Sunday, November 17, 2013

Kingdom of Boryaltra and Biodata Bondan Ramadhani Purnomo English Version.

If I already have the money and property valued at USD 5 trillion or 5 trillion British Pounds I would buy the country, namely:
1. Liechtenstein.
2. Mongolia.
3. New Zealand.

and after I bought the country, I will enthrone myself as His Majesty Grand King and His Imperial and Royal Majesty the Emperor on States and Country.
and I will hold giga projects for national development of the country to achieve its welfare led by me as a ruler and a king over all the land in the country that I bought.



New Zealand



Name : Bondan Ramadhani Purnomo.
Spot date of birth : Tangerang, 24 March 1993.
Address Of Residence : Tangerang Regency.
Occupation : Private Employees.
Marital Status : Not Yet Mating/Bachelorette.
Blood Type : A.
Status Of Activities : Student Faculty Of Law University Of Pamulang.


Phone number: 085693903053

  1. KINDERGARTEN Al Husna Kotabumi Tangerang Regency.
  2. SDN Kotabumi Tangerang Regency.
  3. Move the SD Muhammadiyah Poris Jaya.
  4. JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL Muhammadiyah 04 Cipondoh.
  5. SMK Pelita Nation dh SMK Prudent School.

I love God.
I love Islam.
I love the Qur'an, Gospel, Psalms and the Torah.
I love the Prophet Muhammad.
I love the Prophet and Apostles in the Qur'an.
I love Angel.
I love My Father and My Mother.
I love My Sister and Brother.
I love My Family.
I love Science and History.
I love Knowledge and Book.
I love the Encyclopedia.
I love My Kingdom.
I love My State and My Empire.

Strata Title Education:
O God, I want to have the title "education with a degree: the example of Dr. Bondan Ramadhani Purnomo, SH., MH. or Bondan Ramadhani Purnomo, SH., MH. Amin.
It doesn't matter if I just completed a law degree and a master's degree in law and a doctorate for a dissertation make it must be hard.

The Office has ever obtained:
  1. The Chairman of the selected Class 2A abdicates to become Vice Chairman of the Class 2A JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL Muhammadiyah period 2006-2007.
  2. The Chairman of the Muhammadiyah JUNIOR Class 3F 04 June 2007-October 2007 (dethroned).
  3. The Chairman of the Consultative Assembly of the second Class of SMK Pelita Nation period August 2008-September 2009 (survive/pertahana) and stepped down because of the dismissal of unilaterally when it already entered the expiry of term of Office but on the selection process for a new Chairman of our party was not invited but I am not demanding and recognized the new Chairman.
  4. Senior Member Grade SMK Lamp Consultative Assembly of Nations 2009-2010 period.
  5. The members of the nation of Islam Spiritual SMK Lamp period 2008-2010.
  6. Secretary II Kulikuler Islamic Spiritual Organization 2009-2010 period.
  7. The founders of a new formation, the choir of the year 2009.
  8. A member of the journalist's Fashionable SMK Pelita Nation in 2009.
  9. A member of the choir of SMK Pelita Nation in 2008-2009.

family lineage:

The line of the Father (of Chinese descent) from the town of Manggar and pendants, Belitung district:
  • Grandfather: Bong A Fuk.
  • Granny: N Yat Chin.
Father: Bong Nyu Long or Sing-along Purnomo.

Maternal line (descendants of Javanese Priyayi):
  • Grandpa: Sungep bin Penatus Madirsad (Sidamulya (Sudagaran), Sidareja, Cilacap Regency).
  • Granny: Raden Kustiyah Binti Raden Mas Suromenggolo (Cindaga, Kabupaten Banyumas).
Mother: Sukarelawati.

Foster Grandparents: Bahu Simin.

1. Kyai Soekemi, village head of Kampung SIdamulya, Kec. Sidareja. (Grandpa)
2. Drs. Levels, village head of Kampung Sidamulya, Kec. Sidareja, Cilacap Regency (Uncle).
3. Drs. Sudarno, Manager of PT Bukit Asam. Tbk. (Uncle).
4. Drs. Agus Salim, Manager of PT. Pusan. Tbk. (Uncle).
5. Guru Murslan, the head of the Catholic junior school PIUS (Adoptive Grandfather)

Sibling/Siblings Was Raised:
Sister: Anita Chandra (PT. MPP. Tbk).
Sister: Ciemen Octavian.

Order of descendants of Grandparents Penatus Madirsad from first wife:
1. Mbah Kholida and Grandparents Head Soekemi (Brother-in-law).
2. Mbah Sungep and Raden Kustiyah Grandmother.
3. Mbah Warno.
4. Mbah (forgot his name) and Mbah Karsono (Brother-in-law).

The uncle and aunt of the father:
1. There are 9 sisters.
2. Papa.
3. Kuku mey lan.
4. Sisi Afong.

cousin of the father:
susu apet and sukmei

The uncle and aunt of the mother:
1. Deceased Pakde Drs. Sudarno.
2. Bude Darni.
3. Bude Sugi.
4. Pakde Aying.
5. Bude Sutiyah.
6. Pakde Susmanto.
7. My mother.
8. Uncle step grand father: Lik Muji

My cousin from Dad:
unknown number.
I know Ferdi, Andre, Cici Muna, Cici Yungyung, Koko San San, Mario, Cici Nini, Koko Sisi, Koko Akun, Koko Ipay, Koko Toto.

My cousin from mother:
  • from Pakde darno and Bude Prami: Mas Deni and unknown Women
  • from Bude Darni and divorced 3 husband and pakde par: Mbak Susi, Mbak Dwi, Mas Awit, Mas, Mas Wiji and Mas Sungging.
  • from Bude Sugi and pakde forgot his name: unknown name.
  • from pakde aying and bude nunung: aa asmet, teh dance, teh yani, depi, emil, intan, fira.
  • from bude sutiyah and pakde yono: mba nuri, mba heni, mas ari, mba amin, mba gina and bimo.
  • from pakde sus 2 wives divorcees and bude ida: Mas Pandu, Mas Andri, Ayu and Desta.
  • from muji and bu lik puji: isma, gita and man I forgot his name.

