adalah monarki turun-temurun. Pangeran yang berkuasa sebagai kepala
negara tidak dipilih oleh orang-orang, tetapi sebaliknya, hukum dari
rumah Prinsipalitas (House of) Boryaltra menentukan penerus tahta.
suksesi laki laki berlaku untuk di dahulukan di bandingkan garis
suksesi perempuan, dan aturan, anak lelaki tertua sang pangeran yang
memerintah menjadi pengganti pangeran yang memerintah.
keadaan darurat apabila tidak ada pewaris lelaki dalam keluarga
kerajaan maka pewaris perempuan berhak menjadi sovereign princess
sesuai dengan hukum suksesi kerajaan.
adalah keturunan monarki konstitusional. The Rulers terikat oleh
ketentuan-ketentuan dalam Konstitusi dan hanya dapat menggunakan hak
untuk kekuatan negara di
dengan Konstitusi dan hukum.
kepala negara, Dia mungkin menyimpulkan perjanjian-perjanjian
internasional yang berlaku melalui pengesahan oleh Parlemen. Pangeran
memerintah melalui pemerintah mengeluarkan peraturan-peraturan. Ini
termasuk peraturan-peraturan dikeluarkan di bawah kekuasaan darurat.
Pangeran Penguasa untuk mengeluarkan peraturan-peraturan darurat
adalah terbatas.
Konstitusi, ketetapan-ketetapan darurat berakhir setelah enam bulan.
Selain itu, peraturan-peraturan darurat tidak lagi dapat menangguhkan
seluruh Konstitusi, melainkan Pangeran memerintah mungkin hanya
membatasi ketentuan individu waktu tertentu.
juga menyatakan bahwa kekuasaan negara dipegang Reign Prince dan
Rakyat. Karena negara terletak pada dasar yang demokratis,
orang-orang dan Reign Prince memiliki hak tertentu. Orang dapat
mempengaruhi melakukan bisnis negara melalui pemilihan umum dan
populer suara.
memiliki hak inisiatif dan referendum.
dapat menggunakan inisiatif untuk permintaan Undang-undang baru, dan
mereka dapat menggunakan referendum untuk menuntut pemilu pada hukum
atau keuangan keputusan yang disahkan oleh Parlemen.
konstitusi, orang-orang memiliki kemungkinan penarikan kepercayaan
mereka dari Pangeran yang berkuasa dan hak untuk memilih pada
penghapusan monarki walaupun begitu rakyat tidak dapat menghapus
memiliki 50 anggota parlemen yang dipilih oleh orang-orang untuk masa
jabatan sepuluh tahun.
diberi mandat untuk «mewakili dan menyatakan hak-hak dan kepentingan
orang-orang dalam kaitannya dengan pemerintah».
jawab utama Parlemen adalah undang-undang. Untuk undang-undang untuk
menjadi sah, itu harus disetujui oleh Parlemen, oleh Reign Prince,
dan countersigned oleh Perdana Menteri. Kekuatan Parlemen juga
meliputi pemilihan pemerintah Menteri, yang ditunjuk oleh Pangeran
memerintah pada mereka rekomendasi.
terdiri dari Perdana Menteri dan empat Menteri lainnya. Wakil Perdana
Menteri dipilih dari antara 4 Menteri lainnya.
pemerintah menurut prinsip kolegial. Hal ini bertanggung jawab untuk
administrasi nasional. Semua urusan penting adalah subjek untuk
konsultasi dan pengambilan keputusan pemerintah kolegial.
pemerintah prinsipalitas boryaltra adalah bagian dari Kepangeranan.
Terdiri dari enam anggota :
negara yang duduk di kursi dewan dan anggota tujuh anggota (empat
konselor dan satu delegasi);
juga memiliki hak suara, dan memiliki kontrol kontrol militer dan
kepolisian, konselor untuk urusan internal, penasihat keuangan dan
ekonomi, Konselor untuk peralatan, lingkungan, dan perencanaan kota,
Konselor untuk Urusan Sosial dan Kesehatan dan konselor untuk
hubungan luar negeri.
perencanaan proyek dan tagihan diusulkan untuk Pangeran oleh Dewan
pemerintahan lainnya, ketetapan-ketetapan yang berdaulat didukung
oleh keputusan Pangeran, Menteri Negara, Menteri Keuangan, dan lain
bebagai macam kebijakan.
Parlemen sebagai kekuasaan legislatif dan Pemerintah sebagai
kekuasaan eksekutif, ada juga kekuatan ketiga, yaitu peradilan.
Mahkamah Pengadilan mengadili sipil dan masalah pidana dalam contoh
pertama, Pengadilan Banding di contoh kedua, dan Mahkamah Agung dalam
ketiga dan terakhir contoh. Pengadilan Tata Usaha memiliki yurisdiksi
atas masalah administrasi dan bertindak sebagai contoh terakhir.
Konstitusi Pengadilan memiliki yurisdiksi atas masalah
Kerajaan Boryaltra :
Act Parliamentary.
The Crown / Monarch (Rulers (King) – Reign Prince).
Kings Family / Dynasty.
Succession to the Boryaltra Throne.
Royal Prerogative.
Crown Council (Dewan Mahkota).
Council of Goverment / Dewan Pemerintahan (Executive Council).
National Council Parlemen and Crown in Parliamentary (Legislative Council).
Princely House (Unlimited).
Representative House (50 member elected by people)
Supreme Court and Crown in the Court (Yudikatif).
Army & Police under Council of Goverment, Parlemen, Supreme Court & The Crown / Crown Council.
Parliement Constituantes.
Election of Political People (The National Election and The Local Election).
Administrative Divisions :
Cities (Major).
Village (Chief of Village).
Political Independent People.
Foreign Policy.
Negara : Negara Protektorat dibawah Konvensi atau Traktat (Treaty)
dengan Negara Induk yang berbentuk Monarki Konstitusional.
make an international area for the Nation Boryaltra of 2400 Square
Kilometre to be Duchy of Boryaltra.
become independent and sovereign land for Boryaltra Tribe.
become independent and sovereign land for Boryaltra Tribe.
want to buy an area of 2400 Square Kilometre to be a royal state
which form of government is a constitutional monarchy with a
parliamentary system and the form of the state as a unitary
the maximum amount to the people -250,000. people.
the maximum amount to the people -250,000. people.
Wilayah Negara Kerajaan Boryaltra adalah sebuah kepulauan seluas 2,4
Square Kilometer dengan garis teritorial kelautan sepanjang 12 mil
serta 200 mil dari garis pantai yang menjadi zona ekonomi eksklusif.
membeli wilayah seluas 100 / 2400 Square Kilometer di Antartika.
penduduk maksimal 35.000 orang.
dibuat persis dengan Percontohan Games Harvestmoon Back to Nature dan
Harvestmoon versi lain.
Politik Kerajaan Boryaltra.
hukum dasar (“konstitusi”) Kerajaan Boryaltra
garis besar dapat dinyatakan telah mengatur hal-hal di bawah ini.
Hak asasi manusia, yang di dalamnya mengatur pula mengenai:
hak asasi manusia internasional;
penghormatan terhadap harkat dan martabat manusia;
terhadap persamaan derajat tanpa memandang ras,
jenis kelamin, status sosial, dsb.; jaminan keamanan;
perbudakan; pemberian hukuman; perkawinan dan
hak milik atas benda;
perlindungan hukum, persamaan dalam hukum, penghormatan
pengadilan, pemulihan nama baik, asas praduga tak
kebebasan individu, hak pribadi, kebebasan bergerak, kebebasan
kebebasan berekspresi;
hak politik, suaka politik, kewarganegaraan, kebebasan berkumpul
berserikat serta kebebasan berdagang;
hak sosial, hak bekerja, waktu kerja, hak memperoleh tempat
yang layak, pendidikan, ilmu pengetahuan, seni, budaya.
batasan-batasan hak asasi manusia.
Organisasi negara, yang meliputi pengaturan tentang:
bentuk umum pemerintahan;
parlemen, House of Representatif, idependent politikal, pengambilan
komisi-komisi, Princely House, keuangan, ombudsman parlemen;
monarki, dewan mahkota, pemerintah, komposisi pemerintah, lobi, Dewan
pemerintah lokal;
peradilan, sistem hukum, pengadilan pidana, pengadilan perdata,
Kementrian :
Kementrian Dalam Negeri.
Mengurus sekretariatan negara.
Mengurus administrasi negara.
Mengurus pertahanan dan keamanan dalam negeri.
Mengurus masalah internal dalam negeri.
Mengawasi, membina serta perancang perencanaan pembangunan desa dan distrik.
Mengurus pelantikan, mengawasi dan membina pemimpin daerah & organisasi.
Mengurus peresmian badan hukum / organisasi milik swasta & negara.
Mengurus agraria dan maritim.
Kementrian Luar Negeri.
Mengurus urusan berkaitan hubungan dengan negara induk.
Mengurus urusan berkaitan hubungan manca negara.
Mengurus urusan perlindungan warga negara di manca negara.
Mengurus masalah yang berkaitan dengan politik luar negari dan perjanjian internasional.
Mengurus masalah yang berkaitan dengan hubungan bilateral maupun mulitateral dan internasional.
Mengurus perencanaan hubungan internasional.
Kementrian Keuangan dan Perekonomian.
Mengurus masalah perpajakan.
Mengurus masalah keuangan negara.
Mengurus masalah perekonomian negara.
Mengurus masalah jaminan sosial negara.
Menjadi penasihat keuangan, perencanaan serta pelaksanaan ekonomi negara.
Mengurus bea cukai negara.
Mengurus badan usaha milik negara (perusahaan negara).
Mengurus yayasan dan organisasi milik negara.
Mengurus investasi negara.
Mengurus kekayaan negara.
Mengurus peternakan, pertanian, perkebunan dan perikanan.
Kementrian Sosial.
Mengurus masalah sosial negara.
Mengurus komunikasi nasional.
Mengurus masalah pos.
Mengurus pendidikan dan budaya nasional.
Mengurus agama dan kebudayaan.
Mengurus kesejahteraan rakyat.
Mengurus pekerjaan umum.
Mengurus masalah kesehatan negara.
Mengurus masalah perencanaan jaminan sosial.
Mengurus masalah perencanaan tata ruang kota.
Mengurus masalah pelestarian dan perencanaan ruang lingkungan hidup.
Mengurus masalah kehutanan.
Hirarki Vertikal Penyelenggaraan Pemerintahan dan Penyelenggaraan
Kegiatan Administrasi Negara.
Council Goverment - Parlemen – Supreme Court.
Administration & Service Official State.
Peraturan Hukum Negara Boryaltra.
Al Qur'an.
Act Parliamentary.
Dekrit Raja.
Peraturan Pemerintah.
Peraturan Menteri.
Kebijakan Administrasion & Service Official State.
Peraturan Desa & Cities.
departemen langsung berhubungan dengan kementrian dalam melaksanakan
administrasi negara dan penyelenggaraan pemerintahan serta kegiatan
rutin negara.
Politik Kerajaan Boryaltra :
Setiap warga negara berkewajiban untuk melaksanakan pendidikan nasional yang dibiayai oleh negara dari tingkat Sekolah Dasar, Sekolah Lanjutan Tingkat Menengah, Sekolah Lanjutan Tingkat Atas dan Pendidikan Strata Pertama.
Selain Pendidikan Nasional Secara Formal, setiap warga negara wajib ikut serta dalam pelaksanaan pendidikan informal yang diadakan oleh negara sesuai dengan usia warga negara dengan pendidikan meliputi tentang masalah ekonomi, politik, hukum, kesehatan, sosiologi, psikologi, agama dan lain lain.
Raja dan Keluarga Kerajaan mengikuti pendidikan khusus kerajaan agar para bangsawan kerajaan tau bagaimana cara melakukan tugasnya dan kewajibannya sebagai pemimpin negara.
Mendirikan sekolah dan universitas di luar negara boryaltra.
Mendirikan sekolah dan universitas negara domestik dengan kualitas baik & bermutu.
Mendirikan institusi atau organisasi keilmuan sebagai riset perkembangan keilmuan.
Menetapkan pendidikan karakter & budaya boryaltra yang baik, beretika, berbudi & bermoral.
Negara membiayai urusan kesehatan nasional serta membangun fasilitas kesehatan yang memadai dan warga negara berhak mendapatkan pelayan kesehatan gratis.
Untuk pasien penyakit kejiwaan masih diperlakukan sama beserta hak dan kewajibannya setara dengan orang normal sampai masa pemulihannya dan tidak selalu meminum obat serta tidak ada penyakit kejiwaan yang permanen.
Negara mendirikan rumah sakit modern di luar negara maupun didalam negara boryaltra agar dapat menjangkau warga negara yang sedang sakit di manapun berada.
Setiap warga negara di lindungi oleh asuransi kesehatan dan asuransi jiwa serta asuransi kecelakaan.
Negara mendirikan perusahaan dagang untuk mendapatkan pendapatan nasional / keuntungan untuk keperluan kesejahteraan negara.
Negara membuat estate pertanian, perternakan, perkebunan & perikanan di dalam negeri maupun di luar negeri.
Negara melaksanakan program swasembada dalam berbagai bidang & sektor industri, pertanian & maritim.
Negara melaksanakan program budaya tanam & budidaya ternak / ikan untuk mewujudkan sistem negara agraris & maritim yang berkesinambungan, berkelanjutan, ramah lingkungan, menguntungkan, menghasilkan, swadaya rakyat, mendidik, swasembada & bernilai ekonomi tinggi.
Negara melaksanakan program industrialisasi modern yang ramah lingkungan & analisis dampak lingkungan.
Negara mengambil 15 persen saham dari setiap perusahaan yang didirikan oleh warga negara nya atau warga negara asing serta organisasi domestik maupun foreign.
Negara dilarang berhutang kecuali ada keperluan khusus negara / keadaan genting darurat maka diperbolehkan berhutang dengan maksimal 15 % dari kekayaan negara.
Negara menerapkan kebijakan penyimpanan emas & perak dalam kebijakan ini negara mengumpulkan sebanyak banyak emas & perak untuk dimasukan dalam kekayaan negara untuk kepentingan nasional.
Memproduksi barang sesuai dengan permintaan logis.
Didalam negara boryaltra setiap warga negara harus bekerja dan tidak boleh ada yang menganggur sesuai dengan usia yang ditetapkan oleh kitab hukum negara.
Didalam negara boryaltra setiap warga negara difasilitasi atau diberikan pekerjaan oleh negara untuk tujuan pembangunan bangsa.
Setiap warga negara diberikan rumah & pekarangan dalam negara untuk kesejahteraan.
Setiap warga negara diwajibkan untuk menjadi orang kaya.
Negara akan membagikan bonus bagi setiap warga negara apabila negara mendapatkan keuntungan berupa tunjangan uang makan, uang transportasi, uang komunikasi dan uang bonus pensiunan.
Setiap warga negara difasilitasi sebuah rumah dan mobil di luar negara (abroad).
Setiap warga negara diwajibkan menabung di bank dan berinvestasi reksadana.
Menghapus riba (bunga rente) pada perekonomian negara.
Membebankan setiap warga negara & orang yang memiliki izin tinggal di negara boryaltra untuk membayar pajak yang relatif rendah & wajib membayar zakat / jizyah.
Negara mendirikan lembaga untuk membantu, bimbingan dan penyelesaian masalah yang dihadapi setiap warga negara, hal ini bertujuan agar negara dapat meneliti apa masalah yang dihadapi rakyat dan apa yang diinginkan rakyat untuk kehidupannya dalam masalah ekonomi dan sosial serta negara dan masyarakat yang diberi amanat oleh negara harus peduli dan membantu menyelesaikannya.
