizen to practice their religion in accordance Islam pillars of Islam.
- Countries prohibit all activities of prostitution in the country.
- State prohibits sexual activity is free.
- The state banned the use of plastic.\
- State establish environmentally friendly waste management center.
- State sets national standards for various products in the form of goods or groceries.
- Prohibit and destroy the lives of reptiles (snakes, frogs, crocodiles, lizards, etc.).
- Every citizen has the right to obtain political office administration positions.
- Status of the People's Monarchy (Regnum) are the same or equivalent which difference is
- the special powers and privileges granted by the People (Regnum) to the Monarchy (Rex).
- The state is the king because the king is the largest shareholder of state and kings who purchased country.
- Each individual citizen has a right to be happy and have the right to improve the quality standard of living.
- Every citizen is an individual who has a social responsibility and unity is in need by the state.
- The whole country is in the state boryaltra are the property of the royal dynasty boryaltra (Land Keprabon / King Estate) as King of buying the land that is in the state boryaltra but people diperboleh right to stay, use and control of the land and the people are forbidden to sell and pawn.
- Land Rights in the State Boryaltra for people in positions of Attorney rights Land, leasehold and Right to Use whereas land controlled by the monarchy is Monarch Ground Right.
- Abdi guaranteed by the state security police and defense Boryaltra kingdom on hold by the Royal Military Abdi Boryaltra under the command of the governing council, parliament, supreme court and monarchy / crown council.
- Military activities restricted to the defense in charge of guarding the border and across the country, looking for information and intelligence tasks and in charge of keeping peace in the world.
- If attacked, the country's new boryaltra attack.
- Military members are active military and military service.
- Every citizen in the compulsory to perform compulsory military service for one year at the age of 20 years, 30 years and 40 years.
- Police activities is to undertake repressive measures, preventive, maintaining state security,
- public discipline and country and help military duty in overseeing state.
- Military & Police supervised by the people as a whole and may be in civil law and criminal law on the military and police in the supreme court.
- And there is no impunity for the military and police.
- There should be no murders, disappearances, detentions through 1 year, severe physical violence and verbal abuse in the country boryaltra mass.
Rights in the field of politics:
- have the opportunity to get a chance to become a political tool of the state.
- Receive the same treatment for the hearing political aspirations.
- Exercise their voting rights both passive and active suffrage.
- Right to be elected by the people.
- Provide input in the political system, either supporting or rejecting a government policy
Rights economics.
- Have the same opportunity in the attempt.
- Have equal opportunities in the trade.
- Have equal opportunities in the work.
- Have the same opportunity to grow the business.
- An equal right to establish private enterprises.
- An equal right to access to raw materials.
- The same rights to get access to raw materials.
- The same rights to get access to technology.
- The same rights to get access to sources of capital.
- The same rights to receive coaching effort.
- The same right to have personal and collective rights.
- Right not to be deprived of the right to private property its collective untill arbitrarily.
Right to social and cultural sectors:
- An equal right to education.
- The same right to choose education.
- An equal right to develop their talents and interests.
- Equal right to enjoy and develop the culture.
- The same rights in developing science.
- The same right to benefit from science.
- The same right to get a job.
- The same rights earn a decent living and improve quality of life.
- The right to social security.
- Rights & Obligations for running tradition and culture.
- The right to receive compensation in the event of a disaster,
- The rights and obligations for all citizens equal and equitable to become rich.
- The right to provide compensation for people who are poor and neglected children.
- The right to obtain social justice.
Rights law and governance:
- the right to equal treatment in the field of law.
- The same rights to protection of the law.
- The right to obtain citizenship.
- The right to not be discriminated against
- The right to not be prosecuted a second time in the same case in a criminal and civil justice.
- The right to equality in positions in government.
- Have equal rights to participate in the government.
- The right to submit to the government in order to be free of corruption, collusion and nepotism.
- Getting personal freedom.
- The right to issue opinions or views of mind.
- The right of assembly and association.
- The right to religion.
- The right to marry or not to marry.
- The right to acquire wealth.
- The right to get a descent.
- The right to freedom of movement and expression.
- The same treatment in court proceedings:
- The right to an effective court.
- The right not to be detained, arrested and exiled arbitrarily.
- The right to obtain legal assistance in a criminal or civil cases.
- The right to be presumed innocent until proven to the defendant in court.
Right to justice.
Obligations of Citizens:
- Paying taxes and zakat / jizyah.
- Obliged to comply with the customs, laws, regulations, state agencies and the government.
- Liabilities subject to restrictions in carrying out the law of human rights.
- Are obliged to respect of human rights,
- Obliged loyal to the state.
- Obliged to participate in the defense and security of the state.
- Obliged to follow mandatory education.
- Obliged to work in the country.
- Obliged to follow and implement the national program.
- An obligation to respect and comply with the order by the crown.
Legal and Expulsion:
- Rights of displaced people are getting what has been attaching to it as his or her property rights and the rights attached to it as provided for in the State Law on Human Rights and Civil Law.
- Except that of rebellion and treason so that the country was destroyed and abandoned.
Legal Rebellion:
- In law lifelong rebellion so that the state abandoned and destroyed by a criminal sentenced
- to death if there were no fatalities and criminal penalties of 25 years or expulsion absolute (without the rights attached to it).
- In the law for those who committed treason against the state with the expulsion penalty.
Collusion law:
- In law for 5 years for the person who committed the crime of collusion.
Legal Theft and Corruption and Fraud.
- Laws regarding theft in the criminal with social service for 8 years.
- Criminal law regarding corruption in the prison for at least 10 years old.
- Apply hand amputation for the corruption as much as USD 1,000,000.-
- If the culprit to return the money or result in the theft then it will lighten his sentence or parole by the state.
Imprisonment and criminal social work.
USD 0-300.
Free social services and criminal burden of 3 years.
USD 300-1000.
Parole and criminal burden of social work 4 years.
USD 1000-5000.
Parole and criminal burden of social work 6 years.
USD 5000 to 10.000.
Parole and criminal burden of social service 8 years.
Above USD 10,000.
4 years / 8 years.
Above USD 100,000.
5 years / 9 years.
Above USD 1,000,000.
8 years / 10 years.
- 100 flagellation flogging for adultery unmarried and flogging sentence 500 times and exiled for 5 years for a married couple.
- Imprisonment lifetime or 25 years for the incest and whip 1000 times and exiled for life / 20 years.
- Rape punishment it will be in prison for 8 years and the punishment of rape among adults under the age of 16 years to the prison for 10 years.
- Punishment of rape among fellow children under the age of 16 years only do sanctions in the form of coaching in social services and out of prison.
Qishas apply.
- Every person who committed the murder, the punishment is the death penalty or life imprisonment.
- A person who commits murder can be detached from qishas or the death penalty if paying blood money (compensation) in cash.
- For children under 18 years it is given a lighter sentence to 25 years in prison.
Punishment for Drunks.
- For those who are drunk or drinking alcohol crime 100 lashes imposed flagellation.
Obscene acts of punishment.
- Home confinement for 3 months for those who indulge in pornography and pornographic acts or regulations beyond the time prescribed by the state.
Punishment for gambling.
- Imprisonment for 6 months.
Anti-Monarchy or Punishment of Crimes Against the Monarchy.
- Whoever hates and commit the crime to the Monarchy will be punished expulsion and if crimes that resulted in the killing and other acts which endanger the monarchy it will be life imprisonment or the death penalty.
- The criminal suspects remained provide guidance for prisoners to be able to recover the body as well as mental health and social and personal life.
- Services prison facilities are well standardized.
- And the establishment of an independent team whose members come from the mother country that are authorized by the state to be assigned to implement ekseskusi boryaltra death, death row inmates.
- Forgiveness applies to inmates except evil king anti monarchy.
- State boryaltra build solar power plants, power plants methane, hydrogen power plant.
- Every citizen should have a solar power plant to meet the electricity needs of his own household.
- State Boryaltra create policies to its citizens and institutions to use motor vehicles fueled by solar power, electric, hydrogen etc.
- State Boryaltra create policies to meet the fuel needs of Bio Oil or Oil Alternative growing – plants.
- State Boryaltra develop robotic technology to assist the work of man.
- The country established a waste management industry in the country that are environmentally friendly to reduce carbon emissions and environmental pollution.
National development :
- building a house - houses, palaces, castles, building office building government administrators, hospitals, health care centers, schools, universities, libraries archives, sports stadiums, highways, ports, military bases (barracks), complete market, warehouse clothing and food, plant food and beverage industry, factory tekstile (indsutri manufacture of clothing), warehouse raw material storage buildings, storage sheds metal, storage sheds precious metal, storage sheds weapons, arena party, plantation crops, livestock (poultry, cattle, buffalo , camels, sheep and goats), horse arena, farmland, assembly center of the ship, forest, solar power plants, power plants methane, the center of the fishing industry, technology research center and health, bank, hotel, central blacksmith, center equipment agricultural, postal services, telecommunications, internet access centers and mosques.
Versi Bahasa Indonesia
Komentar : hal ini saya tulis hanya untuk dibaca bukan untuk menyebarkan pengaruh politis apapun, mengancam siapapun & untuk mengungkap kehidupan pribadi, isi pikiran, rencana hidup, persepsi, tanggapan & hal yang pernah di alami saya.
Komentar : Saya tidak menyebarkan hasutan, pengaruh ataupun membuat makar dan meliciki siapapun tapi ini adalah kenyataan hidup dan subjek dari kehidupan saya.
Komentar : Handphone & Komputer pribadi saya telah diretas oleh pihak tertentu.
Komentar : saya tidak pernah mau untuk terkenal atau tenar yang justru membuat saya dalam kerugian besar, saya dari dahulu hanya ingin menjadi orang kaya atau memiliki banyak harta, dan saya tidak butuh banyak orang untuk menjadi bagian hidup saya dan mungkin dahulu saya berpikiran bahwa betapa enak jika menjadi selebriti / artis / tokoh berpengaruh, dahulu hidup saya cukup tertutup dan saya selalu menutupi jati diri saya atau menutupi kehidupan pribadi saya atau menutupi bagaimana keadaan saya yang sebenarnya tapi mereka sejak dari sekolah dasar selalu merugikan saya, mereka membuka buka tentang kehidupan pribadi saya dan menghancurkan kehidupan saya.
Nama : Bondan Ramadhani Purnomo.
Tempat dan Tanggal Lahir : Indonesia, 24 Maret 1993.
Tempat Tinggal : Pulau Jawa, Indonesia.
Status : Mahasiswa.
Golongan Darah : A+
Ras : Tionghoa – Jawa.
Kegiatan : Mahasiswa Fakultas Hukum.
Contact Person :
- 089669960081.
E- Mail :
Catatan Cita – Cita :
aku hanya meminta hal – hal yang kecil, kegiatan kecil dan keuntungan yang relatif kecil sesuai dengan Undang - Undang atau Hukum yang berlaku di Suatu Negara :
- Menjadi Pengusaha (Enterpreneur), Investor Bisnis, Bussines Owner / Company Owner and Common Stockholder / Preferred Stockholder.
- Menjadi Factory Owner (Pemilik Pabrik), Rancher (Peternak), Farmer (Petani) and Land Owner (Pemilik Tanah).
- Menjadi Politician (Orang Politik), Social Servant (Pelayan Sosial / Pegiat Sosial) and Philantrophic (Kedermawanan).
- Menjadi Novelist, Writer Classic – Modern Fantasy Book (membuat karya fiksi seperti Narnia, Lord of The Rings and The Hobbit)
- dan membuat Buku berjudul :
- Story of The Fantasy Magical World of Ardin Earth Book :
- The Series 1 : Story of Boris & His Sibling Life in Earth & Mystical of The World of Ardin.
- The Series 2 : Story of Battle Alliance White State toward Lord of Devil Empire Alliance.
- The Series 3 : Story of The First Age of a Prophetic about Birth Lord of Devil and The Man Saviour.
- The Series 4 : Story of Reapperance The Holy Paragon bring a Peace of The World.
- The Series 5 : Story of The 10th Emperor descend of Boris, Advanced & Age Golden.
- The Series 6 Part I & II : Story of The Second Age : Period the Fallen of Alliance States & Story of Last The Fifth Age : Period the Rise of Unity of Alliance States under Ardin Empire.
- The Series 7 Part I & II : Enemies Glorious Age&The White with Neutral Race Fell & Adventures of Musad The Kind.
- The Series 8 Part I & II : The Death of Lord of Devil The Strong & The Reincarnation of Lord of Devil.
- The Series 9 Part I & II : The Last Great War The Kind with The Enimies Rise Lord Devil & End The Destroyed of The Space of Ardin to towards of Heaven & Hell Eternal.
- The Last Series 10 : The Age Sixth Age : Golden Age & Wellfare Age.
- A Story of Life in Ardin Earth Book :
- Story of Create of Ardin Space by God El (Allah).
- Story of Create of Ardin Earth, Other Planets & Stars.
- Story of Create of Inhabitant of Ardin Earths (Human of the earth, Mythical Habitat, All Animal of The Earth, Devil, Angel and etc).
- Story of Flowering of Inhabitant of Ardin Earth.
- Story of History of Life in Ardin Earth
- At The First Early Life (for 9 million years).
- At The Second Early Life (for 9 million years).
- At The First Age (20.000 years).at The Series 3.
- At The Second Age (20.000 years). The Series 6 : 1,
- At The Third Age (20.000 years).The Series 4, the series 7 : I, Novel II.
- At The Fourth Age (11.000 years). The Series 7 : I, The Series 7 : II. The Series 8 : I. Novel II.
- At The Fifth Age (5.000 years). The Series 8 : II, At The Series 1. The Series 6 : II. The Series 5.
- At The Sixth Age (10.000 years). The Series 9 : I&II & The Last Series 10. Novel I.
- The End Age.
- The Heaven & Hell Life Eternal Age.
- Story of Monarch & Republic State in Ardin Earth from the First Age – The Sixth Age.
- Story of War and Battle Age of Ardin Earth.
- Story of Heroic.
- Story of Adventure.
- Story of Sosial, Culture, Tribal, Science, Political, Law and etc at First Age – The Sixth Age.
- Story of Ardin Ordinance / Ardin Ordonansi & Ardin Canoni.
Part of Book :
- dan membuat Novel :
- The Seriality Life Peaceful Advance (Novel I).
- The Incumbent White The First Class (Novel II).
- Love You Vtre Drign
- Gold Noble Life in World
- Platoniser Ram with Als & Alg.
- My Life is Misery (still have little happines)
- Between Life in Republic & Monarchy
- Love & Life with Ndara Pangeran.
- Life Prince Basilieus
- If I have a Little Realm
- Story of a Republicans.
Pendidikan Terakhir :
- TK Al Husna Kotabumi Tangerang.
- SD Negeri Kotabumi 04.
- SD Muhammadiyah 01 Poris Jaya.
- SMP Muhammadiyah 04 Cipondoh.
- SMK Prudent School d.h. SMK Pelita Bangsa.
Twitter :
Facebook :
Bondan Ramadhani Purnomo.
Bondan Ramadhani.
Pengalaman Organisasi Sekolah :
- Ketua Kelas Terpilih 2A SMP Muhammadiyah dan Mengundurkan Diri menjadi Wakil Ketua Kelas 2A SMP Muhammadiyah Periode 2006 – 2007.
- Ketua Kelas 3F SMP Muhammadiyah Periode Juli 2007 – Oktober 2007 (mengundurkan diri).
- Ketua Majelis Permusyawaratan Kelas SMK Pelita Bangsa periode 2008 – 2009.
- Sekretaris II Rohani Islam SMK Pelita Bangsa.
- Anggota Jurnalis Modis SMK Pelita Bangsa.
- Anggota Paduan Suara SMK Pelita Bangsa.
Garis Keturunan atau Nasab Keluarga.
Garis Nasab Ayah :
- Kung Kung Bong A Fuk, asal daerah Gantung & Manggar, Kab. Belitung.
- Popo Nyat Chin, asal daerah Gantung & Manggar, Kab. Belitung.
Nama Ayah : Papa Bong Nyu Long / Papa Along.
Garis Nasab Ibu :
- Eyang Bahu (Kepala Dusun) Pamong Syungep atau Syungeb bin Eyang Penatus (Kepala Desa) Madirsad, Asal daerah Sidamulya, Kecamatan Sidareja, Kabupaten Cilacap.
- Eyang Kustiyah binti Eyang Raden Mas Suromenggolo, asal daerah Cindaga, Kabupaten Banyumas.
Kakek Tiri : Mbah Bahu (Kepala Dusun) Simin.
Kakek Angkat : Mbah Guru Murslan.
Nama Ibu : Mama Wati.
Saudara kandung :
- Kakak Candra (Pegawai PT.MP.Tbk).
- Oktavian.
Relasi Persaudaraan :
- Eyang Sukemi, Lurah Sidamulya, Kec. Sidareja, Kabupaten Cilacap.
- Paman Drs. Kadar, Lurah Sidamulya, Kec. Sidareja, Kabupaten Cilacap.
- Paman Drs. Sudarno, Manager PT.Bukit Asam.Tbk.
- Paman Drs. Agus Salim, Manager PT.Pusan.Tbk.
Tentang harta para eyang & saudara :
- Kakek Kung Kung Bong A Fuk (ayah dari papa) memiliki rumah kayu bertingkat dengan lahan seluas 1000 meter pada tahun 1950 - 1980an.
- Eyang Uyut Raden Mas Suromenggolo (ayah dari nenek kustiyah) seorang anak dari bangsawan jawa & memiliki tanah adat seluas beberapa hektar pada tahun 1940 – 1960an.
- Eyang Uyut Mbah Uti Nyai Karsinam (ibu dari nenek kustiyah) mengurus tanah berupa kebon sayur seluas ribuan meter & ternak babi pada tahun 1950 – 1980.
- Eyang Uyut Madirsad (ayah dari kakek sungep) seorang penatus atau kepala desa di cilacap dekat sidareja dikabarkan memiliki tanah adat seluas beberapa hektar pada tahun 1940 – 1975.
- Kakek Eyang Bahu Sungep berjabatan kepala dusun memiliki rumah tembok seluas 500 meter di jalan jendral sudirman, sidareja, cilacap & memiliki tanah adat berupa kebun kelapa seluas 2 hektar (3 bau) dengan bukti kepemilikan surat pajak & memiliki pabrik gula kelapa tradisional pada tahun 1950 – 1970 dan meninggal karena di bunuh di tumiyang.
- Nenek Eyang Kustiyah memiliki warisan dari suaminya Kakek Eyang Sungep dan hingga akhir hidup pada tahun 2000 memiliki tanah adat dengan sisa seluas 340 meter pada dengan bukti kepemilikan surat petuk pajak dibiayai anak pertama nenek dan paman aku yaitu Drs. Sudarno.
- Kakak Ipar Kakek Kyai Sukemi berjabatan Lurah dari Desa Sidamulya memiliki rumah tembok arsitektur jawa – eropa kompeni seluas kurang dari 3000 meter dan memiliki tanah bengkok berupa sawah seluas 4 hektar pada tahun 1950 – 1975 pada tahun 1950 – 1980.
- Sepupu Ibu dan Anak Eyang Kyai Sukemi yaitu Pakde Drs. Kadar seorang Lurah dari Desa Sidamulya selama dua periode dan mewarisi seluruh harta ayahnya sebagai anak tunggal pada tahun 1980 – 2011.
- Pakde Drs. Sudarno seorang manager PT. Bukit Asam. Tbk dengan catatan gaji sebesar Rp.8 juta pada tahun 2008, memiliki rumah seluas 800 meter di cilacap dan memiliki rumah & perkarangan seluas -/+ 1000 meter di lampung pada tahun 1980 – 2010.
Keturunan Eyang Penatus Madirsad dari Istri Pertama:
- Eyang Penatus Kholidah bersuami Eyang Lurah Sukemi.
- Eyang Bahu Sungep (Kakek) Beristri Eyang Kustiyah (Nenek).
- Mbah Warno.
- Mbah Surati bersuami Mbah Karsono.
Keturunan Raden Mas Suromenggolo.
Istri Pertama.
- tidak memiliki keturunan dan mengangkat anak sebanyak 3.
Istri Kedua.
- ke 1.Manager Hotel Borobudur
- ke 2.seorang Dokter.
memiliki 2 Anak Lelaki
Istri Ketiga.
- Kustiyah (nenek).
Paman dan Bibi dari Ayah :
- 9 bersaudara.
- Papa ku.
- Kuku Mey Lan.
- Susu Afong.
Paman dan Bibi dari Ibu :
- Pakde Drs. Sudarno & Bude Prami.
- Bude Darni & Pakde Karyono (cerai), Pakde Leman (Cerai) & Pakde Par.
- Bude Sugi & Pakde Sadiman.
- Pakde Aying & Bude Nunung.
- Bude Sutiyah & Pakde Yono.
- Pakde Susmanto & Bude Laminah (Cerai) & Bude Ida.
- Mama & Papa
- Lik Muji (Tiri) & Lik Puji.
Saudara Sepupu :
- Mas Deni, Mbak Dwi, Mbak Susi, Mas Sungging, Mas Awit, Mas Wiji, Mas Ari, Mbak Heni, Mbak Nuri, Mbak Amin, Mbak Gina, Bimo, Teh Tari, Teh Yani, Aa Asmet, Depi, Intan, Vira, Emil, Ayu, Mas Pandu, Mas Andri, Isma, Gita dan lainnya.
- Koko Akun, Koko San San, Koko Sisi, Koko Ipay, Cici Yung Yung, Cici Muna, Cici Nini, Kakak Tini, Koko Toto, Ferdi, Mario, Andre dan Lainnya.
Nama Guru & Dosen :
- Bu Indah (Guru TK Al Husna).
- Bu Mei ( Guru SDN Kotabumi 04).
- Pak Riyadh (Guru SDN Kotabumi 04).
- Pak Bustomi, SE (Kepala Sekolah SD Muhammadiyah 01).
- Bu Titin ( Guru Kelas 4 SD Muhammadiyah 01)
- Bu Hetty ( Guru Agama & Kemuhammadiyahan SD Muhammadiyah 01).
- Pak Firdaus ( Guru Kelas 5 & 6 SD Muhammadiyah 04).
- Pak Muhibin (Wali Kelas 2 A & Guru Fisika SMP Muhammadiyah 04).
- Pak Bambang ( Guru Biologi kelas 2, SMP Muhammadiyah 04).
- Kak Bayu ( Guru Biologi kelas 1 & wali kelas 1D, SMP Muhammadiyah 04).
- Pak Drs. Khoirul Bustami (Kepala Sekolah & Guru Bahasa Indonesia kelas 1, SMP Muhammadiyah 04).
- Pak Abdurrahman (Kepala Sekolah & Guru Hadist kelas 3 SMP Muhammadiyah)
- Pak Adi Suciadi (Guru Kesenian & Budaya kelas 1, 2 dan 3 SMP Muhammadiyah 04).
- Pak Yusuf ( Guru Geografi & Sejarah kelas 1 dan 2 SMP Muhammadiyah 04).
- Bu Herry (Guru IPS kelas 3 SMP Muhammadiyah 04).
- Bu Rahma (Guru Bimbel Ujian Nasional Bahasa Indonesia SMP Muhammadiyah 04).
- Bu Maryam (Guru PKK SMP Muhammadiyah).
- Pak Suparman (Guru Budi Pekerti kelas 1 SMP Muhammadiyah 04).
- Pak Suherman (Guru Bahasa Indonesia 1 SMP Muhammadiyah 04).
- Bu Siti Pramanik (Guru IPA kelas 3 & wali kelas 3F SMP Muhammadiyah).
- Bu Leta (Guru Ilmu Komputer kelas 3 SMP Muhammadiyah).
- Pak Andi Lala ( Guru Agama kelas 1 & guru ilmu komputer kelas 2 SMP Muhammadiyah).
- Pak Imam (Guru Bahasa Inggris kelas 2 SMP Muhammadiyah 04).
- Bu Susi ( Guru Bahasa Arab kelas 1 & 2 SMP Muhammadiya 04).
- Pak Zulfikar (Guru Bahasa Arab kelas 3 SMP Muhammadiyah 04).
- Pak Lutfhi Hidayat, S.Pd (Kepala Sekolah SMK Pelita Bangsa).
- Bu Mardiana, SE. (Wali kelas 1.2 & Guru Akuntansi kelas 2 SMK Pelita Bangsa).
- Bu Cahyani Sumardianto, S.Kom (Guru Komputer kelas 1, 2 & 3 SMK Pelita Bangsa).
- Bu Atit Maryati, SE ( Manager Prudent Office).
- Bu Wahyu (Guru Administrasi Perkantoran kelas 2 SMK Pelita Bangsa).
- Pak Didik Yulianto (Pembimbing Ekstrakulikuler SMK Pelita Bangsa).
- Pak Arief (Pembimbing Prudent Radio).
- Pak Heru Sri Kabariyanto, S.Pd ( Guru Agama kelas 1,2 & 3 SMK Pelita Bangsa).
- Pak Didi Ahmadi (Adi), S.Psi (Guru Bimbingan Pelajar).
- Bu Sri Anggraeni, S.Psi (Guru Bimbingan Pelajar).
- Pak Beni (Guru Kesenian SMK Pelita Bangsa).
- Pak Irfan Rifa'i, SH (Guru Pkn & wali kelas 1, 2, 3 AP 1).
- Pak Ahmad Rifai (Wakil Kepala Sekolah SMK Pelita Bangsa).
- Bu Yahya (Staf Tata Usaha).
- Pak Ali (Staf Tata Usaha).
- Bu Heni ( Guru Administrasi Perkantoran SMK Pelita Bangsa).
- Bu Tri Ningsih (Guru Administrasi Perkantoran kelas 3 SMK Pelita Bangsa).
- Bu Miftahul Sari, SE (Guru Matematika kelas 1 & 2 SMK Pelita Bangsa).
- Bu Komala Sari (Guru Matematika kelas 3 SMK Pelita Bangsa).
- Bu Eka Martiana Wulansari, SH. MH (Dosen Pengantar Ilmu Hukum Universitas Pamulang).
- Bu Ari Widiarti, SH. MH (Dosen Pendidikan Karakter & Budaya Universitas Pamulang).
- Bu Fenny Wulandari, SH. MH (Dosen Hukum Agraria Universitas Pamulang).
- Pak Endi Suhadi, SH. MH (Dosen Hukum Kewarganegaraan & Hukum Dagang Universitas Pamulang).
- Pak Dadi Kuswadi, SH (Dosen Hukum Perdata & Hukum Acara Perdata).
- Pak Agus Salim, SE. SH. MH (Dosen Hukum Acara Pidana).
- Bu Ayni Suwarni Herry, SH. M.Kn (Dosen Hukum Ilmu Negara & Administrasi Negara Universitas Pamulang).
- Pak Bambang Herman Panji, SH. MH (Dosen Hukum Tata Negara Universitas Pamulang).
- Bu Ratna Sari, SH. MH (Dosen Bahasa Belanda Universitas Pamulang).
- Bu Dina Novita, SE. MM (Dosen Bahasa Inggris & Ilmu Bisnis Ekonomi Universitas Pamulang).
- Bu Nani, SH. MH (Dosen Pendidikan Kewarganegaraan dan Politik Nasional Universitas Pamulang).
- Pak HMZ Iqbal, SH. MH (Dosen Hukum Adat Universitas Pamulang).
- Pak Guntarto Widodo, SH. MH ( Dosen Bahasa Inggris Universitas Pamulang).
- Pak Mahmud, SH. MH (Dosen Hukum Pidana Universitas Pamulang).
- Pak Ilhamsyah Lubis, SH. MH (Dosen Hukum Lingkungan Univesitas Pamulang).
- Bu Anissa Sabrina, SH. MH (Dosen Hukum Internasional).
teman teman saya semasa kecil :
- Kotabumi :
- tian
- yakut,
- aco,
- roy
- nur,
- tien.
- adi.
- kak kiki,
- aa endang,
- kak febi,
- tetah hanum,
- romi,
- tomi,
- ari.
- krisna dan lain lain lupa.
- Teman.
- Rudi,
- Zola,
- Esti,
- Dede Rosadi,
- Abang Habib,
- Alfian,
- Eci,
- Edo,
- Daniel,
- Angga,
- Rizal,
- Irji,
- Ayu,
- Ari,
- Fajar,
- sinta,
- laras,
- alfian,
- silvi,
- oki,
- amidi,
- bang kiki,
- bang heru.
- bang muhibin,
- ka eka,
- ka febri.
- randy.
- bintang.
- alpian.
- hasan.
- febi.
- andrian.
- adityasa.
- Sultan.
- Imam santoso.
- teman semasa sd kotabumi :
- anjas.
- pandu,
- faisal,
- bela,
- yoga.
- wahyu.
- dan lain aku tidak tahu namanya yang lain.
- teman semasa sd muhammadiyah :
- teman semasa smp muhammadiyah :
- jafar,
- burhan,
- lukman,
- hendrik,
- choirul,
- yoga,
- miftah,
- ahmad fatoni,
- irlan,
- hari,
- indah,
- fahri,
- fahmi,
- noval,
- tari,
- wati,
- bias,
- aan (ketua kelas pengganti 2A & ketua OSIS IRM),
- genta,
- yosi,
- diyah,
- deni,
- deni ivan,
- septian (ketua kelas pengganti 3F),
- khalid,
- nurhadi,
- salman,
- bambang,
- asep,
- affas,
- novi,
- indah,
- sabrina,
- gina,
- ayu,
- elsa,
- yayah,
- nuraji,
- megi,
- rendi dan lain lain lupa.
- teman semasa smk pelita bangsa :
- alpan sukri,
- ryan soeryatama (ketua paduan suara),
- hestu subhika garindi,
- antika agustina,
- indah,
- Anjarlia Kusumawardhani.
- dimas antonius,
- dimas hisbulah pandiangan,
- ubay dillah,
- steven polman,
- steven julius.
- kak alfian fransiscus (ketua MPK Pertama),
- Kak April (Ketua OSIS),
- Ika (ketua OSIS),
- Muhammad Rio (Ketua OSIS),
- kak bintoro (ketua ROHIS),
- hilman,
- devi septiarani (Ketua MPK keempat),
- puspa/rini puspitasari,
- darto,
- nana yuliana,
- ade kurniyawan (Ketua ROHIS),
- dewanti,
- kak khusaeri,
- fauzan akbar,
- fauzan arifandi,
- purwandani,
- rizki,
- riski ahmad paozi,
- intan sari.
- silmi nursyifa restu (cucu pemilik yayasan),
- chairul anwar,
- siti nurpadilah (Ketua Reastater/Ketua Kelas 1AP1, 2Ap1 & 3AP1),
- mega mentari,
- vika,
- timur wardhana,
- nia,
- nia rosiana,
- nur pradana,
- dita mitariyani,
- sabrina mulyadani,
- ricka octy putri sukandar,
- ana kurniadewi,
- irma fajrin,
- irma damayanti,
- irma nurmalasari,
- ayu lestari,
- afni,
- kak rini agusetyarani,
- kak leni,
- kak inayah aqidah,
- kak yayu,
- dewi purwasih,
- rasa kustiyana,
- kinana,
- indah pratiwi,
- jansen alexander,
- risma sagita,
- reza febrian,
- gina mahdiyana,
- mia kusmiawati,
- rizka oktavia,
- endang nurhayati,
- ida komalasari,
- rizka tistiara,
- desi retnoaryani,
- nining rosita,
- dewi ratnasari gondrong,
- silvia dewi,
- ranika agustina,
- titi mutiah,
- imas,
- nur azizah,
- merry ervianita.