Note Notice.
  • The shoulder is the Associate Head of the village or the equivalent Head RW concurrently with RT.
  • Penatus is a village chief who oversees more than 100 citizens or employees of the tax at the time of the colonial Dutch and English.
  • Head is the head or leader who oversees or administers a field job or Neighborhood Leaders of the Republic of Indonesia.
  • Raden was a descendant of Javanese King or Nobility.
  • Juragan There are traders who have a helper.
  • Teachers are employees of the administration of an Area or region of the Republic of Indonesia.

my childhood friends:
1. tian
2. the yakut,
3. the aco,
4. roy
5. nur,
6. tien.
7. adi.
8. kak kiki,
9. aa endang,
10. kak febi,
11. the present hanum,
12. romi,
  1. tomi,
  2. ari.
  3. krsna and others forget.

1. Rudi,
2. Zola,
3. Estonian,
4. Dede Rosadi,
5. Brother, Habib,
6. Alex,
7. Eci,
8. Edo,
9. Daniel,
10. Tine,
11. Rizal,
12. Irji,
13. Ayu,
2. Ari,
15. Dawn,
16. sinta,
17. the barrel,
18. Alex,
19. silvi,
20. the OIC,
21. amidi
22. bang kiki,
23. bang heru.
24. bang muhibin,
25. ka eka,
26. ka febri.
27. randy.
28. star.
29. alpian.
30. hasan.
31. febi.
32. andrian.
33. adityasa.

friends during elementary kotabumi:
1. anjas.
2. the wizard,
3. faisal,
4. bela,
5. yoga.
6. revelation.
7. and so I do not know the name of the other.

friends during elementary school muhammadiyah:
3. MEGA,
4. WAWAn
10. UYUNG,
11. DAYAT,
13. FAJAR.

friends during junior high school muhammadiyah:
1. jafar,
2. burhan,
3. Mathew,
4. hendrik,
5. choirul,
6. yoga,
7. miftah,
8. ahmad fatoni,
9. irlan,
10. today,
11. beautiful,
12. fahri,
13. fahmi,
14. the noval,
15. dance,
16. religious,
17. the bias,
18. aan (Chairman of the surrogate class 2A & Chairman IRM-OSIS),
19. genta,
20. yosi,
21. diyah,
22. deni,
23. ivan deni,
24. septian (Chairman of the surrogate class 3F),
25. khalid,
26. nurhadi.
27. salman,
28. bambang
29. asep
30. affas,
31. novi,
32. beautiful,
33. sabrina,
34. gina,
35. ayu,
36. elsa,
37. yayah,
38. nuraji,
39. megi.
40. rendi and others forget.

friends during this nation's lamp:
1. alpan sukri,
2. ryan soeryatama (Chairman of the choir),
3. hestu subhika garindi,
4. agustina, antika
5. beautiful,
6. Anjarlia Kusumawardhani.
7. dimas antonius,
8. dimas hisbulah pandiangan,
9. ubay dillah,
10. steven polman,
11. steven julius.
12. kak alfian fransiscus (Chairman of MPK),
13. Kak April (Chairman of the STUDENT BODY),
14. the Ika (Chairman of the STUDENT BODY),
15. Muhammad Rio (Chairman of the STUDENT BODY),
16. kak bintoro (Chairman ROHIS),
17. hilman,
18. devi septiarani (Chairman of the MPK fourth),
19. puspa/rini puspitasari.
21. nana yuliana,
22. ade kurniyawan (Chairman ROHIS),
23. dewanti,
24. kak khusaeri,
25. fauzan akbar,
26. fauzan arifandi,
27. purwandani,
28. rizki,
29. ahmad paozi riski,
30. intan sari.
31. nursyifa silmi restu (grandsons of the owner of the Foundation),
32. chairul anwar,
33. siti nurpadilah (Chief Reastater/Chief 1AP1, Class 2Ap1 & 3AP1),
34. mega mentari,
35. vika,
36. timur Vardhana,
37. nia,
38. nia rosiana,
39. nur pradana,
40. Dita Mitariyani.
41. sabrina mulyadani,
42. ricka octy sukandar, daughter
43. ana kurniadewi,
44. irma wiharjo,
45. irma, the damayanti
46. irma nurmalasari,
47. ayu lestari,
48. afni
49. kak rini agusetyarani,
50. kak leni,
51. kak inayah aqidah,
52. kak yayu,
53. the goddess of happy,
54. rasa kustiyana,
55. kinana,
56. pratiwi indah,
57. jansen alexander,
58. Amira sagita,
59. reza febrian,
60. gina mahdiyana,
61. mia kusmiawati,
62. rizka oktavia,
63. endang nurhayati,
64. ida komalasari,
65. tistiara, rizka
66. desi retnoaryani,
67. nining rosita,
68. the goddess ratnasari longish,
69. silvia goddess,
70. ranika agustina,
71. titi mutiah,
72. imas,
73. nur azizah,
74. merry ervianita.
75. other volunteer MPK and others.

1. Amul Futuh.
2. Mr. Parmo.
3. Mr. Hananto Putro Sembodo Vardhana.
4. Mr. Suhardi.
5. kak erwinda wijaya.
6. kak nana permatasari.
7. indriyani.
8. yoga kuswaya.
9. the word mulyawan.
10. kak sella yulianti.
11. Jane couch.
12. bang muhammad sukur.
13. bang surya eka gunata.
14. bang ahmad rifai.
15. hashemi rafsanjani.
16. Kak piolo.
17. bang muhammad faisal.
18. takka.
19. suraenisyah rizka.
20. bu maswati.
9. kiki Giuliani.
22. desyana image of the damayanti.
23. bang abdul qadir GILANI.
24. bang doddy hardiyana.
25. reno irawan.
26. nur faizah.
27. listyawati fauziah.
28. Kak selvi afrida.
29. bang grace Saleh.
30. bang zainuri.
31. rifaldi rusman.
32. Mrs. ratna sasih.
33. muhammad raka yudho pratama.
34. bang ismail.
35. azwar annas.
36. kak anissa almaida.

O God Allah, I want to have a legitimate Organization according State law or the prevailing invitation-militate in a country in order to support my life.
If I already have the organization then I shall hold office as:

  1. The Chairman of the Foundation of the Movement People Key.
  2. The Chairman of the Cooperative BRP Earth Kingdom.
  3. The President of the Board of Commissioners and shareholders of PT BRP Earth Kingdom. Tbk.
  4. the Board of Commissioners and shareholders CV. BRP Earth Kingdom.
  5. The Chairman of the Community Boryaltra & Notobumen Associations.
  6. the Chairman of the national party of the nation.