Demi keadilan sosial maka jika rakyat dalam kondisi darurat seperti kelaparan atau kemiskinan maka raja dan keluarga kerajaan juga harus ikut miskin dan lapar.
Setiap warga negara harus saling mengenal, komunikatif dan bersosialisasi demi kepentingan negara.
Negara berperan atau turut campur dalam kehidupan pribadi warga negara dalam hal keagamaan, hubungan sosial, pekerjaan, percintaan, perkawinan, dll.
Negara membatasi populasi manusia di negaranya, setiap warga negara dan keluarga kerajaan diperbolehkan memiliki 2 anak saja diberikan dispensasi untuk yang terlanjur hamil anak ke 3 dan warga negara harus mengikuti program nasional pengaturan populasi.
Keturunan raja harus menikahi sesama keturunan raja atau orang yang disepakati oleh monarki.
Setiap Anggota Kerajaan diwajibkan memakai huruf B untuk nama depan mereka agar sama dengan nama asli Raja Pertama.
Setiap warga negara harus memiliki 1 perahu untuk 1 rumah di pulau untuk antisipasi bencana tsunami atau banjir laut sebagai penanggulangan.
Negara membuat komunitas boryaltra di luar negara bertujuan untuk kegiatan sosial dan lingkungan hidup.
Bahasa resmi untuk dipakai negara boryaltra adalah bahasa inggris dan bahasa indonesia.
Negara boryaltra mendirikan arsip bahasa dunia untuk mempelajari berbagai bahasa didunia.
Negara boryaltra mendirikan pusat keilmuan, penelitian keilmuan & pengembangan teknologi.
Negara boryaltra mendirikan pusat penelitian & observasi antariksa / ruang angkasa serta penerbangan luar angkasa.
Negara Boryaltra membuat saluran televisi dan saluran radio nasional.
Agama negara adalah islam bercampur tradisi boryaltra & agama minoritas bercampur tradisi boryaltra.
Menetapkan pendidikan berkarakter sesuai budaya boryaltra.
Setiap penduduk wajib bersunat di usia 12 tahun.
Setiap anak lelaki berusia 9 tahun hingga berusia 18 tahun di wajibkan untuk kawin kontrak dengan wanita yang merupakan warga negara asing.
Setiap penduduk pria kewarganegaraan boryaltra dengan wanita yang merupakan warga negara asing di legalkan untuk melakukan perkawinan dengan kontrak dengan jangka waktu tertentu.
Negara mendirikan organisasi masyarakat untuk warga negara yang berasaskan konstitusi boryaltra dan setiap warga negara yang menjadi ketua organisasi kemasyarakatan tersebut diperbolehkan menjadi Raja atas Organisasi tersebut dengan pangkat Lord & Baron.
Didalam negara boryaltra selalu mengadakan pesta dan festival pertemuan antara raja dengan rakyat pada hari - hari besar dan bulan bulan tertentu.
Setiap warga negara yang merupakan seorang anak dan remaja adalah anak negara dan merupakan anggota keluarga kerajaan pasif.
Percintaan sesama jenis di perbolehkan namun dibatasi dengan syarat tidak boleh bersetubuh melalui anal sex & tidak diperbolehkan meminum serta menelan air mani / sperma.
Alat bantu seks boleh di gunakan untuk lelaki maupun perempuan.
Hukum onani / masturbasi diperbolehkan untuk lelaki dan haram untuk perempuan serta diperbolehkannya onani bersama sama.
Diperbolehkan beraktifitas pornoaksi dan pornografi pada waktu yang ditentukan oleh negara & pembatasan menonton film porno oleh negara bagi warga negara adalah 30 kali dalam setahun.
Negara melarang penggunaan hijab kecuali pada bulan ramadhan dan hari besar keagamaan islam.
Pelarangan meminum alkohol & rokok untuk semua warga.
Negara melarang segala aktivitas perjudian.
Negara memerintahkan agar setiap warga negaranya untuk melaksanakan ibadah islam sesuai rukun islam.
Negara melarang segala aktivitas pelacuran di dalam negara.
Negara melarang adanya aktivitas seks bebas.
Negara melarang penggunaan plastik.
Negara mendirikan pusat pengelolahan sampah ramah lingkungan.
Negara menetapkan standar nasional untuk berbagai produk berupa barang atau bahan makanan.
Melarang dan memusnahkan kehidupan reptil ( ular, kodok, buaya, kadal dll).
Setiap warga negara berhak untuk mendapatkan jabatan jabatan politik pemerintahan.
Status Monarki dengan Rakyat (Regnum) adalah sama atau sederajat yang membedakan adalah kekuasaan istimewa dan perlakuan istimewa yang diberikan oleh Rakyat (Regnum) kepada Monarki (Rex).
Negara adalah milik raja karena raja adalah pemegang saham terbesar negara dan raja yang membeli negara.
Setiap warga individu mempunyai hak untuk bahagia dan berhak meningkatkan kualitas taraf hidupnya.
Setiap warga negara adalah individu yang mempunyai tanggung jawab sosial dan kesatuannya sangat di butuhkan oleh negara.
Seluruh Tanah yang ada di negara boryaltra adalah milik kerajaan dinasti boryaltra (Tanah Keprabon/King Estate) karena Raja yang membeli seluruh lahan yang ada didalam negara boryaltra tetapi rakyat diperboleh kan untuk tinggal, memanfaatkan dan menguasai tanah tersebut dan rakyat dilarang untuk menjualnya dan menggadaikannya.
Hak atas Tanah di Negara Boryaltra untuk rakyat memiliki kedudukan sebagai Hak Kuasa Tanah, Hak Guna Usaha & Hak Pakai sedangkan tanah yang dikuasai monarki adalah Monarch Ground Right.
Keamanan negara dijamin oleh Abdi Polisi Kerajaan Boryaltra dan Pertahanan di pegang oleh Abdi Militer Kerajaan Boryaltra di bawah perintah dewan pemerintahan, parlemen, supreme court & monarki / crown council.
Kegiatan militer dibatasi hanya untuk bertugas menjaga pertahanan di perbatasan & seluruh wilayah negara, mencari informasi & tugas intelijen dan bertugas menjaga perdamaian dunia.
Jika di serang maka baru negara boryaltra menyerang.
anggota militer adalah para wajib militer.
Setiap warga negara di wajibkan untuk melakukan wajib militer selama 1 tahun sebanyak 5 kali.
Kegiatan kepolisian adalah untuk melakukan tindakan represif, preventif, menjaga keamanan negara, menertibkan masyarakat & negara dan membantu tugas militer dalam mengawasi negara.
Militer & Polisi diawasi oleh rakyat secara keseluruhan serta dapat di hukum secara hukum sipil & pidana tentang militer & polisi di supreme court.
Dan tidak ada kekebalan hukum terhadap militer & polisi.
Tidak boleh ada pembunuhan, penghilangan paksa, penahanan lewat 1 tahun, kekerasan fisik berat & kekerasan verbal massa di dalam negara boryaltra.
Hukum Hak Asasi Manusia :
Hak di bidang politik :
mempunyai kesempatan untuk mendapatkan kesempatan menjadi alat politik negara.
Mendapatkan perlakuan yang sama untuk di dengar aspirasi politiknya.
Menggunakan hak pilihnya baik hak pilih pasif maupun aktif.
Hak untuk dipilih oleh rakyat.
Memberikan input dalam sistem politik, baik berupa dukungan atau penolakan terhadap suatu kebijakan pemerintah
Mendapatkan kesempatan yang sama dalam berusaha.
Mendapatkan kesempatan yang sama dalam berdagang.
Mendapatkan kesempatan yang sama dalam bekerja.
Mendapatkan kesempatan yang sama dalam mengembangkan bisnis.
Hak yang sama dalam mendirikan badan usaha swasta.
Hak yang sama dalam akses bahan baku.
Hak yang sama mendapatkan akses bahan baku.
Hak yang sama mendapatkan akses teknologi.
Hak yang sama mendapatkan akses sumber modal.
Hak yang sama mendapatkan pembinaan usaha.
Hak yang sama memiliki hak pribadi maupun kolektif.
Hak untuk tidak dirampas hak milik pribadi maupu kolektif nya secara sewenang wenang.
Hak yang sama mendapatkan pendidikan.
Hak yang sama memilih pendidikan.
Hak yang sama dalam mengembangkan bakat dan minat.
Hak yang sama dalam menikmati dan mengembangkan kebudayaan.
Hak yang sama dalam mengembangkan ilmu pengetahuan.
Hak yang sama mendapatkan manfaat dari ilmu pengetahuan.
Hak yang sama untuk mendapatkan pekerjaan.
Hak yang sama mendapatkan penghidupan yang layak & meningkatkan kualitas hidup.
Hak untuk mendapatkan jaminan sosial.
Hak & Kewajiban untuk menjalankan tradisi & budaya.
Hak untuk mendapatkan santunan pada saat terjadi bencana,
Hak dan kewajiban bagi seluruh warga negara yang sama dan merata untuk menjadi kaya.
Hak untuk memberikan santunan bagi orang yang miskin dan anak terlantar.
Hak untuk mendapatkan keadilan sosial.
hak mendapatkan perlakuan yang sama dalam bidang hukum.
Hak yang sama mendapatkan perlindungan hukum.
Hak mendapatkan kewarganegaraan.
Hak untuk tidak diperlakukan secara diskriminatif
Hak untuk tidak dituntut kedua kalinya dalam kasus yang sama dalam suatu peradilan pidana dan perdata.
Hak untuk kesamaan dalam menduduki jabatan dalam pemerintahan.
Hak mendapatkan kesamaan untuk turut serta dalam pemerintahan.
Hak untuk mengajukan kepada pemerintahan dalam rangka yang bersih dari korupsi, kolusi dan nepotisme.
Hak untuk mengeluarkan pendapat atau pandangan pikiran.
Hak untuk berkumpul & berserikat.
Hak untuk memeluk agama.
Hak untuk menikah atau tidak menikah.
Hak untuk mendapatkan kekayaan.
Hak untuk mendapatkan keturunan.
Hak untuk kebebasan bergerak dan berekspresi.
Perlakuan yang sama dalam proses pengadilan :
Hak mendapatkan pengadilan efektif.
Hak untuk tidak ditahan, ditangkap dan diasingkan secara sewenang wenang.
Hak mendapatkan bantuan hukum dalam suatu kasus pidana atau perdata.
Hak untuk dianggap tidak bersalah bagi terdakwa sebelum terbukti di pengadilan.
Hak untuk mendapatkan keadilan.
bidang ekonomi.
bidang sosial budaya :
bidang hukum dan pemerintahan :
kebebasan pribadi.
Kewajiban Warga Negara :
Membayar pajak & zakat / jizyah.
Berkewajiban menaati tradisi, hukum, peraturan, badan negara dan pemerintah.
Kewajiban tunduk pada pembatasan undang undang dalam menjalankan hak asasi manusia.
Berkewajiban menghormati hak asasi manusia lain,
Berkewajiban setia kepada negara.
Berkewajiban untuk ikut dalam upaya pertahanan & keamanan negara.
Berkewajiban untuk mengikuti pendidikan wajib.
Berkewajiban untuk bekerja kepada negara.
Berkewajiban untuk mengikuti & melaksanakan program nasional.
Berkewajiban untuk menghormati & mematuhi perintah oleh the crown.
Hukum dan Hak Pengusiran :
Hak orang terusir adalah mendapatkan apa telah melekatkan padanya seperti hak harta nya dan hak hak yang melekat padanya seperti diatur dalam Kitab Hukum Negara tentang HAM dan Hukum Perdata.
Kecuali yang telah melakukan pemberontakan dan makar sehingga negara hancur dan terbengkalai.
Hukum Pidana :
Hukum Pemberontakan :
Di hukum seumur hidup yang melakukan pemberontakan sehingga negara terbengkalai dan hancur dengan pidana hukuman mati jika ada korban jiwa dan pidana 25 tahun atau hukuman pengusiran absolut (tanpa disertai hak yang melekat padanya).
Di hukum bagi orang yang melakukan makar terhadap negara dengan hukuman pengusiran.
Hukum Kolusi :
Di hukum bakti sosial selama 10 tahun bagi orang yang melakukan tindak pidana kolusi.
Hukum Pencurian dan Korupsi serta Penipuan.
Hukum mengenai pencurian di pidana dengan bakti sosial paling lama seumur hidup.
Apabila pelaku pencurian mengembalikan uang atau hasil pencurian maka akan di ringankan hukumannya atau dibebaskan bersyarat oleh negara.
nominal setara uang yang diambil.
bakti sosial.
0 – 300.
pidana bakti sosial 3 tahun.
300 – 1000.
pidana bakti sosial 4 tahun.
1000 – 5000.
pidana bakti sosial 6 tahun dan bayar ganti rugi.
5000 – 10,000.
pidana bakti sosial 8 tahun.
penyitaan harta.
USD 10,000.
Bakti Sosial 15 tahun dan penyitaan harta.
USD 100,000.
Bakti Sosial 20 tahun dan penyitaan harta.
USD 1,000,000.
Bakti Sosial Seumur Hidup dan penyitaan harta.
Hukum Perzinahan dan Pemerkosaan.
Hukuman cambuk 100 dera & pidana bakti sosial selama 2 tahun untuk perzinahan yang belum menikah dan hukuman dera 100 kali serta pengasingan selama 5 tahun bagi pasangan yang sudah menikah.
Hukuman bagi incest adalah pengasingan seumur hidup / 20 tahun.
Hukuman Perzinahan dibawah umur 16 tahun oleh dewasa adalah pidana bakti sosial 5 tahun, di ikat tangan dan kakinya selama masa hukuman dan pengasingan selama 5 tahun.
Hukuman perzinahan yang dilakukan sesama anak di bawah usia 18 tahun maka di cambuk 100 kali & di bina oleh negara.
Hukuman bagi Pembunuhan.
Di penjara selama 20 tahun di negara induk.
Bagi anak dibawah 18 tahun maka di beri keringanan hukuman menjadi 10 tahun penjara.
Hukuman bagi Pemabuk.
Bagi yang mabuk atau yang meminum alkohol dikenakan pidana cambuk 100 kali dera.
Hukuman Perbuatan Cabul.
Pidana kurungan rumah selama 1 bulan bagi yang beraktifitas pornografi dan porno aksi di luar waktu atau peraturan yang ditentukan oleh negara.
Hukuman bagi perjudian.
Pidana kurungan rumah selama 2 bulan.
Hukuman Anti Monarki atau Kejahatan Terhadap Monarki.
Barang siapa yang membenci dan melakukan tindakan kejahatan kepada Monarki maka akan dihukum pengusiran dan apabila tindakan kejahatan itu mengakibatkan terjadinya insiden pembunuhan dan tindakan lain yang membahayakan monarki maka akan dipenjara seumur hidup atau hukuman mati.
Bagi pelaku pidana anak dibawah 18 tahun maka hukumannya di ringankan atau dikurangi bahkan bebas jika melakukan pelanggaran atau kejahatan pidana kecil kecuali kejahatan pembunuhan, pemberontakan dan anti monarki.
Para pelaku pidana tetap di berikan bimbingan agar para narapidana dapat pulih kesehatan jiwa & raga serta kehidupan sosial dan pribadinya.
Pelayanan fasilitas penjara adalah sesuai standar baik.
Berlaku Pengampunan Raja untuk narapidana kecuali kejahatan anti monarki.
Negara boryaltra membangun pembangkit listrik tenaga surya, pembangkit tenaga gas metana, pembangkit listrik tenaga hidrogen.
Setiap warga negara harus memiliki pembangkit tenaga surya untuk memenuhi kebutuhan listrik rumah tangganya sendiri.
Negara Boryaltra membuat kebijakan untuk warganya dan lembaga untuk memakai kendaraan bermotor yang berbahan bakar tenaga surya, listrik, hidrogen dll.