- sukarelawan MPK lainnya dan lain lain.
- Teman semasa universitas pamulang kelas 01Hukef :
- Amul Futuh.
- Bapak Parmo.
- Bapak Hananto Putro Sembodo Wardhana.
- Bapak Suhardi.
- kak erwinda wijaya.
- kak nana permatasari.
- indriyani.
- yoga kuswaya.
- firman mulyawan.
- kak sella yulianti.
- siti sofa.
- bang muhammad sukur.
- bang surya eka gunata.
- bang ahmad rifai.
- hashemi rafsanjani.
- Kak hetty.
- bang muhammad faisal.
- takka.
- rizka suraenisyah.
- bu maswati.
- kiki yuliani.
- desyana citra damayanti.
- bang abdul qadir jaelani.
- bang doddy hardiyana.
- reno irawan.
- nur faizah.
- listyawati fauziah.
- Kak selvi afrida.
- bang rahmat shaleh.
- bang zainuri.
- rifaldi rusman.
- bu ratna sasih.
- muhammad raka yudho pratama.
- bang ismail.
- azwar annas.
- kak anissa almaida.
Rencana Stabil :
- melanjutkan pendidikan strata pertama yaitu sarjana hukum (Bachelor of Law) / sarjana ekonomi (Bachelor of Economy) & melanjutkan pendidikan strata kedua yaitu magister hukum (Master of Law) / magister manajemen (Master of Management).
- Bekerja sebagai pegawai perseroan terbatas / pegawai negeri yang berpenghasilan Rp.3.500.000. – Rp.2.500.000.- dan naik jabatan sebagai manager subordinasi / kepala bagian yang berpenghasilan Rp.5.000.000. – Rp.6.000.000,-
- Jika ada kesempatan baik maka aku akan bekerja di luar negeri seperti di Singapura, Hongkong, Malaysia, Taiwan, Jepang & Australia dengan gaji sebesar USD 500 – 1000.
- mengikuti program asuransi kesehatan, asuransi pendidikan, asuransi jiwa, BPJS kesehatan, BPJS ketenagakerjaan & program dana pensiun.
- Menabung, investasi reksadana, investasi obligasi negara, investasi asuransi, investasi emas & batu mulia pada Bank CIMB NIAGA, BCA, BRI, BNI, BTN, MANDIRI, CITIBANK dan Pegadaian.
- Membeli rumah & pekarangan di jakarta, samarinda & palembang.
- Membeli rumah & pekarangan di beberapa negara.
- Membeli lahan pertanian seluas 2 hektar & lahan pemakaman seluas 1 hektar.
- Membuat kolam ikan, sawah, kebun sayur, kebun buah dan perternakan (sapi, kerbau, domba, kambing dan bebek).
- Mengurus keluarga inti & menikahi wanita eropa serta memiliki 2 anak kandung lelaki
- Berinvestasi saham dan obligasi pada perseroan terbatas multinasional & bonafit & berinvestasi bisnis waralaba seperti Tempat Pom Bensin, MC Donald, KFC, Hoka – Hoka Bento dan lain lain.
- Menjadi pemegang saham dengan kepemilikan saham sebesar 30% pada 2 perseroan terbatas / company limited berskala kecil dan menjadi sekutu komanditer pasif pada 2 perusahaan komanditer.
- Mendirikan Koperasi Primer Usaha Perternakan Pertanian & Bisnis Kecil Usaha Restoran.
- Mendirikan Bisnis dengan Badan Hukum Perseroan Terbatas (Company Limited & Corporation) berskala kecil di bidang pertanian, perternakan, perikanan, industri pengelolaan makanan, industri hasil tani & pabrik tradisional pakaian.
- Mendirikan Yayasan yang memiliki Sekolah, Rumah Asuh Anak Yatim / Anak Terlantar, Rumah Asuh Orang Terlantar, Rumah Asuh Penderita Gangguan Jiwa, Klinik Kesehatan, Perpustakaan, Rumah Ibadah (Masjid Islam, Sinagog, Gereja Katredral, Gereja Protestan, Pura Hindu & Vihara Budha), Posko Bantuan dan Bisnis Agrikultural & Manufaktur.
- Membeli pulau seluas 1 km / 5 km dan memohon status keistimewaan sebagai negara protektorat.
Small Plan in Birth Country :
- membangun rumah seluas 60 meter di semarang.
- membeli tanah pertanian & perternakan seluas 5 hektar di kalimantan atau sulawesi.
- membeli rumah di United States seharga USD 150,000.
- membeli rumah di Italia seharga USD 50,000.
Persembahan untuk papa dan mama :
- memberi mobil.
- memberi paket wisata domestik & abroad.
- memberi paket ibadah haji & umrah.
- memberi pakaian.
- memberi perhiasan emas 24 karat / 22 karat berupa gelang & kalung.
- memberi sembako atau kebutuhan pangan setiap bulan.
- membayar pajak negara dari kartu nomor pokok wajib pajak.
- menganggarkan dana zakat / sedekah sebesar Rp.1 juta pertahun berupa beras & sembako, pakaian & makanan kepada anak yatim piatu & orang fakir.
- amal hewan kurban yaitu lembu & kambing pada Idul Adha.
- Zakat Ternak yaitu Sapi, Kerbau & Domba.
- Zakat Pertanian & Zakat Buah - Buahan.
- Program makan 1 kali sehari kecuali hari sabtu & minggu.
- Puasa senin & kamis, puasa sunah syawal, puasa sunah rajab, puasa arafah, puasa syaban dan lainnya.\
- shalat fardhu (Subuh, Dzuhur, Ashar, Magrib & Isya).
- shalat tahajud, shalat dhuha dan lainnya.
Membuat website “” :
- Home.
- Donation forum.
- Discusion forum.
- Chat forum.
- News forum.
- Open media sosial / Blog.
- Electronic mail.
- Electronic Library (Electronic Book).
- Video Channel (Film Documentary, All Genre Film, Cartoon, Music, Travel & etc)
- Photos Channel.
- Game Strategi.
- Bussines Application (Investment Bussines / Investasi Bisnis Berbayar).
- Television Channel.
And create web applications in mobile phones, personal computers, other electronic devices as well as the target of 100,000 people as loyal users.
Membuat Badan Usaha Milik Swasta dan Organisasi Masyarakat sesuai dengan Undang Undang dan Hukum Negara yang berlaku di Suatu Negara :
- Perseroan Terbatas (PT). BRP Bumi Raya / BRP Plagoldi.Co.Ltd.
- Koperasi BRP Bumi Raya.
- Yayasan Movement People Key / Movement People Key Fundation.
- Boryaltra Organization.
- Partai Nasional Bangsa Agung.
Aku ingin mendapatkan penghargaan, pangkat kebangsawanan, pangkat ksatria dan pangkat strata pendidikan :
- mendapatkan pangkat strata pendidikan berupa sarjana dan magister, contoh : Bondan Ramadhani Purnomo, SH, MH, MM.
- Mendapatkan pangkat strata pendidikan negara asing (USA/UK) seperti Bachelor, contoh : Bondan Ramadhani Purnomo, LLB.
- Mendapatkan Pangkat Kebangsawanan dari Kasultanan Yogyakarta dan Kadipaten Paku Alaman berupa Lurah, Riyo dan Bupati Anom, contoh : Mas Lurah Bondan Ramadhani, Mas Riyo Bondan Ramadhani dan Kanjeng Mas Tumenggung Buminoto Prajanegara.
- Mendapatkan Pangkat Kebangsawanan dari Keraton Kasunanan Surakarta dan Puro Kadipaten Mangkunegaran berupa Pangkat Pangeran Sentana : contoh : Kanjeng Pangeran Harya Padmanegara.
- Mendapatkan gelar ksatria dari United Kingdom berupa Knight Commander of the Most Excellent Order of The British Empire atau KBE / Knight Grand Cross or Dame Grand Cross of the Most Excellent Order of the British Empire (GBE) , contoh, Bondan Ramadhani Purnomo, KBE / Bondan Ramadhani Purnomo, GBE.
- Mendapatkan gelar ksatria dari Papal State of Vatican berupa The Pontifical Equestrian Order of St. Gregory the Great (Knight/Dame Commander (KCSG/DCSG))/(Knight/Dame (KSG/DSG)) , contoh Bondan Ramadhani Purnomo, KCSG atau Bondan Ramadhani Purnomo, KSG.
- Dan lain – lainnya.
Rencana Wisata Manca Negara, aku ingin ke :
- United States of America.
- Japan.
- United Kingdom.
- Ireland.
- Netherland.
- France.
- Belgium and Luxembourg.
- Spain.
- Italy.
- Greece.
- Switzerland.
- China & Taiwan.
- South Korea.
- Malaysia.
- Singapore.
- Thailand, Cambodia & Vietnam.
- India.
- Australia.
- Philipina.
- New Zealand.
- Turkey.
- Norway, Denmark, Sweden and Finland (Scandinavia).
- Portugal.
- Austria & Hungary.
- Liechtenstein, Monaco, Malta & Andorra.
- Montenegro, Bosnia, Albania, Croatia, Slovenia, Serbia, & Macedonia.
- Israel & Yerusalem.
- Argentine, Galapagos, Brazil, Guyana, Suriname, Columbia, Uruguay, Paraguay & Chili.
- Tonga, Vanuatu, Micronesia, Palau, Hawaii, Tahiti & etc.
- Pakistan & Afganistan.
- Kazakhtan, Turmenikstan, Uzbekistan, Georgia, Armenia & Azerbaijan.
- Mexico, Belize, Panama, Guatemala, Bahama, Jamaica, Dominica, Haiti, Puerto Rico, Cuba, Aruba, Curacao & Nicaragua.
- Saudi Arabia, Eghypt, Marroco, Syirria, Palestine, Irak, United Emirat Arab, Oman, Yaman & Jordan.
- Botswana, Mozambique, South Africa, Madagaskar (Malagasy), Namibia & Zambia.
Catatan :
Kesukaanku adalah :
- membaca buku - buku pengetahuan umum (IPS, IPA, Sejarah, Geografi, Sosiologi, Ekonomi, Ilmu Politik, Ilmu Hukum, Biologi, Antariksa, Fisika, Bahasa Indonesia, Kamus Berbagai Bahasa, Agama Islam, Administrasi, Akuntansi, Biografi, Ilmu Teknik, Agama Islam, Agama Hindu, Agama Budha, Agama Kristen, Agama Yahudi) terutama Ensiklopedia.
- Membaca buku – buku sains tentang teknik, komputer, budidaya tanaman, budidaya ikan, budidaya ternak dan lainnya.
- Membaca buku – buku karangan zaman dahulu.
- Membaca koran, artikel, tesis, skripsi, majalah & laporan penelitian ilmiah.
- Membaca novel, karya fiksi, karya sastra, buku fantasi & komik manga.
- Suka berwisata domestik dan ingin banget berwisata mancanegara.
- Suka melakukan travel atau tamasya.
- bergerak jalan atau olahraga gerak jalan.
- senang dengan belanja.
- senang menabung walau habis karena tidak memperhitungkan.
- suka menonton film - film documenter tentang sains dan pengetahuan umum.
- Menyukai film – film berbagai genre seperti Harry Potter, The Chronicles of Narnia, Terebithia, Zathura, Alice in wonderland, The Lord of The Rings, The Hobbit, Toys Story, Mr.Bean dan lain lain.
- Menyukai film kartun seperti Dragon Ball, One Piece, Hamtaro dan lain lain.
- suka melihat film pornografi dan gambar porno.
- suka masturbasi.
- berkumpul bersama teman dekat dan keluarga atau komunitas kecil.
- suka sebagai individualis dan sosialis terbatas.
- suka mendengarkan lagu - lagu tembang / nyanyian.
- suka melihat video - video menarik.
- Suka dengan komputer & telepon seluler teknologi terbaru / alat elektronik.
- suka menggunakan internet.
- menyukai chanel televisi luar negeri seperti National Geographic dan Discovery Chanel.
- suka mengerjakan pekerjaan rumah tangga.
- ingin banget ikut organisasi masyarakat atau perkumpulan seperti masa SMK.
- menyenangi kegiatan memasak atau cooking.
- suka dengan gambar, foto, lukisan dan video tentang pemandangan alam dan unik.
- suka menyimpan buku buku elektronik dan gambar pemandangan alam atau unik.
- senang membeli dan mengoleksi buku.
- dahulu aku suka tertawa terbahak bahak tapi tidak bisa lagi karena pengaruh obat psikosis psikiater.
- suka melihat, mendengar dan membaca informasi unik dan berita tentang pengetahuan umum serta petualangan.
- suka merencanakan sesuatu tentang kehidupan diri aku atau khayal untuk masa depan hidup aku.
- senang dengan dunia kecantikan, aku biasa luluran, maskeran dan ingin banget suntik vitamin pemutih dengan tujuan agar kulit ku dapat menjadi putih.
- senang hidup bersama orang tua dan kakak serta adik walau ada duka dan kisah sedihnya.
- Senang menyendiri ketika sedih dan senang untuk menenangkan diri.
- Senang dengan dunia pendidikan dan belajar sebagai siswa atau mahasiswa.
- Suka menangis tapi akibat obat psikofarma dari psikiater kesulitan untuk menangis.
- Suka dengan kondom penis karena ketika dipakai rasanya nyaman dan adem.
- senang melihat wanita cantik dan pria tampan/ganteng.
- Suka banget dengan keju atau cheese.
- Suka dengan makanan kuliner atau aneka masakan serta buah buahan yang rasa manis.
- Makanan favorit : roti isi keju, saos tomat, mie ayam, hamburger, fried chicken, kentang goreng, gado – gado, karedok, pecel, salad, ayam teriyaki, rendang, bebek goreng, udang teriyaki, udang tepung asam manis, pecel lele, ikan salmon, gurame goreng saos asam manis, cumi tepung asam manis, sayur cumi kecap, sayur asem, sayur lodeh, soto ayam, soto daging, soto santan, bakso, yakiniku, daging kebab, pisang keju goreng, sate ayam & kambing, capcay, puyung hai, kue donat, kue serabi, ikan tongkol sambal, ikan mujair goreng, ikan patin sayur, ikan mas goreng, ikan mas sayur, ikan teri medan + kacang, ikan cue, ikan tenggiri goreng + sayur, pempek kuah asam, kwetiau, nasi goreng, martabak keju & bubur sumsum.
- Buah favorit : Kurma, Nanas, Strawberry, Mangga, Rambutan, Belimbing, Jambu, Apel, Alpukat, Sirsak, Kelapa, Duku, Leci, Srikaya, Salak, Jeruk, Pisang, Semangka, Pepaya, Melon & Pear.
- Aku menyukai game playstation 1 yaitu Harvest Moon Back to Nature Versi English : 3 tahun waktu harvest moon, money (uang) 4.999.999 g dari maksimal 9.999.999 g, rumah sudah diperbesar, tanah sudah bersih & terawat, kebun sudah maksimal disemua tanah, peralatan tani & tambang sudah di lebur level 1 (emas / batu biru), sudah lengkap peralatan lain, sapi & domba jumlah 40 ekor, ayam jumlah 20 ekor, 2 ekor kuda, rumah sapi, domba & ayam sudah di perbesar, kolam ikan terisi ikan kecil – sedang – besar, mesin wol, mesin keju, mesin – mesin lain, rumah kaca sudah dibangun, tapi gagal menikah karena gagal dalam lamarannya padahal semua wanita hatinya sudah cinta & karen yang di incar malah sudah kembali berhati ungu.
- Aku juga suka memainkan game playstation 2 : naruto shippuden sudah semua di jelajahi & semua misi dilaksanakan tinggal misi terakhir yang masih gagal.
- Dahulu aku punya playstation 1 & 2.
- aku pengguna pasif internet sejak 2006, pengguna aktif internet sejak 2009, pengguna aktif elektronik mail dari google – yahoo sejak tahun 2008, pembaca aktif wikipedia sejak tahun 2006, pengguna aktif game stategi : tribal wars sejak tahun 2009 - travian tahun 2008 - build a kingdom tahun 2014 – throne rush sejak tahun 2014 – imperia online sejak tahun 2014 – castle ville sejak tahun 2012 – dan permainan dari facebook lainnya, penonton website porno sejak tahun 2006, pembaca website kompas – republik – merdeka – viva – bbc – bloomberg – reuters – DW – Yahoo News – VOA Indonesia – tempo – okezone dan lainnya sejak tahun 2009, pengguna aktif akun google sejak 2010 dan pendownload internet aktif sejak tahun 2011.
- aku adalah penggemar dari Dinasti Monarki Britania Raya & Irlandia Utara dan Commonwealth of Realms (Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II, His Royal Highness Consort Prince Philip, His Royal Highness Prince Charles, Her Royal Highness Princess Diana, Camilla Duchess of Cornwall, Prince William, Princess Catherine Middleton, Prince Henry (Harry) and etc) dan beberapa monarki lainnya.
- Pengagum Negara – Negara beserta sejarahnya seperti :
- Menyukai United States of America sejak tahun 2002 karena merupakan republik pertama di dunia didirkan tahun 7 juli 1776 masehi pada revolusi amerika yang berhasil melaksanakan sistem pemerintahan republik murni dengan sistem hukum – ekonomi – politik yang stabil serta perkembangan sains & teknologi yang menakjubkan & hebat di awal abad modern serta menjadi negara adidaya atau negara yang hegemoninya mempengaruhi sistem ekonomi dunia & politik internasional dunia dengan saingannya Uni Soviet / Rusia Federation dalam hal ideologi & politik internasional.
- Menyukai United Kingdom & Commonwealth Realms (British Empire) sejak tahun 2002, karena merupakan negara terlama & pertama yang menerapkan sistem parlemen dunia serta membuat konstitusi / piagam pertama di dunia dan menerapkan sistem konvensional atau hukum (undang - undang) yang tidak tertulis yang melindungi hak asasi manusia sejak tahun 1290 masehi dengan piagam magna charta yang di legalkan atas desakan para bangsawan kepada raja john lackland, negara dengan militer terkuat dengan armada lautnya pada abad 18 – 20, serta monarki perempuan terlama di dunia yaitu Queen Victoria (1837 – 1901) selama 62 tahun & Queen Elizabeth II (1952 – kini) selama 63 tahun, beserta dinasti terkenalnya dinasti normadia dari tahun 1066 masehi, dinasti plantagenet, dinasti lancaster, dinasti tudor, dinasti stuart, commonwealth or protectorate state, restorasi dinasti stuart, dinasti hanover (1724 - 1901), dinasti saxe coburg gotha (1901 – 1934) dan dinasti windsor (1934 - kini) dan negara yang memiliki daerah jajahan atau taklukan dunia terbesar dan terluas di dunia.
- Menyukai Federasi Russia / Uni Soviet sejak tahun 2006, karena merupakan negara terluas di dunia dengan luas 22 juta kilometer & tanah tidur / tanah terbengkalai yang menggiurkan untuk usaha pertanian, perkebunan, perternakan & dengan potensi sumber daya alam serta potensi sumber daya mineral & energi yang melimpah serta menjadi saingan United States of America dalam hegemoni politik internasional, ideologi komunis (Sovyet) – liberalis (America) dan Militer dengan daya nuklir yang kuat.
- Jepang sejak tahun 2005, karena negara maju dan kaya setelah terpuruk dan hancur akibat perang dunia II, dengan luas 378.000 kilometer persegi atau seluas pulau sumatera, di hiasi pemandangan pegunungan di tengah dan sisi barat serta timur adalah pesisir pantai, dan wilayah kepulauan sekitar kurang / lebih dari 6800 pulau, berpusat industri teknologi yang maju, dengan prestasi keretanya yang hanya bisa disaingi oleh eropa dan amerika, negara ini menerapkan negara monarki konstitusionalisme yang membatasi kekuasaan kaisar hanya sebatas pada simbol – pemimpin seremoni negara pada konstitusi 1948 yang di buat oleh pihak amerika serikat, dan sistem ekonomi yang maju, pendidikan yang disiplin, budaya yang menarik, kedisplinan tinggi & ketat, etos kerja yang tinggi dan kebebasan berekspresi.
- Monaco sejak tahun 2003 dalam buku pintar dunia, karena merupakan negara kecil seluas 2 kilometer persegi atau 200 hektar dengan sistem pemerintahan monarki konstitusional sejak tahun 2002 dan di pimpin mahkota oleh seorang pangeran dengan pemerintah yang dipimpin oleh menteri negara dengan dewan nasional sebagai legislatif atau pembuat peraturan dan pengadilan tinggi sebagai penegak hukum atau pengawas peraturan dan peraturan serta negara perancis adalah negara pelindung melalui traktat.Dengan ekonomi yang tinggi dan pembangunan infrakstrur yang cukup maju karena dipenuhi bangunan bertingkat dan pelabuhan berisi yatch (kapal pesiar) serta berpenduduk rata rata 35,000 orang.Dan dengan sejarah berdiri pada tahun 1300 masehi oleh Lord Rainer I of Monaco dan pada tahun 1602, Lord Honore II of Monaco menaikkan status dari Lord menjadi Kepangeranan menjadi Prince Honore II of Monaco hingga kini negara monaco merdeka.
- Liechtenstein sejak tahun 2003 dalam buku pintar dunia, merupakan negara kecil mempunyai luas wilayah 160 kilometer persegi, dengan di apit pegunungan alpen dengan perbatasan negara swiss & austria dialiri sungai rhine disisi barat dengan hamparan hutan serta padang rumput hijau yang luas dengan empat musim semi, panas, gugur & dingin dan dengan ekonomi maju serta pendapatan perkapita rata – rata US Dolar 30,000. dengan pengaturan kota yang teratur dan terawat dan dengan sistem politik monarki konstitusional sejak 2001, dengan monarki dipegang oleh pangeran & suksesor dipegang oleh pangeran pewaris, eksekutif dipegang oleh dewan menteri dan legislatif dipegang oleh landtag dan yudikatif dipegang oleh makhamah agung dan di negeri ini tidak ada militer sejak tahun 1816.Dan sejarahnya berdiri pada tahun 1600, pada waktu kekaisaran romawi suci yang memberikan pangkat kebangsawanan kepangeranan atau furstentum kepada Karl I, Prince of Liechtenstein serta pada tahun 1716, pangeran liechtenstein mendapatkan tanah di vaduz dan schellenberg dan pada tahun 1806 melalui konfederasi dari rhine itu negara liechtenstein mendapatkan status negara merdeka pada waktu pemerintahan prince johann I hingga kini status kepemimpinan dipegang oleh Prince Hans – Adam II.
- Luxembourg sejak tahun 2003 dalam buku pintar dunia, merupakan negara dengan luas wilayah +/- 2500 kilometer persegi, dengan sistem politik monarki konstitusional dengan dipimpin oleh seorang Grand Duke yang mengetuai dewan negara serta pemerintahan dipegang oleh perdana dan dewan menteri, dengan kemiliteran yang kuat, serta kondisi geografis berbukit dengan ketinggian 500 meter dari permukaan laut, dikelilingi hutan dan kota & desa padat penduduk sekitar lebih dari 500.000 orang.Dan sejarahnya luxembourg didirikan tahun 1200 masehi dibawah naungan kekaisaran romawi suci dan tahun 1801 berada dibawah negara gabungan yaitu benelux (belgia – nederland – luxembourg) yang pecah pada tahun 1890 yaitu nederland & luxembourg berpisah dengan dipimpin oleh Raja Williem III dari nederland dan yang memerintah negara ini masih merupakan keturunan Raja Williem III dari nederland saat ini yang menjabat sebagai monarki luxembourg adalah Grand Duke Henri of Luxembourg dari tahun 2005 – kini.
- Roman Empire (tahun 523 sebelum masehi – 553 masehi) & Byzantine Empire (tahun 453 masehi – 1453 masehi) sejak tahun 2003, karena negara ini berganti 3 sistem pemerintahan dari monarki absolut, republik aristrokrasi dan monarki imperialis yang paling menonjol dari monarki adalah pendirinya romus & romulus beserta para rajanya yang di sebut rex tapi karena rex yang absolut & kejam maka rex dibenci oleh rakyat & kaum bangsawan hingga akhirnya kaum bangsawan waktu itu melawan & menghapus monarki dari romawi dan membentuk pemerintahan republik aristokrasi yang dikuasai oleh para aristokrat dalam dewan senat dipimpin oleh konsul & hukum yang diawasi oleh tribunate serta militerisasi yang kuat untuk pertahanan & keamanan negara sehingga terbentuk triumvirat leader (tiga serangkai penguasa periode pertama) yaitu dipimpin oleh Sulla, Pontus & Lucius dan Triumvirat periode kedua yaitu Julius, Marcus dan Pompei akan tetapi Julius & Pompei lebih mendominasi ketika itu Julius Caesar berkuasa di barat dan Pompei di timur tapi ambisi Pompei ingin menguasai romawi secara penuh hingga perang saudara di mulai hingga akhirnya Pompei dikalahkan oleh Julius dan melarikan diri ke mesir dibawah dinasti ptolemy karena atas perintah wazir (menteri utama) saat itu pompei di bunuh ketika julius tahu kemudian julius murka dan invansi mesir hingga akhirnya ratu cleopatra VIII mengambil alih dan menjadi istri dari julius caesar setelah julius dibunuh oleh senat hingga akhirnya terbentuk triumvirat ketiga dipimpin oleh oktavianus, mark antonius dan mark lepidus maka terpecah kekuasaan romawi menjadi dua bagian di barat di kuasai oleh oktavianus dan di timur dikuasai oleh mark antonius terjadi perebutan kekuasaan hingga dimenangkan oleh oktavianus pada tahun 1 masehi waktu itu oktavianus sudah menguasai romawi dan menjadi Caesar, hingga keturunannya Kaisar Titus, Kaisar Claudius, Kaisar Nero, beberapa dinasti lainnya dan terbentuknya romawi barat berpusat di roma hingga jatuhnya romawi barat oleh bangsa vandal yang mendirikan kerajaan visigothic yang bertahan sampai tahun 953 masehi dan romawi timur di bizantium bertahan sampai tahun 1453 masehi dengan dinasti terakhir palaigos berkuasa di asia barat daya dan eropa timur hingga kekuasaan terakhir hanya tinggal sebatas konstantinopel dibawah kaisar konstantine merupakan negara terlama di dunia sekitar 2200 tahun dan negara pertama yang memiliki sistem undang undang atau kode hukum sipil – dagang – politik – pidana yang digunakan oleh bangsa modern abad 19, negara menerapkan sistem militer terbesar pertama di dunia & serta wilayah kekuasaan yang mencakup seluruh eropa barat, eropa selatan, eropa tengah, eropa timur, afrika utara, laut tengah dan sebagian timur tengah.
- Negara – Negara Yunani Kuno / Hellena Kuno sejak tahun 2003, seperti athena merupakan negara penerap sistem demokrasi pertama di dunia, republik di dunia serta menerapkan sistem pemilihan umum, negara kota (Polis) dan arsitektur bangunan lonia yang megah dan indah & sparta merupakan negara kota / polis yang bersistem monarki dengan dua raja dan gaya militernya yang kuat serta didikan wajib militernya bagi setiap warga negara yang berkelamin lelaki, negara yang menyelamatkan negaranya dari jajahan kekaisaran persianya dan gaya arsitektur bangunan kota bernama doria yang megah.
- Persian Empire / Madia sejak tahun 2003, merupakan negara pertama yang beragama majusi, dengan sistem pemerintahan kekaisarannya, dan wilayah kekuasaan yang luas serta sistem militer yang kuat dan negara yang memiliki pemerintahan otoriter, sistem hukum kuno dan ilmu pengetahuan & teknologi yang cukup memadai pada masa itu serta sistem ekonomi maju & perdagangan terbuka dengan beberapa negara sudah terbilang maju serta raja terkenalnya adalah raja darius yang agung pada tahun 500 masehi dari dinasti madia & akadia.
- Mesir Kuno sejak tahun 2003, merupakan negara tertua pertama yang dikenali / di ketahui pertama kali oleh dunia sejak tahun 4000 sebelum masehi yang catatan nya masih utuh di dalam piramida, bangunan kuno dan prasasti dalam bentuk hieroglif, dalam catatan naskah kuno dari taurat, injil dan al qur'an, negara yang awalnya terbagi menjadi hulu (thebes) dan hilir (memphis), negara yang di perintah firaun / Pharaoh (penguasa absolut pertama yang diketahui) yang awalnya hanya kepala suku yang terbagi bagi atas banyak suku untuk memimpin wilayah suku – mengatur hasil pertanian – mengatur urusan keagamaan/politik/perdagangan/ekonomi/sosial dengan sistem pemilihan berdasarkan keturunan atau di pilih langsung oleh anggota suku hingga akhirnya berkuasa menjadi raja yang mutlak dan mengaku sebagai dewa, negara mesir kuno dari tebes (hulu) dan hilir (mempis) disatukan oleh Fir'aun (Pharaoh) dari tebes (hulu) dan Pharaoh yang pernah berkuasa adalah Zaman Dinasti Pertama yaitu Menes, Khufu, Menkaure, Zaman Kedua dikuasai oleh Thutmosis I – VI, Amenhotep I – VII & beberapa raja lainnya, Zaman penjajahan bangsa hykos yang menguasai bangsa mesir berasal dari jazirah arab / syam, Zaman Ketiga dikuasai oleh Ramses I – III hingga dinasti merdeka terakhir adalah dinasti ptolemy pada zaman romawi pada tahun 100 sebelum masehi sampai 200 masehi dengan para raja dari Pharaoh Ptolemy I – XII dan Ratu Pemerintah Cleopatra I – VII dan beberapa raja lainnya yang merupakan keturunan dari Jenderal Ptolemy kawan Kaisar Alexander yang Agung, negara pertama di ketahui sebagai pembuat arsitektur besar dalam sejarah dunia yang masih meninggalkan bangunan kuno unggulan yaitu piramida atau bangunan segitiga / limas yang merupakan pemujaan dewa – dewa mesir kuno – kuburan para firaun (Pharaoh) dan negara yang identik dengan sungai nil sebagai pusat kehidupannya.
- Magadha Empire / Maurya Gupta Empire sejak tahun 2003, merupakan negara kekaisaran terbesar di india yang berada di sepanjang aliran sungai gangga pada abad 200 sebelum masehi – 10 sebelum masehi yang terkenal dengan legenda dari raja candra maurya gupta yang agung dan raja ashoka yang suka berperang, menaklukan banyak negara dan akhirnya berpindah ajaran agama dari hindu kepada agama budha untuk menciptakan kehidupan dunia yang damai.