The emergency plan or Plans the stable:

  1. Graduate law degree with good grades and went on the second level of the strata that is master of law.
  2. Working as an employee with a salary of Rp. 3,500,000,-and promoted employees as a manager of subordination with the salary of Rp. 5.000.000,-
  3. If I have a good chance of living to be able to work outside the country such as USA, Japan, Korea and Australia with a salary of $ 500 - $ 1,000 as well as buying apartments and houses in the country.
  4. May I get a friend who is a Millionare good and dear to me as well as grant wealth to me Rp. 2 billion or Rp 1 billion.
  5. Save, invest, invest in mutual funds insurance and invest State bonds in the bank BTN, CIMB NIAGA, BCA, MANDIRI, BRI, Pawnshops & CITIBANK.
  6. Follow the life insurance, health insurance, a guarantee of the old days, social security, Health and the BPJS Indonesia BPJS Employment.
  7. Buy land kavling 200 metres/500 meters.
  8. Build 10 houses.
  9. Buy 3 acres of agricultural land.
  10. purchase of land covering an area of 1 hectare cemetery.
  11. purchase of land for a 10-hectare Castle was built.
  12. Create a vegetable garden, fish pond, barns, orchards and livestock (50 tail duck, 15 beef, 15 Buffalo, 40 sheep and 40 goats)
  13. Married women of Europe and has a son amounted to 2 children.
  14. Buy a house or apartment in jakarta, samarinda, palembang and makassar.
  15. Buy a home in USA and Switzerland.
  16. Invest in gold metal weighing 5 grams totaled at least 100 metal.
  17. Invest diamond, jade, Sapphire, ruby, emerald, opal, other jewelry, gold bars, silver bars, platinum and palladium bar bar.
  18. Establish a cooperative Effort of the restaurant.
  19. Establish a Cooperative Loan.
  20. Establish a cooperative Venture ranch and fisheries.
  21. Establishing high school education Foundation.
  22. Set up University Education Foundation.
  23. Establish a social Foundation Home foster care of orphans/displaced and Social Foundation to foster Homes Psychiatric Sufferer.
  24. Setting up Venootschaap and Comanditer limited liability company engaged in industry iindustri shoes, socks, halal food and drinks industry, the tourism industry (travel agent tourist), perternakan, agriculture, fisheries, the provider of modern market or mall, business franchise (MC Donald's, GAS STATIONS etc) and hospitality.
  25. Establishing community organizations in the form of Associations and communities for social activities, education, health, culture, politics and religion.
  26. Became a shareholder with a shareholding of 5% in a multinational company and bona fide.
  27. If I've become a millionare and I will buy the island covering an area of 1 km as well as invoking the privilege or the status of the country of the protectorate.
  28. If I've become a millionare and I will buy the island Lord Howe Island or Norfolk Island.

  • home.
  • donation forum.
  • education.
  • Dictionary.
  • discusion forum.
  • Forum chat.
  • micro social media.
  • website blog.
  • the strategic game.
  • Library.
  • music channel.
  • safety document.
  • the video channel.
  • the encyclopedia.
  • Photo galery.

A country that wants me to visit:

1. The United Kingdom +.
2. United State of America +.
3. Canada +.
4. France +.
5. Germany +.
6. Spain +.
7. Belgium and Luxemburg +.
8. Liechtenstein +.
9. Portugal +.
10. Greece +.
11. Italy +.
12. Switzerland +.
13. Austria +.
14. Russia +.
15. Denmark +.
16. Sweden +.
17. Finland +.
18. Norway +.
19. Iceland +.
20. Ireland +.
21. Poland +.
22. Netherland +.
23. Singapore +.
24. Malaysia +.
25. Australia +.
26. Hong Kong Chinese & +.
27. New Zealand +.
28. South Korea +.
29. Japan +.
30. Eghypt.
31. Jordan.
32. Turkey.
33. Saudi Arabia.
34. The Greenland.
35. Morroco.

I need a life, jobs, income, wealth, education, family, community, happiness, honor, rank and dignity it deserves.




My Favorites are:

  • reading books general knowledge is primarily an encyclopedia.
  • reading the papers, articles, books, magazine eletronik, thesis and papers.
  • Like the tour really wanted to tour domestic and foreign tourists.
  • Rather do travel or sightseeing.
  • move a path or sports motion path.
  • pleased with the shopping.
  • happy saving though it runs out because it does not take into account.
  • love watching documentary films about science and general knowledge.
  • like to watch pornographic films and pornographic images.
  • like masturbation.
  • gather together close friends and families or small communities.
  • like the individualist and Socialist as limited.
  • love to listen to the song of songs/chants.
  • love to see videos of interest.
  • like to use the internet.
  • like the foreign television channels such as National Geographic and Discovery Channels.
  • like working on housework.
  • really want to join community organizations or gatherings like the CMS.
  • like cooking or cooking activities.
  • love the pictures, photographs, paintings and videos about natural scenery and unique.
  • like saving electronic book and picture book landscapes or unique.
  • love to buy and collect books.
  • I love laughing out eg display with laughter but can't anymore due to the influence of the drug psychosis psychiatrist.
  • love to see, hear and read the unique information and news about the General knowledge and adventure.
  • like plan something myself about the life I imagined for the future or the life I.
  • happy with the world of beauty, I used luluran, maskeran really want to inject vitamins and bleach agitate my skin may turn white.
  • happy to live with their parents and older brothers and sister despite the sorrow and sad story.
  • Glad to be alone when sad and happy to compose yourself.
  • Happy with the world of education and learning as a student or students.
  • Like to cry but now I had trouble crying due to the influence of the drug the psychiatrist.
  • Like with food or culinary dishes and fruits that taste sweet.
  • Like the penis condoms because it feels comfortable when worn and adem.
  • Love to see beautiful women and handsome men/handsome.