Negara Boryaltra membuat kebijakan untuk memenuhi kebutuhan bahan bakar minyak dari Bio Oil atau Minyak Alternatif tumbuh – tumbuhan.
Negara Boryaltra mengembangkan teknologi robot untuk membantu pekerjaan manusia.
Negara mendirikan industri pengelolaan sampah dalam negeri yang ramah lingkungan untuk mengurangi emisi gas karbon dan pencemaran lingkungan.
Nasional :
membangun rumah – rumah penduduk, istana, kastil, gedung kantor penyelenggara pemerintahan, rumah sakit, pusat pelayanan kesehatan, sekolahan, universitas, perpustakaan arsip, stadion olahraga, jalan raya, pelabuhan, markas militer (barak), pasar lengkap, gudang penyimpanan sandang dan pangan, pabrik industri makanan dan minuman, pabrik tekstile (indsutri pembuatan pakaian), gudang penyimpanan bahan baku bangunan, gudang penyimpanan logam, gudang penyimpanan logam mulia, gudang penyimpanan senjata, arena pesta, perkebunan sayur mayur, perternakan (unggas, sapi, kerbau, unta, domba dan kambing), arena kuda, ladang pertanian, pusat perakitan kapal, hutan, pembangkit listrik tenaga surya, pembangkit listrik tenaga metana, pusat industri perikanan, pusat penelitian teknologi dan kesehatan, bank, hotel, pusat pandai besi, pusat peralatan pertanian, kantor pos, pusat telekomunikasi, pusat akses internet dan masjid.
Bondan Ramadhani Purnomo
Name :
Bondan Ramadhani Purnomo.
Place & Date : Tangerang, March 24,1993.
: Indonesia.
Type : A+.
Activity :
College Student / Employees.
Person : 089664940081.
Mail :
TK Al Husna (Kid Garden School)
SD Negeri Kotabumi 04 (Elementary School)
SD Muhammadiyah 1 Poris Jaya (Elementary School).
SMP Muhammadiyah 04 Cipondoh (Junior High School).
SMK Pelita Bangsa d.h. Prudent School (Voccassional High School).
Chairman of the Class 2A SMP Muhammadiyah 04 (resigned) and the Deputy Chairman of Class 2A SMP Muhammadiyah periode 2005-2007.
chairman of Class 3F SMP Muhammadiyah 04 period July-November, 2007 (resigned).
Chairmen of High Assembly Class of SMK Pelita Bangsa Class Period 2008-2009.
Secretary of the Islamic Spiritual SMK Pelita Bangsa period 2009-2010.
Senior members of the Consultative Assembly Class period 2009-2010.
Journalists members Modis SMK Pelita Nations.
Choir founder SMK Pelita Nations.
Grandpa (Kung Kung) Bong A Fuk.
Grandma (Po Po) Ng Yat Chin.
Origin of manggar & Gantong, Belitong.
of the Mother :
Grandfather Bahu Sungep (Head Hamlet / Head of Village/ Squire palm sugar) bin Penatus Madirsad (Village Head colonial era).
Originally from Sidamulya, Sidareja, Cilacap. -
Grandmother Raden Ajeng Kustiyah binti Raden Mas Suromenggolo (Descendants of King of Mataram / Noble of Banyumas).
Originally from Cindaga, Banyumas.
Grandfather Eyang
Murslan (Pius Catholic Junior High School Teacher / Management of
Credit Unions).
Step Grandfather: Eyang Bahu Simin (Head of Village).
Step Grandfather: Eyang Bahu Simin (Head of Village).
Along Papa (father)
Wati Mama (Mother)
Siblings :
sister Candra
brother Oktavian.
Kyai Sukemi, Head Village
of Sidamulya, Sidareja, Cilacap.
Uncle Drs. Kadar, Head Village of Sidamulya, Sidareja, Cilacap.
Uncle Drs. Sudarno, Manager of PT Bukit Asam.Tbk.
Uncle Drs. Agus Salim, Manager of PT Pusan.Tbk
Uncle Drs. Kadar, Head Village of Sidamulya, Sidareja, Cilacap.
Uncle Drs. Sudarno, Manager of PT Bukit Asam.Tbk.
Uncle Drs. Agus Salim, Manager of PT Pusan.Tbk
Mbah Kholida married to Grandfather Lurah Sukemi.
Mbah Sungep married to Grandma Kustiyah.
Mbah Warno married to the widow.
Mbah Surati to marry with Mbah Karsono.
of Great
Grandfather Raden
Mas Suromenggolo :
From first wife:
do not have children and adoption five children. -
From his second wife:the boy became a hotel manager Borobudur.
Boy becoming a doctor. -
The third wife of Mbah Karsinem namely:
Kustiyah grandmother.
9 other siblings.
Papa me.
Melan Kyu.
Afong Su.
and aunt of the mother:
pakde Darno and aunt Prami.
Bude Darni & pakde Karyono (divorce), pakde the closet (divorce) and pakde par.
Bude sugi and Pakde Sadiman.
Pakde Aying and Bude Nunung.
Bude Sutiyah & Pakde Yono.
Pakde Sus & Bude Ida.
Lik Muji & Lik Puji (stepson)
paternal: ferdi, Mario, cici mungna, cici yung yung, koko account, sansan coco, coco iPay, koko side, cici nini, andre and others,
maternal: mas deni, Ms. Dwi, Ms. susi, mas Awit, mas wiji, Mas Sungging, Ms. Nuri, Ms. heni, mas ari, Ms. Amen, sister Gina, bimo, aa ASMET, teteh dance, tetah yani, devi (Depi), emil, intan, vira, andri mas, mas waveguide, ayu, Desta, isma, gita and others.
bumi :
kak hanum
kak febri
Aa kiki
aa endang
bang habib
dede rosadi
kak ika
Kak febri.
Kak eka.
Bang amidi
abang kiki
abang muhibin
Abang heru.
Abang teja.
Raden Panca.
Adityasa Hanum Tegar.
4 Kota bumi :
Faisal cule,
Muhammadiyah :
bias gema.
diya rahman.
deni ivan
Pelita bangsa :
alpan sukri
ryan suryatama
steven julius.
Steven polman
cicilia samanta
ubay dillah.
Ranika agustina.
Hestu subhika garindi.
Sabrina mulyadani
silmi nursyifa restu
devi septiarani jamil
devi wulandari.
Nia rosiana.
Rizka oktaviani
Eka dyan maretha
Dewi ratna sari (gondrong).
Desi retno,
fauzan arifandi.
Fauzan akbar.
chairul anwar.
Kak khusaeri.
Kak bintoro.
Kak saidatun nisa
kak shilda
kak mutia
kak alfian fransiskus.
Kak afrian sitohang
kak asri.
Muhammad rio
nining rosita
antika agustina
rini puspitasari (puspa).
Siti nurpadilah.
Ricka putri sukandar
ayu lestari.
Ana kurnia dewi.
Irma fajrin
irma damayanti.
Irma nurmalasari.
Riski ahmad paozi.
Christi wanatmela.
Timur wardana.
Dita mita riyani
priska uli pakpahan.
dimas hisbullah pandiangan
antonius dimas tri
ade kurniyawan
nana yuliana.
kak april
kak leni
kak inayah
kak agusetya rini.
Endang nurhayati
titi mutia
nur azizah
merry ervianita.
Kak yayu.
Ida komalasari
gina mahdiyana
ida komalasari
silvia dewi
mia kusmiawati.
rasa kustiyana.
dan lainnya.
Pamulang :
pak parmo,
yoga kuswaya.
Abang ahmad rifai.
Abang surya eka gunata.
Abang zainuri.
Kak doddy hardiyana.
Kak winda
kak shela.
Rifaldi rusman.
Pak hananto sembodo wardhana.
Pak surhardi.
Kak abdul qodir jaelani.
Kiki yuliani.
Reno irawan.
Hashemi rafsanjani.
Nur faizah.
Amul futuh.
Bu maswati.
Kak anisa almaida.
Bang rahmat saleh
desyana citra.
Kak muhammad faisal
muhammad raka yudho pratama.
Abang ismail
azwar annas.
Takka rudiansyah
kak hetty.
Rizka suraenisyah
firman mulyawan
kak nana permatasari
kak selvi afrida
Teacher & Lecturer):
Bu Indah (Guru TK Al Husna).
Bu Mei ( Guru SDN Kotabumi 04).
Pak Riyadh (Guru SDN Kotabumi 04).
Pak Bustomi, SE (Kepala Sekolah SD Muhammadiyah 01).
Bu Titin ( Guru Kelas 4 SD Muhammadiyah 01)
Bu Hetty ( Guru Agama & Kemuhammadiyahan SD Muhammadiyah 01).
Pak Firdaus ( Guru Kelas 5 & 6 SD Muhammadiyah 04).
Pak Muhibin (Wali Kelas 2 A & Guru Fisika SMP Muhammadiyah 04).
Pak Bambang ( Guru Biologi kelas 2, SMP Muhammadiyah 04).
Kak Bayu ( Guru Biologi kelas 1 & wali kelas 1D, SMP Muhammadiyah 04).
Pak Drs. Khoirul Bustami (Kepala Sekolah & Guru Bahasa Indonesia kelas 1, SMP Muhammadiyah 04).
Pak Abdurrahman (Kepala Sekolah & Guru Hadist kelas 3 SMP Muhammadiyah)
Pak Adi Suciadi (Guru Kesenian & Budaya kelas 1, 2 dan 3 SMP Muhammadiyah 04).
Pak Yusuf ( Guru Geografi & Sejarah kelas 1 dan 2 SMP Muhammadiyah 04).
Bu Herry (Guru IPS kelas 3 SMP Muhammadiyah 04).
Bu Rahma (Guru Bimbel Ujian Nasional Bahasa Indonesia SMP Muhammadiyah 04).
Bu Maryam (Guru PKK SMP Muhammadiyah).
Pak Suparman (Guru Budi Pekerti kelas 1 SMP Muhammadiyah 04).
Pak Suherman (Guru Bahasa Indonesia 1 SMP Muhammadiyah 04).
Bu Siti Pramanik (Guru IPA kelas 3 & wali kelas 3F SMP Muhammadiyah).
Bu Leta (Guru Ilmu Komputer kelas 3 SMP Muhammadiyah).
Pak Andi Lala ( Guru Agama kelas 1 & guru ilmu komputer kelas 2 SMP Muhammadiyah).
Pak Imam (Guru Bahasa Inggris kelas 2 SMP Muhammadiyah 04).
Bu Susi ( Guru Bahasa Arab kelas 1 & 2 SMP Muhammadiya 04).
Pak Zulfikar (Guru Bahasa Arab kelas 3 SMP Muhammadiyah 04).
Pak Lutfhi Hidayat, S.Pd (Kepala Sekolah SMK Pelita Bangsa).
Bu Mardiana, SE. (Wali kelas 1.2 & Guru Akuntansi kelas 2 SMK Pelita Bangsa).
Bu Cahyani Sumardianto, S.Kom (Guru Komputer kelas 1, 2 & 3 SMK Pelita Bangsa).
Bu Atit Maryati, SE ( Manager Prudent Office).
Bu Wahyu (Guru Administrasi Perkantoran kelas 2 SMK Pelita Bangsa).
Pak Didik Yulianto (Pembimbing Ekstrakulikuler SMK Pelita Bangsa).
Pak Arief (Pembimbing Prudent Radio).
Pak Heru Sri Kabariyanto, S.Pd ( Guru Agama kelas 1,2 & 3 SMK Pelita Bangsa).
Pak Didi Ahmadi (Adi), S.Psi (Guru Bimbingan Pelajar).
Bu Sri Anggraeni, S.Psi (Guru Bimbingan Pelajar).
Pak Beni (Guru Kesenian SMK Pelita Bangsa).
Pak Irfan Rifa'i, SH (Guru Pkn & wali kelas 1, 2, 3 AP 1).
Pak Ahmad Rifai (Wakil Kepala Sekolah SMK Pelita Bangsa).
Bu Yahya (Staf Tata Usaha).
Pak Ali (Staf Tata Usaha).
Bu Heni ( Guru Administrasi Perkantoran SMK Pelita Bangsa).
Bu Tri Ningsih (Guru Administrasi Perkantoran kelas 3 SMK Pelita Bangsa).
Bu Miftahul Sari, SE (Guru Matematika kelas 1 & 2 SMK Pelita Bangsa).
Bu Komala Sari (Guru Matematika kelas 3 SMK Pelita Bangsa).
Bu Eka Martiana Wulansari, SH. MH (Dosen Pengantar Ilmu Hukum Universitas Pamulang).
Bu Ari Widiarti, SH. MH (Dosen Pendidikan Karakter & Budaya Universitas Pamulang).
Bu Fenny Wulandari, SH. MH (Dosen Hukum Agraria Universitas Pamulang).
Pak Endi Suhadi, SH. MH (Dosen Hukum Kewarganegaraan & Hukum Dagang Universitas Pamulang).
Pak Dadi Kuswadi, SH (Dosen Hukum Perdata & Hukum Acara Perdata).
Pak Agus Salim, SE. SH. MH (Dosen Hukum Acara Pidana).
Bu Ayni Suwarni Herry, SH. M.Kn (Dosen Hukum Ilmu Negara & Administrasi Negara Universitas Pamulang).
Pak Bambang Herman Panji, SH. MH (Dosen Hukum Tata Negara Universitas Pamulang).
Bu Ratna Sari, SH. MH (Dosen Bahasa Belanda Universitas Pamulang).
Bu Dina Novita, SE. MM (Dosen Bahasa Inggris & Ilmu Bisnis Ekonomi Universitas Pamulang).
Bu Nani, SH. MH (Dosen Pendidikan Kewarganegaraan dan Politik Nasional Universitas Pamulang).
Pak HMZ Iqbal, SH. MH (Dosen Hukum Adat Universitas Pamulang).
Pak Guntarto Widodo, SH. MH ( Dosen Bahasa Inggris Universitas Pamulang).
Pak Mahmud, SH. MH (Dosen Hukum Pidana Universitas Pamulang).
Pak Ilhamsyah Lubis, SH. MH (Dosen Hukum Lingkungan Univesitas Pamulang).
Bu Anissa Sabrina, SH. MH (Dosen Hukum Internasional).
1. continuing undergraduate education that bachelor of law / bachelor of economics.
2. Continuing education master is a master of law / master of management.
3. Getting a job as a private employee / civil servants with salaries Rp.2.500.000, - (USD 250) / Rp.3.500.000, -. (USD 350)
4. Increase the ranks to become manager of subordination salary with Rp.5.000.000 (USD 500).
5. work abroad such as in Singapore, Taiwan, Japan, Hong Kong and Malaysia with a salary of US$ 500 - US$ 1,000.
6. Investing in shares in a limited liability company that is multinational.
7. Dream Plan to buy a small island area of at least 100 hectares and invoke privilege status.
1. continuing undergraduate education that bachelor of law / bachelor of economics.
2. Continuing education master is a master of law / master of management.
3. Getting a job as a private employee / civil servants with salaries Rp.2.500.000, - (USD 250) / Rp.3.500.000, -. (USD 350)
4. Increase the ranks to become manager of subordination salary with Rp.5.000.000 (USD 500).
5. work abroad such as in Singapore, Taiwan, Japan, Hong Kong and Malaysia with a salary of US$ 500 - US$ 1,000.
6. Investing in shares in a limited liability company that is multinational.
7. Dream Plan to buy a small island area of at least 100 hectares and invoke privilege status.
Property Program:
1. Buy a home in semarang and samarinda with cost of IDR150 million / USD 15,000.
1. Buy a home in semarang and samarinda with cost of IDR150 million / USD 15,000.
Purchased a farm land with area 2 hectare in Kalimantan.