- Mesopotamia sejak tahun 2003, merupakan salah satu negara awal pada tahun 3000 sebelum masehi yang di ketahui oleh manusia abad kini, negara yang diawali oleh legenda bangsa sumeria yang mendirikan negara negara kota seperti Ur, Uruk, Isin, Lagash, Akkad dan lainnya yang bertumpu pada kehidupan sungai tigris dan sungai eufrat, sejarah babilonia pertama yang kuasai mesopotamia yang terkenal dengan raja hammurabi dengan hukumnya yang disebut kode hammurabi, setelah itu di kuasai oleh bangsa assiria atau assyrian empire dengan ibu kotanya ninive dan di rebut kembali oleh bangsa khaldean yang memindahkan ibukota pada pusat kekuasaan yang lama yaitu babilonia dengan raja terkenalnya nebukanezar dan di legenda terkenal bangsa babilonia membangun sebuah bangunan yang di sebut taman bergantung yang keberadaannya kini masih misterius.
- Pada tahun 2003 aku menyukai Kerajaan Macedonia dibawah dinasti argaed yang di pimpin oleh Alexander yang Agung pada tahun 300 sebelum masehi yang kekuasaannya meliputi eropa timur, timur tengah (asia barat daya) dan hindustan bagian barat dan selatan dan di kabarkan meninggal dunia akibat mabuk karena minum alkohol yang berlebihan di usia 32 tahun.
- Pada tahun 2003 aku menyukai Suku Israel & Yehuda merupakan suku bangsa yang terbentuk dari 12 keturunan dari Yakub anak dari ishaq anak dari ibrahim, nabi islam – kristen – yahudi & bapak bangsa israil & yehuda yang berhasil membentuk kerajaan israel (samaria) & yehuda dibawah raja saul (thalut), daud (david) & sulaiman (solomon) dan dari kerajaan yehuda maka lahirlah agama yahudi serta negara negara yang banyak menurunkan para nabi dari satu keturunan ibrahim / abraham seperti Isa, Ezra (Uzair), Samuel, Habakuk, Daud (david), Solomon (Sulaiman), Jonas (Yunus), Elia (Ilyas), Mikhail, Ellila (Ilyasa), Zakaria, Yahya (John), Musa (Moses), Harun (Horan), Yusuf (Joseph), Daniel, Yosea dan lainnya dan kisah bangsa ini dikisahkan dalam kitab taurat dan injil ( Alkitab) dan Al Qur'an.
- Pada tahun 2003 aku menyukai Negara Madinah Al Munawarah dahulu bernama yastrib dipimpin oleh Nabi Muhammad SAW yang merupakan keturunan nabi ibrahim melalui anaknya nabi ismail serta keturunan Qushay penakluk kota mekah dari tangan kaum khuzaah dari tahun 612 – 632 masehi merupakan negara kota yang bernama yastrib dengan pemerintahan teokrasi dengan kitab hukum yang bernama Al Qur'an dan hadist (sunah rasul) disebut syariah yang di wahyukan oleh Allah (Tuhan orang islam) dan negara dimana agama islam lahir dan berkembang pertama kali dengan pemerintahan & ibadah di dalam masjid nabawi & balai rasul yang berkiblat di masjidil haram atau mekkah setelah berkiblat di baitul maqdis (yerusalem).
- Kingdom of Majapahit sejak tahun 2002, merupakan negara yang didirikan oleh raden wijaya (kertarajasa jayawardana) pada tahun 1293 Masehi setelah di taklukannya singasari dan dibunuhnya raja kertanegara oleh raja bawahan kediri (daha) yaitu jayakatwang setelah mendapatkan bantuan perlindungan dari arya wiraraja (adipati sumenep) dan tentara mongol dan pada zaman raja hayam wuruk & dibantu oleh mahapatih gajah mada tahun 1330 – 1350 masehi ketika itu majapahit mengalami perluasan wilayah dari seluruh jawa timur, jawa tengah, bali, semenanjung melayu, minangkabau, tanjung pura (kalimantan), sulawesi, tumasek, filipina selatan, sunda kecil dan irian bagian barat akan tetapi sepeninggal raja hayam wuruk, majapahit dilanda perang saudara paregreg oleh raja wikramawardana (raja pendamping majapahit) dan bhre wirabumi (raja blambangan) dan dimenangkan oleh wikramawardana serta pada tahun 1478 masehi majapahit punah setelah raja brawijaya V atau bhre kertabumi dikalahkan oleh ranawijaya / girindrawardana yang memerintah tahun 1478 – 1498 kemudian dilanjutkan oleh patih udara pada tahun 1498 – 1520 ketika itu majapahit sudah kecil dan seluas separuh jawa timur menurut catatan akhir dengan bangsa portugis.
- Japan Empire / Nippon sejak tahun 2008, negara yang melakukan restorasi meiji oleh kaisar meiji pada tahun 1850 – 1870 masehi yang mengembalikan kekuasaan politik kepada kaisar dan menghapus sistem kekuasaan para shogun serta membangun politik monarki konstitusional pertama di asia, membentuk parlemen pertama di asia, reformasi pendidikan & militer gaya eropa, membentuk sistem kebangsawanan meniru gaya eropa, membentuk budaya bangsa asli jepang bercampur dengan sistem budaya eropa, membuka politik terbuka setelah melaksanakan politik tertutup sejak tahun 1600 masehi dan pada tahun 1910 di pimpin oleh kaisar taisho (Showa) digantikan oleh kaisar hirohito pada tahun 1939 dan dimasa kaisar hirohito, bangsa jepang dikuasai oleh kaum fasisme militer jepang yang melibatkan jepang dalam perang dunia kedua sebagai lawan dari sekutu dan beraliansi dengan jerman & italia dan berhasil menguasai korea selatan – china bagian utara (manchuko)– china bagian selatan – asia tenggara dan samudra pasifik dan pada tahun 1945, jepang mengalami kekalahan karena di bom atom oleh amerika serikat yaitu pada kota pusat militer hiroshima dan nagasaki.
- German Empire sejak tahun 2006, sejak dibubarkannya kekaisaran romawi suci di jerman sehingga dibentuknya federasi german hingga akhirnya tampuk kepemimpinan federasi german beralih dari dinasti habsburg pada masa kaisar franz josef dan negara negara kecil di jerman membentuk suatu konfederasi dan terpilih raja baru dari prussia yang bernama wilhelm I dan dibentuknya kekaisaran jerman pada tahun 1876 masehi dan ketika itu pada masa kaisar wilhelm II, jerman diperkuat militer yang menyebabkan dunia eropa terjerat dalam perang ambisius untuk menguasai eropa dan daerah jajahan di afrika, asia selatan. Asia barat daya, asia tenggara dan pasifik yang disebut perang dunia pertama (first world war) dengan alliansi german – austria pada tahun 1914 – 1915 dan bersinggungan dengan britania raya.
- Mongol Empire (Gengiz Khan) sejak tahun 2002, bangsa yang di pimpin oleh temujin sejak kecil pada tahun 1230, hingga akhirnya menyatukan semua suku dari berbagai kabilah mongol di seluruh tanah mongol dan membentuk barisan militer yang kuat sehingga dapat menaklukan hampir seluruh rusia, dataran cina, asia tengah dan asia barat hingga dinastinya terbagi menjadi dinasti yuan di dataran cina dengan kejayaan kaisar kubilai khan yang akhirnya di tumbangkan oleh dinasti ming pada tahun 1334, dinasti lainya golden horde & white horde di asia tengah dan lainnya.
- Mughal Empire sejak tahun 2006, didirkan oleh babur seorang keturunan dari kaisar jengis khan melalui kaisar timur lenk yang kabur dari kota kerajaan ayahnya terletak di asia tengah karena di kuasai oleh musuh bersama pasukannya membentuk kerajaan di afganistan hingga akhirnya menguasai pakistan dan seluruh india utara - tengah membentuk kerajaan mughal yang kejayaannya pada zaman raja ketiga yaitu sultan akbar dan berakhir tahun 1880 setelah raja terakhir mughal bahadur shah menyerahkan kekuasaan kepada british raja.
- Sejak tahun 2005 aku menyukai Habsburg Dynasty / Austrian - Hungarian Empire / Holy Roman Empire (Romawi Suci) sejak tahun 2007, dinasti habsburg yang didirikan oleh Rudolf I pada tahun 1220 masehi dan terpilih sebagai raja german pada tahun 1250 masehi dan terpilih menjadi kaisar romawi suci pada tahun 1300 masehi hingga turun temurun sampai berakhirnya kekaisaran romawi suci pada tahun 1806 masehi karena di hapus oleh kaisar napoleon bonaparte atas persetujuan kaisar Francis II dari romawi suci dan dari tahun 1806 – 1918 dinasti habsburg bertahan dalam kekaisaran austria – hungary, kerajaan bohemia, kerajaan slavonia – dalmatia dan german konfederasi dibawah pemerintahan Kaisar Franz Josef (1948 – 1916) dan Kaisar terakhir Karl I & V (1916 – 1918).
- French Empire (Napoleon Bonaparte) sejak tahun 2007, pada tahun 1795 napoleon bonaparte mengambil pemerintahan bersama dan ia menjadi konsul dan menjalankan pemerintahan teror, pada tahun 1804 dia mengangkat dirinya sebagai kaisar perancis sampai tahun 1816, selama masa pemerintahannya dia melakukan ekspansi menguasai hampir seluruh dataran eropa kecuali rusia yang gagal dia rebut dan britania raya, pada masa pemerintahannya dia membuat kode napoleon yang diambil dari kode romawi yaitu perkara hukum sipil dan pada masa pemerintahannya dia mengangkat ibunya sebagai Ibu Ratu (Queen Mother of France), Adiknya Louis Napoleon sebagai Raja Belanda, Adiknya Jerome Bonaparte sebagai Raja Westphalia in German, Adiknya Joseph Bonaparte sebagai Raja Spanyol, anaknnya Napoleon II sebagai Raja Unifikasi Italia, Adik perempuannya sebagai menantu pangeran dan para raja ketika tahun 1815 dia berhasil di kalahkan oleh aliansi anti napoleon dan berhasil diasingkan oleh para negarawan dan militer yang anti kepadanya dan diasingkan ke pulau elba setelah itu ia kabur ke kembali ke perancis dan dia berkuasa selama beberapa bulan pada tahun 1816 dia di asingkan kembali oleh para lawannya ke pulau saint helena, jajahan britania raya.
- Saya cukup menyenangi Kerajaan Perancis dan Navarre, kerajaan yang berasal dari navarre dan prancis bagian barat yang diperintah oleh dinasti bourbon dan berhasil mengambil alih kerajaan perancis di bagian selatan pada tahun 1400 masehi sehingga memerintah sebagai raja dari kerajaan perancis setelah dinasti capet & valois setelah merebut wilayah angevin dari kerajaan inggris selama peperangan seratus tahun, dan tokoh yang paling mencolok adalah raja louis XII yang meninggal karena peperangan dan digantikan oleh anaknya raja Lousi XIV (1645 - 1715) yang di indoktrinisasi oleh guru – guru politiknya yaitu cardinal mazarin dan lainnya dan selama masa pemerintahan ia membubarkan parlemen serta menetapkan kekuasaan absolut dan membangun istana megah & besar yang bernama Versailles Palace berserta taman – taman yang indah seluas 100 hektar yang semula rumah chateau de versaille dan ia digantikan oleh cucunya yaitu raja Louis XV (1715 – 1774) persis seperti kakeknya ia menjalankan pemerintahan secara absolut hanya dibantu oleh chief of ministernya dalam menjalankan pemerintahannya dan ketika wafat ia digantikan oleh cucunya raja Louis XVI (1774 – 1793) dan Ratu nya Marie Antoinette yang merupakan putri dari Kaisar Romawi Suci Francis I, selama masa pemerintahannya kerajaan perancis berada dalam puncak keterpurukan dan kebangkrutan akibat pemborosan keuangan negara akibat dari pesta besar keluarga kerajaan, biaya perang yang semakin membengkak akibat kekalahan dalam memperebutkan wilayah jajahan, rakyat semakin benci dan iri kepada raja, dinasti, bangsawan dan kaum gereja karena dianggap menumpuk harta kekayaan di saat rakyat sedang dalam kemiskinan dan kemelaratan, pajak yang semakin tinggi di berlakukan untuk rakyat sehingga membuat rakyat tertekan, pemerintah yang semakin represif terhadap orang yang melawan negara dan para bangsawan & para ahli mulai khawatir dengan keadaan negara yang semakin krisis hingga akhirnya mereka mendesak sang raja untuk menyatakan keadaan darurat maka raja louis XVI setuju untuk mengikuti kehendak mereka dan para bangsawan & para ahli membentuk kembali parlemen atau estates general yang beranggotakan 1000 orang untuk mewakili rakyat, membuat konstitusi untuk membatasi kekuasaan raja dan membagi kekuasaan menjadi 3 bagian yaitu eksekutif, legislatif dan yudikatif, adapun hak dan kewajiban raja yang sudah diatur oleh konstitusi adalah raja memegang kekuasaan pemerintahan bersama menteri utama dan raja boleh melakukan veto (hak untuk menolak) dibatasi 2 kali selama masa pemerintahannya terhadap undang – undang / hukum baru atau anggaran keuangan yang disusun dan disetujui oleh parlemen, parlemen bertugas mengatur anggaran keuangan negara dan membuat undang undang. Tapi setelah revolusi perancis meletus dan rakyat perancis melakukan perlawanan terus menerus kepada tentara kerajaan dan momentumnya adalah ketika benteng bastile di hancurkan dan raja di tuntut untuk patuh pada konstitusi pada tahun 1792 yang telah disepakati tapi raja louis XVI hanya tunduk sampai tahun 1793 dan ia bersama keluarga dan para bangsawan serta pasukan setianya kabur meminta perlindungan dari Romawi Suci di Austria dibawah naungan Kakak Ratu Marie Antoniette yaitu Kaisar Leopold I dari Romawi Suci akan tetapi ketika sampai di daerah perbatasan perancis ada pengkhianatan dari pasukannya sendiri dan pasukan spionase dari barisan tentara revolusioner hingga akhirnya Louis XVI tertangkap serta Ratu Marie Antoinette yang sudah kabur terlebih dahulu juga tertangkap berserta para bangsawan lainnya hingga ia di bawa ke kembali ke paris dan di putuskan untuk di hukum mati dengan pancungan / penggal kepala dengan kapak guilotine dan akhirnya Raja Louis XVI dan Ratu Marie Antoinette berserta beberapa bangsawan lain di hukum mati dan hingga akhirnya perancis menjadi republik hanya dari 1793 – 1795 dan beralih menjadi pemerintah konsul dibawah napoleon bonaparte dan kawan kawannya hingga napoleon bonaparte mengangkat dirinya sebagai Kaisar Perancis dari tahun 1804 – 1816 dan setelah itu perancis kembali menjadi monarki dibawah dinasti bourbon yang dipimpin oleh adik louis XVI yaitu Louis XVIII dan digantikan oleh Adik Lous XVI yang lain yaitu Charles X dan dijatuhkan pada revolusi juli 1830 dan menjadi Republik periode kedua dan kembali menjadi Monarki Imperial yang dipimpin oleh keponakan napoleon bonaparte yaitu Napoleon III setelah itu digantikan oleh raja perancis terakhir yaitu Raja Bangsa Perancis Louis Phillipe, Duke of Orleans yang merupakan keturunan Raja Louis XIII dan Adik kandung dari Louis XVI yaitu Louis Philippe, Duke of Orleans dan turun takhta pada tahun 1848 dan Perancis kembali menjadi Republik atas desakan kaum republikan.
- Kingdom of Mataram sejak tahun 2003, kerajaan yang didirikan oleh panembahan senopati pada tahun 1587 melalui desa merdeka atau perdikan yang di warisi dari ayahnya Ki Ageng Pemanahan yang merupakan hadiah dari Sultan Hadiwijaya dari Pajangn dan pada tahun 1602 senopati wafat digantikan oleh Panembahan Hanyakrawati, digantikan oleh Sultan Agung Hanyakrakusuma, digantikan Sunan Amangkurat I, digantikan oleh Sunan Amangkurat II, digantikan oleh Sunan Amangkurat III, digantikan oleh Sunan Pakubuwono I, digantikan oleh Sunan Amangkurat IV dan digantikan oleh Sunan Pakubuwono II setelah itu terpecah menjadi 2 bagian akibat perang saudara dan didesak oleh VOC untuk melakukan perjanjian giyanti membagi mataram agung timur untuk sunan pakubuwono II bernama kasunanan surakarta dan mataram agung barat untuk pangeran mangkubumi bergelar sultan hamengku buwono I bernama kasultanan yogyakarta pada tahun 1795 dan dibagi lagi dalam perjanjian salatiga untuk membagi kekuasaan antara sunan pakubuwono II berkuasa di Negara Agung Surakarta dan Raden Mas Said bergelar Pangeran Adipati Arya Mangkunegara I berkuasa di Praja Mangkunegaran yang meliputi wonogiri dan beberapa daerah karanganyar & sukowati dan pada tahun 1815, kasultanan yogyakarta dibagi kekuasaannya oleh pemerintah kolonial inggris untuk pangeran natakusuma bergelar pangeran adipati arya pakualam I dengan daerah kekuasaannya di sebut kadipaten pakualaman.
- Kerajaan Kerajaan Nusantara sejak tahun 2002, nama nama kerajaan yang ada di nusantara yang terkenal adalah kerajaan hindu kutai tahun 500 masehi, kerajaan salakanegara tahun 5 sebelum masehi – 500 masehi, kerajaan hindu tarumanegara tahun 500 masehi – 800 masehi, kerajaan hindu sunda tahun 500 – 1200 masehi, kerajaan hindu pajajaran tahun 1200 – 1580 masehi, kerajaan hindu bali kuno (dinasti warmadewa) tahun 500 masehi – 1300 masehi, kerajaan hindu mataram tahun 500 masehi – 935 masehi, kerajaan budha syailendra tahun 800 masehi – 900 masehi kerajaan hindu medang (dinasti isyana) tahun 935 masehi – 1035 masehi, kerajaan hindu kediri tahun 1035 masehi – 1222 masehi, kerajaan hindu janggala tahun 1035 masehi – 1145 masehi, kerajaan budha sriwijaya tahun 700 masehi – tahun 1285 masehi, kerajaan budha melayu tahun 1200 masehi, kerajaan singasari tahun 1222 – 1292 masehi, kerajaan kanjuruhan pada tahun 1000 masehi – 1200 masehi, kerajaan hindu majapahit tahun 1293 – 1478 masehi, kerajaan demak tahun 1500 masehi – 1598 masehi, kerajaan pajang tahun 1556 – 1587 masehi, kesultanan palembang darusalam (sumatera selatan), kesultanan banten (jawa barat), kesultanan cirebon (kasepuhan, kanoman, kacirebonan dan kaprabon) (jawa barat), kesultanan yogyakarta, kasunanan surakarta, kadipaten mangkunegaran, kadipaten pakualaman (jawa tengah), kesultanan sambang, kesultanan sampang, kerajaan sumenep (madura), giri kedaton (gresik), kerajaan tanjung pura, kesultanan mempawah, kesultanan pontianak, kesultanan sambas, kasultanan banjar, kerajaan pasir, kesultanan kutai, kesultanan tidung, kesultanan bulungan (kalimantan), kesultanan samudra pasai, kesultanan perlak, kesultanan aceh, kesultanan siak, kesultanan deli, kesultanan langkat, kesultanan serdang, kesultanan bedagai, kesultanan riau, kesultanan pagaruyung, kesultanan jambi, kesultanan indragiri, (sumatera) kesultanan gowwa – tallo, kesultanan bone, kerajaan luwu, kerajaan soppeng, kerajaan buton, kerajaan gorontalo, (sulawesi) kerajaan mengwi, kerajaan buleleng, kerajaan klungkung, kerajaan karangasem, kerajaan tabanan, kerajaan denpasar, kerajaan pemecutan, kerajaan ubud, kerajaan badung (bali), kerajaan tidore, kerajaan ternate, kerajaan bacan, kerajaan jailolo, kerajaan obi (maluku) dan kerajaan lombok, kerajaan bima, kerajaan sumbawa, kerajaan sepalarang, kerajaan larantuka (nusa tenggara).
- Russia Empire (Rurik - Romanov Dinasty) sejak tahun 2004, berawal dari khaganate of moskwa pada tahun 900 masehi terbentuk menjadi tsardom of russia pada tahun 1200 masehi dan dipimpin oleh tsar (caesar/czar) hingga dikuasai oleh dinasti romanov tahun 1500 masehi oleh michael romanov of russia sebagai tsar pertama dinasti romanov hingga akhirnya memperluas kekuasaan dari eropa timur ke siberia timur serta asia tengah pada masa awal pemerintahan kaisar nicholas menggantikan ayahnya kaisar alexander III yang tewas di bom molotov dalam kunjungan diplomatik ke perancis pada tahun 1897, setelah menjadi tsar, banyak rakyat rusia ingin perubahan dalam kondisi politik, ekonomi & sosial tapi aksi reaksioner dari tsar nicholas II yang selalu menentang kehendak rakyat, pada waktu itu ada golongan sosialis (molshevik) yang ingin mengubah russia dari monarki absolut menjadi monarki yang berkonstitusi tapi ada golongan komunis (bolshevik) yang ingin mengubah secara revolusi dari monarki menjadi republik, ketika itu dunia sedang dilanda perang dunia pertama pada tahun 1911 – 1918 ketika itu rusia dalam keadaan berperang dalam perang musim dingin di eropa timur pada tahun 1914 – 1915 tapi mengalami kekalahan dalam melawan kekaisaran jerman & pada tahun 1916 - 1917 berperang di timur dengan bangsa jepang mengalami kekalahan dan dengan pertempuran di selatan oleh kekaisaran ottoman usmaniyah dan dengan berbagai perang yang di lewati pada masa perang dunia pertama maka rusia mengalami kerugian akibat perang, pada saat itu rakyat rusia ingin mengadakan perubahan dan rakyat menunjukkan aksi protes dan mogok massal / demonstrasi / long march dan pada pada tahun 1917, revolusi rusia telah dimenangkan oleh kaum proletar atau petani rakyat sehingga tsar nicholas II bersama keluarganya terkepung di kereta api dan tsar setuju untuk turun takhta dibimbing oleh pangeran alexander sebagai pimpinan darurat dan pada tahun 1918, atas perintah kaum revolusi komunis bolsevik di sebuah rumah di yakiterina tsar dan keluarganya di bantai dengan menggunakan bayonet dengan di rekam oleh kamera jaman dahulu dibelakang pintu dan jasadnya dimakamkan di hutan.
- Inca Empire, Maya Empire & Aztec Empire sejak tahun 2004, sebuah kerajaan yang terletak di benua amerika yaitu inca di peru, america selatan sedangkan aztec & maya berada di meksiko dan amerika tengah dan mereka membangun peradaban sejak tahun 500 masehi sampai 1500 masehi sebelum bangsa spanyol menaklukan mereka dan sisa peninggalan mereka adalah bangunan piramida seperti bangunan bangsa mesir kuno pada zaman fir'aun (pharaoh).
- Dinasti Xia – Shang – Chou – Chin – Han – Tang – Sui – Sung – Yuan (Mongol) – Ming – Manchu / China Kuno sejak tahun 2004, negara yang sudah memulai membangun peradaban sejak tahun 2000 sebelum masehi diawali dari suku suku yang menguasai suatu wilayah yang dipimpin oleh kepala suku yang turun temurun hingga membentuk sebuah kesatuan kesukuan yang besar dan membentuk sebuah dinasti untuk memerintah banyak suku dan wilayah yang lebih luas diawali dengan dinasti sia keturunan Kaisar Yu salah satu dari legenda lima kaisar kuning hingga akhirnya digantikan oleh dinasti shang yang berkuasa selama 900 tahun dan digantikan oleh dinasti chou yang bersistem feodal yang kekuasaan politiknya dibagi bagi atas kekuasaan raja raja daerah hingga dilanjutkan oleh dinasti chin dibawah kaisar shih huang ti mempersatukan 13 negara dan berhasil menyatukan cina dalam naungan dinastinya dan membuat program mempersatukan cina dengan bahasa tunggal yaitu bahasa mandarin & satu tulisan, menyeragamkan pakaian militer, memajukan pertanian, memajukan perdagangan dan membangun tembok raksasa cina untuk menghalau suku asing dari utara hingga akhirnya dilanjutkan oleh dinasti ming setelah kaisar shih huang ti wafat digantikan anaknya tapi tidak bertahan lama karena perebutan kekuasaan yang dimenangkan oleh pemberontak dari kalangan petani yang berhasil naik takhta bernama kaisar gao wu di dari han pada tahun 200 sebelum masehi dan selama masa pemerintahan dinasti han wilayah kekaisaran di perluas sampai ke cina selatan dan pemerintahan stabil dan ekonomi maju dan di bukanya jalur perdagangan dengan dunia luar atau berbagai dunia dan dibukanya jalur sutra pada waktu itu hingga akhirnya pada tahun 200 masehi dinasti han runtuh dan selama 500 tahun tiongkok terpecah menjadi puluhan negara kecil hingga disatukan oleh dinasti sui namun hanya bertahan sekitar 100 tahun sebelum akhirnya digantikan oleh dinasti tang di bawah pimpinan jenderal bermarga li yang menjadi kaisar dinasti tang pada tahun 500 masehi setelah itu dinasti tang digantikan oleh dinasti sung selama tahun 800 masehi – 1255 masehi digantikan oleh dinasti yuan pada tahun 1255 masehi – 1334 masehi hingga pada 1334 digantikan oleh dinasti ming pada masa kaisar yongle tahun 1450 atas perintahnya di bangunnya imperial palace forbidden city di beijing dengan luas 100 hektar dan pada tahun 1644 masehi, dinasti ming telah di invansi oleh suku manchu dari manchu utara dan menyerang dinasti ming dan menghancurkan sisa sisa dinasti ming dan kekuasaan dinasti mancu akan diperluas sampai seluruh cina persis seperti cina daratan kini dan mongolia serta kaisar terkenalnya adalah kaisar qianlong yang memerintah selama 60 tahun dan kaisar terakhirnya yaitu kaisar xuantong memerintah usia sekitar 9 tahun pada tahun 1902 – 1912 ketika itu kekuasaan dinasti manchu telah kehilangan cina selatan yang di kuasai oleh kaum nasionalis yang dipimpin sun yat sen dan pada tahun 1912 tentara nasionalis berhasil merebut cina utara yang dikuasai oleh dinasti ching / qing dan hingga akhirnya cina berhasil dijadikan republik oleh kaum nasionalis dan ketika jepang menginvansi cina utara pada tahun 1928 dan jepang membentuk sebuah negara vasal bernama kekaisaran manchukoku yang dipimpin oleh Pu Yi, The Last Emperor of China.
- Koryo Dinasti & Joseon Dinasti (Kingdom of Korea) sejak tahun 2005, setelah negara awal abad pertama diawali terbentuknya kerajaan baekje, kerajaan gaya, kerajaan shilla, kerajaan gogueryo dan kerajaan gojoseon hingga akhirnya disatu oleh kerajaan serikat shilla tahun 650 masehi dan bertahan sampai tahun 1230 masehi digantikan oleh dinasti koryo dan digantikan oleh dinasti chosun / joseon sampai tahun 1911 dipimpin oleh Kaisar Gojong berkuasa pada tahun 1901 – 1910 serta mendeklarasikan kekaisaran korea atau kekaisaran han dan ketika itu jepang meninvasi dan menganeksasi korea sehingga monarki korea dihapus.
- menyukai eropa karena keindahan alamnya, susunan kota yang indah dengan arsiktektur dan perancangan tata kota yang indah serta istana – istana yang megah sejak tahun 2005, menyukai istana kaisar tiongkok atau kota terlarang (imperial palace / forbidden city) di beijing, china sejak tahun 2004.
- dan saya menyukai bangunan gedung gedung tinggi diatas 50 – 100 meter dari permukaan laut pada arsitekstur di amerika serikat.
- Dan aku adalah penggemar dari Princess Diana (Public Figure / Former Royal Family), Agnes Monica (Singer), Raden Rara Nike Ardilla (Singer), Anggun C Sasmi (Singer) Daniel Radcliffe pemeran Harry Potter (Harry Potter The Series), William Moseley pemeran High King Peter of Narnia (The Chronicles of Narnia), Skandar Keynes pemeran King Edmund of Narnia (The Chronicles of Narnia), Anne Poplewell pemeran Queen Susan of Narnia, Tilda Swinton pemeran Jadis Queen of Charn & Narnia, George Henley pemeran Queen Lucy of Narnia, Willl Pouter pemeran Eustace Scrubb, Paris Hilton, Justin Bieber (Singer), Josh Hutcherson, Greyson Chance, Ranz Kyle, Troye Sivan, Kevin Julio, Al Ghazali Kohler, Aliando Syarief, Chand Kelvin, Dimas Anggara, John Bermundo (Singer), Harris J (Singer), Shawn Adrian, Fahmi Abdillah, Bondan Prakoso (Singer), El Jalaludin Rumi, Abdul Qadir Jelaani, Titi Dwijayanti (Singer), Reza Artamevia (Singer), Dimas Beck, Elijah Wood pemeran Frodo Baggins (Lord ot The Rings), Brent Corrigan (Artis Porno Homoseksual), Dominic Trojan (Artis Porno Homoseksual), Dido (Singer), Rupert Grin pemeran Ron Weasley (Harrya Potter The Series), Emma Watson pemeran Hermione (The Harry Potter Series), Tom Felton pemeran Draco Malfoy (The Harry potter series), Robert Pattinson pemeran Cedric Diggory & Edward Cullen (Harry Potter & Twillight), Leonardo Di Caprio, Rowan Atkinson pemeran Mr.Bean, Demi Lovato, Esa Sigit, Bio One, Randy Martin, Bryan Elmi Domani, Ajil Ditto, Natasha Wilona, Merriam Bellina, Muhammad Edward, Edward Chen, Ray Idol Cilik, Cakka Nuraga (the finest tree band), Elang Nuraga (The Finest Tree Band), Warkop DKI (Dono, Kasino dan Indro), Ricky Harun, Ricky Cuaca, Cicio Manasero, Eza Gionino (2009), Billy Davidson, The Roxette Band, John Lennon (The Beatles), Mariah Carey (Singer), Whitney Houston (Singer), Shania Twain (singer), Freddie Highmore, Afgan Syahreza (Singer), Avriel Lavigne (Singer), Taylor Swift (Singer), Diana Pungky, Cinta Laura, Mulan Jameela (Singer), Pingkan Mambo (Singer), Maia Estianti / Maia Ahmad (Singer) & Gita Gutawa (Singer) & Mey Chan (singer), Edie Baskoro, Yuki Kato, Stefan William, Cinta Laura, Sherina Munaf, Debby Romero, Gibran Fauzan, Gracia Indri dan Bintang (The Friday Band).
Fakta Singkat tentang kehidupan aku & keluarga :
- Tahun 1992, selama 6 bulan papa aku tinggal di korea selatan di ajak oleh Mr. Riam, Bos nya.
- Tahun 1993, aku di lahirkan.
- Tahun 1995 – 1999, keluarga aku membeli rumah di regensi, sangiang, tangerang.