All about me:

  • I was the one who nag, nag but sometimes quietly and be stoic but sometimes gagu cannot say and rather forget wanted to talk about it.
  • I'm not very fond of sports but only pleased with the motion path.
  • I was the one who liked the SOCIAL SCIENCE subjects (geography, history, sociology, law, anthropology, Psychology, Science, State Government, State administration of science, political science, economics etc.), SCIENCE (biology and space), Islam, Qur'an, Christianity, Buddhism, Hinduism, civics and citizenship.
  • I really like the National Geographic Television Channel i.e., Discovery Chanel and Metro TV (2004-2012).
  • I was the one of the most stupid in counting because I so can not with Math lesson, a matter of physics and don't even understand accounting and could not work on a matter of such lessons.
  • I convicted psychiatrist suffering from paranoid schizophrenia disease seems to be changing his illness.
  • I so hate the Indonesians and foreigners who hate me.
  • I'm not too fond of women and are happy with male but not too fond of the man as well.
  • I was a forgetful.
  • I was the Loser who is incredible stupid.
  • I was the one who was careless, forgetful and jaded.
  • I was a hypocrite.
  • I was the one who likes to memorize.
  • I was a strange person.
  • I was the one who was a bit antisocial for some situations and conditions.
  • I was the one who was a bit APATISME because of a situation that is "ANYONE CAN DO what HE WANT and EVERYONE CAN LIVE without MYSELF and ALL the PEOPLE DON'T NEED ME BECAUSE THEY are ALL PERSONAL and SOCIAL/COMMUNITY that is ABLE to CARRY OUT and the RESPONSIBILITY for THEIR INDIVIDUAL AS WELL AS UNITY/THEY KNOW what THEY SHOULD DO to their lives".
  • I was the one who in the kucilkan and in the diskriminasikan of social or civic association, so I became an individualism.
  • I don't accept society's garbage, the Community Foundation of discriminating.

Lamented Over Their Fate:

  • If none of the BPJS Health how expensive I seek treatment to psychiatrists to treat schizophrenia and monthly to buy drugs could be up to Rp 1 million per month if there are no Health BPJS.
  • I'm upset because of the environment around me has always been voiced so that cause hallucinations to myself.
  • I have no fault in people who are not her fault I did but they always hurt me and annoying me and they discriminate me.
  • I had no errors at all Indonesians but Indonesians wicked and cynical to me.
  • Indonesians have always made me envious because of them and I don't like them because they are many who are not sincere when sharing it with me.
  • Why is everyone always nasty to me and I never menjahati them and their cynical to me.
  • not Delish become Indonesian citizens, and to become a citizen where delights?.
  • I was discriminated against by the community and I'm upset over the injustices of society.
  • life I was getting was compounded by those who are not happy with me and my job disappear because they are not happy to me.
  • can I ask if I want to die in gun battle as much as 5 times in the brain and five times in the chest.
  • If I lost I freedom threatened because I was arrested by the psychiatrist in the rehabilitation of mental or psychiatric hospitals to the Lord I beg I diwafatkan quickly. Amin.
  • I and I was threatened by the community.
  • the interests and the rights and obligations of the I I always threatened.
  • I've always made shy by the community.
  • I hated by society.
  • the community is always noisy and sound evoke the sounds and acts that create hallucinations and waham to me.
  • society made me restless, and not I make communities fret, a strange thing if the community fret me and they are a lot while I am just myself.
  • I I'm in the discrimination of the Association in social relationship by society.
  • I always laughed a giddy people who do not like me and hate me.
  • they always make me dizzy because of the vagaries of those who do not like me.
  • the Indonesians were always insulting me with insults and stigma "CRAZY, stress and MENTAL ILLNESS, DISORDERS of the soul, a CHEAT, a LIAR"
  • Indonesians always make hallucinatory visions and hallucinations are sounds to me because they hate to me.
  • Indonesians hate to me.
  • Indonesians when I'm in a way always make hallucinatory visions and hallucinations of voices.
  • I am a snob, but others are more arrogant than me.
  • I want to work but how do I want to get a job if others who have Office in the company do not agree and do not want to accept me to work.
  • I hate people of indonesia my hostile and I hate people who hates the world and hostile to me.
  • I have always been plagued with deeds and their inquisitive mouth sounds and berstigma against me.
  • I have been harmed by the public because the sound hallucinations and hallucinatory visions that have created a group of people.
  • I have been harmed because of discrimination made by the community.
  • I don't accept society's garbage, the Community Foundation of discriminating.

The Biggest Complaints:

  • One thing I have to say that I do not know and do not have Affairs all the people of indonesia and the people of the world so I do not want to be bothered by people I don't know and people I knew and don't hate me because I have no errors or bad actions on you guys except people who did I ever did wrong or a criminal act to him.
  • people know that I have no errors or criminal acts on you guys then don't be nosy and usik on me.
  • I have a neighbor and surroundings that bring bad luck, they always create failure for myself and have always been nosy and bothered myself I.
  • I want to work but how do I want to get a job if others who have Office in the company do not agree and do not want to accept me to work.
  • One thing I have to say that I do not know and do not have Affairs all the people of indonesia and the people of the world so I do not want to be bothered by people I don't know and people I knew and don't hate me because I have no errors or bad actions on you guys except people who did I ever did wrong or a criminal act to him.
  • people know that I have no errors or criminal acts on you guys then don't be nosy on me.

My comment:
  • for what Indonesians fear on me, anyway I do nothing and thus those who harm me.
  • anyway they would die also because even if they themselves were destroyed because they were too.

O God we wish I could met near beside me and befriended Ahmad Al Ghazali Kohler and Syarief Muhammad Ali (Aliando Syarief) Although only a blink, briefly or at first glance only. Amin.

Rega Boryaltra/Principality of Boryaltra (the Kingdom of Boryaltra/Boryaltra Principality).

If I had a country then I will do this.

The rank of the official head of State of the Kingdom of Boryaltra:

  • Bondan, The Reigning King.
  • Rego Bondan I, Reigning Lord of Boryaltra.
  • Kanjeng Gusti Pangeran Ratu Notobumi I, Ratu Notobumen.
  • Regido Bondan I, Sovereign Prince of Gronchester.

The Rank Of Official Nobility:

  • Reign the Duke of Swestergud.
  • Sovereign Prince of Gronchiester.
  • The Marquis of Schaanterbery.
  • Count of Clevendham.
  • The Viscount Cavinshan.
  • Baron Boryaltra.
  • Lord Entlinghland.

The Official Rank Of Peerage:

  • Sunan Ratu Dalem.
  • Paduka Sultan Aji Raja Mahkota Alamsyah.
  • Prabu Sanghyang Ageng Wanayasa, King Parangseri.
  • Batara Begawan Bhre Seri Giriwisesa.
  • Gusti Panembahan Padmanegara.
  • The Pangeran Ratu Notobumi, Ratu Notobumen.
  • Pangeran Arya Adipati Notomenggolo.
  • Raden Tumenggung Ramadiningrat Arya.