1. buying a home in the United States for USD 45,000.
2. buying houses in Germany at USD 45,000.
1. buying a home in the United States for USD 45,000.
2. buying houses in Germany at USD 45,000.
Purchased a farm land with area 2 hectare in United States.
Purchased a farm land with area 2 hectare in Germany.
Investment Deposits (USD 5000)
Investment Foreign Currency (British Pound (GBP) 5000 with a profit of US$ 500 - US$ 1,000 per transaction)
Investment BPJS Employment, Pension Funds, Insurance Education & Health Insurance.
Plans Self-employed:
1. Agent Agent Grocery & Beverage Refill & Propane.
2. Rental Center Internet & Playstation Game Center.
3. Restaurant & Cafe (United States).
Plan of Action:
gold mine in Canada and Alaska.
Jewelry & Gemstone mine in Canada and Alaska.
Business & Social Organization Plan Small Scale:
I set up a small organization, the activities of small and relatively small profit in accordance with the Act or law in force in a State :
Boryaltra Plagoldi Company Limited operated in United States.
Agricultural Business and Livestock Business (Cow, Buffalo, Sheep and Goat) that to own farm land width area 4 hectare in United States and Germany.
Fisheries Business to own a dam.
Food & Beverage Industry Business to own a United States and Germany.
Movement People Key Foundation to operated in United States and Germany.
Orphanage Childern Foster Home.
Aid Post.
Planned Achievements / Honors of Ranks Noble and Ranks Knights (Honor):
Keraton Yogyakarta Sultanate namely: Mas (Jajar), Mas Lurah (Lurah), Mas Riyo (Riyo Bupati Anom) and Kanjeng Mas Tumenggung (Bupati Anom), for example: Mas Bondan, Mas Lurah Bondan, Mas Riyo Ramadiningrat and Kanjeng Mas Tumenggung Padmanegara.
From the United Kingdom are: Commander of the Order of the British Empire or Member of the Order of the British Empire (MBE), for example: Sir Bondan Ramadhani Purnomo, CBE / Sir Bondan Ramadhani Purnomo, MBE.
Dream Plan Field of Literature, create novel and fantasy book:
Story of Ardin Earth.
Story of Life Prince Basilieus.
My Life is Misery (But Still Little Happines & Get a Little Kingdom).
I Love Ndara Pangeran.
Offerings for papa and mama (Offerings for papa and mama):
giving the car.
giving domestic and abroad travel packages.
give Umrah packages.
Give Clothe.
give 24-karat gold jewelry / 22 carat form of bracelets and necklaces.
give food or food needs each month.
pay state taxes from tax number card.
budgeted charity / alms amounting to Rp 1 million per year in the form of rice and basic food, clothing and food to orphans and the indigent.
sacrificial animal charity is one ox / 2 goat on Eid al-Adha.
Livestock Zakat ie Cow, Buffalo and Sheep.
Pay Zakat Agriculture & Fruits.
Meal program 1 time a day except Saturday and Sunday.
Fasting on Mondays and Thursdays, sunna fasting Shawwal, fasting is sunah rajab, Arafat fasting, fasting Shaban and others.
Fasting Month of Ramadan.
fard prayer (morning, midday, Asr, Maghrib and Isha)
tahajud prayers, Duha prayer and more.
buy papaya whitening soap.
buy a laptop / personal computer worth $ 500.
buy a smartphone for $ 500.
buy Playstation 1, Playstation 2, Playstation 3 and Playstation 4.
buy a Nintendo Wii and Nintendo 3DS.
purchase of computer software applications.
buy samsung galaxy tab.
buy apple iPad & iPhone tab.
buy a printer and scan.
buy ozonizer.
buy WII AFGF and EGF, Magic Plus, Injection Vitamin C, Mesotherapy, Laser whitening treatment body and face.
buy bleach body and facial scrubs.
buy GNT Fiber, herbal medicine and slimming cream and bloated stomach.
buy telescopes and microscopes.\
buy encyclopedias, science books and science books.
buy magazines, novels, fantasy books, comics and newspapers.
buy shirts, shirts, shirts, trousers, shorts, underwear, blezer / coat, jacket, sandals, shoes, hats and belts.
Hair removal surgery mustache and beard, fur and feather foot penis.
store sperm and pregnancy Program In Verto Fertilitation.
open book account and follow the business program at BCA, BTN, Bank Mandiri, Citibank & Pawn.
buy royal costume and gold jewelery and silver royal medieval themed / European colonial, Javanese style, European style, Chinese style, Korean style, Japanese style and Indian forces.
make a silver crown, silver rod, silver balls, silver throne, robes of silk and silk dress style monarchy.
buy 5 grams of gold metal at least 30 gold logam.
a website
E – Book.
Game Private.
Chat Forum (General).
of Idea):
I only ask for little things, little activity and a relatively small gain in accordance with the Act or law in force in a State:
I only ask for little things, little activity and a relatively small gain in accordance with the Act or law in force in a State:
Become Entrepreneurs.
Being a Investor.
Being Rancher & Farmer (Gardener).
Being Land Owner.
Early Stage: Rp.100.000.000, - / USD 10,000.
Stage Two: Rp.500.000.000, - / USD 50,000.
Stage Three: Rp., - / USD 200,000.
Stage Four: Rp., - / USD 500,000.
Stage Five: Rp., - / USD 800,000.
Stage Six: Rp., - / USD 1,000,000.
Stage Seven: Rp., - / USD 1,500,000.
Final Stage: Rp., - / USD 2,000,000.
Early Stage: Rp.100.000.000, - / USD 10,000.
Stage Two: Rp.500.000.000, - / USD 50,000.
Stage Three: Rp., - / USD 200,000.
Stage Four: Rp., - / USD 500,000.
Stage Five: Rp., - / USD 800,000.
Stage Six: Rp., - / USD 1,000,000.
Stage Seven: Rp., - / USD 1,500,000.
Final Stage: Rp., - / USD 2,000,000.
Travel plans Abroad State, I would like to go to:
United States.
United Kingdom.
San Marino.
read a book of general knowledge (Social Studies, Science, History, Geography, Sociology, Economics, Political Science, Law, Biology, Space, Physics, Indonesian, Dictionary Multiple Languages, Islamic Studies, Administration, Accounting, Biographies, Science and Engineering, Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism, Christianity, Judaism) mainly Encyclopedia.
Reading books - books on engineering science, computer, cultivation,Fish farming, livestock farming and more.
Reading the book - the book by the ancient times.
Reading newspapers, articles, theses, thesis, magazines and scientific research reports.
Reading novels, fiction, literature, fantasy and comic book manga.
Like domestic traveled and want to really traveled abroad.
Like do travel or sightseeing.
moving the road or sports hike.
happy to shopping.
happy save even exhausted by failing to account.
like watching a movie - a documentary film about science and general knowledge.
Liked the movie - films of various genres, such as
Harry Potter.
The Chronicles of Narnia.
Lord of The Rings.
The Hobbit.
Mr. Bean.
Star Trek.
Nobita and Doraemon, The Kingdom of Cloud.
Alice in Wonderland.
Museum at Night.
Home Alone.
love to see pornographic films and pornographic images.
Like masturbation.
hanging out with close friends and family or small community.
Like as the individualist and socialist limited.
Like listening to songs - songs song / chant.
Like seeing the video - the video interesting.
Like with a computer and a mobile phone the latest technology / electronics.
Like using the internet.
like foreign television channels such as National Geographic and the Discovery Channel.
likes to do household chores.
want to really join community organizations or associations such as vocational future.
enjoys cooking.
Like with images, photographs, paintings and videos of the natural landscape and unique.
likes to keep books electronic books and drawing or unique landscapes.
happy buying and collecting books.
first I love to laugh out loud but could not because of the influence of drug psychosis psychiatrist.
Like to see, hear and read unique information and news about the general knowledge and adventure.
like to plan things about myself I or imaginary life for the future of my life.
happy with the world of beauty, I used to body scrubs, maskeran and want to
really inject vitamin bleach in order for my skin to be white. \
happy life with her parents and brother and sister even though there is grief and sad story.
Glad to be alone when sad and happy to calm down.
Pleased with the world of education and learning as a student or students.
Like crying but the result of psychiatric difficulties psikofarma drug to cry.
Like with condoms penis because when worn it feels comfortable and cool.
happy to see beautiful women and handsome men / handsome.
Really like it with cheese.
Like with culinary food or dishes and fruits that taste sweet.
Favorite food: cheese sandwiches, tomato sauce, chicken noodles, hamburgers, fried chicken, french fries, tempeh Orek, gado - gado, karedok, pecel, salad, chicken teriyaki, rendang, fried duck, shrimp teriyaki, shrimp flour sweet tamarind, pecel catfish, salmon, carp fried sweet and sour, squid flour sweet tamarind, vegetables squid sauce, vegetables, tamarind, lodeh, chicken soup, soup meat, soup of coconut milk, meatballs, yakiniku, meat kebabs, bananas fried cheese, chicken satay & goat, capcay, PUYUNG O, donut, muffin, tuna sauce, tilapia fish fry, catfish vegetables, carp fry, carp vegetables, anchovies terrain + peanut, fish cue, mackerel fried + vegetables, for pizza sauce acid, kwetiau, fried rice ati gizzard, martabak cheese and gruel
I love games playstation 1 in Harvest Moon: Back to Nature Version English: harvest moon three years time, money (money) out of a maximum of 9,999,999 4,999,999 g g, the house has been enlarged, the soil is clean and well maintained, the garden has a maximum in all the land , equipment farmer and mines already in the melting level 1 (gold / blue stone), already complete other equipment, cattle and sheep number 40 fish, chicken amount of 20 fish, 2 ponytail, house cattle, sheep and chickens are already in view, a fish pond filled with small fish - medium - large, wool machine, cheese machine, machinery - other machines, greenhouses have been built, but failed marriage for failing in his application when all the women his own love and karen that the drill even been back to be purple.
I also love to play Playstation 2 games: naruto shippuden've all explored and all the missions performed live last mission that still failed.
In the past I had a Playstation 1 & 2.
I love the game:
Harvestmoon: Back to Nature.
Harvestmoon: Save the Homeland.
Beyond of The Beyond.
Naruto Shipudden.
Knight: Clash of Heroes.
Build a Kingdom.
Castle Ville.
Throne Rush.
Royal Garden.
Kingdom of Camelot.
Clash of King.
Imperia Online
And I was a fan of
Princess Diana (Public Figure / Former Royal Family),
Agnes Monica (Singer),
Raden Rara Nike Ardilla (Singer),
Anggun (Singer)
Daniel Radcliffe Harry Potter actor (Harry Potter The Series),
William Moseley the cast of High King Peter of Narnia (The Chronicles of Narnia),
Skandar Keynes cast of King Edmund of Narnia (The Chronicles of Narnia),
Anne Poplewell starring Queen Susan of Narnia,
Tilda Swinton character Jadis Queen of Charn & Narnia,
George Henley starring Queen Lucy of Narnia,
Willl Pouter cast Eustace Scrubb,
Paris Hilton,
Justin Bieber (Singer),
Josh Hutcherson,
Greyson Chance,
Ranz Kyle,
Troye Sivan,
Kevin Julio,
Al Ghazali Kohler,
Aliando Syarief,
Chand Kelvin,
Dimas Anggara,
John Bermundo (Singer ),
Harris J (Singer),
Shawn Adrian,
Fahmi Abdillah,
Bondan Prakoso (Singer),
El Jalaludin Rumi,
Abdul Qadir Jelaani,
Titi Dwijayanti (Singer),
Reza Artamevia (Singer),
Dimas Beck,
Elijah Wood character Frodo Baggins (Lord ot The Rings),
Brent Corrigan (Artis Porno Homosexual),
Dominic Trojan (Artis Porno Homosexual),
Dido (Singer),
Rupert Grin Ron Weasley actor (Harry Potter The Series),
Emma Watson character Hermione (The Harry Potter Series),
Tom Felton cast Draco Malfoy (The Harry potter series),
Robert Pattinson starring Edward Cullen & Cedric Diggory (Harry Potter & Twillight),
Leonardo Di Caprio,
Mr.Bean actor Rowan Atkinson,
Demi Lovato, Esa Sigit,
Bio One,
Randy Martin,
Bryan Elmi Domani,
Ajil Ditto,
Natasha Wilona,
Merriam Bellina,
Muhammad Edward,
Edward Chen,
Edward Candra,
Ray Idol Little,
Cakka Nuraga (the finest tree band),
elang nuraga (The finest Tree band),
Warkop DKI (Dono, Kasino and Indro),
Ricky Harun,
Ricky Cuaca,
Cicio Manasero,
Eza Gionino (2009),
Billy Davidson,
The Roxette Band,
John Lennon (The Beatles),
Mariah Carey (Singer),
Whitney Houston (Singer),
Shania Twain (singer),
Freddie Highmore,
Afgansyah Reza ( Singer),
Avriel Lavigne (Singer),
Taylor Swift (Singer),
Diana Pungky,
Cinta Laura,
Mulan Jameela (Singer),
Pingkan Mambo (Singer),
Maia Estianti / Maia Ahmad (Singer) & Gita Gutawa (Singer) & Mey Chan (singer),
Edie Baskoro,
Yuki Kato
Stefan William,
Cinta Laura,
Sherina Munaf,
Debby Romero ,
Gibran Fauzan,
Gracia Indri .
Arian Jayani
bintang (The Friday Band).
Royal Family of United Kingdom & Commonwealth of Realm.
Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II.
His Royal Highness Prince Charles, Prince of Wales.
The Princess Diana, Princess of Wales.
His Royal Highness Prince William, Duke of Cambrigde.
His Royal Highness Prince Harry of Wales.
Imperial Family of Japan Koku :.
His Imperial Majesty Emperor Akhihito.
Her Imperial Highness Princess Aiko.
His Imperial Highness Prince Hisahito.
Her Imperial Highness Princess Mako.
Her Imperial Highness Princess Kako.
Love Other Member of Other Royal :
Archduke - Prince Ferdinand Zvonimir von Habsburg of Austria – Hungary Empire. (Descendant of Last Emperor Charles I & VI of Austia – Hungary Empire).
Sheikh Hamdan bin Mohammed bin Rashid al Maktoum of Uni Emirat Arab.
Prince Nikolai of Denmark, Count of Monpezat (Grand Childern of Queen Margrethe II of Denmark)
Prince Sebastien of Luxembourg (Childern of Grand Duke of Luxembourg).
Juan Urdagarin y De Bourbon of Spain (Grand Childern of King Juan Carlos I of Spain).
Pablo Urdangarín y de Borbón of Spain (Grand Childern of King Juan Carlos I of Spain).
Tsarevich Alexei Nikolaevich of Russia Empire (Childern of Last Emperor Nicholas II of Russia Empire)
I was scared of the absolute monarchy, absolute and tyrannical republic or dictatorship because it does not respect human rights and the suppression of minorities and the cons.
United States of America.
United Kingdom.
New Zealand.
South Korea.
United Kingdom.
New Zealand.
Sultanate of Jambi.
Duchy of Pakualaman.
Duchy of Mangkunegaran.
Sultanate of Yogyakarta.
Surakarta Kingdom.
Sultanate of Cirebon.
Sultanate of Kasepuhan.
Principality of Kanoman.
Kingdom of Majapahit.
Japan Empire.
Russian Empire.
Kingdom of England.
Kingdom of Great Britain.
Taiping Rebellion.
Kingdom of Siam / Thonburi.
Thulunid Dynasty.
Sui Empire.
Zhou Dynasty.
Mongol Empire.
Yuan Empire.
Xia Empire.
Chin Empire.
Shang Empire.
Joseon Dynasty.