- Tahun 1999 – 2001, rumah keluarga di regensi, sangiang di jual & membeli rumah baru di kotabumi.
- Tahun 1997 – 2000, keluarga ku memiliki usaha konveksi kaos kaki dengan karyawan 15 orang.
- Pada tahun – tahun itu pendapatan papa dari tahun 1995 – 2000 mencapai Rp. 1,5 juta – Rp. 3 juta.
- Dahulu aku & keluarga suka jalan jalan ke mall di jakarta utara & mall taman anggrek, mall lippo karawaci untuk menonton kembang api tahun baru.
- Setiap bulan, aku selalu berpergian ke mall seperti robinson & MC Donald.
- Dahulu aku tidak suka yang namanya makanan berupa ayam langsung, sayur – sayuran & jenis makanan lain.
- Dahulu aku hanya suka makan telor ceplok kecap, telur dadar kecap, rendang, chicken nuget, ikan kecap, bubur sumsum, kentang goreng, hamburger, permen susu, ciki coklat, makanan – minuman coklat, susu, bubur nestle / sun, kue sprit & kue bolu.
- Dahulu aku hanya suka menonton tom & jerry, teletubies, toys story, power ranger & program acara kartun di televisi pendidikan indonesia serta kartun lainnya.
- Dahulu, aku sering keluar darah hidung / mimisan & panas karena kurang gizi.
- Setiap bulan, aku selalu meminta di belikan mainan seperti mobil – mobilan, robot,
- Keluarga punya pembantu bernama Mbak Umi / Khumaisah.
- Dahulu aku masih minum susu dengan dot botol bayi sampai kelas 4 SD.
- Dahulu aku sering pulang kampung ke cilacap untuk menemui nenek.
- Dahulu aku meminta untuk papa & mama membeli mobil tapi itu tidak kesampaian karena keluarga aku telah jatuh miskin.
- Tahun 2001, papa aku mengalami kebangkrutan & di putus hubungan kerja oleh perusahaan induk & rumah keluarga di jual.
- Tahun 2001 – 2002, aku pernah putus sekolah dasar tapi lanjut kembali tahun 2002.
- Tahun 2002, kami pertama kali pindah ke kota tangerang dengan menyewa rumah, pertama kali aku mengontrak rasanya sangat malu ketika melihat orang lain memiliki rumah milik pribadi & mulai merasa malu karena hidup miskin disaat semua terlihat lebih kaya.
- Tahun 2003, papa aku sudah mulai mendapatkan pekerjaan dengan gaji sebesar Rp. 1 juta.
- Tahun 2002, papa aku tertipu oleh Agen Tenaga Kerja Indonesia & gagal menjadi Tenaga Kerja Indonesia di Jepang, Andai saja jika papa aku dapat bekerja di luar negeri selama 10 tahun saja pasti keluarga ku sudah kaya pada saat itu karena bergaji sekitar Rp.7 jutaan perbulan.
- Tahun 2005 – 2010, papa aku mulai mengalami kenaikan gaji Rp. 2,5 juta (di atas UMR Jakarta tahun 2011 saja masih Rp.1,6 juta).
- Tapi yang membuat kesal karena kenapa papa aku belum bisa tanah di tempat lain padahal waktu itu harga tanah tahun 2000 – 2008 di tangerang – jakarta – bogor masih Rp.350.000,- sampai Rp.800.000,- atau di daerah lain masih berkisar Rp.80.000,- sampai Rp.400.000,- lihat harga tanah di koran jaman dahulu.
- Mungkin orang lain di tangerang, jakarta, depok, bogor dan sekitarnya gajinya Rp.4 juta kali ya? Dahulu kata teman aku gaji bapaknya itu Rp.4 juta jadi pada bisa punya rumah.
- Dan ketika zaman saya sekolah menengah pertama, saya sangat sering menonton televisi waktu itu yang saya sukai adalah metro tv karena selalu menayangkan film dokumenter tentang masalah lingkungan, sejarah & berita luar negeri dari tahun 2005 – 2012, tv 7 melihat jejak petualangan & masalah lingkungan, dan menonton berita – berita tentang luar negeri dan menonton Voice of America.
- Dan ketika zaman saya sekolah dasar, sekolah menengah pertama dan sekolah menengah kejuruan, banyak sekali program televisi yang menampilkan tema seksualitas & pornografi dan saya suka menonton film tentang animal atau dunia binatang seperti di ANTV, Lativi & lainnya.
- Dan waktu sekolah menengah pertama saya selalu membaca Al Qur'an terjemahan bahasa indonesia milik orang tua saya & Al Kitab Injil di Toko Buku serta saya menjalani ritual ibadah islam seperti shalat fardhu lima waktu setiap hari, shalat sunah duha – tahajud – hajat – istikharah – dan lainnya, puasa shaum wajib ramadhan, puasa sunah arafah – senin / kamis – syawal – saban – rajab, zikir dan lainnya.
- Dan ketika saya berada di waktu sekolah menengah pertama & sekolah menengah kejuruan, saya sangat menyukai perpustakaan sekolah saya, setiap istirahat saya selalu membaca buku – buku terutama ensiklopedia, buku sejarah, buku geografi, buku ekonomi, buku sosiologi, buku biologi, buku fisika, buku antariksa, buku politik tata negara, buku pendidikan kewarganegaraan, buku administrasi perkantoran, buku IPS, buku IPA, buku bahasa indonesia, buku agama islam dan lainnya.
- Dan ketika saya berada di waktu sekolah menengah pertama, saya selalu berjalan jalan ke mall, berbelanja, membeli kaset bajakan, membeli makanan & minuman, membeli lulur / handbody / sabun pembersih wajah / sabun pemutih badan akan tetapi saya menggunakan rutin namun tidak mendapat hasil badan dan wajah saya tetap saja coklat.
- Dan ketika saya kelas 6 SD, muka saya mengalami jerawat & flek hitam, karena waktu itu saya memakai sabun pencuci wajah kakak saya tiba tiba muka saya berminyak dan berjerawat padahal sudah rajin cuci muka tapi tetap saja berjerawat ketika tahun 2012, jerawat itu mulai hilang karena meminum obat psikofarma.
- Dan ketika saya kelas 1 - 3 Sekolah Menengah Dasar, dahulu kakak saya selalu membeli novel, komik & majalah namanya kartini, kartika, cita cinta, magazine dan lain lain, saya selalu membaca majalah, komik & novel punya kakak aku tapi kalau kakak aku tidak ada di rumah & kalau tidak begitu kadang di marahi oleh kakak, tapi kini aku masih menyimpan beberapa majalah kakak.
- Dan ketika saya sekolah dasar, saya memiliki kegemaran memelihara ikan cupang hingga 11 – 15 cupang yang saya punya dengan harga Rp.25 ribu – Rp.30 ribu.
- Dan ketika saya sekolah dasar, saya selalu di kasih uang jajan berkisar Rp.5 – Rp.3 ribu perhari tapi karena saya sering berjalan kaki daripada naik angkutan umum jadi uang saya masih bisa saya tabung untuk main Playstation di Rental.
- Dan ketika saya sekolah menengah pertama, saya selalu dikasih uang jajan berkisar Rp.25 ribu perminggu tapi saya selalu berjalan kaki pulang & pergi sekolah jadi irit ongkos.
- Tapi ketika saya sekolah menengah pertama, saya mulai mengalami kesulitan uang karena jarang di kasih uang jajan.
- Dan pada tahun 2010 – 2012, papa aku naik bergaji Rp.4 juta.
- Dan pada tahun 2012 – 2014, papa aku naik bergaji Rp.7 – 5 juta.
- Pada tahun 2013, keluarga aku dapat membeli kembali rumah.
- Sejak Tahun 2010 - 2011, aku mengalami keterpurukan karena mengalami depresi karena banyak tekanan psikis, diskriminasi & aksi rasa antipati dari rumah, tetangga, lingkungan sekitar, lingkungan lain & daerah lain.
- Setelah aku mengalami tekanan berupa suara dari lingkungan sekitar aku & aksi – aksi kekonyolan – antipati dari orang – orang lain yang tidak aku kenal serta kehilangan orang – orang yang aku kenal maka aku di bawa kepada psikiater & aku berobat ke psikiater tapi awalnya aku menolak tapi karena di paksa ke panti rehabilitasi mental & setelah itu di izinkan keluar maka aku melanjutkan pengobatan.
- Akan tetapi obat psikofarma yang aku minum berefek sangat menyakitkan karena mengakibatkan sakit nyeri punggung apabila tegang, tegang, berkurangnya sperma seperti habis, seperti mabuk karena mata terasa berat seperti ngantuk, menulis menjadi lebih jelek, tidak bisa merasakan bahagia & tertawa dari respon lucu, mengurangi rasa yang ada di dada, jantung berdebar – debar sehingga menyebabkan rasa gelisah, jantung mengalami pelemahan detak jantung, kesulitan menangis & menjadi badan lebih gemuk.
- Pada tahun 2011, aku bekerja sebagai sales staff Boston Health, selama bekerja aku mengalami kesulitan karena menghitung banyaknya uang tapi sayangnya aku telah diberhentikan karena suatu hal yang belum aku ketahui dengan pasti dengan di non aktifkan.
- Pada 2015, aku mengira buku rekening tabungan milik pribadi masih ada Rp.2 juta ternyata setelah di cek masih ada Rp. 11 juta & di potong bunga / administrasi sebesar Rp.2 juta.
- sejak tahun 2001 – 2010, kehidupan aku sudah sangat menyedihkan dan terpuruk karena keterbatasan ekonomi kami dan ketika 2011 padahal aku kira hidup aku lebih baik akan tetapi hidup aku lebih terpuruk lagi karena penyakit kejiwaan yang aku alami, ketika tahun 2001, keluarga aku mengalami kebangkrutan karena kelicikan dari orang – orang yang tidak suka pada keluarga aku dan tahun 2010 – kini aku telah terpuruk karena orang orang yang tidak suka kepada aku dengan alasan perbuatan kesalahan aku di masa anak – anak aku.
Semua tentang diriku :
- Aku adalah orang yang bawel, cerewet tetapi terkadang diam dan cuek tapi terkadang gagu tidak bisa berkata dan suka lupa ingin bicara apa.
- Aku sangat tidak menyukai olah raga namun hanya senang dengan gerak jalan.
- Aku adalah orang yang menyukai mata pelajaran IPS (Geografi, Sejarah, Sosiologi, Ilmu Hukum, Ilmu Antropologi, Ilmu Psikologi, Ilmu Negara, Ilmu Pemerintahan, Ilmu Tata Negara, Ilmu Politik, Ekonomi dll), IPA (Biologi dan Antariksa), Agama Islam, Al Qur'an, Agama Kristen, Agama Budha, Agama Hindu, Pendidikan Pancasila dan Kewarganegaraan.
- Aku sangat menyukai Channel Televisi yaitu National Geographic, Discovery Chanel dan Metro TV (2004-2012).
- Aku adalah orang yang paling bodoh dalam berhitung karena aku sangat tidak bisa dengan pelajaran Matematika, hitungan fisika dan akuntansi bahkan tidak mengerti serta tidak bisa mengerjakan soal pelajaran tersebut.
- Aku divonis psikiater menderita penyakit skizofrenia paranoid sepertinya bisa berubah penyakitnya.
- Aku sangat membenci orang indonesia dan orang asing yang membenci aku.
- Aku tidak terlalu suka perempuan dan senang dengan lelaki namun tidak terlalu suka lelaki juga.
- Aku adalah seorang yang pelupa.
- Aku adalah pecundang yang luar biasa bodohnya.
- Aku adalah orang yang ceroboh, pelupa dan payah.
- Aku adalah orang munafik.
- Aku adalah orang yang suka menghafal.
- Aku adalah orang yang aneh.
- Aku adalah orang yang agak anti sosial karena suatu situasi dan kondisi.
- Aku adalah orang yang di kucilkan dan di diskriminasikan dari pergaulan sosial atau kemasyarakatan sehingga aku menjadi seorang individualisme.
- Saya tidak terima dijadikan sampah masyarakat, masyarakat diskriminatif.
- Gue gak pernah mau diawasi/dilihat gerak gerik/dihalusinasikan oleh orang indonesia dan seluruh dunia. Gue gak minta banyak perhatian/kepedulian pada dunia.
- Gue cuma minta sedikit perhatian, kepedulian, belas kasih & dukungan dari dunia. Bukan didiskriminasi/diawasi gerak tingkah laku oleh dunia.
- aku butuh kehidupan, pekerjaan, penghasilan, harta, pendidikan, keluarga, kebahagiaan, komunitas, kehormatan, pangkat dan martabat yang layak.
- saya cuma mau makanan, minuman, kekayaan, rezeki dan harta yang halal dan baik serta sah menurut negara dan agama islam.
- saya cuma mau harta, kekayaan dan rezeki yang sah sesuai islam dan negara didapatkan dari Investasi Bisnis Saham, Obligasi, Asuransi dan Gaji serta tunjangan pribadi dari profesi saya.
- fakta aku tidak pernah di butuhkan oleh orang tua, saudara, teman, orang lain, masyarakat & negara.
- aku ingin memiliki kekayaan berupa pakaian, sandal, sepatu, emas – perak, ternak sapi – lembu – kerbau - kambing – domba – kuda – unta – ayam – bebek, kebun sayur, hutan kecil, pohon buah, sawah, ladang, rumah & pekarangan, pembantu, mesin – mesin, alat elektronik, perabotan rumah, peralatan teknik – tani, kandang ternak, taman, kolam ikan / tambak, mobil, motor, sepeda & rumah kaca.
- Aku ingin memiliki jaringan bisnis & organisasi berbadan hukum berskala kecil di beberapa negara yang bisa menghasilkan pendapatan sebesar ribuan / puluhan ribu US Dolar per bulan.
Keluh Kesah :
- Jika tidak ada BPJS Kesehatan betapa mahalnya aku berobat ke psikiater untuk mengobati skizofrenia dan perbulan untuk membeli obat bisa sampai Rp. 1 juta perbulan jika tak ada BPJS Kesehatan.
- aku kesal karena lingkungan di sekeliling ku selalu saja bersuara sehingga menimbulkan halusinasi bagi diriku.
- aku tidak punya kesalahan pada orang yang tidak aku melakukan kesalahan padanya tapi mereka selalu menyakiti diriku dan mengganggu aku dan mereka mendiskriminasikan aku.
- aku tidak punya kesalahan pada semua orang indonesia tapi orang indonesia jahat dan sinis kepadaku.
- orang indonesia selalu membuatku iri karena mereka dan aku tidak menyukai mereka karena mereka banyak yang tidak tulus ketika berbagi denganku.
- kenapa setiap orang selalu jahat padaku padahal aku tidak pernah menjahati mereka dan mereka sinis padaku.
- tidak enaknya menjadi warga negara indonesia, dan menjadi warga negara mana yang nikmat?.
- aku didiskriminasi oleh masyarakat dan aku kesal atas ketidak adilan masyarakat.
- hidup aku semakin dipersulit oleh mereka yang tidak senang padaku dan pekerjaan ku hilang karena mereka yang tidak senang kepada aku.
- jika bisa aku meminta aku ingin mati di tembak sebanyak 5 kali di otak dan 5 kali di dada.
- jika aku kebebasan aku terancam hilang karena aku ditahan oleh psikiater di panti rehabilitasi mental atau rumah sakit jiwa kepada tuhan aku memohon agar aku diwafatkan dengan cepat. amin.
- Aku telah kehilangan derajat & hak serta kewajiban sebagai warga negara yang normal karena dibatasi oleh undang – undang kesehatan jiwa.
- Aku dan kehidupan aku terancam oleh masyarakat.
- kepentingan dan hak serta kewajiban aku selalu terancam.
- aku selalu dibuat malu oleh masyarakat.
- aku dibenci oleh masyarakat.
- masyarakat selalu berisik dan bersuara menimbulkan suara dan perbuatan yang membuat halusinasi dan waham bagiku.
- masyarakat yang membuat saya resah, dan bukan saya membuat masyarakat resah, suatu hal yang aneh jika masyarakat resah padaku padahal mereka yang banyak sedangkan saya hanya sendiri.
- aku didiskriminasikan atau di kucilkan dalam hubungan sosial oleh masyarakat.
- aku pusing selalu melihat sikap & tingkah orang yang tidak suka dengan ku dan yang membenci aku.
- mereka selalu membuat aku pusing karena tingkah mereka yang tidak menyukai aku.
- orang indonesia selalu menghina aku dengan kata hinaan dan cemohan " GILA, STRES DAN SAKIT JIWA, GANGGUAN JIWA, PENIPU, PEMBOHONG "
- orang indonesia selalu membuat halusinasi penglihatan dan halusinasi suara untuk aku karena mereka benci kepada aku.
- orang indonesia & dunia benci kepada aku.
- orang indonesia ketika aku di suatu jalan selalu membuat halusinasi penglihatan dan halusinasi suara.
- saya sombong, tapi orang lain lebih sombong dari pada saya.
- saya ingin bekerja tapi bagaimana saya mau mendapatkan pekerjaan kalau orang lain yang memiliki jabatan dalam perusahaan tersebut tidak menyetujui dan tidak mau menerima saya untuk bekerja.
- saya benci orang indonesia yang memusuhi saya dan saya benci orang dunia yang membenci dan memusuhi saya.
- saya selalu diganggu dengan perbuatan dan suara mulut mereka yang usil dan berstigma terhadap saya.
- saya telah dirugikan oleh masyarakat karena suara halusinasi dan halusinasi penglihatan yang telah dibuat sekelompok masyarakat.
- saya telah dirugikan karena diskriminasi yang dilakukan oleh masyarakat.
- dan masyarakat ingin melakukan isolir / isolasi terhadap aku.
Keluhan Terbesar :
- Satu hal yang saya katakan bahwa saya tidak mengenal dan tidak punya urusan seluruh rakyat indonesia dan rakyat dunia jadi aku tidak mau diganggu oleh orang yang saya tidak kenal dan orang yang saya kenal serta jangan membenci saya karena saya tidak punya kesalahan atau tindakan buruk pada kalian kecuali orang yang memang saya pernah berbuat salah atau tindak pidana kepada nya.
- orang yang mengetahui bahwa saya tidak punya kesalahan atau tindak pidana pada Kalian maka jangan usil dan usik pada saya.
- aku punya tetangga dan lingkungan sekitar yang bawa sial, mereka selalu buat kegagalan bagi diriku dan selalu usil serta mengusik diri aku.
- saya ingin bekerja tapi bagaimana saya mau mendapatkan pekerjaan kalau orang lain yang memiliki jabatan dalam perusahaan tersebut tidak menyetujui dan tidak mau menerima saya untuk bekerja.
- One thing I have to say that I do not know and do not have Affairs all the people of indonesia and the people of the world so I do not want to be bothered by people I don't know and people I knew and don't hate me because I have no errors or bad actions on you guys except people who did I ever did wrong or a criminal act to him.
- people know that I have no errors or criminal acts on you guys then don't be nosy on me.
Komentar saya:
- untuk apa orang indonesia takut pada saya, toh saya tidak melakukan apapun dan justru mereka yang merugikan saya.
- toh mereka akan mati juga karena diri mereka sendiri sekalipun mereka hancur juga karena mereka juga.
- Orang Tangerang, Indonesia bahkan mungkin dunia selalu ingin , mencegah, menggagalkan, memiskinkan, menjatuhkan dan mengisolir pribadi aku.
- Sebagian orang indonesia & dunia yang mempunyai daya ekonomi kuat / pekerjaan yang tetap karena faktor dukungan dari tingkat pendidikan / kemampuan / kinerja / kesehatan fisik & jiwa / lingkungan kerja atau keluarga maupun masyarakat sekitar & karena masih di mengerti serta di pertahankan & di percaya oleh lingkungan kerjanya.
- Saya di buat cemburu & iri karena masyarakat & orang pribadi dari indonesia / dunia selalu membuat saya hidup miskin, melarat, mengganggur, kehilangan pekerjaan, tidak bermutu, terpuruk, jelek, berpenyakit, stres, depresi ekonomi / jiwa & kehilangan derajat.
- Padahal jika mereka kaya, bermutu, berhasil, bahagia, sejahtera, berguna & sukses, saya tidak melarang atau menggagalkan mereka tapi mereka membuat saya terpuruk & tidak berhasil? Apa salah saya pada semua masyarakat yang membuat gagal saya?
- Apa selama ini kalian & orang indonesia & mungkin dunia berpikir bahwa saya ini berpengaruh? Sampai saya dibilang kalau omongan & perkataan saya sudah tidak berpengaruh.
- Kata siapa saya berpengaruh? Apa kalian pikir selama ini, saya bahagia & sejahtera ketika berpengaruh? Dan manfaat apa yang saya raih atau dapat selama berpengaruh ? Apa untungnya ketika saya berpengaruh? Saya tidak pernah merasa ataupun benar berpengaruh & saya telah di buat rugi oleh kalian.
- Saya tidak pernah menyebarkan pengaruh pada masyarakat & dunia, kalau saya berkata sesuatu atau menulis sesuatu lalu di sebarkan itu bukan untuk menyebarkan pengaruh tapi hanya untuk sekedar di baca atau di mengerti saja.
- Saya tidak pernah merasa terkenal akan tetapi aku telah di ganggu & di buat rugi oleh orang indonesia dan dunia yang bersekongkol.
- Saya ingin mati dengan cepat, karena tidak ada hidup yang baik untuk saya di dunia ini, mereka telah hancurkan kehidupan saya, Saya ingin mati di tembak pistol 5 kali di otak & 5 kali di jantung oleh kaum militan / penjahat setelah itu aku ingin jasad aku di kubur di dalam laut yang dalam, semoga jasad ku tidak di sentuh banyak orang dan berita kematian aku tidak di ketahui banyak orang atau khalayak umum.
- Semoga aku memiliki pengasingan yang jauh menyebrangi samudra dan terletak di tanah benua yang berada di tengah yang sepi dan biarkan aku sendiri walau tanpa pengikut yang setia sampai kematian ku.
- Aku telah terjerat intrik oleh orang tangerang & indonesia serta persekongkolan dunia sehingga aku terpuruk, jatuh, miskin, kehilangan derajat, kehidupan, hak & kewajiban sebagai warga negara normal karena di batasi oleh undang – undang kesehatan jiwa, gila dan hancur, “sekalian saja besok buat intrik yang dapat membunuh aku dengan cepat”
- Enak yah! Aku jadi iri kepada Orang orang yang sudah pada bekerja sebagai karyawan tetap dan memiliki pendapatan sesuai Upah Minimum Rasio atau di atas rata rata upah minimum rasio dengan hal itu mereka bisa memenuhi kebutuhan hidupnya dimulai dari belanja untuk makanannya, kesehatan dirinya, melanjutkan pendidikan strata pertama atau keduanya, memberi nafkah pada keluarga atau orang tuanya, untuk ongkos kendaraan, untuk membeli kendaraan seperti motor ataupun mobil, untuk membeli rumah, untuk travel atau wisata, untuk beli alat elektronik, untuk beli pakaian & sepatu, untuk menabung dan berinvestasi.
- Mereka saja ingin menjadi orang yang memiliki pendidikan tinggi, harta, rumah, mobil, motor, kesehatan, jaminan hidup, ketenangan hidup, kesejahteraan hidup, pendapatan cukup, tabungan, bisnis, pekerjaan tetap, jabatan cukup tinggi, keluarga bahagia, berwisata domestik & abroad dan lain – lainnya, akan tetapi mereka selalu ingin saya menderita dan terpuruk dari mereka.
- Saya tidak pernah mempunyai kesalahan pidana / membuat rugi semua orang di indonesia / dunia kecuali orang lain yang memang saya mempunyai salah padanya.
- Orang indonesia & bahkan mungkin dunia, selalu membuat saya jatuh, miskin, melarat, menganggur, tertekan, gembel, stress, sengsara, terpuruk dan hancur serta mereka bersekongkol untuk membuat aku hancur seperti ini, terutama orang tangerang dan sekitarnya serta orang orang indonesia atau mungkin dunia yang ikut mereka.
- Aku tau bahwa aku tidak pernah di butuhkan dan tidak di sayangi ataupun tidak di kasihani lagi oleh orang tua, keluarga, saudara, teman, orang lain ataupun masyarakat bahkan alam sekalipun itu menjadi penyebab mereka ingin membunuh kehidupan, mengisolir, memarjinalisasi, menyingkirkan, mengasingkan & memenjarakan diri saya.
- Allah, Jika tidak ada hidup baik beri saja aku penyakit jantung supaya aku cepat mati.
- Allah, alihkan dan kurangi perhatian aku dari pikiran & rindu kepada orang orang terdahulu yang pernah hadir dalam hidup aku. Amin.
- Ya Allah, beri aku kehidupan yang sepi dari tempat yang ramai, beri aku ketenangan jiwa serta beri aku ampunan dan kasih mu. Amin.
- Demi kebaikan aku & teman pisahkan kami agar kami damai & tenang selama kami berpisah. Dan putuskan hubungan kami dalam bentuk apapun.
- Allah, beri aku kelapangan jiwa dari teman yang sudah menolak aku, beri aku kebaikan dari teman yang masih dekat atau yang sudah mau berpisah.
- Allah, biar aku hidup sendiri tanpa keluarga & teman. Tapi beri perlindungan & kesejahteraan pada keluarga agar aku tak khawatir padanya.
- Mereka bersekongkol agar pikiran saya kacau & hati serta mulut saya kalut hingga saya tidak bisa berpikir dan membuat saya gila.
- Jelas mereka membuat aku hidup miskin, menderita, menganggur, gila, gembel & tidak mutu, jika aku kaya & bahagia pasti mereka bahkan kalian dapat kembali kumat penyakit hati berupa dengki kepada saya.
- Setiap hari tetangga & lingkungan disekitar saya selalu bersuara, kalau mereka sudah menolak, sudah diam saja mulut mereka. Putus saja semua hubungan, toh mereka jika saya sapa & tegur & senyum saja tidak di jawab itu benar benar diskriminatif, isolatif secara tidak langsung & diskredit.
- Suara orang indonesia yang membuat halusinasi bagi saya, terkadang membawa nama artis, orang kaya, ahli politik, pejabat negara, pegawai negara, pemimpin negara, pengusaha, pejabat publik, tokoh publik bahkan orang yang pernah saya kenal, yang masih kerabat atau saudara. Seperti mereka terutama para tetangga itu mengenal tokoh yang diatas, atau mereka bersekongkol dengan mereka yang disebutkan tadi.
Dan apakah penting bagi hidup mereka membuat halusinasi bagi saya dengan bersuara setiap hari & berbuat tidak menyenangkan dihadapan saya. - Allah, bawa aku pergi & tinggal di negara yang baru untuk kehidupan aku yang baik serta berikan aku tempat tinggal di beberapa negara & beri aku satu pulau kecil serta wilayah kecil agar dapat diwarisi oleh anak kandung & anak angkat aku. Amin.
- Siapa yang merasa suci? Aku tidak pernah merasa suci. Sampai mereka mengatakan saya sok suci, apa selama ini saya pernah mengaku suci & beriman atau baik lebih dari mereka.
- Dan sudah sejak sekolah dasar, saya mengetahui bahwa diri saya di ikuti oleh seseorang hingga kehidupan saya diketahui oleh orang orang yang tidak di kenal oleh saya & saya juga telah banyak mengalami penolakan dari berbagai orang serta remaja atau anak seusia saya & puncaknya ketika setelah lulus dari sekolah menengah kejuruan dengan aksi konyol & aksi penolakan serta antipati dari mereka menguat hingga membuat saya stress.
- Dahulu aku sering mengirim pesan singkat dari handphone ke Call Center nomor 555 dengan SIM Card Esia & IM 3 karena waktu itu saya kesepian dan mendapatkan tekanan jiwa berupa suara & aksi penolakan & aksi konyol dari orang yang tidak saya kenal.
- Dan sejak tahun 2011 – hingga kini, saya tidak bisa tidur karena berisiknya orang yang ada di luar & di dalam rumahnya dari suara bapak – bapak, anak anak & ibu ibu.
- Komputer dan handphone saya di retas oleh pihak tertentu, apakah mereka tidak melanggar hukum? Apakah mereka sudah mendapat izin dari badan negara yang sah.
- Mereka ingin saya di pasung & di tahan / penjara di panti rehabilitasi mental & rumah sakit jiwa, Apakah saya pernah mencuri uang mereka sebesar diatas Rp.100 juta / USD 10,000. atau paling sedikit deh Rp.5 juta / USD 500, apa saya pernah mencuri barang barang berharga mereka seperti perhiasan emas mereka / televisi bermerk / handphone bermerk / motor / mobil / perabotan mewah mereka / hewan ternak mereka / atau keperawanan mereka kali yang mereka pikirkan? Apa saya pernah memperkosa mereka? Atau melakukan pelecehan seksual? Atau melakukan penipuan atau penggelapan uang sebanyak di atas Rp.50 juta / USD 5000 atau paling sedikit Rp.1 juta / USD 100? ataukah korupsi sebanyak Rp. 100 milyar / USD 10 million atau paling kecil Rp. 100 juta / USD 10,000? ataukah melakukan penganiayaan berat seperti memukul mereka pakai palu / menusuk kelamin perempuan mereka dengan obeng / memaku kepala mereka / menusuk mereka pakai pisau / menggunting penis lelaki idaman mereka? Apakah saya pernah melakukan makar & pemberontakan seperti membunuh pemimpin negara / merebut kekuasaan pemerintah negara yang sah / merebut kekuasaan wilayah negara hampir separuh atau kecil saja / lainnya?
- Saya hanya memiliki kesalahan pidana ringan saja & bukan pidana berat, paling hanya melanggar lalu lintas, pernah ketahuan tidak membayar / tidak jujur dalam membayar sewa internet pada usia 14 tahun dan mengambil sesuatu di rumah tidak pernah mengambil barang berharga dan pernah ingkar janji kepada beberapa teman sd, teman smp dan teman smk.
- Dan saya tidak pernah mengambil barang berharga apapun atau merusak barang & fasilitas umum di supermarket, warung sembako, bank, tempat umum, mall, toko, ataupun lainnya.
- Dan saya tidak pernah mengaku nabi ataupun rasul, karena memang saya bukan yang seperti itu.
- “ dari suara halusinasi mereka “ mereka bilang “saya di putus bukan di utus? Saya bertanya “ saya diutus siapa?” toh fakta saya tidak pernah mewakili siapapun?”.
- Mereka membawa nama artis – artis kegemaran saya. Padahal saya tidak pernah meminta mereka terutama tetangga saya ataupun yang lainnya untuk menyebut mereka.
- Dan perempuan - perempuan dan anak anak mereka belajar sihir & membuat saya tersihir oleh mereka karena tampilan sosok ilusi / hantu seperti setan di televisi seperti pocong, kurcaci, nenek sihir hidung panjang dan membuat hal hal aneh lainnya.
- mereka yang membuat halusinasi bagi saya membuat salah mengerti atau ilusi atau waham atau salah paham atau delusi / keyakinan yang salah dan “ perkataan mereka yang bagus saja tidak bisa di percaya apalagi perkataan jelek mereka membuat kesialan bagi saya” dan untungnya saya tidak salah paham atau besar hati yang sebenarnya itu hanya bad / good ilusi belaka.