Bondan I, Lord of Boryaltra is the successor of the Great Grandparents Penatus Madirsad and the Great Grandparents Raden Mas Suromenggolo.

The Rank Of The Nobility Of The Kingdom Of Boryaltra/Principality Of Notobumen Style Tradition Kejawen:

The Head Of Indonesia's Indigenous Kingdoms:
Kanjeng Gusti Pangeran Ratu Notobumi.

Princess Escort (Garwa Padmi/Empress):
Gusti Kanjeng Ratu Padminegara.

Garwa Ampeyan:
Kanjeng Raden Ayu.
Kanjeng Mas Ayu (should not be having children from her except in emergencies according the law of the State).

The title for the satriyan and the daughter of K.G.P.R. Notobumi.

The title of the Crown Prince and Crown Princess:
  • Kanjeng Gusti Pangeran Adipati Anom Amangkunegara
  • Kanjeng Gusti Raden Ayu Adipati Anom Amangkunegara.
The title of The Satriyan and The daughter of K.G.P.R. Notobumi.
  • Kanjeng Pangeran Arya when childhood title (Raden Bandoro).
  • Kanjeng Raden Ayu when childhood title (Bandoro Ajeng Raden).
The title of The Satriyan and The Daughter Generation grandson of K.G.P.R. Notobumi.
  • Kanjeng Pangeran when styled small a Bandoro Raden.
  • Kanjeng Raden Ayu when childern styled a Bandoro Raden Ajeng
Title Generation tweet, Canggah and K.G.P.R. of Notobumi Piut:
  • Raden Arya (Garwa Padmi Descent) and Raden Ngabehi (Garwa Ampil Offspring) when a child title of Raden.
  • Raden Ayu when child styled Raden Ajeng

Order Family Kebondanan Breeds:
  • Father: Bong Chu Long title Kanjeng Pangeran Adipati Arya Cakrabumi.
  • Mother: Sukawati had the title Kanjeng Ratu Sukawati Natamenggala.
  • Sister: Anita had the title Kanjeng Raden Ayu Adipati Candra Kesuma and Muhammad Sulaiman styled Pangeran Adipati Sulaiman.
  • Brother: Cimen styled Kanjeng Pangeran Adipati Cakranegara.

Order Of Nobility Of The Kingdom Of Boryaltra The Tradition Of European Monarchs:

Bondan I, The Reign King and Reign of Prince of Gronchiester.

Wife of The Reign of King:
  • (name), The Queen Consort and Princess Consort of Gronchiester
  • (name), The First Princess.

Heirs of to the throne:
  • (name), The Crown Prince (Crown Heir).
  • (name), The Crown Princess (Crown Heiress).

Son and daugther of The Reign of King:
  • (name), The Prince (the name of the family).
  • (name), The Princess (the name of the family).

2nd – 3th descendant of The Reign of King:
  • (name), The Prince.
  • (name), The Princess.

The Kings Family:

Cakrabumi, The King and the Duke of Schelweiz Damzeg.

Sukawati, The Queen Mother and the Duchess of Schelweiz Damzeg.

Old Sister:
Candra Kesuma, The Queen and Princess Easternwood.

Brother in Law:
Sulaiman, The King and Prince Easternwood.

Young Brother:
Cakranegara, The King and Prince Westernwood.

Structure of The State.

Article 2 of the Constitution laid down the country-specific systems
from Boryaltra: the Principality (the Kingdom) is unconstitutional
the descendants of a democratic and parliamentary monarchy
the base.
Boryaltra is a hereditary monarchy. The reigning Prince
as the head of State is not elected by the people, but rather, the law
from Prinsipalitas House (the House of) Boryaltra determine the successor
the throne. line of succession to the male effect, and
rules, the eldest son of the Prince who ruled became his successor.
Boryaltra is a descendant of a constitutional monarchy. The
Reign is bound by the provisions of the Constitution
and can only use its right to the power of the State in
in accordance with the Constitution and the law. As head of State,
He may conclude international agreements in force
through the endorsement by the Parliament. The Prince ruled through government regulations. These include regulations
issued under the emergency powers. Previously, the right
The Sovereign Prince to issue emergency regulations is limited.
Since the revision of the Constitution, emergency Ordinances
expires after six months. In addition, the emergency regulations
no longer can suspend the entire Constitution, rather
Prince reigns may only restrict the individual provisions
a certain time.
The Constitution also States that State power is exercised
Reign of Prince and people. Because the State is located
on the basis of a democratic, people and Reign of Prince have certain rights. People can influence
do business with the country through elections and popular votes.
Voters have a right of initiative and referendum. People
be able to use the initiative to request the new law, and they can use the
a referendum to demand the elections law or finance
the decision passed by the Parliament. Since the amendment of the Constitution, the people have the possibility of withdrawing
their confidence of the ruling Prince and the right to vote
on the abolition of the monarchy although people cannot remove the monarchy.
Boryaltra has 50 members of Parliament
who are elected by the people for a term of four years. Parliament
given a mandate to represent «and stated the rights and interests of
people in relation to the Government». Primary responsibility
The Parliament was the law. For legislation to be valid, it
must be approved by Parliament, by the Reign of Prince, and countersigned by the Prime Minister. The power of Parliament also includes the election of the Government
The Minister, who is appointed by the reigning Prince on their
The Government consists of the Prime Minister and eleven other Ministers. Deputy Prime Minister chosen from among
four other Ministers. According to government papers
the principle of collegial. It is responsible for national administration. All important matters are subject to consultation and
the Government's collegial decision making.
Council of Governments prinsipalitas boryaltra was part of the Principality. Composed of eleven members:
The Secretary of State who chairs the Council, and a member of eleven (four counselors and one delegation); He also has voting rights, and has control of the military and police control, counselor for internal affairs, financial and economic advisers, counselors for equipment, environment, and urban planning, Counsellor for Social Affairs and health and the Counselor for foreign relations
The Council debate and Bill projects proposed to the Prince by the Board of administration, the Sovereign Ordinances endorsed by the Prince himself, the Minister of State for a decision of the Minister of finance, and a range of other kinds of policies.
In addition to the Parliament as a legislative body and
The Government as the Executive power, there is also a third power,
that is the judiciary. Judges of courts adjudicates civil and
criminal matters in the first instance, the Court of appeal in
The second instance, and the Supreme Court in the third and final
examples. The administrative courts have jurisdiction over
the problem the Administration and acts as the last example. The Constitution of the
Court has jurisdiction over constitutional matters.