Han Empire (Korean Empire).
Ancient Rome.
Kingdom of Rome.
Republic of Rome.
Roman Empire.
Madinatun Al Munawarah (Medina State).
First French Empire.
Second French Empire.
Restoration of Bourbon (France Kingdom).
Kingdom of French (Orleans Dynasty).
Kingdom of Westaphalia.
Kingdom of Holland.
Kingdom of Spain (under bonaparte).
Reunitefication Kingdom of Italy.
Latin Empire.
Byzantine Empire & Dynasty Palaigos.
Kingdom of Albania.
Kingdom of Jerusalem.
Nabi Muhammad of Medina.
King Thaksin The Great of Siam (Thonburi)
Emperor Shih Huang Ti / Qin Shi Huang of Chin Empire.
Amir Ibnu Thulun of Eghypt & Syrria. (Thulunid Dynasty)
Emperor Napoleon I of France.
Emperor Napoleon II of France.
Emperor Napoleon III of France.
King Charles X of France and Navarre.
King Louis XVIII of France and Navarre.
King Lous Phillipe I of French.
King Zog I of Albania.
Emperor Yuan Shikai of China.
King Louis XIV of France.
King Louis XV of France.
King Louis XVI of France.
King Tomislav iii of Croatia.
King Amadeo of Savoy, King of Spain.
Emperor Xuantong of Qing Empire and Manchukoku Empire.
Emperor Meiji of Japan.
King Jerome Bonaparte of Westphallia.
King Joseph Bonaparte of Spain.
King Louis Bonaparte of Holland.
King Louis II of Holland.
King Louis XVII of France.
Queen Elizabeth I of England.
Queen Mary II and King William III of England.
Queen Mary I of England.
Queen Victoria of Kingdom of Great Britain & Ireland.
Queen Anne of Kingdom of Great Britain & Ireland.
Queen Elizabeth II of United Kingdom & Commonwealth Realms.
Prince Albert II of Monaco.
Emperor Akhihito of Japan Empire.
Prince Hans – Adams of Liechtenstein.
Grand Duke Henri of Luxembourg.
Grand Duke Jean of Luxembourg.
Prince Rainer II of Monaco.
Charlotte, Grand Duchess of Luxembourg.
Grand Duke Adolphe of Luxembourg.
William VI, Grand Duke of Luxembourg.
William III, King of The Netherland and Grand Duke of Luxembourg.
William I, King of The Netherland.
Prince Franz Joseph II of Liechtenstein.
Prince Johann II of Liechtenstein.
Prince Karl I of Liechtenstein.
Lord Charles I of Monaco.
Prince Louis I of Monaco.
Lord Honore I of Monaco.
Prince Honore II of Monaco.
Prince Honore III of Monaco.
Prince Charles III of Monaco.
Prince Lous II of Monaco.
Queen Margrethe I of Denmark.
Queen Margrethe II of Denmark.
Queen Beatrix of Netherland.
Queen Juliana of Netherland.
Queen Wilhelmina of Netherland..
Emperor Nicholas II of Russian Empire.
Tsar Ivan IV The Terrible of Russia.
Emperor Michael Romanov I of Russian Empire.
Empress Catherine II of Russian Empire.
Empress Elizabeth of Russian Empire.
Empress Anna of Russian Empire.
Empress Catherine I of Russia Empire.
King Stanislaw II Augustus of Poland.
about me:
1. I am the person who nag, nag but sometimes silent and aloof but sometimes mute can not say and like to forget want to talk about it.
2. I really do not like sports, but only pleased with the hike.
3. I am a person who likes social studies (Geography, History, Sociology, Law, Anthropology, Psychology Science, State Science, Governance Studies, the State Administration of Science, Political Science, Economics, etc.), science (Biology and Space) Islam, the Qur'an, Christianity, Buddhism, Hinduism, Pancasila and Citizenship Education.
4. I particularly liked that National Geographic Television Channel, Discovery Channel and Metro TV (2004-2012).
5. I was the most ignorant in the count because I was not able to mathematics, physics and accounting count even do not understand and can not do about these subjects.
6. I was sentenced to psychiatric disease paranoid schizophrenia seemed to change their illness.
7. I hated the Indonesian and foreign people who hate me.
8. I'm not too fond of women and happy with him but do not really like him as well.
9. I am a forgetful.
10. I was extraordinarily stupid loser.
11. I was careless, forgetful and pains.
12. I am a hypocrite.
13. I am a person who likes to memorize.
14. I am a strange person.
15. I am a somewhat anti-social because of a situation and condition.
1. I am the person who nag, nag but sometimes silent and aloof but sometimes mute can not say and like to forget want to talk about it.
2. I really do not like sports, but only pleased with the hike.
3. I am a person who likes social studies (Geography, History, Sociology, Law, Anthropology, Psychology Science, State Science, Governance Studies, the State Administration of Science, Political Science, Economics, etc.), science (Biology and Space) Islam, the Qur'an, Christianity, Buddhism, Hinduism, Pancasila and Citizenship Education.
4. I particularly liked that National Geographic Television Channel, Discovery Channel and Metro TV (2004-2012).
5. I was the most ignorant in the count because I was not able to mathematics, physics and accounting count even do not understand and can not do about these subjects.
6. I was sentenced to psychiatric disease paranoid schizophrenia seemed to change their illness.
7. I hated the Indonesian and foreign people who hate me.
8. I'm not too fond of women and happy with him but do not really like him as well.
9. I am a forgetful.
10. I was extraordinarily stupid loser.
11. I was careless, forgetful and pains.
12. I am a hypocrite.
13. I am a person who likes to memorize.
14. I am a strange person.
15. I am a somewhat anti-social because of a situation and condition.
I am a rather apathy because a situation of "EVERYONE CAN DO
17. I do not ever want to be famous or well-known that actually makes me a grave disadvantage, I am of the first just want to be rich or have a lot of treasure, and I do not need many people to be a part of my life and I think that might advance how tasty if celebrity / artist / influential figures, past life I was quite close and I always cover my identity or cover my personal life or cover up how I was real but they since elementary school always hurt me, they opened open about my personal life and destroy my life.
18. I do not spread sedition, treason and influence or make meliciki anyone but this is a fact of life and the subject of my life.
19. God, take me to go and live in a new country for me a good life and give me a place to stay in some countries and give me a small island and the small region to be inherited by the child's biological children and adopted me. Amen.
20. Who was the sacred? I never feel holy. Until they told me sanctimonious, what all this time I never claimed to be holy and good believer or more of them.
21. I pray that for the good of myself to God, not for praise praised by other humans. Yet I pray to get good for me not to get praise from people.
22. So Happy! I'm so envious of people who are already at work as permanent employees and had revenues according Minimum Wage Rate or above the average of the minimum wage ratio with that they can meet the needs of life starting from shopping for food, health himself, continuing undergraduate or master her, feed their family or parents, for the cost of the vehicle, to buy vehicles such as motorcycles or cars, to buy a home, for travel or tourism, for the purchase of electronic equipment, to buy clothes and shoes, to save and invest.
23. They just want to be someone who has a higher education, property, home, car, motorcycle, health, life assurance, peace of life, welfare, sufficient income, savings, business, jobs, positions high enough, a happy family, traveled domestic & abroad and the other - the other, but they always want me to suffer, and worse of them.
24. I am the person in the isolate and discriminated from social interaction or community so that I become a individualism.
25. I do not accept used as the dregs of society, discriminating society.
26. I'm not ever want to be supervised / visible gestures / dihalusinasikan by Indonesia and worldwide. I do not want a lot of attention / care for the world.
27. I'm just ask for a bit of attention, care, compassion and support of the world. Not discriminated against / monitored motion behavior by the world.
30. I need a life, occupation, income, wealth, education, family, happiness, community, honor, rank and dignity they deserve.
31. I just want food, beverage, wealth, fortune and wealth is lawful and good and valid according to the country and the religion of Islam.
32. I just want to treasure, wealth and legitimate sustenance according to Islam and the state obtained from a Business Investment Stocks, Bonds, Insurance and salaries as well as the personal allowance from my profession.
33. The fact that I never needed by parents, relatives, friends, other people, society and the state.
34. I want to have a wealth of clothes, sandals, shoes, gold - silver, cattle (ox) / buffalo / goat / sheep / horse / camel / chicken / duck, vegetable garden, small forest, fruit trees, rice field, home & yard, maid, machinery - machinery, electronic equipment, furniture, technical equipment - farmer, cattle sheds, garden, fish pond / pond, cars, motorcycles, bicycles and greenhouse.
35. I want to have a business network and organization of small-scale legal status in some countries that could produce revenue of thousands / tens of thousands of United States Dollars per month.
36. I want to marry four / 4 women are from European and Arabic and has 2 / two biological children and 2 / two adoption childern.
17. I do not ever want to be famous or well-known that actually makes me a grave disadvantage, I am of the first just want to be rich or have a lot of treasure, and I do not need many people to be a part of my life and I think that might advance how tasty if celebrity / artist / influential figures, past life I was quite close and I always cover my identity or cover my personal life or cover up how I was real but they since elementary school always hurt me, they opened open about my personal life and destroy my life.
18. I do not spread sedition, treason and influence or make meliciki anyone but this is a fact of life and the subject of my life.
19. God, take me to go and live in a new country for me a good life and give me a place to stay in some countries and give me a small island and the small region to be inherited by the child's biological children and adopted me. Amen.
20. Who was the sacred? I never feel holy. Until they told me sanctimonious, what all this time I never claimed to be holy and good believer or more of them.
21. I pray that for the good of myself to God, not for praise praised by other humans. Yet I pray to get good for me not to get praise from people.
22. So Happy! I'm so envious of people who are already at work as permanent employees and had revenues according Minimum Wage Rate or above the average of the minimum wage ratio with that they can meet the needs of life starting from shopping for food, health himself, continuing undergraduate or master her, feed their family or parents, for the cost of the vehicle, to buy vehicles such as motorcycles or cars, to buy a home, for travel or tourism, for the purchase of electronic equipment, to buy clothes and shoes, to save and invest.
23. They just want to be someone who has a higher education, property, home, car, motorcycle, health, life assurance, peace of life, welfare, sufficient income, savings, business, jobs, positions high enough, a happy family, traveled domestic & abroad and the other - the other, but they always want me to suffer, and worse of them.
24. I am the person in the isolate and discriminated from social interaction or community so that I become a individualism.
25. I do not accept used as the dregs of society, discriminating society.
26. I'm not ever want to be supervised / visible gestures / dihalusinasikan by Indonesia and worldwide. I do not want a lot of attention / care for the world.
27. I'm just ask for a bit of attention, care, compassion and support of the world. Not discriminated against / monitored motion behavior by the world.
30. I need a life, occupation, income, wealth, education, family, happiness, community, honor, rank and dignity they deserve.
31. I just want food, beverage, wealth, fortune and wealth is lawful and good and valid according to the country and the religion of Islam.
32. I just want to treasure, wealth and legitimate sustenance according to Islam and the state obtained from a Business Investment Stocks, Bonds, Insurance and salaries as well as the personal allowance from my profession.
33. The fact that I never needed by parents, relatives, friends, other people, society and the state.
34. I want to have a wealth of clothes, sandals, shoes, gold - silver, cattle (ox) / buffalo / goat / sheep / horse / camel / chicken / duck, vegetable garden, small forest, fruit trees, rice field, home & yard, maid, machinery - machinery, electronic equipment, furniture, technical equipment - farmer, cattle sheds, garden, fish pond / pond, cars, motorcycles, bicycles and greenhouse.
35. I want to have a business network and organization of small-scale legal status in some countries that could produce revenue of thousands / tens of thousands of United States Dollars per month.
36. I want to marry four / 4 women are from European and Arabic and has 2 / two biological children and 2 / two adoption childern.
In 1990, for 6 months papa I live in south korea invited by Mr. Cascade, his boss.
In 1993, I was born.
Year 1995 - 1999, my family bought a house in Regensi, sangiang, Tangerang.
Year 1999 - 2001, the family home in Regensi, sangiang in selling and buying a new home in Kotabumi.
Year 1997 - 2000, my family has a convection socks with employees 15 people.
At year - that year papa revenue from year 1995 - 2000 reached Rp.2.500.000, - (USD 250) to Rp.4.000.000, - ($ 400)
In the past I and family like road trip to the mall in jakarta & mall orchid garden, Lippo Karawaci mall to watch the New Year's fireworks.
Every month, I always travel to the mall like robinson & MC Donald.
In the past I did not like the name of the food in the form of direct chicken, vegetables and other foods.
In the past I just like to eat eggs fried soy sauce, scrambled eggs soy sauce, tempeh Orek, rendang, chicken nuggets, fish sauce, gruel, fries, hamburger, milk candy, ciki chocolate, food - chocolate drinks, milk, porridge nestle / sun, sprit cake and sponge cake.
In the past I just love watching tom & jerry, Teletubbies, toys story, power ranger and program educational television cartoon show in Indonesia and other cartoons. \
In the past, I often bleeding nose / nosebleeds and heat due to malnutrition.
Every month, I always ask in traded toys like cars - toy, robot,
The family had a maid named Ms Umi / Khumaisah.
For I was still drinking milk with a baby bottle nipples until the 4th grade.
In the past I often return home to cilacap to see grandma.
In the past I have asked for papa and mama buying a car but it was not
accomplished because of the family I have fallen into poverty
Year 2001 - 2002, I had never dropped out of primary school but further back in 2002.
In 2002, we first moved to the city of Tangerang to rent a house, the first time I signed it felt very embarrassed when seeing others have privately owned homes and began to feel ashamed of being poor when all looks richer.
In 2003, Dad I've started to get a job with a salary of Rp. 1.500.000, - (USD 150)\
In 2002, papa I was fooled by the Employment Agencies Indonesia and failed to become a Labor Indonesia in Japan, I wish if papa I can work abroad for 10 years my family certainly already rich at the time because paying around Rp.10.000.000 , - (USD 1000) per month.
Year 2005 - 2010, papa I began to experience a raise Rp.2.500.000, - ($ 250) (above the minimum wage in Jakarta in 2011 are still Rp.1.600.000, - ($ 160)).
But what upset because why papa I can not land anywhere else in that time land prices in 2000 - 2008 in Tangerang - Jakarta - Bogor still Rp.350.000, - (USD 35) to Rp.800.000, - (USD 80) or in other areas is still around Rp.80.000, - (USD 80) to 400,000, - (USD 40) saw the price of land in the days of old newspapers. -
Maybe someone else in Tangerang, Jakarta, Depok, Bogor and surrounding Rp.4.000.000 salary, - ($ 400) times huh? Previously, my friend said that his father salary Rp.4.000.000, - ($ 400) so on can have a home.
And when the days of my junior high school, I was often watching television at that time I liked was the metro tv since always show documentaries on environmental issues, history and foreign news from the year 2005 - 2012, TV 7 see traces of adventure and environmental problems, and watching the news - news about foreign and watch Voice of America.
And junior high school time I always read the Qur'an translation Indonesian property my parents and Al Gospel in the bookstore and I went through the rituals of Islam as obligatory prayers five times a day, praying sunah duha - tahajud - lavatory - istikharah - and others, fasting obligatory fasting of Ramadan, fasting is sunna Arafat - Monday / Thursday - Shawwal - every - rajab, remembrance and others.
And when I was in a junior high school and vocational high school, I really like the school library me, every break I always read the book - the book mainly encyclopedias, history books, books geography, economics textbooks, books sociology, biology book, a physics book, space books, political books governance, civic education book, books administration offices, social studies books, science books, books Indonesian, Islam and other religious books.
And when I was in a junior high school, I always walk up the street to the mall, shop, buy pirated tapes, buy food and drink, buy herbal / handbody / soap cleanser / soap bleach body but I use regularly but never received the results of the agency and my face was still brown.