- Dan orang semarang membuat halusinasi untuk saya dengan perkataan “Dia (saya) tidak boleh memiliki hak milik atas kekayaan pribadi di sini (semarang) & orang orang seperti saya tidak pantas untuk memiliki titel atau pangkat dari pendidikan tinggi”. Apakah mereka iri atau cemburu jika saya lebih kaya dari mereka, ya mungkin saya jika penyakit hati mereka timbul jikalau saya dapat harta yang lebih atau sebanding dengan mereka padahal mereka saja ingin punya hak milik atas kekayaan pribadi & titel / pangkat pendidikan tinggi!.
- Mereka menyuruh pasrah terima nasib, saya bertanya “apakah mereka juga pasrah terima nasib? Coba kalau nasib yang mereka dapat itu buruk seperti nasib mereka menjadi penjahat, pencuri, penipu, pemerkosa, pezina / pelacur, gelandang, (rentenir yang menggandakan hasil hutang pada orang lain), penjudi dan orang zhalim, apakah mereka pasrah terima nasib yang seburuk itu? Dan apakah kita pasrah dengan hasil dan kenikmatan walau selama hidupnya yang mungkin enak dan berlimpah dengan jalan seburuk itu atau jalan iblis / setan itu dan apakah orang bisa selalu pasrah terima nasib? Kalau nasibnya baik sih alhamdulillah, coba kalau hidupnya buruk, melas sekali dan coba orang islam apakah dia pasrah terima nasib untuk memakan daging babi, alkohol dan makanan haram lainnya setiap hari? Bahkan umat yahudi saja mengharamkan daging babi.
- Masyarakat anjing, selalu menggonggong dan membuat suara halusinasi dan menggigit aku seperti anjing pembawa rabies skizofrenia.
- Masyarakat dan lingkungan sekitar aku, selalu menyebar tentang kehidupan, kesalahan dan perbuatan yang buruk atau jelek pada saya serta mereka selalu membuat kehidupan saya yang dahulu cukup tertutup hingga terganggu oleh gangguan mereka.
- Ya Allah, jika aku di tahan di rumah sakit jiwa atau panti rehabilitasi mental. Aku harap tempat itu bukan di jakarta atau tangerang, tapi di luar jawa.
- Ya Allah, buat hancur dan buat masyarakat indonesia tertimpa musibah dan bencana agar hidup mereka menderita dan sengsara sebagaimana mereka membuat aku sengsara dan percepat kematian aku dan aku akan bahagia jika melihat penderitaan dan kematian mereka. Amin.
- Ya Allah, beri aku kehidupan yang sepi dari tempat yang ramai, beri ketenangan jiwa dan pikiran serta beri aku ampunan dan kasih mu. Amin.
- Aku ingin pindah kewarganegaraan dan putus dari negara kelahiran aku serta membentuk kehidupan baru di negara baru.
- Dan saya beribadah untuk diri saya, toh saya bekerja dan mendapatkan gaji untuk diri saya, dan saya berusaha untuk diri saya, karena kan untuk kebutuhan hidup saya saja, saya masih kekurangan dan belum bisa membantu banyak orang lain dan orang lain pun pasti begitu dalam kehidupannya.
- Jika mereka punya kekayaan juga mereka tidak berbagi dengan saya dan saya tidak pernah membuat mereka miskin tapi mereka membuat saya gagal & miskin.
- Mereka ingin membuat usaha dagang yang saya jual itu menjadi tidak laku dan rugi padahal mereka ingin jika usaha dagang yang mereka jual itu untung, laku dan habis terjual.
- Dan mereka boleh berbicara atau berkumpul atau mengobrol sepuasnya tapi jangan menyinggung saya ataupun mengungkit ungkit diri saya dan mereka juga jarang mengajak saya untuk berkumpul dan mereka jarang mengajak saya untuk berteman.
- Dan mereka boleh melakukan apapun aktifitasnya yang disenangi tapi jangan pernah mengganggu atau menghancurkan kehidupan saya.
- Dan sejak saya kecil usia 5 tahun, saya sudah merasakan bahwa saya ditolak, pada usia 11 tahun, saya telah di benci, di tolak, di asingkan & di isolir oleh orang yang tidak di kenal, pada usia 15 tahun, hidup saya telah di awasi oleh orang tak di kenal & beberapa orang yang saya kenal , pada usia 18 – kini, hidup saya di ganggu, di awasi, semua kehidupan saya di ketahui oleh orang di sekitar saya dan orang – orang yang tak di kenal, di buat terpuruk, di buat tidak tenang dan di singkirkan.
- Dan saya juga tahu bahwa dari dulu mereka yaitu para orang indonesia tidak pernah peduli terhadap saya karena mereka juga memiliki kehidupannya yang harus mereka urus dan sekalipun mereka ada yang peduli walau hanya sedikit tapi tetap saja tidak bisa membantu saya secara utuh.
- Dan saya sangat benci kepada orang yang tidak peduli kepada saya tapi dia mengganggu & jahat serta membuat hal yang buruk dan menghancurkan kehidupan saya padahal saya tidak punya urusan kepada mereka, yah saya akui bahwa saya punya kesalahan kepada beberapa orang.
- Dan saya iri hati, dengki, benci, cemburu, sedih, jengkel, dongkol, dendam, pikiran keruh dan kalut kepada mereka yang jahat kepada saya, ketika saya sedang hidup dalam kelebihan harta tapi keluarga saya di ganggu & di jahati padahal saya tidak pernah mengganggu mereka, ketika saya susah & kekurangan rezeki dalam situasi yang genting justru mereka lebih jahat kepada saya dengan mereka membuat saya hidup lebih terpuruk.
- Dan orang tua, saudara dan kerabat saja tidak mengerti & memahami aku, yah aku mengerti pasti karena sikap aku yang tidak baik juga kepada keluarga aku.
- Dan saya pusing dan pengeng & pengang mendengar mereka bersuara membuat halusinasi bagi saya dan padahal aksi penolakan mereka juga sudah membuat saya stres.
- Dan kehidupan mereka itukan mempunyai kehidupan yang lebih baik, lebih kuat, lebih sejahtera, lebih bahagia, lebih kaya, lebih punya banyak teman, lebih mengenal satu sama lain, lebih rukun antar sesama dan lebih terdidik atau terlatih.
Cerita Kehidupan Pribadi Saya (Sesuai dengan fakta kisah kehidupan pribadi saya)
Pada hari rabu, 24 maret 1993 (1 syawal), aku dilahirkan di cipondoh, kota tangerang sesuai dengan akta kelahiran dengan nama Bondan Ramadhani Purnomo merupakan anak kedua dari pasangan perkawinan Along Purnomo & Sukarelawati.
Di bidan cipondoh makmur, pada waktu itu keluarga saya tinggal di sebuah kontrakan di cipondoh makmur.
Ketika itu bapak saya baru pulang dari korea selatan karena di ajak bos korea nya yaitu Mr. Riam.
Dan kakak saya itu baru berusia 7 tahun & saya memiliki pengurus rumah bernama bibi ras.
Setelah itu keluarga saya pindah ke gang jamblang, al husna, poris, tangerang.
Profil keluarga.
- Papa : Along.Lahir : Kecamatan Gantong, Belitung. Tahun 1960.status yatim piatu : ibu meninggal usia 7 tahun dan ayah meninggal usia 10 tahun.Rumah keluarga seluas 2000 meter.
Pencapaian :
- Tahun 1983 – 1987, bekerja di jakarta barat, PT Aris Jaya (Pabrik Alas Kaki) dengan gaji Rp.100 ribu / Rp. 200 ribu.
- Tahun 1987 – 1990, menganggur & menjadi supir angkotan mobil milik sendiri & kerja di toko jam.
- Tahun 1987 – 1990, membeli rumah dengan kredit di taman cibodas dan di jual.
- Tahun 1990 – 1994, bekerja dengan bos orang korea selatan yaitu Mr.Riam dengan gaji Rp. 1 juta.
- Tahun 1992, di ajak wisata dan belajar mesin di korea selatan serta tinggal selama 6 bulan pada musim gugur & musim dingin salju.
- Tahun 1994 – 1997, bekerja di pabrik alas kaki dengan bos tionghoa sebagai mandor kepala bagian dengan gaji Rp. 1 – 1,5 juta.
- Tahun 1996 – 1999, memiliki rumah di perumahan regency, sangiang. Terjual.
- Tahun 1999 – 2001, memiliki rumah di pondok makmur kotabumi, tangerang dan di jual murah.
- Tahun 1997 – 2001, bekerja di perusahaan alas kaki bos cina sebagai mandor kepala bagian dengan gaji Rp. 2 juta – Rp.3 juta & di modali usaha konveksi alas kaki dengan karyawan 15 orang dengan upah karyawan sebesar Rp.150 ribu / Rp.300 ribu.
- Tahun 2001 – 2002, mengganggur setelah usaha bangkrut & putus hubungan kerja dari perusahaan induk.
- Tahun 2003 – 2004, bekerja kembali dengan bos ko yumeng dengan gaji Rp.1 juta pada waktu itu UMR Tangerang & Jakarta masih Rp. 600 ribu – 800 ribu.
- Tahun 2005 – 2009, bekerja di bos ko yumeng dengan naik pangkat mandor kepala bagian dengan gaji Rp.2,5 juta pada waktu itu UMR Tangerang – Jakarta sekitar Rp.800 ribu & Rp.1 juta.
- Tahun 2009 – 2011, bekerja di bos baru dengan gaji Rp. 4 juta dan pada waktu itu UMR Jakarta – Tangerang masih Rp. 1,6 juta.
- Tahun 2011 – 2015, gaji Rp. 4 juta naik Rp. 6 juta.
- Tahun 2015 – 2016, gaji turun dan anjlok . Benar benar miris.
- Mama : Wati.Lahir : Sidareja, Cilacap. Tahun 1966.status yatim : ayah meninggal karena pembunuhan tahun 1968.
Rumah milik orang tua tembok seluas di Sidareja di depan jalanan dan tanah seluas 2 hektar merupakan kebon kelapa status kepemilikan surat pajak dan tanah sisa 340 meter dengan bukti kepemilikan surat petuk pajak di biayai kakak mama Drs. Sudarno.
Kegiatan : ibu rumah tangga.
- Kakak : Candra.
Lahir : Cilacap, tahun 1986.
pekerjaan : pegawai swasta.
Pendidikan : Diploma II.
- Adik : Oktavian.
Lahir : Kota Tangerang, tahun 2003.
Kehidupan Saya berdasarkan tempat tinggal dan sekolah.
- Masa Kecil di Perumahan Regensi, Sangiang, Tangerang (1996 – 1998).
- Masa kecil di Perumahan Kotabumi Tangerang (1998 – 2001).
- Masa Kecil dalam keterpurukan ekonomi keluarga (2001 – 2002).
- Masa Sekolah Dasar Jilid II (2002 – 2005).
- Masa Sekolah Menengah Pertama (2005 – 2008).
- Masa Sekolah Menengah Kejuruan (2008 – 2011).
- Masa Kelulusan & Keterpurukan (2011 – 2013).
- Masa Dewasa Ini (2013 – 2016).
Cerita Masa Kecil di Perumahan Regensi, Sangiang, Tangerang (1996 – 1998).
Dan setelah itu keluarga saya berhasil membeli rumah di perumahan regency, sangiang tangerang pada tahun 1996.
dan kakak saya pindah sekolah dari SDN Cipondoh dekat kecamatan ke SDN Gebang di sangiang.
di ceritakan dari mama saya, dulu papa saya di tawarkan tanah 1000 meter di kota tangerang tapi papa saya menolaknya dan lebih memilih rumah di regensi sangiang tangerang.
Ketika saya kecil di regensi, sangiang tangerang. Hal yang saya ingat adalah pertama kali saya tinggal di situ, saya bermain mobil mobilan & saya di kejar kejar oleh anjing kemudian saya lari terbirit birit.
Kata mama dulu saya masih sering kangen dan menanyakan orang orang di gang jamblang disana ada almarhum om nasir, tante wani, nyi meriah, nenek depan rumah om nasir, kak deka dan kak kokom dan 2 kali kunjung ke sana setelah punya rumah di regensi.
Dan saya ingat ketika itu saya bermain di rumah diketahui setelah kelas 4 SD rumah itu adalah milik nyi meriah nenek dari teman aku hidayat bersama anak anak.
Ketika itu pada tahun 1996, rumah saya luas mungkin sekitar 100 meter & saya sukai itu dulu halamannya luas ada tamannya & kolam ikan & saya selalu bermain di situ, tapi semua berubah ketika itu di renovasi dan di taruh mesin mesin konveksi dengan mesin sekitar 10 mesin kaos kaki yang menjadi bau oli & bising.
Dan keluarga saya sering mengunjugi mal di jakarta utara & serpong beberapa mal di tangerang ada yang sudah tutup.
Dan saya ingat ketika mengingini membeli sesuatu yaitu mainan karena belum di belikan mainan juga robot robotan saya sakit panas hingga akhirnya mama meminta papa untuk membelikan mainan untuk aku.
Dan saya sangat suka dengan aquarium yang kami punya karena banyak ikannya saya senang dengan suasana akuariumnya indah.
Dan saya itu selalu menyusu pakai dot botol dan saya masih minum susu botol sampai kelas 4 sekolah dasar.
Dan saya belum terlalu mengenal lingkungan saya. Yang saya kenal hanya anak tetangga tionghoa kelamin perempuan bernama ana & saya selalu bermain bersama dia & di lingkungan saya tidak mengenal orang – orang disana karena ketika saya keluar bermain malam hari anak – anak yang bermain pada sibuk sendiri dan tidak mengajak saya bermain & saya anak yang jarang keluar malam karena tidak di perbolehkan.
Dan yang saya ingat adalah saya selalu bermain dengan anak pak subur tapi saya lupa siapa namanya dan saya sering beli permen yang waktu itu harganya Rp.500 per 10 permen sugus & milky, saya ingat dulu dirumah pernah banjir & ada anak anak yang habis memancing saya lihat ada ikan lele, ikan mujair & belut (dulu saya tidak tau ikan mujair & belut hanya lele saja saya tau karena ada kumisnya) lalu saya tanya kepada mereka “kamu dapat dari mana ikan sebanyak itu, mereka bilang dari got dan selokan” dan saya berpikir apa iya soalnya dahulu saya sering bermain dengan teman yang saya lupa siapa namanya dan ketika saya cari di got hanya ada ikan kecil kecil yang disebut ikan cere.
Dan saya bermain dengan anak anak kecil seumuran saya tapi saya lupa namanya waktu itu saya main di rumah kosong dan mereka lagi pada makan buah seperti buah tinta dari rumput dan ketika saya memakannya rasanya pahit serta mulut saya berbekas tinta warna biru di lidah saya.
Dan saya tanya kepada mereka karena itu aneh karena rasanya pahit serta berbekas di lidah warna biru dan saya tanya kepada mereka “ kok seperti ini”, mereka terutama si perempuan itu bilang “itu racun, ayo lu keracunan, mati lu mati lu hayo loh mati dan saya takut dan panik” akhirnya saya lari dan kejar menangis sampai di rumah dan saya teriak teriak memanggil mama dan saya bilang “ tadi abis makan racun, kata temen itu abis makan racun katanya nanti mati” (sambil menangis) kemudian ibu saya suruh kumur kumur air dan memberi susu dan dot kesukaan aku.
Dan waktu itu papa saya dapat hadiah game nitendo dari bos nya dan saya sering memainkannya.
Dan sewaktu ketika saya tidak mau tidur padahal sudah di paksa tidur tapi tidak mau tidur main game setelah main game karena tidak menang menang saya teriak teriak menjerit karena kesal dan akhirnya di cubit oleh mama dan disuruh tidur.
Dan biasanya kami sekeluarga suka berkunjung ke rumah susu apet & sukmei di ciledug bertemu kakak tini dan koko toto.
Dan sering kami berenang di villa tomang, kota bumi dan bersama keluarga dan kakak tini.
Dan ketika kecil aku sering tidur bareng kakak, dan kakak mengajarkan aku doa ampunan untuk kedua orang tua sebelum tidur seperti biasa doanya “Allahuma firgli wali wali daya warhamhumah kama rabbayini saghiro, Ya Allah Ampuni dosa aku dan kedua orang tua aku sebagaimana mereka menyayangi aku di waktu kecil” dan kakak selama beberapa bulan mengajarkan aku doa sebelum tidur “allahuma ahya wabismika wa amut, ya allah matikan aku & hidupkan aku kembali”.
Dulu papa punya karyawan nama nya mbak santi & mbak merry ketika itu saya sangat sayang pada mbak santi dan judes pada mbak merry ketika mbak santi pergi aku sedih merasa kehilangan akhirnya aku sayang sama mbak merry dan tidak pernah judes sama mbak merry dan mbak santi juga datang kembali.
Dan saya ingat hampir setiap maghrib, papa selalu diajak oleh tetangga untuk shalat jamaah maghrib di masjid regensi, dan ternyata saya adalah seorang pembuat masalah, saya bukannya mengikuti gerakan shalat tapi malah saya jalan, mengitari serta berlarian di sekeliling jamaah shalat.
Dan dulu saya pernah mengaji, tapi memang saya orang yang menyebalkan sehingga ketika itu guru ngaji saya menjuluki saya dengan gelar “SEBUL atau mungkin maksud dari SEBEL / SEBAL”.
Dan saya ingat ketika kakak saya selalu memanggil temannya dimasjid untuk memanggil temannya yang sedang tidak ikut mengaji.
Dan dari dulu mama saya memang terkenal galak & kadang sudah ancam mau mukul pakai bambu besar dahulu aku memang nakal.
Dan saya pernah merasakan rasa ketidaksukaan dari orang lain ketika saya memotong rambut dengan gunting sendiri
Dan jika aku kelelahan maka aku bisa mengalami mimisan / pengucuran darah di hidung dan panas demam.
Dan dahulu aku ingat pernah menghadiri pesta perkawinan megah saudara saya tapi saya tidak tau siapa saudara yang menikah di situ, di situ saya bertemu adiknya pada bernama susu afong dulu aku kira itu papa karena wajahnya mirip papa ternyata bukan hehe.
Dan saya ingat ketika kakak dan saya naik sepeda lewat gang untuk ke rumah teman kakak, ada anjing mengejar sepeda kakak & saya sampai anjing itu menggigit sandal saya dan berhasil lepas sandal yang saya gunakan kemudian mama saya datangi pemilik anjing di rumah itu.
Dan saya mengenal teman yang namanya rizal dan ketika itu saya baru pertama kali mendengar kabar kalau ada orang yang meninggal atau mati dan yang meninggal itu kakaknya si rizal karena sakit panas atau demam.
Dan yang di ingat saya sedang kumpul di lapangan di regensi. Saya duduk bersama sekumpulan remaja usia 15 tahun tapi saya tidak kenal mereka kalau tidak salah saya mendengar mereka membicarakan tentang peristiwa berdarah atau aksi demo lah atau tentang pembunuhan siapa tau.
Waktu itu suasananya lagi sekumpulan bapak sedang bermain volley, dan tiba tiba mata saya berubah menjadi merah dan saya teriak ketakutan dan lari ke rumah tapi sekumpulan remaja itu mungkin bingung berusaha mencegah saya untuk berlari dan mereka mengatakan sesuatu yang saya sudah lupa dan saya pulang menuju rumah dengan sangat ketakutan dan mama saya kaget serta bingung saya kenapa lalu saya bilang bahwa ada darah ditangan & saya mungkin meracau bilang saya habis bunuh kucing.
Dan saya dulu punya pikiran bahwa Tuhan itu adalah kakek tua yang punya jenggot panjang sedangkan Allah itu adalah masjid yang punya kepala, kaki dan tangan serta kalau hujan itu Allah bawa es ke awan lalu di serut es di atas awan lalu airnya mencair di bumi dan saya.
Dahulu ketika ada hujan disertai petir saya sangat ketakutan dan gemetaran dan hal itu masih saya rasakan sampai kelas 2 SD dan ketika itu biasanya ketika habis hujan papa, mama, kakak & saya mengedarai motor mencari pelangi.
Dan waktu kecil, gigi susu saya copot rasanya sakit baru kali itu saya mengalami gigi otek dan sakit gigi serta merasakan sakitnya melepaskan gigi dan kata kakak saya “ kalau gigi copot taruh di bawah bantal nanti dapat hadiah dari ibu peri” itu takhayulnya.
Dan waktu itu yang saya ingat cukup konyol ketika saya main titit saya tiba tiba terasa cenat cenut geli begitu dan parahnya saya pernah tidak sengaja menjepitkan stapler yang tak ada isi ke titit saya hasilnya titit saya berdarah dan saya menjerit kesakitan akhirnya dikasih salep.
Dan saya ingat ketika biasanya saya dan kakak sering berantem tapi ketika setiap kakak saya menginap di rumah sepupu yaitu kakak tini atau rumah temannya, saya sedih menangis dan merasa kesepian karena tidak adanya kakak saya.
Biasanya ketika lebaran, malam 5 terakhir mama saya suka bikin kue sprit atau sprit yah aku lupa namanya dan aku sangat suka sekali kue itu terakhir mama ku buat kelas 2 SD dan setelah 1 SMK mama buatkan aku kue itu lagi dan yang saya ingat ketika terbangun pada subuh hari dan saya lihat kakak dan mama sedang buat kue lalu kakak ku bilang “ yah nih anak sudah bangun “ dan sahut mama aku “ biarin”.
Dan ketika itu saya memiliki pikiran kalau bayi dan saya ini diciptakan dari apa? Terus saya tanya mama & kakak “mama bayi & aku dibuat dari apa”, kakak bilang “bayi yah diciptakan dari tepung & telur di campur aduk di masukan kedalam perut nya mama”.
Dan hal yang saya ingat adalah ketika nenek saya datang menginap beberapa hari ke rumah saya pada saat itu pakde dan bude beserta sepupu pada berkumpul di rumah.
Dan saya ingat ketika bude sutiyah berkunjung ke rumah waktu itu saya keliling naik sepeda dengan mbak gina tapi ketika itu mbak gina terjatuh dari sepeda dan otomatis kita semua terjatuh kemudian kaki saya terluka dan di sekitar pegelangan kaki bolong & akhirnya di obati lah luka saya itu dan sudah lama tetap saja masih bolong kakinya.
Dan biasanya keluarga saya sering mengunjungi rumah bude sutiyah & pakde yono di kontrakannya di jakarta, dan saya sebenarnya suka mengeluh karena ketika dalam perjalanan saya harus menumpang di angkutan omprengan dan masalahnya omprengan itu sangat bau akibat bahan bakar solar dan membuat kepala saya pusing sekali.
Dan ketika banjir, waktu itu keluarga saya sering mengunjungi rumah bude sutiyah dan yang saya ingat sepupu saya mas ari menggendong diri aku ketika banjir, serta disitu aku menyukai yang namanya bubur sumsum & air gula dan saya menyukai jamu beras kencur karena rasanya manis.
Dan dahulu saya di kunjungi oleh pakde aying dan bude nunung, ketika itu ada sepupu saya juga tapi waktu itu saya belum mengenal mereka yang datang menginap adalah aa asmet, teteh tari, teteh yani dan depi.
Dulu waktu perkenalan saya dan depi tidak akur dalam hubungan kami sering berantem atau cekcok tapi ketika saya marahi depi kemudian depi menangis saya merasa sedih juga di situ saya mulai menerima depi sebagai saudara.
Dan kami berhubungan masih lumayan baik ke depan nya walau masih di selimuti rasa cemburu, kesal, cinta, sayang dan terkesan menusuk / konfrontasi.
Dan saya juga sering mengunjungi rumah kontrakan bude nunung & pakde aying, yang saya ingat dulu bude punya warung dan ketika saya jajan di warung bude ketika mama mau bayar uang jajan bude nunung selalu bilang “ Udah Wati (mama) tidak perlu di bayar”.
Tapi pada waktu itu saya tidak tau nama pakde dan bude saya namanya siapa, saya hanya panggil pakde dan bude (waktu itu yang saya ingat ada bude sutiyah, bude nunung, pade yono, pade aying dan sepupu seperti mbak gina, mbak amin, mbak heni, teteh yani, teteh tari, depi).
Dan saya ingat ketika itu adalah tahun 1996, saya berkunjung ke rumah nenek kustiyah di sidareja, cilacap dan yang saya ingat dalam perjalanan saya naik bus dan saya melewati jalan berbelok belok ketika itu saya dipangku oleh mama & papa ketika sampai di rumah nenek biasanya nenek sudah menunggu di depan pintu rumah.
Pada tahun 1996, papa saya mengalami kecelakaan & harus menjalani operasi dan ketika itu ibu saya menitipkan saya kepada bude sutiyah & pakde yono, ketika itu saya di ajak untuk tinggal di rumah bude sutiyah & pakde yono dan saya tinggal selama kira kira 2 bulan di sana setelah lama tidak melihat mama, kakak dan papa, semakin hari saya semakin panik dan takut serta sering menanyakan kemana papa, mama & kakak kepada bude kok belum datang datang serta belum di antar pulang.
Dan setelah itu kakak & mama datang ke rumah bude sutiyah untuk menjemput saya pulang setelah itu saya di rumah & berangkat menuju rumah sakit sepertinya rumah sakit umum kabupaten tangerang dan waktu itu di sana ada televisi dan ada berita bahwa ibu tien, istri presiden suharto meninggal dunia dan setelah setengah bulan berlalu papa saya sudah di perbolehkan untuk pulang.
Dan pada tahun 1997 - 1998, saya berkunjung ke rumah nenek (ibu dari mama) seperti biasa masih di sambut di depan rumah & saya salam cium tangan & peluk nenek saya tapi ketika itu saya ingat kembali nenek menghadap ke belakang seperti tak di sambut di cilacap dan ketika itu juga saya berkunjung ke rumah mbah murslan dan juga bertemu mbah ganjen (istri dari mbah murslan) di kawunganten & waktu itu juga saya berkunjung juga ke rumah pakde kadar yang di ketahui ternyata ia adalah Lurah dari Desa Sidamulya selama 2 periode setelah saya sekolah menengah pertama yang merupakan sepupu mama saya dan di situ saya yang saya ingat ketika saya berlari lari dan ada pecahan beling kemudian tanpa sengaja karena dulu saya bodoh & bebal jadi terinjak lah beling itu di kaki rasa sakit tertusuk beling sungguh luar biasa dan rumahnya luas seperti yang saya lihat terakhir tahun 2009 berkunjung dengan rumah gaya jawa – eropa kompeni dengan cat jendela kayu warna biru kehijauan luasnya sekitar 3000 meteran serta di ujung yang paling belakang tersekat garis jalur rel kereta api.
Pada tahun 1996 & 1997 hampir setiap tahun saya berkunjung ke Mall Lippo di Karawaci untuk melihat kembang api tahun baru disana dan saya lewat jalan yang dulu saya belum ketahui namanya yang sekarang di ketahui bernama jalan dipati unus dan perumnas karawaci melewati tol yang masih baru di bangun namanya tol merak jakarta yang saya lihat masih timbunan tanah merah dan ternyata dekat rumah sepupu & paman & bibi saya.
Dan ketika tahun 1996, saya ke rumah kakek & nenek ferdi atau paman saya & bibi saya di cimone waktu awal saya ke sana. Saya belum bertemu ferdi karena mungkin belum lahir tapi setelah beberapa tahun saya melihat ferdi kecil.
Dan pada tahun 1996, saya sering berkunjung ke rumah bibi (kakak papa) di sangiang ketika itu saya mengenal sepupu saya andre, sepupu saya ferdi dan saya punya 1 teman perempuan & 1 teman lelaki tetapi saya sudah lupa namanya.
Dan menurut kisah waktu itu andre dititipkan oleh ibunya adik dari papa aku yaitu kuku melan yang sedang bercerai dengan suami ketiganya yaitu bapak andre sendiri dan kisah itu saya baru saya ketahui setelah sekolah menengah pertama dari mama aku.
Awal perkenalan saya dengan andre hubungan saya baik baik saja, tapi sejak beberapa lama hubungan saya dengan andre sering berantem dan tak akur mungkin pada waktu itu saya yang salah karena egoisme tinggi yang saya lakukan.
Dan ketika itu yang saya ingat adalah sepupu saya kecelakaan namanya koko san san & setelah itu dikabarkan meninggal, kemudian papa & mama berkunjung ke rumah kuku di keroncong dan hari pertama sepertinya saya lihat ada jenazahnya.
Dan ketika hari ketiga mengambil jenazah deh kalo gak salah dan disitu saya ditinggalkan bersama andre, ferdi dan teman saya lupa namanya dan yang lain sudah pada sepi malam larut sekitar pukul 12 malam waktu itu lalu saya panik sendiri dan ferdi & andre juga panik waktu itu ferdi usianya 4 tahun / andre baru 5 tahun perkiraan saya ketika itu jalan jalan ke tanah kosong yang lapang turun bersama kami ke bawah tapi setelah kami ke bawah sia andre bercerita tentang setan dan saya merinding tiba tiba saya melihat baju putih lompat seperti pocong kali yah.
Kami panik dan aku langsung lari ketakutan tampaknya ferdi dan andre juga ikut lari terkocar kacir dan saking paniknya kami ketok ketok pintu rumah teman saya itu dan keluarlah teman saya yang perempuan itu dan saya tunggu dengan sangat panik sekali dengan ketakutan dan saya pikir kok papa mama dan lainnya belum pada pulang setelah jam 3 pagi baru papa & mama pulang setelah itu aku di jemput untuk pulang ke rumah.
Dan pada tahun 1997, saya melihat televisi waktu itu sih saya belum mengerti tapi setelah saya pikir & ingat kembali itu berita tentang kematian princess diana, Princess of Wales dan saya bertanya inggris itu apa yah? Raja/Ratu/Pangeran & Putri serta Kerajaan itu apa yah dan saya tanya pada papa & mama.
Serta saya melihat banyak televisi yang memberitakan tentang kerusuhan pada tahun 1997 – 1998 dan hingga pengunduran diri pak suharto, presiden kedua republik indonesia dan sorotan pak habibi menjadi presiden indonesia yang ketiga.
dan pada tahun 1998, kerusuhan semakin parah dan ketika itu sudah sampai ke wilayah tangerang dan waktu itu banyak warga regensi datang ke rumah saya dan pada menginap beberapa hari karena kerusuhan itu dan ibu saya juga bingung mereka menginap sedang saat itu sudah kehabisan makanan.
Dan waktu itu suasana kerusuhan ibu saya menjemput paksa kakak saya pulang ke sekolah dan yang saya lihat ada orang yang berdiri serta membakar ban.
Dan ketika sudah berakhir suasana mencekam itu.
Pada tahun akhir tahun 1998, mama saya memasukan saya ke taman kanak kanak al husna, kotabumi, tangerang.
Dan yang saya ingat pada saat sekolah adalah ketika mama & saya jalan kaki ketika berangkat sekolah & pulang tapi karena sering merasa kelelahan maka kita pulang – pergi naik becak dan kadang naik ojek.