The Politics Of The Kingdom Of Boryaltra:

  • Constitution.
  • The Book Of The Law Of Your Country/State Law Book.
  • The Crown/Monarch (Reign King – Reign Prince).
      • Kings Family/Dynasty.
      • Succession to the Throne Boryaltra.
      • The Royal Prerogative.
  • The Crown Council (Council of the Crown) and the Privy Council.
  • Council of Government/Government Council (Executive Council).
      • First Minister of State.
      • Cabinet & Department.
      • Executive Agencies.
  • National Council of Parliament and Crown in the Parliamentary (Legislative Council).
      • The Princely House (Unlimited).
      • Representative House (50 members elected by the people)
  • The Supreme Court and Crown in the Bench.
  • Army & Police under The Reign of King and Minister of State.
  • Elections.
  • Constituantes Parliement.
  • Election of the Political People (The National Election and The Local Election).
  • Refrendrum
  • Administrative Divisions.
      • District.
      • Village.
      • Cities.
  • Political Independent People.
  • Foreign Policy.

Status of country: Country a protectorate under the Convention or Treaty (Treaty) with Protectors in the form of a constitutional monarchy.

The total area of the State of the Kingdom of Boryaltra is an archipelago covering an area of 5 km2 marine territory along with line 12 miles and 200 miles from the coastline became the exclusive economic zone.
As well as buying an area of 240 km2 in Antarctica.
It has an area of 2400 acre estate spread over different countries.
The number of inhabitants is a maximum of 500 people maximum with up to 35,000 people.

People come from:
  • Europe.
  • Arabian Peninsula.
  • China.
  • Japan.
  • India.
  • Pakistan.
  • Afghanistan.
  • South-East Asia.
  • Egypt.
  • Indonesian.
  • Bangladesh.

The condition made exactly by Pilot Games Harvestmoon Back to Nature and Harvestmoon another version.

In the Kingdom of Boryaltra has a land area amounts to 10,000 km or 5000 km2, population is then 150,000 people.
When a planet can be purchased then we will buy 1 planet that has water.

The Political System Of The Kingdom Of Boryaltra.

A. Constitutions.

Codified the Basic Law ("Constitution") of the Kingdom of Boryaltra
generally it can be stated has set things below.

1. Human Rights, which govern also about:
a. international human rights;
b. respect for the dignity and human dignity;
respect for equality regardless of race,
religion, gender, social status, etc.; collateral security;
the abolition of slavery; the awarding of the penalty; marriage and
family; property rights over objects;
c. legal protection, in law, a tribute
against the courts, vindication, the principle of the presumption of no
d. freedom of the individual, personal rights, freedom of movement, freedom of
religion, freedom of expression;
e. political rights, political asylum, citizenship, freedom of Assembly
and Association as well as freedom of trade;
f. social rights, the right to work, working time, earned a spot
a decent living, education, science, art, culture.
g. limitations on human rights.

2. The organization, which includes the setting of:
a. the General form of Government;
b. Parliament, House of Representatives, idependent politikal, decision making,
legislation, commissions, the Princely House, finance, parliamentary ombudsman;
c. Government, the composition of the Government, the lobby, the Privy Council;
d. local government;
e. the judiciary, the legal system, criminal court, civil court,

Department Of The Ministry:
1. the Secretariat of State of the Ministry.
2. The Ministry of the Interior.
3. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
4. The Ministry of Justice, legal, political and human rights.
5. The Ministry of finance.
6. Ministry of social communication and the post.
7. The Ministry of industry, trade and the national economy.
8. The Ministry of Agriculture, forestry, Agrarian and environmental ...
9. The Ministry of national education.
10. The Ministry of health.
11. The Ministry of religion and culture.

The arrangement of Vertical Hierarchy organizing the governance and organization of the activities of State administration.

Council Government-Parliament – The Supreme Court.
  • Administrative Official State.
  • Service Official State.

State Law Boryaltra Rule Hierarchy.
  • The Constitution.
  • The Parliamentary Act.
  • The Book Of The Law Of The State.
  • Regulation Of The Monarchy/King.
  • The rules and regulations of the Government policy of Minister of State.
  • Ministerial Regulation & Department.
  • Regulation of Administrative Divisions and the Directorate General Regulation.
  • The regulation of the village and the city.

All departments directly related to the Department in the exercise of State administration and the Organization of the Government as well as the routine activities of the State.

State Law Setting Boryaltra:
  • The Constitution.
  • State Criminal law and criminal procedure.
  • The book of the law of the State in civil and Civil Events.
  • The book of the law of a country's trade and business.
  • The Book Of The Law Of The State Of Culture.
  • The Book Of The Law Of The State Of Health.
  • The Book Of The Law Of The State Of Administration Of The State.
  • The Book Of The Law Of The State Of National Education.
  • The Book Of The Law Of The State Of The Economy Of The Country.
  • The Book Of The Law Of The State Of Industry.
  • The Book Of The Law Of Agrarian Country.
  • The Book Of The Law Of State Agricultural.
  • The book of the law of the country of residence and citizenship.
  • The book of the law of the State of politics and the law.
  • The book of the law of the State of defence and security.
  • The Book Of The Law Of The State Of The Monarchy.
  • The Book Of The Law Of The State Of The Military.
  • The Book Of The Law Of The State Administrative Divisions.
  • The Book Of The Law Of The Country Of The Crown Council.
  • The Book Of The Law Of The State Council Government.
  • The Book Of The Law Of The State Supreme Court.
  • State Parliamentary Law.
  • The Country's Election Law.
  • The book of the law of the country's customs and traditions.
  • The Book Of The Law Of The State Of The Environment.
  • The Book Of The Law Of The Country Of Tourism.
  • The book of the law of the State Agency of the State and that hierarchy Hierarchy rules.
  • The Book Of The Law Of The Country Of Employment Of The Country.
  • The Book Of The Law Of The State Of Human Rights.
  • The Book Of The Law Of The Country Of Islamic Jurisprudence.
  • The Book Of The Law Of The State Religion.
  • The Book Of The Law Of The State Norm.
  • The Book Of The Law Of The State Finances Of The State.