And when I was in 6th grade, my face with acne and dark spots, because at that time I put soap face my brother suddenly my face was oily and acne when it was diligently wash your face but nonetheless acne when in 2012, the acne began to disappear because psikofarma taking drugs.
And when I was grade 1-3 Middle School Association, the first brother I always buy novels, comics and magazines name Kartini, Pleiades, ideal love, magazine and others, I always read magazines, comics and novels have my brother but if my brother did not in the house and if not so often in mad by a brother, but now I still have some sister magazine.
And when my elementary school, I have a penchant for keeping fish hickey until 11-15 hickey I got with the price of 25.000, - - 30,000, -
And when my elementary school, I was always in love pocket money ranging Rp.5000, - - IDR 3,000, - per day but since I often walk rather than ride public transportation so my money I can still play Playstation in tubes for Rental.
And when I was a junior high school, I was always given pocket money of around 25.000, - ($ 2.5) per week but I always walk home and go to school so the frugal fare.
But when I was a junior high school, I started to experience difficulties in the love of money because it is rare pocket money.
And in the year 2010 - 2012, revenue from papa totaled Rp.4 million (USD 400).
And in the year 2012 - 2014, revenue from papa totaled Rp.7 million (USD 700) / Rp 5 million (USD 500).
In 2013, the family I can buy back home.
Since the year 2010 - 2011, I experienced a downturn due to depressed because a lot of psychological pressure, discrimination and acts antipathy from home, neighbors, neighborhood, other neighborhoods and other areas.
After I was under pressure in the form of sound from the environment around me and action - action silliness - antipathy - other people I did not know and the loss of people - people I knew then I was taken to a psychiatrist and I was seeing a psychiatrist but first I refused but due in rehab forced into mental and thereafter permitted out then I continue treatment.
But drug psikofarma I drank the effect is very painful, because it caused pain back pain when tense, tense, reduced sperm such as consumables, such as drunk as the eyes droop like sleepy, writing became worse, can not feel happy and laughing on the responses funny, reducing flavors in the chest, palpitations - pounding, causing anxiety, heart weakened heartbeat, difficulty cry and become more body fat.
In 2011, I worked as a sales staff of the Boston Health, during the work I had trouble because it calculates the amount of money but unfortunately I have been dismissed because of a matter that I have not known with certainty to be deactivated.
In 2015, I thought the book privately owned savings accounts still exist Rp2 million / USD 200 turns after check still Rp. 11 million / USD in 1100 and in the cut flower / administration Rp.2 million. -
since the year 2001 - 2010, the life I've been very sad and slumped because of the limitations of our economy, and when in 2011 when I thought my life better but the life I slumped again due to a mental illness that I experienced, when in 2001, my family went bankrupt because craftiness of people - people who do not like me and my family in 2010 - now I had sunk because people who do not like to me for reasons I error actions in childhood - my son.
psychiatrist did not give a good treatment because it provides long-term treatment and isolate patients with mental illness in mental rehabilitation or psychiatric hospitals and not paying attention to how to cope with environmental or social relationships psychosocial and psychiatrists do not cope, help, organize and watch the welfare of the patient. \\
The psychiatrist did not give a good treatment because only rely on long-term medication / isolate patients in a mental rehabilitation center or psychiatric hospital and not pay attention to the arrangement of psychosocial and welfare of patients.
Savings / Deposits Money.-
Year 2011 - 2012: Rp. 3 million / USD 300 BANK CIMB Niaga.
Year 2012 - 2013: Rp. 6 million / USD 600 in the wardrobe.
2015: Rp. 11 million / USD 1100 in BANK CIMB Niaga.
2015: Rp. 3 million / USD 300 in BANK BTN.
2017 : Rp. 1.5 million / USD 150.
I do not want to be a waste / insult / people outcast by society because I want to be a good person and useful to me, my family, my friends and my community.
I am annoyed and angry at the person who hates and annoys me when I never make trouble to him, I never made mistakes on him or I never committed criminal offenses to him.
And the person who hates and annoys me is someone I do not know and I do not even communicate with him and I never bother them and you.
And those who hate me would also not want if he was hated by others.
Today, everyone needs a job / business, home, land, education and money to meet the needs of his life. Same with the old days
al adzhiim.
al adzhiim.
al adzhiim.
antasalam waminka salam tabarokta ya dzalzalali wal ikram
lamani'a lima atoita wala muktiya lima manata wala yan fauzal jadi
minkal zat.
ainni alaa dzikrika wasyukrika wahusni ibadaatika ilaahi ya rabbi
Akbar 33x
akbar kabirra wal hamdulillahi kasiro wasubhanallahibukrotan waasila.
illallahu wahdahu laa syarikala lahul mulku wala hul hamdu, yuhyi wa
yumiltu wahuwa ala kuli syaiin qadiir.
firgli wali wali daya warhamhumah kama rabbayani shogiro. Amin.
zidni ilman warzukni fahman biromahtika ya arhamarrahimin. Amin.
Allah, forgive sins and mistakes and bad and unjust acts I've ever
done. Amen.
O Allah, forgive sins and errors papa & mama. Like mama and papa loved me when I was little. Amen.
O Allah, forgive sins and errors me, mama, papa, brother and sister as well as the descendants and the people.
O Allah, give salvation to us in the world and the hereafter.
O Allah, give us relief torment and punishment of the hereafter world or the torments of hell.
O God, give us health and cure diseases that exist in us.
O Allah, give us sustenance and wealth lawful, well, a lot and pretty and beneficial to others.
O Allah, give us protection from all dangers and calamities.
O Allah, give us your place in Heaven / Jannah although the lowest level. Amen.
O Allah, give me the most beautiful death, as well as give relief from the torment of hell and give me a chance and a place in heaven Jannah even at the lowest level in a long while or after 999 trillion years I was in hell. Amen.
O Allah, give me and the family is less and the adequacy of its assets, wealth, prosperity, well-being, happiness, joy, fairness, pride, loyalty, decency, peace, serenity, tranquility, health, nobility, honor, glory, goodness, power, power. Amen.
O Allah, give me a good life in the future or in the future.
O Allah, give me little things that are precious in my life.
O Allah, Give me relief pain and reduce the burden of the burden of life.
O Allah, give me the gift of a place in a small paradise / Jannah lower floors and a small kingdom in the world. Amen.
Ya Allah, Reply evil and unjust to me and the family, and I and the family did not have an error or sin upon the wicked.
Ya Allah, the appropriate reply to those deeds which they did to us along with its adverse effects.
O God, Protect me from the family and of oppression and of all dangers. Amen.
O Allah, give me and my family sustenance in the form of clothing, slippers, shoes, gold - silver, cattle - bull - buffalo - goat - sheep - horses - camel - chicken - duck, vegetable garden, small forest, fruit trees, rice paddies, fields, house and yard, maid, machinery - machinery, electronic equipment, furniture, technical equipment - farmer, cattle sheds, garden, car, bike, fish ponds / ponds and greenhouses.
O Allah, give me and the family, sustenance such as food and drinks are lawful, good and decent according to Islam.
O Allah, give me and the family, a gift of a decent job, a decent living, earning sustenance viable, proprietary treasure worthy, decent education, decent family, honor it deserves, the rank of a decent, adequate housing , a decent neighborhood, friendship decent, viable community, freedom viable, socially viable, decent power, communication feasible and viable business in accordance with good standards. Amen.
God, I wish I had buried the bodies in the deep sea, the bodies of my hopefully not in touch a lot of people and not in the obituary I know a lot of people or the general public.
Oh God, I hope I have a distant exile crossing oceans and continents lie on the ground in the middle of a quiet and leave me alone even without the loyal followers until my death.
Oh God, I'm so jealous of people who are already at work as permanent employees and had revenues according Minimum Wage Rate or above the average of the minimum wage ratio with that they can meet the needs of life starting from shopping for food, health himself, continuing education bachelor's or master, providing for the family, or his parents, for the cost of the vehicle, to buy vehicles such as motorcycles or cars, to buy a home, for travel or tourism, for the purchase of electronic equipment, to buy clothes and shoes, to save and invest and do business ..
God, divert and I pay less attention from the mind and missed all the previous people who have touched my life. Amen.
O Allah, give me the lonely life of a crowded place, give me peace of mind and give me forgiveness and love you. Amen.
For the sake of me and friends separated us so that our peace and quiet during our separate ways. And disconnect our relationship in any form
O Allah, forgive sins and errors papa & mama. Like mama and papa loved me when I was little. Amen.
O Allah, forgive sins and errors me, mama, papa, brother and sister as well as the descendants and the people.
O Allah, give salvation to us in the world and the hereafter.
O Allah, give us relief torment and punishment of the hereafter world or the torments of hell.
O God, give us health and cure diseases that exist in us.
O Allah, give us sustenance and wealth lawful, well, a lot and pretty and beneficial to others.
O Allah, give us protection from all dangers and calamities.
O Allah, give us your place in Heaven / Jannah although the lowest level. Amen.
O Allah, give me the most beautiful death, as well as give relief from the torment of hell and give me a chance and a place in heaven Jannah even at the lowest level in a long while or after 999 trillion years I was in hell. Amen.
O Allah, give me and the family is less and the adequacy of its assets, wealth, prosperity, well-being, happiness, joy, fairness, pride, loyalty, decency, peace, serenity, tranquility, health, nobility, honor, glory, goodness, power, power. Amen.
O Allah, give me a good life in the future or in the future.
O Allah, give me little things that are precious in my life.
O Allah, Give me relief pain and reduce the burden of the burden of life.
O Allah, give me the gift of a place in a small paradise / Jannah lower floors and a small kingdom in the world. Amen.
Ya Allah, Reply evil and unjust to me and the family, and I and the family did not have an error or sin upon the wicked.
Ya Allah, the appropriate reply to those deeds which they did to us along with its adverse effects.
O God, Protect me from the family and of oppression and of all dangers. Amen.
O Allah, give me and my family sustenance in the form of clothing, slippers, shoes, gold - silver, cattle - bull - buffalo - goat - sheep - horses - camel - chicken - duck, vegetable garden, small forest, fruit trees, rice paddies, fields, house and yard, maid, machinery - machinery, electronic equipment, furniture, technical equipment - farmer, cattle sheds, garden, car, bike, fish ponds / ponds and greenhouses.
O Allah, give me and the family, sustenance such as food and drinks are lawful, good and decent according to Islam.
O Allah, give me and the family, a gift of a decent job, a decent living, earning sustenance viable, proprietary treasure worthy, decent education, decent family, honor it deserves, the rank of a decent, adequate housing , a decent neighborhood, friendship decent, viable community, freedom viable, socially viable, decent power, communication feasible and viable business in accordance with good standards. Amen.
God, I wish I had buried the bodies in the deep sea, the bodies of my hopefully not in touch a lot of people and not in the obituary I know a lot of people or the general public.
Oh God, I hope I have a distant exile crossing oceans and continents lie on the ground in the middle of a quiet and leave me alone even without the loyal followers until my death.
Oh God, I'm so jealous of people who are already at work as permanent employees and had revenues according Minimum Wage Rate or above the average of the minimum wage ratio with that they can meet the needs of life starting from shopping for food, health himself, continuing education bachelor's or master, providing for the family, or his parents, for the cost of the vehicle, to buy vehicles such as motorcycles or cars, to buy a home, for travel or tourism, for the purchase of electronic equipment, to buy clothes and shoes, to save and invest and do business ..
God, divert and I pay less attention from the mind and missed all the previous people who have touched my life. Amen.
O Allah, give me the lonely life of a crowded place, give me peace of mind and give me forgiveness and love you. Amen.
For the sake of me and friends separated us so that our peace and quiet during our separate ways. And disconnect our relationship in any form
give me the spaciousness of the soul of a friend who had rejected me,
give me the kindness of friends who are still close to or already
God, let me live alone without family and friends. But give protection and welfare of the family so I did not worry him.
God, take me to go and live in a new country for me a good life and give me a place to stay in some countries and give me a small island and the small region to be inherited by biological children and adopted children. Amen.
O God, I pray that for the good of myself to God, not for praise praised by other humans. I pray to get good for me not to get praise from people.
Ya God, I just ask for a bit of attention, care, compassion and support of the world. Not discriminated against / supervised gestures / behaviors by the world.
Oh God, I need a life, occupation, income, wealth, education, family, happiness, community, honor, rank and dignity they deserve.
O God, I just want the food, beverage, wealth, fortune and wealth is lawful and good and valid according to the country and the religion of Islam.
O God, I just want to treasure, wealth and legitimate sustenance according to Islam and the state obtained from a Business Investment Stocks, Bonds, Insurance and salaries as well as the personal allowance from my profession.
O Allah, I was never in need by parents, relatives, friends, other people, society and the state.
Oh God, I want to have a business network and organization of small-scale legal status in some countries that could produce revenue of thousands / tens of thousands of United States Dollars per month.
Oh God, I want to marry four women are from European and Arabic and has two biological children and 2 Adoption foster children.
O Allah, give me Sciences and intelligence.
Add knowledge and intelligence I
give me ease in every I understand science.
Spaciousness, breadth and flexibility in gaining knowledge. Amen.
Trials, trials and suffering will surely recur. God gave me a little ease, spaciousness, kindness, patience and enjoyment
God, let me live alone without family and friends. But give protection and welfare of the family so I did not worry him.
God, take me to go and live in a new country for me a good life and give me a place to stay in some countries and give me a small island and the small region to be inherited by biological children and adopted children. Amen.
O God, I pray that for the good of myself to God, not for praise praised by other humans. I pray to get good for me not to get praise from people.
Ya God, I just ask for a bit of attention, care, compassion and support of the world. Not discriminated against / supervised gestures / behaviors by the world.
Oh God, I need a life, occupation, income, wealth, education, family, happiness, community, honor, rank and dignity they deserve.
O God, I just want the food, beverage, wealth, fortune and wealth is lawful and good and valid according to the country and the religion of Islam.
O God, I just want to treasure, wealth and legitimate sustenance according to Islam and the state obtained from a Business Investment Stocks, Bonds, Insurance and salaries as well as the personal allowance from my profession.
O Allah, I was never in need by parents, relatives, friends, other people, society and the state.
Oh God, I want to have a business network and organization of small-scale legal status in some countries that could produce revenue of thousands / tens of thousands of United States Dollars per month.
Oh God, I want to marry four women are from European and Arabic and has two biological children and 2 Adoption foster children.
O Allah, give me Sciences and intelligence.
Add knowledge and intelligence I
give me ease in every I understand science.
Spaciousness, breadth and flexibility in gaining knowledge. Amen.
Trials, trials and suffering will surely recur. God gave me a little ease, spaciousness, kindness, patience and enjoyment
miserable, poor, suffering and sorrow.
My family story full of irony and tragedy and grief too poignant story of the past.
I was hollow and empty life.
alone in the darkness just a speck of light guiding and illuminating in this eye.
I live in the world full of inequality, injustice, strangeness, mysteriousness, the influences that have an impact, one-sided, unequal, discriminatory, and so on.
In the struggle for life, I'm always a failure, disappointment, pain, misfortune, destruction, deterioration as a result of the negative influence that ensnared to drop all the good that I have and stupidity and carelessness is also a mistake I am doing.
only a little more happiness, prosperity, wealth, prosperity, tranquility, comfort, possessions, pleasure, joy, knowledge, intellect, intelligence, goodness and pleasure that I have.
dream sweet dreams only temporary.
only pain, grief, sadness and a little cry that adorn many.
in loneliness and solitude I still have limited freedom before confined in prison life and the demands of the time of death or imprisonment.
only a bright beam of light inscribed guidance and advice from a source that I did not know its origin.