Dan ketika saya di strap atau di hukum karena tidak belajar atau bercanda terus atau main sendiri serta ketika saya memotong motong kue yang seharusnya di bagi kepada guru akhirnya di tolak oleh guru taman kanak karena sudah di potong setelah pulang saya langsung di marahi karena makanan saya di tolak oleh ibu guru indah.
Dan setiap hari belajar menulis, menggambar dan olahraga serta bernyanyi “gelang sepatu gelang si ramai ramai mari pulang marilah pulang” ketika mau pulang.
Dan mulai lah masuk sekolah di Sekolah Dasar Negeri Kotabumi 4 karena waktu itu aku ingin cepat lulus.
Pada awal sekolah saya masih bisa mengikuti pelajaran tapi ketika naik tingkat aku tidak bisa mengikuti pelajaran.
Pada tahun 1999. keluarga aku membangun rumah baru di kotabumi, tangerang dan rumah di regensi sangiang telah terjual.
Dan awal pembangunan 3 kali kunjung untuk melihat rumah baru kami.
Dan waktu itu ketika rumah aku sedang di bangun ada orang yang mengambil pasir dan ketika itu saya sedang lari menuju rumah dan saya bilang “kenapa anda ambil pasir di rumah saya, apa tidak ada pasir di tempat lain”. Dan sepertinya dia kesal “dan dia tanya balik siapa kamu”, saya menjawab “saya yang punya rumah ini”, dan sepertinya bapak ini sudah marah dan ia pulang ke rumahnya, ternyata dia adalah pak RT gang delima I, II dan III.
Nah loh ya sudah akhirnya dimarahi oleh mama dan Pak RT Gang Delima sepertinya marah sampai dia sentimen anti nya luar biasa.
Dan hubungan keluarga saya dengan mama & papa ani sudah terjalin lama sejak kami mau pindah ke kotabumi.
Masa kecil di Perumahan Kotabumi Tangerang (1998 – 2001).
ketika tahun 1999, kami mulai pindah ke rumah baru kami yang masih 100 meter dan di rumah kami yang baru.
Dan awal pertama saya tinggal di rumah itu pakde susmanto menangkap burung perkutut atau burung tekukur serta kami pelihara burung itu sampai tahun 2001 sebelum di berikan kepada bapak dari teman aku adi.
Dan awal aku tinggal di kota bumi, hubungan aku dengan calon teman dibilang belum baik, suatu ketika aku jalan dan disamping aku ada mereka kemudian aku mengatakan kepada mereka “aku punya pedang yang kalau dikenai sinar matahari & bulan maka pedangnya akan bersinar terang” dan beberapa hari setelah aku lewati mereka, si roy yang nekat membuka sarung pedang mainan aku itu dan lepaslah pedang mainan itu dari sarung nya lalu kemudian roy mengatakan “mana mana bohong lu, tak ada cahayanya”. Dan setelah itu saya di sorak sorai oleh semua calon teman saya yang berada di situ.
Dan setelah itu mereka semua memusuhi saya sampai kira kira 2 bulan, mereka tidak mau bicara dan mengatakan pembohong kepada saya, tapi akhirnya mereka mau berbicara dan mengajak aku bermain dan di situlah aku mulai bermain dengan mereka.
Setelah beberapa bulan saya bermain dengan mereka di sana ada tian, yakut, roy, kak nur, tomi & lainnya & kami sering main di rumah ku atau di rumah teman aku itu.
Waktu itu tian & mamanya sedang ribut karena tian meminta main sama mamanya tidak di kasih sampai tian menangis dan akhirnya di kunci dari luar pintunya tapi anehnya si tian nangis malah jadi tontonan ibu & teman di situ. Saya yang belum tau apapun masih bego beraninya mengetok pintu rumah dan memanggil “mama tian bukan pintu dong, kasian tian” berulang kali dan akhirnya mama tian membuka pintu setelah itu tian berhenti menangis.
Waktu itu hampir setiap bulan, kami pergi ke robinson, makan di mc donald, makan sate & beli mainan dari robot – robotan, mobil – mobilan, rumah – rumahan tapi sayangnya mainannya pada rusak semua karena tidak terawat & dahulu di buat 1 tempat mainan di lantai atap rumah untuk menaruh semua mainan saya.
Dan biasanya saya sama tian, yakut, roy, nur dan lainnya bermain bersama di rumah aku dan kita bermain papa mamahan & kalau sama tian, roy dan tomi biasanya main rumah – rumah di situ menyusun rumah, mobil dan ada orang orangnya dan bermain bersama.
Dan biasanya kami bermain bersama di jalan gang yaitu bermain petak umpat, abcd lima dasar, lompat kata, pegang pagar dan kami bersuka ria dan kadang kalau ada teman datang dari luar gang kami biasanya kami main yang pegang tangan bergandengan dan bernyanyi “saya orang miskin, sahut kelompok lain saya orang kaya” dan setelah itu 2 kelompok menarik kelompok yang di belakang untuk menjadi orang yang ada di baris lawan.
Dan untuk urusan sekolah karena saya pikiran utamanya hanya bermain maka yah pelajaran masa bodoh dan tidak bisa mengikuti pelajaran sama sekali bahkan tidak mengerti semua pelajaran.
Dan ketika ulangan pasti saya sudah tidak bisa memikir apa yang saya harus isi. Dan waktu itu saya tidak pernah tau ada yang namanya perilaku contek menyontek jadi yah walau kata orang itu hanya melihat tapi saya tidak mengerti dan saya hanya coret apa saja yang tidak di ketahui apa isinya.
Dan kalau melihat teman sekolah dasar lainnya mengerjakan soal pelajaran dan ulangan gampang seperti teman pintar namanya pandu dan ada anjas yang terkenal ganteng, pintar & kaya waktu itu .
Dan saya kenal wahyu dia juga pintar tapi pelit sama saya ketika minta untuk di ajarkan doa untuk meminta ilmu di kasih sih tapi yah kayaknya aku yang lupa tapi ketika aku minta di kasih tau tentang jawaban saat sekolah tidak mau memberi...
dan biasanya kalau berangkat sekolah atau pulang sekolah itu di jemput sama mama atau sama mbak umi dari kelas 1 – 3 biasanya kalau di sekolah saya maunya di tunggu dan tidak mau di tinggalkan dan saya tidak pernah memegang uang sedikit pun karena di pegang oleh mbak umi atau mama.
Jadi kalau mau jajan harus minta dulu, dulu aku pernah sama teman ku namanya yoga ketika itu saya meminta uang.sama mama aku untuk beli bubur kacang hijau kemudian setelah kami berdua makan kacang hijau atas permintaan yoga tapi malah mama ku ujung ujungnya mengomel ...
dan aku punya teman sekolah namanya faisal di panggil cule oleh semua teman waktu itu karena dia selalu mengeluarkan lendir putih berbau yang sering keluar dari kuping, dan aku berpikir & bertanya kenapa bisa dia mengeluarkan ingus atau lendir bau busuk di kuping, lalu dia dan beberapa teman sekolah aku mengatakan “karena itu akibat sering main panas – panasan jadi tubuhnya panas atau demam jadi kuping ia, mengeluarkan lendir seperti itu.” dan suatu ketika aku mengatakan dia “cule”, dia marah dan malah colek diri ku dengan jarinya yang sudah terkontaminasi cule lendirnya itu di ke baju aku sudah ke cium baunya, oh sangat menjijikan, dan pernah dia jahilin aku cule atau congeknya dia taruh di buku aku sungguh sangat menjijikan mencium bau congek di buku itu.
Dan pada waktu itu aku ribut sama dia karena sesuatu yang aku tidak ketahui, ujungnya dari sekolah berantem dan teriak di jalannya saling mencaci maki.
Dan ketika saya sekolah, saya pernah melakukan sesuatu yang tidak sengaja ketika itu kaki saya tidak sengaja menyentuh baju dia sehingga bekas jiplakan sepatunya menempel di belakang bajunya, saya tidak mengerti kenapa sekolah saat itu hening sekali atau semua pada terdiam padahal gurunya juga diam dan tidak menjelaskan apapun kepada saya.
Dan pada saat itu saya sedang duduk bertiga sama ijul dan faisal tapi saya tidak mengetahui siapa teman kelas yang duduk di posisi tengah karena saya waktu itu seperti baru melihat orang itu.
Ketika akhirnya dia tau bahwa di bajunya telah ternoda oleh sepatu saya dan ketika di tanya siapa yang mengotori bajunya aku hanya diam tapi melihat dia menangis aku mengaku tapi aku bilang nya begini “ saya tadi tak sengaja mengenai baju kamu, karena saya lagi memanggil faisal” dan waktu itu juga saya sedang mengajak mengobrol ijul & faisal karena semua pada diam tapi sayang mereka pada cuek banget, dan dia meminta untuk di bajunya segera di cuci, padahal saya sudah menawarkan bajunya saya bawa pulang nanti mbak saya yang membersihkannya, tapi karena waktu itu dia sudah mendesak dan berkata “ bahwa nanti kalau ibunya tau bajunya seperti ini maka ibunya akan marah, kemudian dia bilang “kasihan ibu saya karena ibu saya sedang penyakit kanker rahim”. Dan faisal juga ikutan nangis karena merasa di fitnah dan akhirnya ijul yah bertindak pada waktu itu heboh semua dan repotnya si dia yang sepertinya baru saya lihat itu terus memaksa saya untuk mencuci bajunya. Dan ijul semakin memaksa kemudian dia mengatakan sesuatu seperti membuat perjanjian tapi isi perjanjian itu apa yang ijul minta saya lupa dan saya hanya mengatakan “iya”, entah apa yang ijul lakukan padahal itu hanya masalah sepele atau hal kecil saja bisa diselesaikan jika bajunya nanti di cuci kalau sudah di rumah.
Dan yang saya ingat di sekolah dasar ada anak perempuan bernama mayong dan orang di sekolah bilang kalau mayong itu stres atau gila apalah, setiap kali mayong datang teman sekolah dasar lain pada sorak sorai mayong mayong kadang ada yang mengatakan gila atau stres dan dia hampir saja menimpuk saya dengan batu karena saya melihat dia entah kenapa apa waktu itu saya mencemooh dia atau sekedar melihat dia.
Dan dulu di sekolah ada test kebersihan, ketika itu saya memang tidak pernah sikat gigi karena odol saat itu sangat pedas & perih di mulut saat itu dan saat di periksa kuku bersih, pakaian rapih dan tinggal gigi ketika membuka mulut menunjukkan gigi memang gigi ku sudah menghitam dan hancur tapi untungnya itu masih gigi susu karena kalau copot bisa tumbuh kembali.
Dan aku juga merasa bersalah karena ketika masih ada mbak umi, aku telah kasar pada mbak umi (khumaisah) dan aku kadang suka mengejek mbak umi dengan nyanyian “Umi ketelek jengkol kejendel” dan bukan hanya mbak umi saja yang aku ejek, tapi kakak aku juga sering aku ejek “kubil” atau “Codot”.
Dan hubungan aku dengan kakak, juga tampaknya sudah sangat merenggang ketika itu saya hanya meminjam boneka pikachu yang baru dibeli untuk sebentar saja, tapi sudah di marahi ketika saat itu kata mama “udah ambil saja buat kamu” dan mama bilang ke kakak “nanti dibelikan lagi yang baru”. Dan waktu itu memang kami sekeluarga pergi kembali ke robinson untuk membeli boneka pikachu lagi.
Dan ketika itu kakak aku sudah smp, dan kakak selalu pakai baju tank top sama juga teman di gang delima tiga teh nung, papa aku malu lalu papa aku marah dan memukuli kakak aku karena bandel tidak mau untuk pakai baju yang rapih dan kakak marah sama papa tapi di bujuk rayu oleh mama untuk maafkan papa.
Dan ketika awal pertama tinggal di kotabumi, kakak saya sering di ganggu dan di ketok ketok pintu jendela kamarnya oleh siapa itu, kakak saya mungkin takut di kamar sendiri atas lantai atap dan biasa di lantai atap, mbak umi juga tidur disana.
Dan ketika tahun 2000, saya meminta papa & mama untuk merayakan ulang tahun sudah lama memintanya sekitar berminggu minggu akhirnya papa & mama membuat pesta kecil di rumah.
Dan semua teman aku dari gang delima II & III di undang & pada hadir semua, rasanya senang dan bahagia apalagi ketika dapatkan kado, dan hadiah yang saya ingat adalah kado baju dari depi sepupu aku yaitu sepasang baju dan celana sinchan buat aku & depi nah aku selalu senang memakainya dan aku meminta mbak umi agar tidak pernah sikat bagian gambar sinchan tetap menempel dan aku paling ingat kado dari Tian yaitu mainan tentara yang bagus.
Dan waktu itu tien datang pindah ke tempat sekitar kami, keluarganya adalah pedagang es campur keliling dan setelah itu keluarganya menyewa toko ketika usahanya laku mampu membeli toko, menurut penjelasannya tien dahulu bapaknya bekerja di maskapai penerbangan dan aku dulu sering main ke rumah tien dan di rumah tien ada miniatur kapal terbang serta ada patung naga warna emas yang di larang oleh bapaknya tien untuk di sentuh oleh siapapun karena nanti kalau di pegang takhayulnya maka orang yang memegangnya tangan atau bagian yang tersentuh akan bengkak selama beberapa hari.
Dan tien lah yang bilang kepada aku bahwa “kita menjalin persahabatan dan kita adalah sahabat” dan mungkin ialah sahabat pertama aku.
Dan saya pernah bertanya pada tien sambil mengobrol “ tien kalau sunat itu berapa kali yah?”,”tien : 1 kali deh atau dua kali”,”aku bilang : apa iya satu kali kalau dua kali apa gak kesakitan”. Sambil jalan jalan ke gang melon di belakang.
Dan saya bersama tian, tien, roy, nur dan tomi menghadiri undangan perayaan ulang tahun tapi saya tidak tau siapa yang mengundang di gang melon.
Dahulu aku ari, ani & aa kiki sedang jalan jalan di gang samping delima, kami menemukan kotak berisi 5 ekor kucing setelah itu aku ambil kucing warna putih kuning & kembarnya adalah punya ari dan aku bawa pulang kucing kecil itu aku beri nama yellow dan ketika kucing itu di rawat di rumah bersama mbak umi.
Dan ketika yellow pergi dan tidak pulang, aku sibuk mencari yellow tapi waktu itu teman di gang delima III memberitahu bahwa kucing yellow ketemu tapi aku ragu dan aku pikir itu adalah kucing ari tapi tidak apa aku ambil saja kucing itu akan tetapi sayang kucingnya sakit dan akhirnya mati setelah itu di kubur oleh papa di samping tanah samping rumah.
Dan hubungan saya dengan yakut, waktu itu saya sering main ke rumah yakut dan waktu itu aku & yakut melihat Televisi Pendidikan Indonesia melihat saluran discovery channel yang menjelaskan film dokumenter tentang kesultanan ottoman / utsmaniyah pada waktu itu saya belum tau.
Dan yakut juga lagi buka buku cerita dan aku membacanya dengan judulnya nabi musa dulu aku pikir begini, aku mengatakan “yakut, nabi itu laki apa perempuan kok yang aku baca itu nabi musa itu laki”. Sahut yakut “ya emang nabi musa itu lelaki semua nabi itu lelaki”, sahut aku “aku kira nabi ada yang perempuan kok namanya musa seperti perempuan”. Sahut aku “oh iya”.
Dan kadang saya sering dengar yakut di omelin kalau ada mama nya? Saya juga kelenger mendengar suara keras omelan tapi hebatnya yakut jarang menangis ketika di omelin mamanya.
Dan biasanya mama yakut selalu baik & aku biasa bermain sepeda sama yakut.
Dan ketika itu teman gang delima II mengadakan pengajian di rumah roy setiap malam dan saya ikut pengajian tapi ada masalah ketika saya pernah mengajak roy bercanda sambil main pukul – pukulan setelah itu saya di pukul keras di dada sehingga saya kesakitan dan tak kuasa menahan tangis.
Dan saya pulang dengan tangis sehingga mama saya bertanya pada saya. “Kenapa menangis dan aku bilang abis di pukul”, “dipukul siapa” tanya mama, sahut aku “sama roy” lalu mama saya bergegas menuju rumah roy dan roy dimarahi dan waktu itu saya tidak pernah berkomunikasi dengan roy selama beberapa bulan tapi setelah itu hubungan sudah agak baik tampaknya karena waktu itu ketika saya membeli balon kolom renang dan saya mengajak tian, tien, adi dan lain dan ada roy datang yah saya bolehkan dia bermain dan mama sudah setuju “ berenang kami di kolam itu”.
Dan saya juga dahulu berteman dengan anak lelaki bernama ari dan di rumah itu unik karena ada bel untuk panggil orang di dalam rumah, bapaknya dokter, saya sering bermain bersama ari. Dan waktu itu ari sudah sunat nah saya penasaran dengan ari tentang ari. Karena ari bertanya pada saya “bondan, udah sunat belum”, aku bilang “belum, kamu sudah ari”, dia jawab “sudah”.
Dan waktu itu saya bertanya pada ari bagaimana proses dia di sunat, dia bilang dulu bapaknya ajak dia jalan waktu kecil tapi ketika itu dia di taruh di dokter lalu dia di suntik obat tidur dan dia pingsan setelah bangun dia sudah disunat itu ceritanya ari dan dia sudah buktikan pada saya.
Dan waktu itu ketika saya ramai – ramai bersama roy dan yang lain ke gang delima III, ketika itu si roy biasa sorak sorai kepada ani. Seperti orang ribut dan yah saya ikut ikutan aja, tapi suasananya ketika itu seperti sih. Tapi yah waktu itu yah berseteru antara delima II dan delima III. Yah waktu itu saya seperti orang yang membelot dari delima II dan delima III.
Dan saya berseteru dengan orang delima II selama 1 bulan deh kayaknya dan saya lebih sering main di gang delima III, dan pada waktu gang delima III sering mengadakan pesta gang, saya ikut dalam pesta itu sampai larut waktu setelah itu. Sampai larut malam. Dan waktu itu aa kiki pasang petasan teko di dekat lapangan rumah tian. Tian marah dah kesal karena saya yang ada di depan sedang aa kiki & yang lain sudah lari jadi saya kena marah sama tian.
Dan hubungan saya sudah mulai mereda dan hubungan saya dengan delima II dan III baik kembali.
Dan hubungan saya dengan keluarga papa ani & ibu ani, saya pernah memakan daging kelinci nya ani waktu ada pesta di rumah itu, saya pernah menghadiri pesta sunatan & melihat kondisi aa kiki waktu itu ia bengkak juga.
Dan hubungan mama dengan teteh yosi, waktu kami bangkrut mama belajar membuat tas dari mute dan mama buat tas dari mute di jakarta barat setelah itu teteh yosi yang membordir hasil tas mute dan waktu itu mama jualan tas mute.
Dan ketika ekonomi keluarga mulai goyah tahun 2001, ketika itu kondisi keuangan kami menurun di karenakan usaha konveksi alas kaki mulai labil karena naiknya harga – harga bahan baku benang dan turunnya hasil usaha waktu itu serta waktu itu karena sudah habis modal maka mesin mesin kaos kaki di over atau di jual kepada pihak lain dan perusahaan induk mulai memberhentikan kerja papa aku.
Dan karyawan semua sudah di berhentikan dan dibayarkan gajinya.
Dan setelah itu papa pulang sedang keadaan pingsan selama beberapa hari dan waktu itu barang barang di rumah kami mulai di sita dan papa saya mulai menganggur serta bangkrut.
Dan dahulu aku punya kerabat yang menumpang tinggal beberapa bulan di rumah kami namanya bang ali.
Dan setelah papa bangkrut, papa tidak punya penghasilan hanya kerja serabutan untuk mencari tambahan penghasilan untuk makan dan saat itu kami bahkan telah menunggak listrik sehingga listrik dimatikan 2 bulan.
Dan waktu itu saya masih sekolah tapi akhirnya saya tidak sekolah karena waktu itu saya juga malas jadi tidak sekolah sehingga saya putus sekolah hingga 1 tahun lamanya.
Audzubilahiminasyaitanirajim Bismillahirrahmanirrahim.
astagfirullah al adzhiim.
astagfirullah al adzhiim.
astagfirullah al adzhiim.
Allahuma antasalam waminka salam tabarokta ya dzalzalali wal ikram
Allahuma lamani'a lima atoita wala muktiya lima manata wala yan fauzal jadi minkal zat.
Allahuma ainni alaa dzikrika wasyukrika wahusni ibadaatika ilaahi ya rabbi maulana
Subhanallah 33x
Alhamdulillah 33x
Allahu Akbar 33x
Allahu akbar kabirra wal hamdulillahi kasiro wasubhanallahibukrotan waasila.
Laillaha illallahu wahdahu laa syarikala lahul mulku wala hul hamdu, yuhyi wa yumiltu wahuwa ala kuli syaiin qadiir.
Rabbi firgli wali wali daya warhamhumah kama rabbayani shogiro. Amin.
Rabbi zidni ilman warzukni fahman biromahtika ya arhamarrahimin. Amin.
Ya Allah ampunilah aku atas segala kesalahan ku dan dosa dosa ku yang telah aku lakukan selama didunia dan maafkan aku atas perbuatan perbuatan keji yang mazmumah / buruk yang aku lakukan selama hidup ku.
sesungguhnya hanya Engkau yang dapat mengampuni dosa dosa dan kesalahanku.
Ya Allah yang Pengampun dan Pemaaf.
Ya Allah.
Kalau saya mati atau wafat nanti, saya mohon kepada Mu & meminta ampunan dari dosa kepada Mu.
Ya Allah, beri maaf semua kesalahan ku & dosa ku yang telah dibuat selama aku hidup di dunia ini.
Ya Allah, berikan aku tempat di jannatun ataupun surga tingkat paling bawah. Amin.
Hanya pada Mu tempatku meminta hal yang tak mungkin akan terjadi hanya kepadaMu Ya Allah. Amin.
ampuni juga dosa dan kesalahan dari perbuatan kedua orang tuaku.
sayangi orang tua ku sebagaimana mereka menyayangiku di waktu aku kecil.
Ya Allah, aku memang bukan anak yang berbakti, mungkin aku adalah anak durhaka. Ampuni aku Ya Allah. Yang mempunyai Banyak kesalahan di dunia dan Ampuni kesalahan kedua orang tua ku yang sangat aku sayangi. Amin.
Ya Allah, berikan aku bantuan Mu & berikan aku pertolongan Mu.Atas permasalahan yang aku hadapi meski ringan ataupun berat .Hanya pada Engkau Ya Allah.
Ya Allah sampai saat ini.Aku hanya masih terdiam dan berdiam diri tanpa melakukan sesuatu dan tak tau harus berbuat apa.
Hanya kepada Mu Ya Allah yang mampu membantu aku menghadapi setiap cobaan dan masalah yang Engkau berikan. Amin.
Apakah ini benar kebahagiaan.
Aku berharap ini kebahagiaan mutlak.
Aku berharap ini kebahagiaan mutlak.
Ya Allah, Berikan aku sedikit dan kecukupan atas harta, kekayaan, kemakmuran, kesejahteraan, kebahagiaan, kesenangan, keadilan, kebanggaan, kesetiaan, kelayakan, kedamaian, ketentraman, ketenangan, kesehatan, keagungan, kehormatan, kemuliaan, kebaikan, kekuasaan, kekuatan. amin.
Ya Allah, Berikan aku kehidupan baik di masa depan atau diwaktu yang akan datang.
Ya Allah, Berikan aku hal hal yang kecil yang berharga di dalam hidup aku.
Ya Allah, Ringankan derita beban hidup ku dan kurangi beban derita hidup itu.
Ya Allah, Berikan aku karunia berupa surga kecil dan kerajaan kecil. amin.
Ya Allah, Berikan aku kehidupan baik di masa depan atau diwaktu yang akan datang.
Ya Allah, Berikan aku hal hal yang kecil yang berharga di dalam hidup aku.
Ya Allah, Ringankan derita beban hidup ku dan kurangi beban derita hidup itu.
Ya Allah, Berikan aku karunia berupa surga kecil dan kerajaan kecil. amin.
Ya Allah, ampuni dan beri maaf untuk dosa dan kesalahan aku, mama, papa, kakak, adik ku, keturunan ku ,keponakan ku dan abdi ku.
Berikan kami tempat mu di jannah atau surga yang paling bawah.
Berikan kami kerajaan di jannah.
Buat haram dan lindungi kami dari api neraka (Nar). Amin.
Berikan kami kesehatan dan sembuh penyakit apa bila ada di dalam diri kami.
Berikan kami kesehatan raga dan jiwa serta berikan sembuhkan segala penyakit jika itu ada didalam diri kami.
Berikan kami rezeki yang halal, baik, banyak, mencukupi, lancar, bermanfaat, berguna dan bersih.
Berikan kami kekayaan harta yang banyak, cukup, bermanfaat, halal dan lancar. Amin.
Jangan Engkau buat, jangan kau sendat, jangan kau tunda, jangan kau kurangi, jangan kau ambil dan jangan kau buat haram. Amin.
Berikan kami rezeki yang halal, baik, banyak, mencukupi, lancar, bermanfaat, berguna dan bersih.
Berikan kami kekayaan harta yang banyak, cukup, bermanfaat, halal dan lancar. Amin.
Jangan Engkau buat, jangan kau sendat, jangan kau tunda, jangan kau kurangi, jangan kau ambil dan jangan kau buat haram. Amin.
Ya Allah, beri aku rezeki yang halal, baik, banyak dan cukup.
Ya Allah, beri kelimpahan rezeki dan beri keluasan juga beri kelapangan rezeki kepada aku, keluarga dan keturunan aku.
Ya Allah, hanya kepada mu, aku memohon dan meminta hal yang besar dan hal yang kecil.
Beri apa yang aku minta. Amin Ya Rabbal Alamin.
Ya Allah, beri kelimpahan rezeki dan beri keluasan juga beri kelapangan rezeki kepada aku, keluarga dan keturunan aku.
Ya Allah, hanya kepada mu, aku memohon dan meminta hal yang besar dan hal yang kecil.
Beri apa yang aku minta. Amin Ya Rabbal Alamin.
Ya Allah jangan mempersulit kami dalam hal mencari dan mendapatkan rezeki yang halal dan baik.
Ya Allah tolong kami yang sedang dalam kesulitan dan kepayahan. Amin.
Berikan kami kedamaian, kesejahteraan, kebahagiaan, kemakmuran, kesenangan dan kebaikan. Amin.
Ya Allah tolong kami yang sedang dalam kesulitan dan kepayahan. Amin.
Berikan kami kedamaian, kesejahteraan, kebahagiaan, kemakmuran, kesenangan dan kebaikan. Amin.
Ya Allah berikan aku dan keluarga beserta keturunan berupa kedamaian, kesejahteraan, ketentraman, keamanan dan kenyamanan dalam hidup.
terutama tiada yang tidak mungkin yang tidak dapat dilakukan Allah.
Ya Allah jadikan keluarga ku untuk dapat kembali tentram, sejahtera, damai,aman dan bahagia.
Jangan kau biarkan kami dalam penderitaan dan kesengsaraan.
Berikan kami kesempurnaan, keagungan dan kemuliaan. Amin.
Jangan buat kami terhina. Amin.
Jangan kau biarkan kami dalam penderitaan dan kesengsaraan.
Berikan kami kesempurnaan, keagungan dan kemuliaan. Amin.
Jangan buat kami terhina. Amin.
Ya Allah Lindungilah aku dan keluarga ku dari segala bencana, musibah, orang jahat yang akan menimpa kami dan lindungi kami dari bahaya yang terjadi apapun itu.
Karena Engkau Maha Pelindung dan Maha Perkasa Lagi Maha Kuat.
Sungguh Tiada Daya dan kekuatan melainkan kekuatan Engkau Yang Maha Agung.
Lindungi kami dari kejahatan musuh kami. Amin.
Lindungi kami dari kejahatan musuh kami. Amin.
Ya Allah, Lindungi aku dan keluarga ku dari Musuh - Musuh kami, jauhkan kami dari musuh musuh kami dan jangan Engkau dekatkan kami dari musuh kami. Amin.
Berikan kami pengikut dan abdi yang setia dan cinta kepada kami.amin.
Berikan kami pengikut dan abdi yang setia dan cinta kepada kami.amin.
Berikan kami teman dan sahabat walau hanya sedikit. amin
Berikan kami kenikmatan di dunia dan akhirat. Amin.
Berikan kami petunjuk dan kebenaran.
Terima setiap ibadah kami dan doa kami ini Ya Allah. Amin.
Permudah urusan dan hajat kami dan jangan kau persulit kami untuk menyelesaikan setiap urusan dan masalah kami.
Ringankan siksa dunia dan akhirat kami.
Berikan kami kenikmatan di dunia dan akhirat. Amin.
Berikan kami petunjuk dan kebenaran.
Terima setiap ibadah kami dan doa kami ini Ya Allah. Amin.
Permudah urusan dan hajat kami dan jangan kau persulit kami untuk menyelesaikan setiap urusan dan masalah kami.
Ringankan siksa dunia dan akhirat kami.
Ringankan beban hidup kami dan angkatlah beban hidup serta permudah cobaan yang kami jalani.
Beri kami perlindungan dan keringanan derita akibat musibah dan bahaya yang menimpa kami.
Beri kami tempat di jannah / surga walaupun di tempat surga tingkat paling bawah.amin.
Ya Allah, buat lingkungan disekitar dan dimanapun aku, keluarga dan abdi ku berada menjadi lingkungan yang bersahabat dan ramah.
Ya Allah, jangan kau buat lingkungan sekitar dimana aku berada jahat, kalut, ricuh dan suram kepada aku dan keluarga aku. Amin.
Ya Allah, Beri aku dan keluarga aku rezeki berupa pakaian, sandal, sepatu, emas – perak, ternak sapi – lembu – kerbau - kambing – domba – kuda – unta – ayam – bebek, kebun sayur, hutan kecil, pohon buah, sawah, ladang, rumah & pekarangan, pembantu, mesin – mesin, alat elektronik, perabotan rumah, peralatan teknik – tani, kandang ternak, taman, kolam ikan / tambak & rumah kaca.
Ya Allah, Beri aku dan keluarga aku rezeki berupa makanan dan minuman yang halal, baik dan layak menurut islam.
Ya Allah, berikan aku dan keluarga aku sebuah karunia berupa pekerjaan yang layak, penghidupan yang layak, penghasilan rezeki yang layak, hak milik harta yang layak, pendidikan yang layak, keluarga yang layak, kehormatan yang layak, pangkat yang layak, tempat tinggal yang layak, lingkungan yang layak, pertemanan yang layak, komunitas yang layak, kebebasan yang layak, pergaulan yang layak, kekuasaan yang layak, komunikasi yang layak dan usaha yang layak sesuai dengan standar yang baik. Amin.
Ya Allah beril aku Ilmu dan kecerdasan.
Tambahkan ilmu dan kecerdasan aku
beri aku kemudahan dalam setiap aku memahami ilmu.
Kelapangan, keluasan dan keleluasaan dalam mendapat ilmu. amin.