The Political Policy Of The Kingdom Of Boryaltra:
  • Education.
    • Every citizen is obliged to carry out the national education financed by the State from elementary school level, intermediate level secondary schools, secondary schools and education Strata of upper level first.
    • In addition to Formal Education, every citizen is obligated to participate in the implementation of informal education held by the State in accordance with the age of the citizen education covering about economic issues, politics, law, health, sociology, psychology, religion and others.
    • Establishing schools and universities outside the country boryaltra.
    • Establishing scientific institutions or organizations as a scientific development research.

  • Health.
      • The State finance the National Health Affairs as well as establishing adequate health facilities and citizens are entitled to free medical servant.
      • For psychiatric patients are still treated the same with its rights and obligations are still the equivalent of a normal person until the time of his restoration and not necessarily drinking medication and psychiatric illness no permanent.
      • The country set up a modern hospital outside the country or in the country of boryaltra in order to reach out to citizens who are sick wherever located.
      • Every citizen at the protecting one by health insurance and life insurance and accident insurance.
  • The economy.
      • The country set up a company trading company to acquire national income or profit for the purposes of the welfare state.
      • The country took 15 percent of the shares of any company that was founded by its citizens or foreign nationals as well as domestic and foreign organizations.
      • The State owes is prohibited unless there is a specific requirement of the country/state of emergency allowed the then precarious debt with a maximum of 15% of the country's wealth.
      • Countries apply the gold in this policy the country collecting as much gold to be admitted in the wealth of the country for the national interest.
      • Producing the goods in accordance with the request is logical.
      • In the boryaltra country every citizen should work and there can be no unemployed in accordance with the age laid down by the law of the country.
      • Every citizen has the right to rich and are required to be a rich person.
      • The State will distribute bonus for every citizen in the State benefit in the form of allowance money to eat, transportation, communication and money money bonus for pensioners.
      • Every citizen is facilitated a House and a car outside the country (abroad).
      • Every citizen is required to save in the bank and invest in mutual funds and others.
      • State national cooperative bodies set up for the welfare of the people and national income.
  • Social.
  • The State agency set up to help, guidance and settlement issues facing every citizen, it is aimed so that the State can examine what are the issues facing people and what the people want for their life in the economic and social problems as well as the State and the community who was given a mandate by the State should be concerned and help solve them.
  • Country instrumental or interfering in the private lives of citizens in matters of religion, social relations, work, romance, marriage, etc.
  • States restrict the human population in the country, every citizen of the country and the Royal family are allowed to have 2 children only given dispensation to the already pregnant 3rd child and citizen must follow national program setting the population.
  • The descendants of the King must marry a fellow descendant of King or person agreed upon by the monarchy.
  • Every citizen must have 1 boat for 1 House on the island for the anticipation of tsunami or flood the sea as countermeasures.
  • The official language for State boryaltra is English and bahasa indonesia.
  • State Boryaltra founded the archive world languages to learn various languages in the world.
      • State Boryaltra make television channels and radio channels nationwide.
      • States established community organizations for citizens based on the Constitution of boryaltra and every citizen who was Chairman of the civic organizations are allowed to reign over the organization with the title Arya Mas Tumenggung or Baron.
      • In the State of boryaltra has always had a party and festival gatherings between the King and the people on holidays and the month of a particular month.
      • Every citizen who is a child and adolescent are children of the country and is a member of the Royal family is passive.
      • Same-sex romance in allow however is limited by these terms should not have intercourse through anal sex and oral sex.
      • Onani law allowed for men and women as well as allowed for illegitimate masturbation together.
      • Limitation watching pornographic films by country for citizens is 5 times a year.
      • Use of hijab except in the month of Ramadan and Islamic religious holidays.
      • Prohibition of drinking alcohol for all citizens.
      • The State prohibits all gambling activity except in specified places or set aside.
      • The State ordered that any of its citizens to carry out Islamic worship according to Islamic tenets.
      • The State prohibits all activities in prostitution in the State.
      • The country banned the activities of free sex or adultery.
      • The State banned the use of plastic.
      • The State established the Center for environment-friendly litter pengelolahan.
      • The State sets national standards for various products in the form of goods or foodstuffs.
      • Ban and destroy the lives of reptiles (snakes, frogs, crocodiles, lizards etc.).
      • Every citizen has the right to obtain the post of political office.
      • The status of the monarchy with the people (Regnum) are the same or equal power is what distinguishes special and preferential treatment granted by the people (Regnum) to Monarch (Rex).
      • The country belongs to the King because King is the country's largest shareholder and the King who bought State.
      • Every individual has the right to be happy and to improve the quality standard of life.
      • Every citizen is the individual who has social responsibility and its very needed by the State.
      • All the land that exist in boryaltra are the property of the royal dynasty of boryaltra (land Keprabon/King Estate) because the King who bought land in the whole country but the people boryaltra diperboleh kan to stay, make use of the land and control and people were forbidden to sell it and menggadaikannya.
      • Land rights in the State for the people of Boryaltra have a position of Authority, Land use rights Effort & usage rights while land controlled by the monarchy the Monarch is Ground Right.
      • State security is guaranteed by the police of the Kingdom of Boryaltra and defense hold by man of Royal Military Boryaltra.
Human Rights Law:

  • Rights in the field of politics:
      • have the opportunity to get a chance to become the political officials.
      • Get the same treatment for vocal political aspirations.
      • Using the right pilihnya both passive or active suffrage.
      • Right to be elected by the people.
      • Provide input in the political system, either in the form of support or rejection of a Government policy
  • The right economics.
      • Get an equal chance in this endeavor.
      • Get the same opportunity in developing the business.
      • The same rights in setting up private businesses.
      • Equal rights in access to raw materials.
      • The same rights to get access to the raw materials.
      • The same rights to get access to technology.
      • The same rights to get access to capital/resources
      • Equal rights get coaching effort.
      • Equal rights have the right personal and collective.
      • The right not to be deprived of private property rights in its collective maupu from arbitrary detention.
  • The right social culture:
      • The same rights to get an education.
      • The same rights to choose education.
      • The same rights in developing talent and interest.
      • The same rights of enjoying and developing culture.
      • The same rights in developing science.
      • Equal rights to benefit from the knowledge.
      • The same rights to get the job done.
      • The same rights to get a decent livelihood.
      • The right to social security.
      • The right to obtain compensation in the event of a disaster,
      • Rights and obligations for all citizens equally and evenly to get rich.
      • The right to provide compensation for people who are poor and abandoned children.
      • The right to social justice.
  • Rights law and Government:
      • the right gets the same treatment in law.
      • The same rights to legal protection.
      • The rights of citizenship.
      • The right not to be treated in a discriminatory
      • The right not to be prosecuted a second time in the same case in a civil and criminal justice.
      • The right to equality in reinstated in Government.
      • The right get the similarities to participate in Government.
      • The right to propose to the Government in order to clean from corruption, collusion and nepotism.
  • Get your personal freedom.
      • The right to issue an opinion or view of the mind.
      • The right to embrace religion.
      • The right to marry or not to marry.
      • The right to obtain wealth.
      • The right to get offspring.
  • Equal treatment in court proceedings:
      • The right get the Court effectively.
      • The right not to be detained, arrested and exiled in arbitrary detention.
      • Getting the right lawyer in a criminal or civil case.
      • The right to be presumed innocent for the defendant before proved in court.
      • The right to get justice.

  • Duty Nationality:
      • Pay taxes.
      • Obligation to comply with the law and Government.
      • The obligation to defend the country.
      • The obligation is subject to the limitation of the law in the exercise of human rights.
      • Obligation to respect the human rights of others,
      • The obligation to participate in the efforts of the defence of State security.
      • Obliged to follow education.
      • The obligation to work to the country.
      • Obliged to follow and implement the national program.
  • The law and the right of Expulsion:
      • The right person in exile is to get what has been embedding him as his property rights and the rights of the rights attached to it as set forth in the book of the law of the State of HUMAN RIGHTS and civil law.
      • Except where rebellion and treason until the country was ruined and abandoned.

  • Criminal Law:
  • The Law Revolt:
    • In a lifetime of legal resistance so that country abandoned and destroyed with criminal punishment if there is loss of life and the criminal punishment of expulsion or 25 years of absolute (without any rights attached to it).
    • In the law for people who commit treason against the country with the penalty of expulsion.
    • The law of theft and corruption and fraud.
    • The law regarding theft or corruption will threatened to jail the longest 8 years and criminal social work for 10 years.
    • Apply for a berkorupsi hand cut as much as USD 1,000,000.-
    • If the perpetrator of the theft or theft of money restoring it will ease in the penalty or exempted conditional by the State.

Nominal amount equals money taken.
Imprisonment and criminal charity program.
0 – 300 USD.
Non criminal burden of social service and 3 years.
USD 300 – 1000.
Free conditional and criminal burden of charity program 4 years.
USD 1000 – 5000.
Free conditional criminal burden of charity program and 6 years.
5000 USD – 10.000.
Free conditional criminal burden of charity program and 8 years.
Above USD 10.000.
4 years/8 years.
Above USD 100.000.
5 years/9 years.
Above USD 1,000,000.
8 years/10 years.

  • The law of Adultery and rape.
      • Punishment whip 100 dera for unmarried and adultery punishment dera 500 times for married couples.
      • The penalty of life imprisonment or 25 years for incest and whip 1000 times.
      • The punishment of rape will be in jail for 8 years and penalties of rape among adults to under 16 years in jail for 10 years.
      • The punishment of rape between children under 18 years in prison for 5 years.
  • Punishment for murder.
      • Apply qishas.
      • Any person who committed murder then the penalty is capital punishment or life imprisonment.
      • Everyone who commits murder can apart from qishas or the death penalty if the pay or (Indemnification) either in the form of money.
  • Punishment for Drunkards.
      • For those who are drunk or drinking alcohol are subject to a criminal whip 100 times dera.
  • The Punishment Of Any Act Of Obscenity.
      • Criminal confinement houses for 3 months for a pornography and pornographic action outside the specified time by the State.
  • Penalties for gambling.
      • Criminal confinement for six months.
  • Punishment of Anti Monarchy or crimes against the monarchy.
      • He who despises and do harm to the actions of the monarchy will be sentenced to expulsion and when the crimes that lead to the occurrence of incidents of murder and other actions that endanger the monarchy will be jailed for life or executed.
      • For the criminal offender under 18 years of age then the penalty in the ease of free or reduced even if the crime or criminal violation is small except for the crime of murder, rebellion and anti monarchy.
  • The perpetrators of the criminal remained at give guidance so that the prisoners can recover mentally and his healty as well as the private and social life.
  • The Ministry of prison facilities are appropriate standards or better.
  • And the establishment of an independent team, whose members come from some of the country's best friend who is delegated by the State to carry out its assigned boryaltra ekseskusi die the death row inmates.
  • Apply for remission to the King to convict unless the crime an anti monarchy.

  • Technology:
    • Boryaltra State building solar power plant, power generation gas methane, hydrogen power plant.
    • Every citizen must have a solar power plant to meet electricity needs its own bylaws.
    • Country Boryaltra create a policy for its citizens and institutions to use the motor vehicle fuel solar power, electricity, hydrogen, etc.
    • State Boryaltra to create a policy to meet the needs of fuel oil from Bio Oil or oil Alternative is growing – plant.
    • Country Boryaltra develop technology robots to assist humans.
    • States established waste management industry in environmentally friendly country to reduce carbon gas emissions and environmental pollution.

  • National Development:
    • build houses – houses, palaces, castles, the organizers of Government Office building, hospitals, health care centres, schools, University, library archives, sports stadiums, highways, harbors, military headquarters (barak), a complete market, clothing and food storage warehouses, industrial plants, food and beverage factory tekstile (indsutri manufacture of clothing), raw material storage shed buildings, metal storage shed, storage shed, storage shed precious metal weapons, arena party vegetable soup, plantation, animal husbandry (poultry, cattle, buffaloes, camels, sheep and goats), horse arena, farm fields, shipbuilding Centre, forest, solar power plant, methane power plant, the center of the fishing industry, technological and health research center, bank, hotel, blacksmith, Center the center of agricultural equipment, Central Post Office, telecommunications, internet access centers and mosques.

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Biodata Bondan Ramadhani Purnomo Name : Bondan Ramadhani Purnomo. Birth Place & Date : Tangerang, March 24,1993. Addre...