I believe in God, the angels, the Prophets / Messengers, His Book, Islam and its creation.
although in life I like the disbelievers and the hypocrites.
I know that.
but I'm trying to do good and avoid evil deeds hard to understand though I probably destined to be the inhabitants of hell so God I made it easy to do easily in a crime.
hope heaven or Jannah Residents wanted to make me as though I positioned at the bottom level of Jannah important though I get even a little kindness afterlife.
because life is always an important deficiency can live reasonably and has the advantages of small and simple.
how sad and miserable if life becomes the world's poor and needy in the hereafter.
how grievous be the bad guy and an expert nar blasted and eternal in it.
only hope for forgiveness of God and love of God. Amen.
O Allah, I do not want to promise again because it was a difficult promise. it is difficult to hold that promise and also justify tough to keep that promise.
I do not want to promise more. Because I do not want to not be agreed. I wish that was not promised but surely implemented
I'm afraid to promise because fear can not keep, carry and undertakes that promise. Help me, God. Amen.
O Allah, Owner of the Kingdom of Heaven and earth. Mu so extensive nature give me a place in your broad nature although in another different world.
O God, take me away. There to your kingdom full of grace and pleasure. Do not you let me continue to suffer in a nar
Oh God, not what if I die I die quickly because there is no sin and error that I do more in the world that made me go into hell. Amen.
Dear Allah.
My God. God of all the Universe.
Help me and help me out of this world atrocities, protect me in affection MU me weak. Amen.
O Allah, give me kindness goodness hidup.Berikan I favor for eternity Mu.Karena all my life as a creation of God's riches in this Universe is eternal, including Man, Jin, angels, Satan, the devil, and all beings are eternal. Amen.
"O Allah, I beg thee whole goodness, both fast (in the world) and slow (in the Hereafter), both of which I know as well as I did not know.
And I seek refuge in You from all evil, whether fast or slow, whether I know or I did not know.
Ya Allah, I beg thee whatever good is filed by your servant and your prophet (Muhammad SAW). And I seek refuge in You from the evil whatever protection filed by thy servants and thy prophet.
My family story full of irony and tragedy and grief too poignant story of the past.
I was hollow and empty life.
alone in the darkness just a speck of light guiding and illuminating in this eye.
I live in the world full of inequality, injustice, strangeness, mysteriousness, the influences that have an impact, one-sided, unequal, discriminatory, and so on.
In the struggle for life, I'm always a failure, disappointment, pain, misfortune, destruction, deterioration as a result of the negative influence that ensnared to drop all the good that I have and stupidity and carelessness is also a mistake I am doing.
only a little more happiness, prosperity, wealth, prosperity, tranquility, comfort, possessions, pleasure, joy, knowledge, intellect, intelligence, goodness and pleasure that I have.
dream sweet dreams only temporary.
only pain, grief, sadness and a little cry that adorn many.
in loneliness and solitude I still have limited freedom before confined in prison life and the demands of the time of death or imprisonment.
only a bright beam of light inscribed guidance and advice from a source that I did not know its origin.
I believe in God, the angels, the Prophets / Messengers, His Book, Islam and its creation.
although in life I like the disbelievers and the hypocrites.
I know that.
but I'm trying to do good and avoid evil deeds hard to understand though I probably destined to be the inhabitants of hell so God I made it easy to do easily in a crime.
hope heaven or Jannah Residents wanted to make me as though I positioned at the bottom level of Jannah important though I get even a little kindness afterlife.
because life is always an important deficiency can live reasonably and has the advantages of small and simple.
how sad and miserable if life becomes the world's poor and needy in the hereafter.
how grievous be the bad guy and an expert nar blasted and eternal in it.
only hope for forgiveness of God and love of God. Amen.
O Allah, I do not want to promise again because it was a difficult promise. it is difficult to hold that promise and also justify tough to keep that promise.
I do not want to promise more. Because I do not want to not be agreed. I wish that was not promised but surely implemented
I'm afraid to promise because fear can not keep, carry and undertakes that promise. Help me, God. Amen.
O Allah, Owner of the Kingdom of Heaven and earth. Mu so extensive nature give me a place in your broad nature although in another different world.
O God, take me away. There to your kingdom full of grace and pleasure. Do not you let me continue to suffer in a nar
Oh God, not what if I die I die quickly because there is no sin and error that I do more in the world that made me go into hell. Amen.
Dear Allah.
My God. God of all the Universe.
Help me and help me out of this world atrocities, protect me in affection MU me weak. Amen.
O Allah, give me kindness goodness hidup.Berikan I favor for eternity Mu.Karena all my life as a creation of God's riches in this Universe is eternal, including Man, Jin, angels, Satan, the devil, and all beings are eternal. Amen.
"O Allah, I beg thee whole goodness, both fast (in the world) and slow (in the Hereafter), both of which I know as well as I did not know.
And I seek refuge in You from all evil, whether fast or slow, whether I know or I did not know.
Ya Allah, I beg thee whatever good is filed by your servant and your prophet (Muhammad SAW). And I seek refuge in You from the evil whatever protection filed by thy servants and thy prophet.
Allah, I beg Thy heaven and every word or deed that is closer to him,
and I seek refuge in You from hell and from any word or deed that is
closer to him.
And, I beseech thee that thou make any provision that you specify for me is good. "(Reported by Ibn Majah, Ahmad and Ibnu Hibban).
"O Allah make me among those who repent and make me among those who purify themselves. Most holy Thou, O God, and praise you, I bear witness that there is no god but You I beg your forgiveness and I repent only to you ".
(HR. At-Tirmidhi and An-Nasai).
Prayer Nabi Musa Alaihi Salam:
"Yes Rabbi, indeed I have wronged myself I myself therefore forgive me". So God forgave him, verily Allah is the Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful. (Surat al-Qasas verse 16)
"Yes Rabbi, for the sake of peace, whom thou boon to my right. I even once gone will be a helper to people who sin" (Surat al-Qasas verse 27).
"Our Lord, anugrahkanlah us our wives and our offspring as penyenang liver (us), and make us leaders for those who fear Allah" (Qur'an, Al-Furqan: 74).
Bismillahir rahmanir Rahim.
Surat An Naas (Human) verses 1-4:
Say: "I seek refuge in the Lord of Man, King of Man, Human gods, from the usual devils lurking evil, who whispered kan man's chest, from Jin and humans.
Surat Al Falaq (dawn) verses 1-5:
Say: "I seek refuge with the Lord of Man The master dawn", from his evil creatures, and from the evil of the night when it was pitch black, and from the evil sorcerer woman who breathes the knot knot (magic).
Surah Al Ikhlas verses 1-4:
Say: "He is Allah, the Almighty", God is everything Divine that depend on it everything, He is no birth and there were not also in peranak right, and no one equal to him.
Surah Ali Imran verse 26-27:
Say: "O Allah, have the kingdom. You give the kingdom to the person who you want and you unplug the kingdom of the people you want. You are glorious right one you want and you contemptible right one you want. In the hands of you belongs all virtues. Thou art powerful over all things.
You enter the right night into day and you enter daytime into the night. You come out right living from the dead, and you remove the dead from the living. And thou giver of sustenance whom you want without reckoning.
And, I beseech thee that thou make any provision that you specify for me is good. "(Reported by Ibn Majah, Ahmad and Ibnu Hibban).
"O Allah make me among those who repent and make me among those who purify themselves. Most holy Thou, O God, and praise you, I bear witness that there is no god but You I beg your forgiveness and I repent only to you ".
(HR. At-Tirmidhi and An-Nasai).
Prayer Nabi Musa Alaihi Salam:
"Yes Rabbi, indeed I have wronged myself I myself therefore forgive me". So God forgave him, verily Allah is the Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful. (Surat al-Qasas verse 16)
"Yes Rabbi, for the sake of peace, whom thou boon to my right. I even once gone will be a helper to people who sin" (Surat al-Qasas verse 27).
"Our Lord, anugrahkanlah us our wives and our offspring as penyenang liver (us), and make us leaders for those who fear Allah" (Qur'an, Al-Furqan: 74).
Bismillahir rahmanir Rahim.
Surat An Naas (Human) verses 1-4:
Say: "I seek refuge in the Lord of Man, King of Man, Human gods, from the usual devils lurking evil, who whispered kan man's chest, from Jin and humans.
Surat Al Falaq (dawn) verses 1-5:
Say: "I seek refuge with the Lord of Man The master dawn", from his evil creatures, and from the evil of the night when it was pitch black, and from the evil sorcerer woman who breathes the knot knot (magic).
Surah Al Ikhlas verses 1-4:
Say: "He is Allah, the Almighty", God is everything Divine that depend on it everything, He is no birth and there were not also in peranak right, and no one equal to him.
Surah Ali Imran verse 26-27:
Say: "O Allah, have the kingdom. You give the kingdom to the person who you want and you unplug the kingdom of the people you want. You are glorious right one you want and you contemptible right one you want. In the hands of you belongs all virtues. Thou art powerful over all things.
You enter the right night into day and you enter daytime into the night. You come out right living from the dead, and you remove the dead from the living. And thou giver of sustenance whom you want without reckoning.
and 'God I want and give me the gift of eternal youth and I want to live for hundreds of years in accordance with AD or Hijra calendar.
as well as my first offspring and the latter in the doomsday destruction of the universe (Qiyama Lil Alamin).
and give me and my family along with my first offspring and the latter on the Day of Judgment universe gift of longevity and old up to hundreds of years according to the Hijri calendar calendar also BC and happiness in the world and in the hereafter ..
Ya Allah, but I'm not the guy polytheists who asked a thousand years old as you are saying to Muhammad SAW through your revelation in the Qur'an.
Do not you let me and my family into the polytheists.
Protect us from doing Shirk.
O Allah, make me and my descendants neither the first nor the last in the doomsday lil Alamin as Maharaja for most small region on earth and other planets of the galaxy.
Give us the majesty and grace in the form of a sovereign nation.
Oh God I want to be a king (queen) on an island and the planet (other solar systems in the galaxy / Al Buruj others).
but the island and where suitable planet and give sustenance so that I can buy and take control of the island and the planet (the solar system / Al Buruj else) that I want.
If I or descendants have owned the island and planets (another solar system in another galaxy) is then made me and their descendants my first and the last Day of the destruction of the universe remains to be King and Queen (Queen) on the island and the Planet that I bought , Amen.
O Allah, if indeed there are other planets like the earth planet and if I or descendants have mastered the planet.
then make me and my offspring neither the first nor the last in the doomsday destruction of the universe becomes king - queen of a planet like the Earth planet. Amen.
O Allah, give me a man who bit to become the People, Support, Officials, magnifying, Friends, Sahib (friend), Karib, tribe, Bani, tribe, clan, Family, Nation, Followers, Hastelloy, waitress, maid and Barisan Troops also slaves faithful, devoted, have dedication, useful, useful, devote themselves, ridho sacrifice, help, serve, faith, nurture, protect, love, love, love, purify, care, attention, exalting, magnifying and support in the form of treasure, science, energy and soul to me and to ((King) Bondan Ramadhani Purnomo) and descendant me from the first to the last Day of Judgment (Qiyamah) destruction of the universe (Lil Alamin) are also useful for me and my family and the descendants of the first until the last Day of Resurrection destruction of the Universe so that I can build a world empire or kingdom is in Jannah (Paradise) of Eden, or Jannatun Ferdowsi. Amen.
O Allah I wanted to have Abdi faithful loyal to me useful, helpful, obedient, altruistic personal, experts in various fields, helps me in many ways, served to me in a sincere and honest, loving, love to love me, take responsible and secure me from all harm. Amen.
Oh God, I want to be King over 2400 km2 land only.
I want to be King (King) for the year 2400 for my dynasty and there may be a descendant dynasty me as a continuation of the kingdom after the extinction sensible with me until doomsday teachings of my descendants still elected as the King or the King who holds fast to the teachings of me.
Oh God, I want to have followers for me and offspring who cling to the doctrine for 2400 years and even until the end even if only a little, and they protect my descendants. Amen.
Her Verily You are the Oft-Forgiving, the Creator, is the Rich, Maha Raja, the Supreme Court, the Justice, Which gives Sustenance, Maha manager, Maha-fulfilling, Supreme Giving, and All-Everything.
Audzubilahiminasyaitanirajjim Bismillahirahmanirrahim.
Luqman AlHakim message to son: يابني, ليكنأولشيءتكسبهبعدالإيمان, خليلاصالحا, فإنمامثلالخليلكمثلالنخلة, إنقعدتفيظلهاأظلتك, وإنأكلتمنثمرهاوجدتهطيبا. (لقمانالحكيملابنه)
"O my son, make sure first of all something that may not be profitable for you as a believer, a friend who soleh (good), because a friend who both like like a palm tree, when you sit at the bottom of her, she will give you protection, and when you eat of its fruit and you will find it good (sweet) ".
O Allah, give me 100 people to become supporters, servants, followers, community and people loyal to me. Amen.
And they assist and help me. Amen.
O Allah, I beg and ask you. Give me the people, followers, supporters and servants of a number of 50 or 100an people as people start to help and assist me. Amen.
and 'God I want and give me the gift of eternal youth and I want to live for hundreds of years in accordance with AD or Hijra calendar.
as well as my first offspring and the latter in the doomsday destruction of the universe (Qiyama Lil Alamin).
and give me and my family along with my first offspring and the latter on the Day of Judgment universe gift of longevity and old up to hundreds of years according to the Hijri calendar calendar also BC and happiness in the world and in the hereafter ..
Ya Allah, but I'm not the guy polytheists who asked a thousand years old as you are saying to Muhammad SAW through your revelation in the Qur'an.
Do not you let me and my family into the polytheists.
Protect us from doing Shirk.
O Allah, make me and my descendants neither the first nor the last in the doomsday lil Alamin as Maharaja for most small region on earth and other planets of the galaxy.
Give us the majesty and grace in the form of a sovereign nation.
Oh God I want to be a king (queen) on an island and the planet (other solar systems in the galaxy / Al Buruj others).
but the island and where suitable planet and give sustenance so that I can buy and take control of the island and the planet (the solar system / Al Buruj else) that I want.
If I or descendants have owned the island and planets (another solar system in another galaxy) is then made me and their descendants my first and the last Day of the destruction of the universe remains to be King and Queen (Queen) on the island and the Planet that I bought , Amen.
O Allah, if indeed there are other planets like the earth planet and if I or descendants have mastered the planet.
then make me and my offspring neither the first nor the last in the doomsday destruction of the universe becomes king - queen of a planet like the Earth planet. Amen.
O Allah, give me a man who bit to become the People, Support, Officials, magnifying, Friends, Sahib (friend), Karib, tribe, Bani, tribe, clan, Family, Nation, Followers, Hastelloy, waitress, maid and Barisan Troops also slaves faithful, devoted, have dedication, useful, useful, devote themselves, ridho sacrifice, help, serve, faith, nurture, protect, love, love, love, purify, care, attention, exalting, magnifying and support in the form of treasure, science, energy and soul to me and to ((King) Bondan Ramadhani Purnomo) and descendant me from the first to the last Day of Judgment (Qiyamah) destruction of the universe (Lil Alamin) are also useful for me and my family and the descendants of the first until the last Day of Resurrection destruction of the Universe so that I can build a world empire or kingdom is in Jannah (Paradise) of Eden, or Jannatun Ferdowsi. Amen.
O Allah I wanted to have Abdi faithful loyal to me useful, helpful, obedient, altruistic personal, experts in various fields, helps me in many ways, served to me in a sincere and honest, loving, love to love me, take responsible and secure me from all harm. Amen.
Oh God, I want to be King over 2400 km2 land only.
I want to be King (King) for the year 2400 for my dynasty and there may be a descendant dynasty me as a continuation of the kingdom after the extinction sensible with me until doomsday teachings of my descendants still elected as the King or the King who holds fast to the teachings of me.