Cobaan, ujian dan derita pasti akan terulang kembali. Allah berikan aku sedikit kemudahan, kelapangan, kebaikan, kesabaran dan kenikmatan
kehidupanku penuh sengsara, miskin, derita dan nestapa.
kisah keluarga ku yang penuh ironi dan tragedi juga kisah pedih dan duka masa lalu.
Kehidupan aku hampa dan kosong.
sendiri dalam kegelapan hanya setitik cahaya terang menuntun dan menyinari di mata ini.
di dunia aku hidup penuh dengan ketimpangan, ketidak adilan, keanehan, kegaiban, pengaruh yang membawa dampak, berat sebelah, tidak sama, diskriminatif, dan sebagainya.
Di dalam perjuangan hidup, aku selalu mengalami kegagalan, kekecewaan, sakit hati, kemalangan, kehancuran, keterpurukan akibat dari pengaruh negatif yang menjerat untuk menjatuhkan segala kebaikan yang aku miliki dan kebodohan dan kecerobohan juga kesalahan yang aku perbuat.
hanya sedikit kebahagian, kemakmuran, kekayaan, kesejahteraan, ketentraman, kenyamanan, harta, kesenangan, kegembiraan, ilmu, kecerdasan, kepintaran, kebaikan dan kenikmatan yang aku miliki.
mimpi mimpi yang indah hanya sementara saja.
hanya kepedihan, duka, kesedihan dan sedikit tangis yang banyak menghiasi.
dalam kesepian dan kesendirian ini aku masih punya kebebasan yang terbatas sebelum terkurung dalam penjara kehidupan dan tuntutan zaman atau penjara kematian.
hanya seberkas cahaya terang bertuliskan petunjuk dan nasihat dari sumber yang tidak aku ketahui asalnya.
aku percaya Allah, Malaikat, Para Nabi / Rasul, Kitab Nya, Islam dan Ciptaan nya.
walaupun dalam kehidupan aku bagai orang kafir dan munafik.
aku tau itu.
tapi aku berusaha untuk berbuat baik dan menghindari perbuatan jahat walau susah maklum aku mungkin ditakdirkan menjadi penghuni neraka jadi Allah mudahkan saya untuk berbuat mudah dalam kejahatan.
berharap Surga atau Jannah mau menjadikan aku sebagai Penghuninya walau aku tempatkan di tingkat jannah paling bawah sekalipun yang penting aku mendapatkan kebaikan hidup akhirat walau sedikit.
karena hidup memang selalu kekurangan yang penting bisa hidup cukup dan memiliki kelebihan yang kecil dan sederhana.
betapa sedih dan sengsara jika hidup menjadi orang miskin di dunia dan miskin di akhirat.
betapa pedih menjadi orang jahat dan menjadi ahli nar jahanam dan kekal di dalam nya.
hanya berharap ampunan Allah dan kasih sayang Allah. Amin.
hanya berharap ampunan Allah dan kasih sayang Allah. Amin.
Ya Allah, saya tidak mau berjanji lagi karena berjanji itu sulit. sulit untuk memegang janji itu dan sulit untuk menepati juga membenarkan janji itu.
Aku tidak mau berjanji lagi. Karena aku tak mau tidak bisa menyanggupi. Aku ingin yang tidak berjanji tapi pasti dilaksanakan
Aku takut untuk berjanji karena takut tidak bisa menepati, melaksanakan dan menyanggupi janji itu. Tolong aku Ya Allah. Amin.
Ya Allah, Pemilik Kerajaan Langit dan bumi. Alam mu begitu luas beri aku tempat di alam mu yang luas walau di dunia lain yang berbeda.
Ya Allah, bawa aku pergi. Ke sana kepada kerajaan mu yang penuh rahmat dan kenikmatan. Jangan kau biarkan aku terus tersiksa dalam nar
Ya Allah, tidak apa jika aku mati cepat karena dengan aku mati tidak ada dosa dan kesalahan yang aku perbuat lagi di dunia yang menyebabkan aku masuk ke dalam neraka jahanam. amin.
Ya Allah.
Allah ku. Allah semua Alam Semesta.
Tolong aku dan bantu aku dari kekejaman dunia ini, lindungi aku dalam kasih sayang MU kepadaku yang lemah ini. Amin.
Ya Allah,berikan aku kebaikan kebaikan hidup.Berikan aku kebaikan untuk kekekalan hidupku sebagai ciptaan Mu.Karena semua ciptaanMu di Alam Semesta ini adalah kekal, termasuk Manusia, Jin, Malaikat, Syaitan, Iblis dan semua makhluk adalah kekal. Amin.
“Ya Allah, sesungguhnya
aku mohon kepada-Mu seluruh kebaikan, baik yang cepat (di dunia)
maupun yang lambat (di akhirat), baik yang aku ketahui maupun
yang tidak aku ketahui. Dan, aku
berlindung kepada-Mu dari seluruh
kejelekan, baik yang cepat maupun
yang lambat, baik yang aku ketahui
maupun yang tidak aku ketahui. Ya
Allah, sesungguhnya aku mohon
kepada-Mu kebaikan apa saja yang
dimohonkan oleh hamba-Mu dan
nabi-Mu (Muhammad SAW). Dan, aku berlindung kepada-Mu dari
kejelekan apa saja yang dimohonkan perlindungannya oleh hamba-Mu dan nabi-Mu. Ya Allah, sesungguhnya aku mohon pada-Mu
surga dan setiap perkataan atau
perbuatan yang mendekatkan
kepadanya, dan aku berlindung
kepada-Mu dari neraka dan dari
setiap perkataan atau perbuatan
yang mendekatkan kepadanya.
Dan, aku mohon kepada-Mu agar
Engkau menjadikan setiap ketentuan yang Engkau tentukan untukku adalah kebaikan.” (HR Ibnu Majah, Ahmad dan Ibnu Hibban).
aku mohon kepada-Mu seluruh kebaikan, baik yang cepat (di dunia)
maupun yang lambat (di akhirat), baik yang aku ketahui maupun
yang tidak aku ketahui. Dan, aku
berlindung kepada-Mu dari seluruh
kejelekan, baik yang cepat maupun
yang lambat, baik yang aku ketahui
maupun yang tidak aku ketahui. Ya
Allah, sesungguhnya aku mohon
kepada-Mu kebaikan apa saja yang
dimohonkan oleh hamba-Mu dan
nabi-Mu (Muhammad SAW). Dan, aku berlindung kepada-Mu dari
kejelekan apa saja yang dimohonkan perlindungannya oleh hamba-Mu dan nabi-Mu. Ya Allah, sesungguhnya aku mohon pada-Mu
surga dan setiap perkataan atau
perbuatan yang mendekatkan
kepadanya, dan aku berlindung
kepada-Mu dari neraka dan dari
setiap perkataan atau perbuatan
yang mendekatkan kepadanya.
Dan, aku mohon kepada-Mu agar
Engkau menjadikan setiap ketentuan yang Engkau tentukan untukku adalah kebaikan.” (HR Ibnu Majah, Ahmad dan Ibnu Hibban).
“ Ya Allah jadikanlah aku termasuk
orang-orang yang bertaubat, dan
jadikanlah aku termasuk orang-orang yang mensucikan diri. Maha suci Engkau Ya Allah, dan dengan memuji-Mu, aku bersaksi bahwa tiada Tuhan melainkan Engkau aku memohon ampunan-Mu dan aku bertaubat hanya kepada-Mu”.
(HR. At-Tirmidzi dan An-Nasai).
orang-orang yang bertaubat, dan
jadikanlah aku termasuk orang-orang yang mensucikan diri. Maha suci Engkau Ya Allah, dan dengan memuji-Mu, aku bersaksi bahwa tiada Tuhan melainkan Engkau aku memohon ampunan-Mu dan aku bertaubat hanya kepada-Mu”.
(HR. At-Tirmidzi dan An-Nasai).
Doa Nabi Musa Alaihi Salam:
"Ya Rabbi, sesungguhnya aku telah menganiaya diri aku sendiri karena itu ampunilah aku". Maka Allah mengampuninya, sesungguhnya Allah Dialah Yang Maha Pengampun lagi Maha Penyayang. ( Surat Al Qashas ayat 16)
"Ya Rabbi, demi damai yang telah Engkau anugerah kan kepada ku. aku sekali kali tiada akan menjadi penolong bagi orang orang yang berdosa" (Surat Al Qashas ayat 27).
“Ya Rabb kami, anugrahkanlah kepada kami isteri-isteri kami dan keturunan kami sebagai penyenang hati (kami), dan jadikanlah kami pemimpin bagi orang-orang yang bertakwa” (QS. Al Furqon: 74).
Surat An Naas ( Manusia ) ayat 1 – 4 :
Katakanlah :” aku berlindung pada Rabb Manusia, Raja Manusia, Sembahan Manusia, dari kejahatan syaitan yang biasa bersembunyi, yang membisik kan dada manusia, dari Jin dan manusia.
Surat Al Falaq ( waktu subuh) ayat 1-5:
Katakanlah :” Aku berlindung kepada Rabb Manusia Yang menguasai subuh”, dari kejahatan makhluk Nya, dan dari kejahatan malam apabila gelap gulita, dan dari kejahatan wanita tukang sihir yang menghembuskan pada buhul buhul (sihir).
Surah Al Ikhlash ayat 1-4 :
Katakanlah :” Dialah Allah, Yang Maha Esa”, Allah adalah segala Ilahi yang bergantung padanya segala sesuatu, Dia tiada beranak dan tiada pula di peranak kan, dan tidak ada seorang pun yang setara dengan dia.
Surat Ali Imran ayat 26 – 27 :
Katakanlah : “ wahai Allah Yang mempunyai Kerajaan. Engkau berikan kerajaan kepada orang yang Engkau kehendaki dan Engkau cabut kerajaan dari yang orang yang Engkau kehendaki. Engkau mulia kan orang yang engkau kehendaki dan engkau hina kan orang yang engkau kehendaki. Di tangan Engkau lah segala kebajikan. Sesungguhnya Engkau Maha Kuasa atas segala sesuatu.
Engkau masuk kan malam ke dalam siang dan Engkau masukan siang ke dalam malam. Engkau keluar kan hidup dari yang mati, dan Engkau keluarkan yang mati dari yang hidup. Dan Engkau pemberi rezeki siapa yang engkau kehendaki tanpa hisab.
Surat Yusuf ayat 101 :
Ya Rabbi, sesungguhnya Engkau telah menganugerah kan kepada ku sebahagian kerajaan dan telah mengajarkan kepadaku sebahagian tabir mimpi Pencipta langit dan bumi. Engkau pelindung ku di dunia dan di akhirat. Buat aku wafat dalam keadaan islam dan gabung kan aku dengan orang orang yang saleh.
dan Ya Allah aku ingin dan beri aku anugerah berupa awet muda dan aku ingin hidup selama ratusan tahun sesuai dengan kalender masehi maupun hijriah.
begitu juga keturunan ku yang pertama maupun yang terakhir di hari kiamat kehancuran semesta raya ( Qiyamah Lil Alamin).
dan berikan aku dan keluargaku beserta keturunan ku yang pertama maupun yang terakhir di hari kiamat alam semesta anugerah berupa usia yang panjang dan lama hingga ratusan tahun sesuai kalender masehi juga kalender Hijriah dan juga kebahagian di dunia maupun di akhirat..
Ya Allah namun aku bukan Orang Musyrik yang meminta usia seribu tahun seperti yang engkau katakan kepada Muhammad SAW melalui Wahyu mu dalam Al Qur’an.
janganlah Engkau biarkan aku dan keluarga ku menjadi orang Musyrik.
Lindungi kami dari perbuatan Syirik.
Ya Allah, jadikan aku dan keturunanku yang pertama maupun yang terakhir di hari kiamat lil alamin sebagai Maharaja atas sebagian wilayah kecil di bumi dan planet lain juga galaksi.
Berikan kami keagungan dan anugerah berupa bangsa yang berdaulat.
Ya Allah aku ingin menjadi Raja (ratu) atas sebuah pulau dan planet ( sistem tata surya lain yang ada di galaksi/ Al Buruj lain ).
tapi pulau dan planet mana yang cocok dan beri rezeki agar aku dapat membeli dan menguasai pulau dan planet ( sistem tata surya / Al Buruj yang lain ) yang aku inginkan .
Apabila aku ataupun keturunan telah memiliki pulau dan planet ( tata surya lain yang ada di galaksi lain ) tersebut maka jadikan aku beserta keturunan ku yang pertama dan yang terakhir dihari kehancuran semesta raya tetap menjadi Raja dan Ratu ( Ratu ) atas pulau dan Planet yang aku beli.
Ya Allah jika memang ada planet lain seperti planet bumi ini dan apabila aku ataupun keturunan telah menguasai planet itu.
maka jadikan aku dan keturunan ku yang pertama maupun yang terakhir di hari kiamat kehancuran semesta raya menjadi Raja - Ratu (ratu) atas planet yang seperti planet bumi itu.
Ya Allah berikan aku manusia yang sedikit untuk menjadi Rakyat, Pendukung, Petinggi, pembesar, Teman, Shahib (sahabat), Karib, Kaum, Bani, Suku, Klan, Famili, Bangsa, Pengikut, Pelindung, Pelayan, Pembantu dan Barisan Pasukan juga budak yang setia, mengabdikan diri, mempunyai dedikasi yang tinggi, berguna, bermanfaat, menghambakan diri, ridho berkorban, membantu, melayani, mengimani, mengayomi, melindungi, menyayangi, mencinta, mengasihi, mensucikan, peduli, perhatian, mengagungkan, pembesar dan mendukung dalam bentuk harta, ilmu, tenaga dan jiwa untuk aku dan kepada ((King) Bondan Ramadhani Purnomo) dan keturunan ku dari yang pertama hingga yang terakhir dihari kiamat (Qiyamah) kehancuran Alam semesta ( Lil Alamin ) juga bermanfaat bagiku dan keluargaku maupun kepada keturunanku yang pertama hingga yang terakhir dihari kiamat kehancuran Alam Semesta agar aku dapat membangun kerajaan didunia maupun kerajaan yang berada di Jannah (Surga) Adn atau Jannatun Firdausi.
Ya Allah aku ingin sekali mempunyai Abdi yang setia loyal kepada aku yang berguna, bermanfaat, patuh, mementingkan kepentingan pribadiku, ahli di berbagai bidang, membantu aku dalam berbagai hal, mengabdi kepadaku dengan tulus dan ikhlas, yang mencintai, menyayangi juga mengasihi aku, bertanggung jawab dan mengamankan aku dari segala bahaya. Amin.
Ya Allah, aku ingin menjadi Raja atas lahan 2400 km2 saja.
aku ingin menjadi Raja (King) untuk 1000 tahun untuk dinasti ku dan mungkin ada dinasti keturunan aku sebagai kelanjutan kerajaan setelah punah yang berpaham dengan ajaran aku hingga hari kiamat keturunan ku masih terpilih sebagai King atau Raja yang memegang teguh pada ajaran dari aku.
Ya Allah, aku ingin memiliki pengikut untuk aku dan keturunan yang berpegang teguh pada ajaran selama 1000 tahun dan bahkan sampai hari kiamat walau hanya sedikit dan mereka melindungi keturunanku. amin.
Sesungguh nya Engkau adalah Maha Pengampun, Maha Pencipta, Maha Kaya, Maha Raja, Maha Agung, Maha Adil, Yang memberi Rezeki, Maha Pengatur, Maha Pengabul, Maha Memberi, dan Maha Segalanya.
Audzubilahiminasyaitanirajjim bismillahirahmanirrahim.
Pesan Luqman AlHakim kepada Anaknya:يابني،ليكنأولشيءتكسبهبعدالإيمان،خليلاصالحا،فإنمامثلالخليلكمثلالنخلة،إنقعدتفيظلهاأظلتك،وإنأكلتمنثمرهاوجدتهطيبا. (لقمانالحكيملابنه)
"Wahai anakku, pastikan pertama-tama sesuatu yg boleh mendatangkan keuntungan untukmu setelah beriman, teman yg soleh (baik), karena teman yg baik ibarat seperti pohon kurma, apabila engkau duduk di bawah nya, dia akan memberi mu perlindungan, dan apabila engkau makan dari buah nya dan engkau akan mendapati nya baik (manis)".
"Wahai anakku, pastikan pertama-tama sesuatu yg boleh mendatangkan keuntungan untukmu setelah beriman, teman yg soleh (baik), karena teman yg baik ibarat seperti pohon kurma, apabila engkau duduk di bawah nya, dia akan memberi mu perlindungan, dan apabila engkau makan dari buah nya dan engkau akan mendapati nya baik (manis)".
Ya Allah, berikan aku 100 jiwa untuk menjadi pendukung, abdi, pengikut, rakyat dan bangsa yang setia pada aku. Amin.
Dan mereka membantu dan menolong aku. Amin.
Ya Allah, aku memohon dan meminta pada Mu. Berikan aku rakyat, pengikut, pendukung dan abdi sejumlah 50 atau 100an orang sebagai rakyat awal untuk membantu dan menolong aku. Amin.
Ya Allah, aku tidak punya teman & sahabat yang banyak, hanya sedikit yang aku punya namun aku bersyukur kepadamu karena aku masih di berikan teman & sahabat.
Insya Allah, Engkau akan memberikan aku anugerah dan keajaiban berupa Bangsa yang berdaulat. Amin.
Ya Allah, aku sungguh membutuhkan pendukung dan pengikut yang setia kepada ku, hanya Engkau yang dapat memberikannya.
Hanya Engkau Ya Allah. Berikan aku pengikut dan pendukung. Amin.
Ya Allah, Engkau pasti mengetahui bahwasanya aku kini kesepian dan sendirian.
Ya Allah, aku memohon dan meminta kepadamu Ya Allah.
Ya Allah berikan aku 100 anak lelaki untuk menjadi sahabatku Ya Allah. amin.
Ya Allah berikan aku 100 anak lelaki menjadi sahabat idaman ku dan sesuai kriteria ku. amin
aku membutuhkan sahabat yang setia, tiada berkhianat, selalu ada di dalam kehidupanku dan mencintai, mengasihi dan menyayangi aku juga keluargaku.
berikan aku sahabat yang baik, tulus dan ikhlas menjadi sahabat idamanku. amin.
Ya Allah berikan aku 100 sahabat yang selalu mementingkan dan mengutamakan kepentingan, kebahagian, kemakmuran, kesejahteraan dan kedamaian aku dan keluarga maupun untuk kepentingan bersama bangsa kami.
Ya Allah berikan aku 100 sahabat yang selalu mendukung aku dalam berbagai hal.
berikan aku sahabat yang selalu mendukung aku dalam menjalankan kegiatan sehari hari.
Ya Allah berikan aku sahabat yang selalu membantu aku dalam berbagai hal, termasuk dalam hal berpolitik, berbisnis,belajar, bekerja dan bersahabat.
Ya Allah berikan aku sahabat yang selalu membantu dan mendukung aku dalam mewujudkan impian, rencana, doa dan keinginan aku agar aku sukses di dunia maupun di akhirat. amin.
Ya Allah berikan aku sahabat yang tidak pernah meninggalkan aku dalam kondisi apapun.
berikan aku sahabat yang selalu menemaniku. amin.
ya Allah berikan aku sahabat yang berguna dan bermanfaat dalam berbagai hal termasuk dalam berbisnis, berdagang, berpolitik, belajar dan mendidik aku.
ya Allah berikan aku sahabat yang selalu melindungi dan menjaga aku dari kejahatan manusia dan dari keburukan dunia maupun akhirat. amin.
Ya Allah datang kan dan dekat kan aku pada sahabat ku itu Ya Allah.
Ya Allah datang kan mereka kepada aku dengan menyatakan ikrar persahabatan dan janji kesetiaan mereka kepada aku.
dan datang kan mereka kepada aku untuk menobatkan aku sebagai Raja yang memimpin mereka. Amin Ya Rabbal Alamin.
Ya Allah, aku memohon dan meminta kepadamu Ya Allah.
Ya Allah berikan aku 100 anak lelaki untuk menjadi sahabatku Ya Allah. amin.
Ya Allah berikan aku 100 anak lelaki menjadi sahabat idaman ku dan sesuai kriteria ku. amin
aku membutuhkan sahabat yang setia, tiada berkhianat, selalu ada di dalam kehidupanku dan mencintai, mengasihi dan menyayangi aku juga keluargaku.
berikan aku sahabat yang baik, tulus dan ikhlas menjadi sahabat idamanku. amin.
Ya Allah berikan aku 100 sahabat yang selalu mementingkan dan mengutamakan kepentingan, kebahagian, kemakmuran, kesejahteraan dan kedamaian aku dan keluarga maupun untuk kepentingan bersama bangsa kami.
Ya Allah berikan aku 100 sahabat yang selalu mendukung aku dalam berbagai hal.
berikan aku sahabat yang selalu mendukung aku dalam menjalankan kegiatan sehari hari.
Ya Allah berikan aku sahabat yang selalu membantu aku dalam berbagai hal, termasuk dalam hal berpolitik, berbisnis,belajar, bekerja dan bersahabat.
Ya Allah berikan aku sahabat yang selalu membantu dan mendukung aku dalam mewujudkan impian, rencana, doa dan keinginan aku agar aku sukses di dunia maupun di akhirat. amin.
Ya Allah berikan aku sahabat yang tidak pernah meninggalkan aku dalam kondisi apapun.
berikan aku sahabat yang selalu menemaniku. amin.
ya Allah berikan aku sahabat yang berguna dan bermanfaat dalam berbagai hal termasuk dalam berbisnis, berdagang, berpolitik, belajar dan mendidik aku.
ya Allah berikan aku sahabat yang selalu melindungi dan menjaga aku dari kejahatan manusia dan dari keburukan dunia maupun akhirat. amin.
Ya Allah datang kan dan dekat kan aku pada sahabat ku itu Ya Allah.
Ya Allah datang kan mereka kepada aku dengan menyatakan ikrar persahabatan dan janji kesetiaan mereka kepada aku.
dan datang kan mereka kepada aku untuk menobatkan aku sebagai Raja yang memimpin mereka. Amin Ya Rabbal Alamin.
The Boryaltra Kingdom.
Jika aku mempunyai sebuah negara maka aku akan melakukan hal ini.
Pangkat Resmi Kepala Negara dari Boryaltra Kingdom :
- Rego Bondan I, The Ruler of Boryaltra.
- Regido Bondan I, Sovereign Prince of Gronchiester.
- Kanjeng Gusti Ratu Panembahan Padmanegara (Raja Padmanegaran).
- Kanjeng Gusti Pangeran Adipati Arya Buminoto Prajanegara.
Pangkat Kebangsawanan Resmi :
- Sovereign Prince of Gronchiester.
- Duke of Swestergud.
- Marquis of Schaanterbery.
- Count of Clevendham.
- Viscount Cavinshan.
- Baron Bonwood.
- Lord Entlinghland.
Rex Bondan I, The Ruler of Boryaltra adalah penerus dari Eyang Uyut Penatus Madirsad dan Eyang Uyut Raden Mas Suromenggolo.
Pangkat Kebangsawanan Kerajaan Boryaltra / Kerajaan Palemahan Padmanegaran Gaya Tradisi Kejawen :
Kepala Pemangku Adat Kerajaan :
Kanjeng Gusti Panembahan Ratu Padmanegara.
Putri Pendamping (Garwa Padmi/Permaisuri) :
Kanjeng Gusti Ratu Padminegara.
Garwa Ampeyan / Ampil :
- Kanjeng Raden Ayu.
- Kanjeng Mas Ayu (Tidak boleh mempunyai anak darinya kecuali dalam keadaan darurat sesuai Kitab Hukum Negara).
Gelar untuk para satriyan dan para putri dari K.G.P.R. Padmanegara.
Gelar Pangeran Mahkota dan Putri Mahkota :
- Kanjeng Gusti Pangeran Adipati Anom Amangkunegara
- Kanjeng Gusti Putri Ayu Amangkunegara.
Gelar Para Satriyan dan Para Puteri dari K.G.P.R. Padmanegara.
- Kanjeng Pangeran Arya ketika kecil bergelar (Bandoro Raden).
- Kanjeng Putri Ayu ketika kecil bergelar (Bandoro Raden Ajeng).
Gelar Para Satriyan dan Para Puteri Generasi Cucu dari K.G.P.R. Padmanegara
- Kanjeng Pangeran ketika kecil bergelar Bandoro Raden.
- Kanjeng Putri ketika kecil bergelar Bandoro Raden Ajeng.
Gelar Generasi Cicit, Canggah dan Piut dari K.G.P.R. Padmanegara :
- Raden Arya (Keturunan Garwa Padmi) dan Raden Ngabehi (Keturunan Garwa Ampil) ketika kecil bergelar Raden.
- Raden Ayu ketika kecil bergelar Raden Ajeng
Susunan Trah Keluarga Kebondanan :
- Ayah : Bong Chu Long bergelar Kanjeng Pangeran Adipati Arya Cakrabumi.
- Ibu : Sukawati bergelar Kanjeng Ratu Sukawati Natamenggala.
- Kakak : Candra bergelar Kanjeng Raden Ayu Adipati Candra Kesuma dan Sulaeman bergelar Pangeran Adipati Sulaiman.
- Adik : Oktavian bergelar Kanjeng Pangeran Adipati Cakranegara.
Susunan Kebangsawanan Kerajaan Boryaltra Tradisi Monarki Eropa :
Monarch :
- The Rego Bondan I, The Ruler of Boryaltra, Raja Padmanegaran & Prince of Gronchiester.
Wife of The Reign Rulers :
- (name), The Consort Regina and Princess Consort of Gronchiester
- (name), The First Princess.
Heirs of to the throne :
- (name), The Crown Prince (Crown Heir).
- (name), The Crown Princess (Crown Heiress).
Son and daugther of The Rulers :
- (name), The Prince (name of family).
- (name), The Princess (name of family).
2nd – 3th descendant of The Rulers :
- (name), The Prince.
- (name), The Princess.
The Rulers Family :
Father :
The Rex Cakrabumi, The Duke of Schelweiz Damzeg (Lord Schelweiz Damzeg).
Mother :
The Regina Mater Sukawati, The Duchess of Schelweiz Damzeg (Lady Schelweiz Damzeg).
Old Sister :
The Regina Candra Kesuma, The Princess Easternwood (Lady Easternwood).
Brother in Law :
Sulaiman, The Prince Easternwood (Lord Easternwood).
Young Brother :
The Rex Cakranegara, The Prince Westernwood (Lord Westernwood).
Structure of The State.
Pasal 1 dari Konstitusi menyatakan bahwa negara boryaltra adalah berstatus istimewa atau negara protektorat dibawah perlindungan negara induk yang diberikan keleluasaan dalam memerintah negara nya dibawah Raja Bawahan atau Pangeran yang memerintah.
Pasal 2 dari Konstitusi meletakkan sistem khusus negara dari Boryaltra: Kepangeranan (Kerajaan) adalah konstitusional keturunan monarki yang demokratis dan dasar parlemen.
Boryaltra adalah monarki turun-temurun. Pangeran yang berkuasa sebagai kepala negara tidak dipilih oleh orang-orang, tetapi sebaliknya, hukum dari rumah Prinsipalitas (House of) Boryaltra menentukan penerus tahta.
garis suksesi laki laki berlaku, dan aturan, anak lelaki tertua sang pangeran yang memerintah menjadi penggantinya.
Boryaltra adalah keturunan monarki konstitusional. The Reign terikat oleh ketentuan-ketentuan dalam Konstitusi dan hanya dapat menggunakan hak untuk kekuatan negara di
Sebagai kepala negara, Dia mungkin menyimpulkan perjanjian-perjanjian internasional yang berlaku melalui pengesahan oleh Parlemen. Pangeran memerintah melalui pemerintah mengeluarkan peraturan-peraturan. Ini termasuk peraturan-peraturan dikeluarkan di bawah kekuasaan darurat.
menurut Konstitusi, ketetapan-ketetapan darurat berakhir setelah enam bulan. Selain itu, peraturan-peraturan darurat tidak lagi dapat menangguhkan seluruh Konstitusi, melainkan Pangeran memerintah mungkin hanya membatasi ketentuan individu waktu tertentu.
Konstitusi juga menyatakan bahwa kekuasaan negara dipegang Reign Prince dan Rakyat. Karena negara terletak pada dasar yang demokratis, orang-orang dan Reign Prince memiliki hak tertentu. Orang dapat mempengaruhi melakukan bisnis negara melalui pemilihan umum dan populer suara.
Orang-orang dapat menggunakan inisiatif untuk permintaan Undang-undang baru, dan mereka dapat menggunakan referendum untuk menuntut pemilu pada hukum atau keuangan keputusan yang disahkan oleh Parlemen.
amandemen konstitusi, orang-orang memiliki kemungkinan penarikan kepercayaan mereka dari Pangeran yang berkuasa dan hak untuk memilih pada penghapusan monarki walaupun begitu rakyat tidak dapat menghapus monarki.
Boryaltra memiliki 50 anggota parlemen yang dipilih oleh orang-orang untuk masa jabatan sepuluh tahun.
Parlemen diberi mandat untuk «mewakili dan menyatakan hak-hak dan kepentingan orang-orang dalam kaitannya dengan pemerintah».
Tanggung jawab utama Parlemen adalah undang-undang. Untuk undang-undang untuk menjadi sah, itu harus disetujui oleh Parlemen, oleh Reign Prince, dan countersigned oleh Perdana Menteri. Kekuatan Parlemen juga meliputi pemilihan pemerintah Menteri, yang ditunjuk oleh Pangeran memerintah pada mereka rekomendasi.
Pemerintah terdiri dari Perdana Menteri dan empat Menteri lainnya. Wakil Perdana Menteri dipilih dari antara 4 Menteri lainnya.
Karya-karya pemerintah menurut prinsip kolegial. Hal ini bertanggung jawab untuk administrasi nasional. Semua urusan penting adalah subjek untuk konsultasi dan pengambilan keputusan pemerintah kolegial.
Dewan pemerintah prinsipalitas boryaltra adalah bagian dari Kepangeranan. Terdiri dari enam anggota :
Menteri negara yang duduk di kursi dewan dan anggota tujuh anggota (empat konselor dan satu delegasi);
Selain Parlemen sebagai kekuasaan legislatif dan Pemerintah sebagai kekuasaan eksekutif, ada juga kekuatan ketiga, yaitu peradilan. Mahkamah Pengadilan mengadili sipil dan masalah pidana dalam contoh pertama, Pengadilan Banding di contoh kedua, dan Mahkamah Agung dalam ketiga dan terakhir contoh. Pengadilan Tata Usaha memiliki yurisdiksi atas masalah administrasi dan bertindak sebagai contoh terakhir. Konstitusi Pengadilan memiliki yurisdiksi atas masalah konstitusional.
Politik Kerajaan Boryaltra :
- Constitution.
- Kitab Hukum Negara/Law State Book.
- The Crown / Monarch (Raja (King) – Reign Prince).
- (Raja) Kings Family / Dynasty.
- Succession to the Boryaltra Throne.
- Royal Prerogative.
- Crown Council (Dewan Mahkota).
- Council of Goverment / Dewan Pemerintahan (Executive Council).
- National Council Parlemen and Crown in Parliamentary (Legislative Council).
- Princely House (Unlimited).
- Representative House (50 member elected by people)
- Supreme Court and Crown in the Bench.
- Army & Police under Council of Goverment, Parlemen, Supreme Court & The Crown / Crown Council.
- Elections.
- Parliement Constituantes.
- Election of Political People (The National Election and The Local Election).
- Refrendrum
- Administrative Divisions :
- District (Regent).
- Cities (Major).
- Village (Chief of Village).
- Political Independent People.
- Foreign Policy.
Status Negara : Negara Protektorat dibawah Konvensi atau Traktat (Treaty) dengan Negara Induk yang berbentuk Monarki Konstitusional.
I'll make an international area for the Nation Boryaltra of 2400 km2 to be Duchy of Boryaltra.
become independent and sovereign land for Boryaltra Tribe.
become independent and sovereign land for Boryaltra Tribe.
I want to buy an area of 2400 km2 to be a royal state which form of government is a constitutional monarchy with a parliamentary system and the form of the state as a unitary state.
the maximum amount to the people -250,000. people.
the maximum amount to the people -250,000. people.
Luas Wilayah Negara Kerajaan Boryaltra adalah sebuah kepulauan seluas 5 km2 dengan garis teritorial kelautan sepanjang 12 mil serta 200 mil dari garis pantai yang menjadi zona ekonomi eksklusif.
Serta membeli wilayah seluas 100 km2 di Antartika.
Membeli dan membuat estate seluas 2400 hektar tersebar di berbagai negara.
Jumlah penduduk maksimal 50.000 orang.
Kondisi dibuat persis dengan Percontohan Games Harvestmoon Back to Nature dan Harvestmoon versi lain.
Sistem Politik Kerajaan Boryaltra.
A. Konstitusi.
Terkodifikasi hukum dasar (“konstitusi”) Kerajaan Boryaltra
secara garis besar dapat dinyatakan telah mengatur hal-hal di bawah ini.
1. Hak asasi manusia, yang di dalamnya mengatur pula mengenai:
a. hak asasi manusia internasional;
b. penghormatan terhadap harkat dan martabat manusia;
penghormatan terhadap persamaan derajat tanpa memandang ras,
agama, jenis kelamin, status sosial, dsb.; jaminan keamanan;
penghapusan perbudakan; pemberian hukuman; perkawinan dan
keluarga; hak milik atas benda;
c. perlindungan hukum, persamaan dalam hukum, penghormatan
terhadap pengadilan, pemulihan nama baik, asas praduga tak
d. kebebasan individu, hak pribadi, kebebasan bergerak, kebebasan
beragama, kebebasan berekspresi;
e. hak politik, suaka politik, kewarganegaraan, kebebasan berkumpul
dan berserikat serta kebebasan berdagang;
f. hak sosial, hak bekerja, waktu kerja, hak memperoleh tempat
tinggal yang layak, pendidikan, ilmu pengetahuan, seni, budaya.
g. batasan-batasan hak asasi manusia.
2. Organisasi negara, yang meliputi pengaturan tentang:
a. bentuk umum pemerintahan;
b. parlemen, House of Representatif, idependent politikal, pengambilan keputusan,
legislasi, komisi-komisi, Princely House, keuangan, ombudsman parlemen;
c. pemerintah, komposisi pemerintah, lobi, Dewan Penasihat;
d. pemerintah lokal;
e. peradilan, sistem hukum, pengadilan pidana, pengadilan perdata,
Departemen Kementrian :
- Kementrian Dalam Negeri.
- Mengurus sekretariatan negara.
- Mengurus administrasi negara.
- Mengurus pertahanan dan keamanan dalam negeri.
- Mengurus masalah internal dalam negeri.
- Mengawasi, membina serta perancang perencanaan pembangunan desa dan distrik.
- Mengurus pelantikan, mengawasi dan membina pemimpin daerah & organisasi.
- Mengurus peresmian badan hukum / organisasi milik swasta & negara.
- Mengurus agraria dan maritim.
- Kementrian Luar Negeri.
- Mengurus urusan berkaitan hubungan dengan negara induk.
- Mengurus urusan berkaitan hubungan manca negara.
- Mengurus urusan perlindungan warga negara di manca negara.
- Mengurus masalah yang berkaitan dengan politik luar negari dan perjanjian internasional.
- Mengurus masalah yang berkaitan dengan hubungan bilateral maupun mulitateral dan internasional.
- Mengurus perencanaan hubungan internasional.
- Kementrian Keuangan dan Perekonomian.
- Mengurus masalah perpajakan.
- Mengurus masalah keuangan negara.
- Mengurus masalah perekonomian negara.
- Mengurus masalah jaminan sosial negara.
- Menjadi penasihat keuangan, perencanaan serta pelaksanaan ekonomi negara.
- Mengurus bea cukai negara.
- Mengurus badan usaha milik negara (perusahaan negara).
- Mengurus yayasan dan organisasi milik negara.
- Mengurus investasi negara.
- Mengurus kekayaan negara.
- Mengurus peternakan, pertanian, perkebunan dan perikanan.
- Kementrian Sosial.
- Mengurus masalah sosial negara.
- Mengurus komunikasi nasional.
- Mengurus masalah pos.
- Mengurus pendidikan dan budaya nasional.
- Mengurus agama dan kebudayaan.
- Mengurus kesejahteraan rakyat.
- Mengurus pekerjaan umum.
- Mengurus masalah kesehatan negara.
- Mengurus masalah perencanaan jaminan sosial.
- Mengurus masalah perencanaan tata ruang kota.
- Mengurus masalah pelestarian dan perencanaan ruang lingkungan hidup.
- Mengurus masalah kehutanan.
Susunan Hirarki Vertikal Penyelenggaraan Pemerintahan dan Penyelenggaraan Kegiatan Administrasi Negara.
- Council Goverment - Parlemen – Supreme Court.
- Administration & Service Official State.
Hirarki Peraturan Hukum Negara Boryaltra.
- Konstitusi.
- Al Qur'an.
- Act Parliamentary.
- Kitab Hukum Negara.
- Peraturan Monarki/Perintah Raja/Dekrit Raja.
- Peraturan Kebijakan Pemerintah & Peraturan Minister of State.
- Peraturan Menteri & Department.
- Peraturan Administrative Divisi.
- Peraturan Distrik.
- Peraturan Desa dan Kota.
Semua departemen langsung berhubungan dengan kementrian dalam melaksanakan administrasi negara dan penyelenggaraan pemerintahan serta kegiatan rutin negara.
Pengaturan Hukum Negara Boryaltra :
- Konstitusi.
- Al Qur'an.
- Kitab Hukum Negara Pidana dan Acara Pidana.
- Kitab Hukum Negara Perdata dan Acara Perdata.
- Kitab Hukum Negara Dagang dan Bisnis.
- Kitab Hukum Negara Kebudayaan.
- Kitab Hukum Negara Kesehatan.
- Kitab Hukum Negara Administrasi Negara.
- Kitab Hukum Negara Pendidikan Nasional.
- Kitab Hukum Negara Perekonomian Negara.
- Kitab Hukum Negara Perindustrian.
- Kitab Hukum Negara Agraria.
- Kitab Hukum Negara Kependudukan dan Kewarganegaraan.
- Kitab Hukum Negara Politik dan Hukum.
- Kitab Hukum Negara Pertahanan dan Keamanan.
- Kitab Hukum Negara Monarki.
- Kitab Hukum Negara Militer.
- Kitab Hukum Negara Administrasi Divisions.
- Kitab Hukum Negara Crown Council.
- Kitab Hukum Negara Council Goverment.
- Kitab Hukum Negara Supreme Court.
- Kitab Hukum Negara Parliamentary.
- Kitab Hukum Negara Election.
- Kitab Hukum Negara Adat dan Tradisi.
- Kitab Hukum Negara Lingkungan Hidup.
- Kitab Hukum Negara Kepariwisataan.
- Kitab Hukum Negara Hirarki Badan Negara dan Hirarkhi Peraturan.
- Kitab Hukum Negara Kepegawaian Negara.
- Kitab Hukum Negara Hak Asasi Manusia.
- Kitab Hukum Negara Norma.
- Kitab Hukum Negara Keuangan Negara.
Kebijakan Politik Kerajaan Boryaltra :
- Pendidikan.
- Setiap warga negara berkewajiban untuk melaksanakan pendidikan nasional yang dibiayai oleh negara dari tingkat Sekolah Dasar, Sekolah Lanjutan Tingkat Menengah, Sekolah Lanjutan Tingkat Atas dan Pendidikan Strata Pertama.
- Selain Pendidikan Nasional Secara Formal, setiap warga negara wajib ikut serta dalam pelaksanaan pendidikan informal yang diadakan oleh negara sesuai dengan usia warga negara dengan pendidikan meliputi tentang masalah ekonomi, politik, hukum, kesehatan, sosiologi, psikologi, agama dan lain lain.
- Raja dan Keluarga Kerajaan mengikuti pendidikan khusus kerajaan agar para bangsawan kerajaan tau bagaimana cara melakukan tugasnya dan kewajibannya sebagai pemimpin negara.
- Mendirikan sekolah dan universitas di luar negara boryaltra.
- Mendirikan sekolah dan universitas negara domestik dengan kualitas baik & bermutu.
- Mendirikan institusi atau organisasi keilmuan sebagai riset perkembangan keilmuan.
- Menetapkan pendidikan karakter & budaya boryaltra yang baik, beretika, berbudi & bermoral.
- Menyusun, membentuk, menjalankan & mengamalkan tradisi boryaltra.
- Kesehatan.
- Negara membiayai urusan kesehatan nasional serta membangun fasilitas kesehatan yang memadai dan warga negara berhak mendapatkan pelayan kesehatan gratis.
- Untuk pasien penyakit kejiwaan masih diperlakukan sama beserta hak dan kewajibannya setara dengan orang normal sampai masa pemulihannya dan tidak selalu meminum obat serta tidak ada penyakit kejiwaan yang permanen.
- Negara mendirikan rumah sakit modern di luar negara maupun didalam negara boryaltra agar dapat menjangkau warga negara yang sedang sakit di manapun berada.
- Setiap warga negara di lindungi oleh asuransi kesehatan dan asuransi jiwa serta asuransi kecelakaan.
- Perekonomian.
- Negara mendirikan perusahaan dagang untuk mendapatkan pendapatan nasional / keuntungan untuk keperluan kesejahteraan negara.
- Negara membuat estate pertanian, perternakan, perkebunan & perikanan di dalam negeri maupun di luar negeri.
- Negara melaksanakan program swasembada dalam berbagai bidang & sektor industri, tani & maritim.
- Negara melaksanakan program budaya tanam & budidaya ternak / ikan untuk mewujudkan sistem negara agraris & maritim yang berkesinambungan, berkelanjutan, ramah lingkungan, menguntungkan, menghasilkan, swadaya rakyat, mendidik, swasembada & bernilai ekonomi tinggi.
- Negara melaksanakan program industrialisasi modern yang ramah lingkungan & analisis dampak lingkungan.
- Negara mengambil 15 persen saham dari setiap perusahaan yang didirikan oleh warga negara nya atau warga negara asing serta organisasi domestik maupun foreign.
- Negara dilarang berhutang kecuali ada keperluan khusus negara / keadaan genting darurat maka diperbolehkan berhutang dengan maksimal 15 % dari kekayaan negara.
- Negara menerapkan kebijakan penyimpanan emas & perak dalam kebijakan ini negara mengumpulkan sebanyak banyak emas & perak untuk dimasukan dalam kekayaan negara untuk kepentingan nasional.
- Memproduksi barang sesuai dengan permintaan logis.
- Didalam negara boryaltra setiap warga negara harus bekerja dan tidak boleh ada yang menganggur sesuai dengan usia yang ditetapkan oleh kitab hukum negara.
- Didalam negara boryaltra setiap warga negara difasilitasi atau diberikan pekerjaan oleh negara untuk tujuan pembangunan bangsa.
- Setiap warga negara diberikan rumah & pekarangan dalam negara untuk kesejahteraan.
- Setiap warga negara diwajibkan untuk menjadi orang kaya.
- Negara akan membagikan bonus bagi setiap warga negara apabila negara mendapatkan keuntungan berupa tunjangan uang makan, uang transportasi, uang komunikasi dan uang bonus pensiunan.
- Setiap warga negara difasilitasi sebuah rumah dan mobil di luar negara (abroad).
- Setiap warga negara diwajibkan menabung di bank dan berinvestasi reksadana.
- Menghapus riba (bunga rente) pada perekonomian negara.
- Membebankan setiap warga negara & orang yang memiliki izin tinggal di negara boryaltra untuk membayar pajak yang relatif rendah & wajib membayar zakat / jizyah.
- Sosial.
- Negara mendirikan lembaga untuk membantu, bimbingan dan penyelesaian masalah yang dihadapi setiap warga negara, hal ini bertujuan agar negara dapat meneliti apa masalah yang dihadapi rakyat dan apa yang diinginkan rakyat untuk kehidupannya dalam masalah ekonomi dan sosial serta negara dan masyarakat yang diberi amanat oleh negara harus peduli dan membantu menyelesaikannya.
- Demi keadilan sosial maka jika rakyat dalam kondisi darurat seperti kelaparan atau kemiskinan maka raja dan keluarga kerajaan juga harus ikut miskin dan lapar.
- Setiap warga negara harus saling mengenal, komunikatif dan bersosialisasi demi kepentingan negara.
- Negara berperan atau turut campur dalam kehidupan pribadi warga negara dalam hal keagamaan, hubungan sosial, pekerjaan, percintaan, perkawinan, dll.
- Negara membatasi populasi manusia di negaranya, setiap warga negara dan keluarga kerajaan diperbolehkan memiliki 2 anak saja diberikan dispensasi untuk yang terlanjur hamil anak ke 3 dan warga negara harus mengikuti program nasional pengaturan populasi.
- Keturunan raja harus menikahi sesama keturunan raja atau orang yang disepakati oleh monarki.
- Setiap Anggota Kerajaan diwajibkan memakai huruf B untuk nama depan mereka agar sama dengan nama asli Raja Pertama.
- Setiap warga negara harus memiliki 1 perahu untuk 1 rumah di pulau untuk antisipasi bencana tsunami atau banjir laut sebagai penanggulangan.
- Negara membuat komunitas boryaltra di luar negara bertujuan untuk kegiatan sosial dan lingkungan hidup.
- Bahasa resmi untuk dipakai negara boryaltra adalah bahasa inggris dan bahasa indonesia.
- Negara boryaltra mendirikan arsip bahasa dunia untuk mempelajari berbagai bahasa didunia.
- Negara boryaltra mendirikan pusat keilmuan, penelitian keilmuan & pengembangan teknologi.
- Negara boryaltra mendirikan pusat penelitian & observasi antariksa / ruang angkasa serta penerbangan luar angkasa.
- Negara Boryaltra membuat saluran televisi dan saluran radio nasional.
- Agama negara adalah islam bercampur tradisi boryaltra & agama minoritas bercampur tradisi boryaltra.
- Menetapkan pendidikan berkarakter sesuai budaya boryaltra.
- Setiap penduduk wajib bersunat di usia 11 tahun.
- Negara mendirikan organisasi masyarakat untuk warga negara yang berasaskan konstitusi boryaltra dan setiap warga negara yang menjadi ketua organisasi kemasyarakatan tersebut diperbolehkan menjadi Raja atas Organisasi tersebut dengan pangkat Lord & Baron.
- Didalam negara boryaltra selalu mengadakan pesta dan festival pertemuan antara raja dengan rakyat pada hari - hari besar dan bulan bulan tertentu.
- Setiap warga negara yang merupakan seorang anak dan remaja adalah anak negara dan merupakan anggota keluarga kerajaan pasif.
- Percintaan sesama jenis di perbolehkan namun dibatasi dengan syarat tidak boleh bersetubuh melalui anal sex & tidak diperbolehkan meminum serta menelan air mani / sperma.
- Alat bantu seks boleh di gunakan untuk lelaki maupun perempuan.
- Hukum onani / masturbasi diperbolehkan untuk lelaki dan haram untuk perempuan serta diperbolehkannya onani bersama sama.
- Diperbolehkan beraktifitas pornoaksi dan pornografi pada waktu yang ditentukan oleh negara & pembatasan menonton film porno oleh negara bagi warga negara adalah 30 kali dalam setahun.
- Negara melarang penggunaan hijab kecuali pada bulan ramadhan dan hari besar keagamaan islam.
- Pelarangan meminum alkohol & rokok untuk semua warga.
- Negara melarang segala aktivitas perjudian.
- Negara memerintahkan agar setiap warga negaranya untuk melaksanakan ibadah islam sesuai rukun islam.
- Negara melarang segala aktivitas pelacuran di dalam negara.
- Negara melarang adanya aktivitas seks bebas.
- Negara melarang penggunaan plastik.
- Negara mendirikan pusat pengelolahan sampah ramah lingkungan.
- Negara menetapkan standar nasional untuk berbagai produk berupa barang atau bahan makanan.
- Melarang dan memusnahkan kehidupan reptil ( ular, kodok, buaya, kadal dll).
- Setiap warga negara berhak untuk mendapatkan jabatan jabatan politik pemerintahan.
- Status Monarki dengan Rakyat (Regnum) adalah sama atau sederajat yang membedakan adalah kekuasaan istimewa dan perlakuan istimewa yang diberikan oleh Rakyat (Regnum) kepada Monarki (Rex).
- Negara adalah milik raja karena raja adalah pemegang saham terbesar negara dan raja yang membeli negara.
- Setiap warga individu mempunyai hak untuk bahagia dan berhak meningkatkan kualitas taraf hidupnya.
- Setiap warga negara adalah individu yang mempunyai tanggung jawab sosial dan kesatuannya sangat di butuhkan oleh negara.
- Seluruh Tanah yang ada di negara boryaltra adalah milik kerajaan dinasti boryaltra (Tanah Keprabon/King Estate) karena Raja yang membeli seluruh lahan yang ada didalam negara boryaltra tetapi rakyat diperboleh kan untuk tinggal, memanfaatkan dan menguasai tanah tersebut dan rakyat dilarang untuk menjualnya dan menggadaikannya.
- Hak atas Tanah di Negara Boryaltra untuk rakyat memiliki kedudukan sebagai Hak Kuasa Tanah, Hak Guna Usaha & Hak Pakai sedangkan tanah yang dikuasai monarki adalah Monarch Ground Right.
- Keamanan negara dijamin oleh Abdi Polisi Kerajaan Boryaltra dan Pertahanan di pegang oleh Abdi Militer Kerajaan Boryaltra di bawah perintah dewan pemerintahan, parlemen, supreme court & monarki / crown council.
- Kegiatan militer dibatasi hanya untuk bertugas menjaga pertahanan di perbatasan & seluruh wilayah negara, mencari informasi & tugas intelijen dan bertugas menjaga perdamaian dunia.
- Jika di serang maka baru negara boryaltra menyerang.
- Anggota militer adalah militer aktif & wajib militer.
- Setiap warga negara di wajibkan untuk melakukan wajib militer selama 1 tahun pada usia 20 tahun, 30 tahun & 40 tahun.
- Kegiatan kepolisian adalah untuk melakukan tindakan represif, preventif, menjaga keamanan negara, menertibkan masyarakat & negara dan membantu tugas militer dalam mengawasi negara.
- Militer & Polisi diawasi oleh rakyat secara keseluruhan serta dapat di hukum secara hukum sipil & pidana tentang militer & polisi di supreme court.
- Dan tidak ada kekebalan hukum terhadap militer & polisi.
- Tidak boleh ada pembunuhan, penghilangan paksa, penahanan lewat 1 tahun, kekerasan fisik berat & kekerasan verbal massa di dalam negara boryaltra.
- Hukum Hak Asasi Manusia :
- Hak di bidang politik :
- mempunyai kesempatan untuk mendapatkan kesempatan menjadi alat politik negara.
- Mendapatkan perlakuan yang sama untuk di dengar aspirasi politiknya.
- Menggunakan hak pilihnya baik hak pilih pasif maupun aktif.
- Hak untuk dipilih oleh rakyat.
- Memberikan input dalam sistem politik, baik berupa dukungan atau penolakan terhadap suatu kebijakan pemerintah
- Mendapatkan kesempatan yang sama dalam berusaha.
- Mendapatkan kesempatan yang sama dalam berdagang.
- Mendapatkan kesempatan yang sama dalam bekerja.
- Mendapatkan kesempatan yang sama dalam mengembangkan bisnis.
- Hak yang sama dalam mendirikan badan usaha swasta.
- Hak yang sama dalam akses bahan baku.
- Hak yang sama mendapatkan akses bahan baku.
- Hak yang sama mendapatkan akses teknologi.
- Hak yang sama mendapatkan akses sumber modal.
- Hak yang sama mendapatkan pembinaan usaha.
- Hak yang sama memiliki hak pribadi maupun kolektif.
- Hak untuk tidak dirampas hak milik pribadi maupu kolektif nya secara sewenang wenang.
- Hak yang sama mendapatkan pendidikan.
- Hak yang sama memilih pendidikan.
- Hak yang sama dalam mengembangkan bakat dan minat.
- Hak yang sama dalam menikmati dan mengembangkan kebudayaan.
- Hak yang sama dalam mengembangkan ilmu pengetahuan.
- Hak yang sama mendapatkan manfaat dari ilmu pengetahuan.
- Hak yang sama untuk mendapatkan pekerjaan.
- Hak yang sama mendapatkan penghidupan yang layak & meningkatkan kualitas hidup.
- Hak untuk mendapatkan jaminan sosial.
- Hak & Kewajiban untuk menjalankan tradisi & budaya.
- Hak untuk mendapatkan santunan pada saat terjadi bencana,
- Hak dan kewajiban bagi seluruh warga negara yang sama dan merata untuk menjadi kaya.
- Hak untuk memberikan santunan bagi orang yang miskin dan anak terlantar.
- Hak untuk mendapatkan keadilan sosial.
- hak mendapatkan perlakuan yang sama dalam bidang hukum.
- Hak yang sama mendapatkan perlindungan hukum.
- Hak mendapatkan kewarganegaraan.
- Hak untuk tidak diperlakukan secara diskriminatif
- Hak untuk tidak dituntut kedua kalinya dalam kasus yang sama dalam suatu peradilan pidana dan perdata.
- Hak untuk kesamaan dalam menduduki jabatan dalam pemerintahan.
- Hak mendapatkan kesamaan untuk turut serta dalam pemerintahan.
- Hak untuk mengajukan kepada pemerintahan dalam rangka yang bersih dari korupsi, kolusi dan nepotisme.
- Hak untuk mengeluarkan pendapat atau pandangan pikiran.
- Hak untuk berkumpul & berserikat.
- Hak untuk memeluk agama.
- Hak untuk menikah atau tidak menikah.
- Hak untuk mendapatkan kekayaan.
- Hak untuk mendapatkan keturunan.
- Hak untuk kebebasan bergerak dan berekspresi.
- Perlakuan yang sama dalam proses pengadilan :
- Hak mendapatkan pengadilan efektif.
- Hak untuk tidak ditahan, ditangkap dan diasingkan secara sewenang wenang.
- Hak mendapatkan bantuan hukum dalam suatu kasus pidana atau perdata.
- Hak untuk dianggap tidak bersalah bagi terdakwa sebelum terbukti di pengadilan.
- Hak untuk mendapatkan keadilan.
Hak bidang ekonomi.
Hak bidang sosial budaya :
Hak bidang hukum dan pemerintahan :
Mendapatkan kebebasan pribadi.
- Kewajiban Warga Negara :
- Membayar pajak & zakat / jizyah.
- Berkewajiban menaati tradisi, hukum, peraturan, badan negara dan pemerintah.
- Kewajiban tunduk pada pembatasan undang undang dalam menjalankan hak asasi manusia.
- Berkewajiban menghormati hak asasi manusia lain,
- Berkewajiban setia kepada negara.
- Berkewajiban untuk ikut dalam upaya pertahanan & keamanan negara.
- Berkewajiban untuk mengikuti pendidikan wajib.
- Berkewajiban untuk bekerja kepada negara.
- Berkewajiban untuk mengikuti & melaksanakan program nasional.
- Berkewajiban untuk menghormati & mematuhi perintah oleh the crown.
- Hukum dan Hak Pengusiran :
- Hak orang terusir adalah mendapatkan apa telah melekatkan padanya seperti hak harta nya dan hak hak yang melekat padanya seperti diatur dalam Kitab Hukum Negara tentang HAM dan Hukum Perdata.
- Kecuali yang telah melakukan pemberontakan dan makar sehingga negara hancur dan terbengkalai.
- Hukum Pidana :
- Hukum Pemberontakan :
- Di hukum seumur hidup yang melakukan pemberontakan sehingga negara terbengkalai dan hancur dengan pidana hukuman mati jika ada korban jiwa dan pidana 25 tahun atau hukuman pengusiran absolut (tanpa disertai hak yang melekat padanya).
- Di hukum bagi orang yang melakukan makar terhadap negara dengan hukuman pengusiran.
- Hukum Kolusi :
- Di hukum selama 5 tahun bagi orang yang melakukan tindak pidana kolusi.
- Hukum Pencurian dan Korupsi serta Penipuan.
- Hukum mengenai pencurian di pidana dengan bakti sosial selama 8 tahun.
- Hukum mengenai korupsi di pidana dengan penjara selama paling lama 10 tahun.
- Berlaku potong tangan bagi yang korupsi sebanyak USD 1,000,000.-
- Apabila pelaku pencurian mengembalikan uang atau hasil pencurian maka akan di ringankan hukumannya atau dibebaskan bersyarat oleh negara.
Jumlah nominal setara uang yang diambil.
Pidana penjara dan pidana bakti sosial.
USD 0 – 300.
Bebas dan beban pidana bakti sosial 3 tahun.
USD 300 – 1000.
Bebas bersyarat dan beban pidana bakti sosial 4 tahun.
USD 1000 – 5000.
Bebas bersyarat dan beban pidana bakti sosial 6 tahun.
USD 5000 – 10,000.
Bebas bersyarat dan beban pidana bakti sosial 8 tahun.
Diatas USD 10,000.
4 tahun / 8 tahun.
Diatas USD 100,000.
5 tahun / 9 tahun.
Diatas USD 1,000,000.
8 tahun / 10 tahun.
- Hukum Perzinahan dan Pemerkosaan.
- Hukuman cambuk 100 dera untuk perzinahan yang belum menikah dan hukuman dera 500 kali serta pengasingan selama 5 tahun bagi pasangan yang sudah menikah.
- Hukuman Penjara Seumur hidup atau 25 tahun bagi yang incest serta cambuk 1000 kali & pengasingan seumur hidup / 20 tahun.
- Hukuman pemerkosaan maka akan di penjara selama 8 tahun & Hukuman pemerkosaan antara dewasa kepada dibawah umur 16 tahun maka di penjara selama 10 tahun.
- Hukuman pemerkosaan antara anak sesama di bawah usia 16 tahun hanya dilakukan sangsi berupa pembinaan dalam dinas sosial & bebas dari penjara.
- Hukuman bagi Pembunuhan.
- Berlaku qishas.
- Setiap orang yang melakukan pembunuhan maka hukumannya adalah hukuman mati atau penjara seumur hidup.
- Setiap orang yang melakukan pembunuhan bisa terlepas dari qishas atau hukuman mati apabila membayar diat (ganti rugi) baik berupa uang.
- Bagi anak dibawah 18 tahun maka diberi keringanan hukuman menjadi 25 tahun penjara.
- Hukuman bagi Pemabuk.
- Bagi yang mabuk atau yang meminum alkohol dikenakan pidana cambuk 100 kali dera.
- Hukuman Perbuatan Cabul.
- Pidana kurungan rumah selama 3 bulan bagi yang beraktifitas pornografi dan porno aksi di luar waktu atau peraturan yang ditentukan oleh negara.
- Hukuman bagi perjudian.
- Pidana kurungan selama 6 bulan.
- Hukuman Anti Monarki atau Kejahatan Terhadap Monarki.
- Barang siapa yang membenci dan melakukan tindakan kejahatan kepada Monarki maka akan dihukum pengusiran dan apabila tindakan kejahatan itu mengakibatkan terjadinya insiden pembunuhan dan tindakan lain yang membahayakan monarki maka akan dipenjara seumur hidup atau hukuman mati.
- Bagi pelaku pidana anak dibawah 18 tahun maka hukumannya di ringankan atau dikurangi bahkan bebas jika melakukan pelanggaran atau kejahatan pidana kecil kecuali kejahatan pembunuhan, pemberontakan dan anti monarki.
- Para pelaku pidana tetap di berikan bimbingan agar para narapidana dapat pulih kesehatan jiwa & raga serta kehidupan sosial dan pribadinya.
- Pelayanan fasilitas penjara adalah sesuai standar baik.
- Dan dibentuknya tim independen yang anggotanya berasal dari negara induk yang dikuasakan oleh negara boryaltra untuk ditugaskan melaksanakan ekseskusi mati para terpidana mati.
- Berlaku Pengampunan Raja untuk narapidana kecuali kejahatan anti monarki.
- Teknologi :
- Negara boryaltra membangun pembangkit listrik tenaga surya, pembangkit tenaga gas metana, pembangkit listrik tenaga hidrogen.
- Setiap warga negara harus memiliki pembangkit tenaga surya untuk memenuhi kebutuhan listrik rumah tangganya sendiri.
- Negara Boryaltra membuat kebijakan untuk warganya dan lembaga untuk memakai kendaraan bermotor yang berbahan bakar tenaga surya, listrik, hidrogen dll.
- Negara Boryaltra membuat kebijakan untuk memenuhi kebutuhan bahan bakar minyak dari Bio Oil atau Minyak Alternatif tumbuh – tumbuhan.
- Negara Boryaltra mengembangkan teknologi robot untuk membantu pekerjaan manusia.
- Negara mendirikan industri pengelolaan sampah dalam negeri yang ramah lingkungan untuk mengurangi emisi gas karbon dan pencemaran lingkungan.
- Pembangunan Nasional :
- membangun rumah – rumah penduduk, istana, kastil, gedung gedung kantor penyelenggara pemerintahan, rumah sakit, pusat pelayanan kesehatan, sekolahan, universitas, perpustakaan arsip, stadion olahraga, jalan raya, pelabuhan, markas militer (barak), pasar lengkap, gudang penyimpanan sandang dan pangan, pabrik industri makanan dan minuman, pabrik tekstile (indsutri pembuatan pakaian), gudang penyimpanan bahan baku bangunan, gudang penyimpanan logam, gudang penyimpanan logam mulia, gudang penyimpanan senjata, arena pesta, perkebunan sayur mayur, perternakan (unggas, sapi, kerbau, unta, domba dan kambing), arena kuda, ladang pertanian, pusat perakitan kapal, hutan, pembangkit listrik tenaga surya, pembangkit listrik tenaga metana, pusat industri perikanan, pusat penelitian teknologi dan kesehatan, bank, hotel, pusat pandai besi, pusat peralatan pertanian, kantor pos, pusat telekomunikasi, pusat akses internet dan masjid.