Oh God, I want to have followers for me and offspring who cling to the doctrine for 2400 years and even until the end even if only a little, and they protect my descendants. Amen.
Her Verily You are the Oft-Forgiving, the Creator, is the Rich, Maha Raja, the Supreme Court, the Justice, Which gives Sustenance, Maha manager, Maha-fulfilling, Supreme Giving, and All-Everything.
Audzubilahiminasyaitanirajjim Bismillahirahmanirrahim.
Luqman AlHakim message to son: يابني, ليكنأولشيءتكسبهبعدالإيمان, خليلاصالحا, فإنمامثلالخليلكمثلالنخلة, إنقعدتفيظلهاأظلتك, وإنأكلتمنثمرهاوجدتهطيبا. (لقمانالحكيملابنه)
"O my son, make sure first of all something that may not be profitable for you as a believer, a friend who soleh (good), because a friend who both like like a palm tree, when you sit at the bottom of her, she will give you protection, and when you eat of its fruit and you will find it good (sweet) ".
O Allah, give me 100 people to become supporters, servants, followers, community and people loyal to me. Amen.
And they assist and help me. Amen.
O Allah, I beg and ask you. Give me the people, followers, supporters and servants of a number of 50 or 100an people as people start to help and assist me. Amen.
God, I do not have friends and companions that much, just a little I
had, but I am grateful to you because I am still give friends and
Inshallah, you will give me the grace and magic in the form of a sovereign nation. Amen.
God, I really need supporters and followers loyal to me, only you can give.
Only You, O God. Give me the followers and supporters. Amen.
O God, you must know that I am now lonely and alone.
O Allah, I beg and implore God.
O Allah, give me 100 boys to be my friend, O God. Amen.
O Allah, give me 100 boys became friends My dream match my criteria. amen
I need a loyal friend, not a traitor, always in life and love, love and love me too my family.
Give me a good friend, sincere and honest become a friend of my dreams. Amen.
O Allah, give me a 100 friend who has always attached importance and priority to the interests, happiness, prosperity, well-being and peace of me and the family and for the common good of our nation.
O Allah, give me 100 friends who have always supported me in many ways.
give me a friend who always support me in carrying out daily activities.
O Allah, give me a friend who always helped me in many ways, including in terms of politics, business, study, work and friends.
O Allah, give me a friend who always helped and supported me in a dream, plan, prayers and I desire that I be successful in this world and in the hereafter. Amen.
O Allah, give me a friend who never leaves me under any circumstances.
give me a friend who is always with me. Amen.
O God, give me a useful companion and useful in many ways including in business, trade, politics, learn and educate me.
O God, give me a friend who always protect and keep me from evil and from bad human world and the hereafter. Amen.
O God come close kan kan and I'm at my best friend was God.
O God come right they told me to declare the pledge of friendship and pledge their loyalty to me.
and they told me to come right to ordain me as a king who led them. Amin Yes Rabbal Alamin
Inshallah, you will give me the grace and magic in the form of a sovereign nation. Amen.
God, I really need supporters and followers loyal to me, only you can give.
Only You, O God. Give me the followers and supporters. Amen.
O God, you must know that I am now lonely and alone.
O Allah, I beg and implore God.
O Allah, give me 100 boys to be my friend, O God. Amen.
O Allah, give me 100 boys became friends My dream match my criteria. amen
I need a loyal friend, not a traitor, always in life and love, love and love me too my family.
Give me a good friend, sincere and honest become a friend of my dreams. Amen.
O Allah, give me a 100 friend who has always attached importance and priority to the interests, happiness, prosperity, well-being and peace of me and the family and for the common good of our nation.
O Allah, give me 100 friends who have always supported me in many ways.
give me a friend who always support me in carrying out daily activities.
O Allah, give me a friend who always helped me in many ways, including in terms of politics, business, study, work and friends.
O Allah, give me a friend who always helped and supported me in a dream, plan, prayers and I desire that I be successful in this world and in the hereafter. Amen.
O Allah, give me a friend who never leaves me under any circumstances.
give me a friend who is always with me. Amen.
O God, give me a useful companion and useful in many ways including in business, trade, politics, learn and educate me.
O God, give me a friend who always protect and keep me from evil and from bad human world and the hereafter. Amen.
O God come close kan kan and I'm at my best friend was God.
O God come right they told me to declare the pledge of friendship and pledge their loyalty to me.
and they told me to come right to ordain me as a king who led them. Amin Yes Rabbal Alamin
The Boryaltra Kingdom.
If I have a country, then I will do this.
Official rank of Head of State of Boryaltra Kingdom:
If I have a country, then I will do this.
Official rank of Head of State of Boryaltra Kingdom:
Sire Lord Bondan, The Ruler of Boryaltra.
His Serene Highness Bondan I, Sovereign Prince of Gronchiester.
Gusti Kanjeng Ratu Panembahan Padmanegara (King Padmanegaran).
Pangeran Ratu Buminoto Prajanegara / Pangeran Adipati Buminoto Prajanegara.
Bendara Raden Panji Bondan Ramadhani Purnomo I.
Raden Ramadiningrat I.
Official royal rank:
Sovereign Prince of Gronchiester.
Duke of Swestergud.
Marquis of Schaanterbery.
Count of Clevendham.
Viscount Cavinshan.
Baron Bonwood.
Lord Entlinghland.
Rex Bondan I, The Ruler of Boryaltra is the successor of the great grandparent of Madirsad Penatus and Raden Mas Suromenggolo (Descendant of King of Mataram and Noble man of Java).
royal rank Boryaltra Empire /
Empire Palemahan Padmanegaran Style Traditional Javanese:
Head of Indigenous Stakeholders Kingdom:
Gusti Kanjeng Panembahan Queen Padmanegara.
Princess Consort (Garwa Padmi / Consort):
Gusti Ratu Padminegara.
Garwa Ampeyan / Ampil:
Head of Indigenous Stakeholders Kingdom:
Gusti Kanjeng Panembahan Queen Padmanegara.
Princess Consort (Garwa Padmi / Consort):
Gusti Ratu Padminegara.
Garwa Ampeyan / Ampil:
Gusti Raden Ayu.
Gusti Raden Ayu (not allowed to have children by her, except for emergencies according the Code of the State).
Mas Ayu (not allowed to have children by her, except for emergencies according the Code of the State).
Mas Ajeng ((There may have children by her, except for emergencies according the Code of the State).
The title for the satriyan and the daughter of K.G.P.R. Padmanegara.
title of Crown Prince and Crown Princess:
Kanjeng Gusti Pangeran Adipati Anom Mangkudiningrat.
Kanjeng Gusti Putri Ayu Sekar Kedhaton.
title Satriyan and The Princess of K.G.P.R. Padmanegara.
Gusti Pangeran Arya when still a child holds Gusti Raden Panji.
Gusti Raden Ayu when childhood Gusti Raden Ajeng.
title grandson, great-granddaughter, maternal great and Piut of
K.G.P.R. Padmanegara:
Gusti Raden Arya when childhood holds Gusti Raden Panji.
Gusti Raden Ayu when childhood holds Gusti Raden Ajeng
Family Breeds Keraton Kebondanan:
Dad: Bong Chu Long title Gusti Pangeran Cakrabumi.
Mother: Sukawati title Gusti Ratu Sukawati Natamenggala.
Sister: Candra title of Gusti Raden Ayu Adipati Candra Kesuma and Sulaiman title Gusti Pangeran Sulaiman.
Sister: Oktavian title Gusti Pangeran Cakranegara.
Sire Lord Bondan I, The Ruler of Boryaltra.
of The Reign Rulers :
(name), The Queen Consort of Boryaltra.
(name), The First Princess.
(Name), The Lady Concubine.
(Name), The Lady Concubine.
of to the throne :
(name), The Crown Prince (Crown Heir).
(name), The Crown Princess (Crown Heiress).
and Daugther of The Ruler :
(name), The Prince (name of family).
(name), The Princess (name of family).
Rulers Family :
Highness Ruler Cakrabumi, The Duke of Schelweiz Damzeg (Lord
Schelweiz Damzeg).
Highness Queen Mother Sukawati, The Duchess of Schelweiz Damzeg
(Lady Schelweiz Damzeg) & Princess Mother (Lady Mother).
Sister :
Highness Queen Candra Kesuma of East, The Princess Easternwood
(Lady Easternwood).
in Law :
Highness Sulaiman, The Prince Easternwood (Lord Easternwood).
Brother :
Highness Ruler Cakranegara of West, The Prince Westernwood (Lord
Structure of the State.
Article 1 of the Constitution states that the state boryaltra is privileged or state protectorate status under the protection of the mother country were given greater freedom in his country under the reign of King Subordinate or Prince who ruled.
Article 2 of the Constitution of the country-specific system laid Boryaltra: Principality (the Kingdom) is a democratic constitutional monarchy offspring and parliamentary basis.
Boryaltra is a hereditary monarchy. Ruling Prince as head of state is not elected by the people, but on the contrary, the laws of the principality house (House of) Boryaltra determine the successor to the throne.
male line of succession applicable to precedence in the line of succession compare the women, and the rules, the eldest son of the prince who ruled a substitute for the reigning prince.
In an emergency situation when there is no male heir in the royal family heir princess women are entitled to be sovereign in accordance with the law of royal succession.
Boryaltra are descendants of a constitutional monarchy. The Rulers are bound by the provisions in the Constitution and can only exercise the right to force state
in accordance with the Constitution and the law.
As head of state, he may conclude international agreements are subject to ratification by Parliament. Prince reigns through government issued regulations. This includes regulations issued under emergency powers.
Prince Ruler rights to issue emergency regulations is limited.
according to the Constitution, statutes of emergency ended after six months. In addition, the emergency regulations are no longer able to suspend the entire Constitution, but Prince reigned may only limit individual provisions specified time.
The Constitution also states that state power is held Reign Prince and the People. Because the country lies on a democratic basis, people and Reign Prince have certain rights. One can influence the conduct state business through elections and popular sounds.
Voters have the right of initiative and referendum.
People can use the initiative to request new law, and they can use a referendum to demand the elections on legal or financial decisions passed by Parliament.
amendments to the constitution, the people have the possibility of withdrawing their confidence from the ruling prince and the right to vote on the abolition of the monarchy although so people can not remove the monarchy.
Boryaltra has 50 MPs elected by the people for a term of ten years.
Parliament is mandated to «represent and assert the rights and interests of people in relation to the government».
The main responsibility of Parliament is legislation. For the law to be valid, it must be approved by Parliament, by Reign Prince and countersigned by the Prime Minister. Parliament also includes the selection of the strength of the government minister, appointed by the Prince ruled on their recommendation.
The government consists of the Prime Minister and four other Ministers. Deputy Prime Minister chosen from among four other Ministers.
Works according to the principle of collegial government. It is responsible for the national administration. All important affairs are subject to consultation and decision-making collegial government.
Boryaltra principality government council is part of the Principality. Consists of six members:
Minister of state sitting in the chair and members of the board of seven members (four counselors and one delegation);
It also has voting rights, and have control of the military and police control, counselor for internal affairs, financial and economic adviser, counselor for the equipment, environment and urban planning, Counselor for Social Affairs and Health and counselor for foreign affairs.
Project planning board and the bill proposed to the Prince by the Council other government provisions supported by the decision of a sovereign prince, Minister of State, Minister of Finance, and the kinds of policies.
In addition to the Parliament as the legislative power and the Government as the executive power, there is also a third force, which is justice. Supreme Court to hear civil and criminal matters in the first instance, the Court of Appeal in the second instance, and the Supreme Court in the third and final example. Administrative Court has jurisdiction over administrative issues and act as a final example. The Constitutional Court has jurisdiction over constitutional matters.
Article 1 of the Constitution states that the state boryaltra is privileged or state protectorate status under the protection of the mother country were given greater freedom in his country under the reign of King Subordinate or Prince who ruled.
Article 2 of the Constitution of the country-specific system laid Boryaltra: Principality (the Kingdom) is a democratic constitutional monarchy offspring and parliamentary basis.
Boryaltra is a hereditary monarchy. Ruling Prince as head of state is not elected by the people, but on the contrary, the laws of the principality house (House of) Boryaltra determine the successor to the throne.
male line of succession applicable to precedence in the line of succession compare the women, and the rules, the eldest son of the prince who ruled a substitute for the reigning prince.
In an emergency situation when there is no male heir in the royal family heir princess women are entitled to be sovereign in accordance with the law of royal succession.
Boryaltra are descendants of a constitutional monarchy. The Rulers are bound by the provisions in the Constitution and can only exercise the right to force state
in accordance with the Constitution and the law.
As head of state, he may conclude international agreements are subject to ratification by Parliament. Prince reigns through government issued regulations. This includes regulations issued under emergency powers.
Prince Ruler rights to issue emergency regulations is limited.
according to the Constitution, statutes of emergency ended after six months. In addition, the emergency regulations are no longer able to suspend the entire Constitution, but Prince reigned may only limit individual provisions specified time.
The Constitution also states that state power is held Reign Prince and the People. Because the country lies on a democratic basis, people and Reign Prince have certain rights. One can influence the conduct state business through elections and popular sounds.
Voters have the right of initiative and referendum.
People can use the initiative to request new law, and they can use a referendum to demand the elections on legal or financial decisions passed by Parliament.
amendments to the constitution, the people have the possibility of withdrawing their confidence from the ruling prince and the right to vote on the abolition of the monarchy although so people can not remove the monarchy.
Boryaltra has 50 MPs elected by the people for a term of ten years.
Parliament is mandated to «represent and assert the rights and interests of people in relation to the government».
The main responsibility of Parliament is legislation. For the law to be valid, it must be approved by Parliament, by Reign Prince and countersigned by the Prime Minister. Parliament also includes the selection of the strength of the government minister, appointed by the Prince ruled on their recommendation.
The government consists of the Prime Minister and four other Ministers. Deputy Prime Minister chosen from among four other Ministers.
Works according to the principle of collegial government. It is responsible for the national administration. All important affairs are subject to consultation and decision-making collegial government.
Boryaltra principality government council is part of the Principality. Consists of six members:
Minister of state sitting in the chair and members of the board of seven members (four counselors and one delegation);
It also has voting rights, and have control of the military and police control, counselor for internal affairs, financial and economic adviser, counselor for the equipment, environment and urban planning, Counselor for Social Affairs and Health and counselor for foreign affairs.
Project planning board and the bill proposed to the Prince by the Council other government provisions supported by the decision of a sovereign prince, Minister of State, Minister of Finance, and the kinds of policies.
In addition to the Parliament as the legislative power and the Government as the executive power, there is also a third force, which is justice. Supreme Court to hear civil and criminal matters in the first instance, the Court of Appeal in the second instance, and the Supreme Court in the third and final example. Administrative Court has jurisdiction over administrative issues and act as a final example. The Constitutional Court has jurisdiction over constitutional matters.
Kingdom of Boryaltra :
Act Parliamentary.
The Crown / Monarch (Ruler (King) – Reign Prince).
Kings Family / Dynasty.
Succession to the Boryaltra Throne.
Royal Prerogative.
Crown Council (Dewan Mahkota).
Council of Goverment / Dewan Pemerintahan (Executive Council).
National Council Parlemen and Crown in Parliamentary (Legislative Council).
Princely House (Unlimited).
Representative House (50 member elected by people)
Supreme Court and Crown in the Court (Yudikatif).
Army & Police under Council of Goverment, Parlemen, Supreme Court & The Crown / Crown Council.
Parliement Constituantes.
Election of Political People (The National Election and The Local Election).
Administrative Divisions :
Cities (Major).
Village (Chief of Village).
Political Independent People.
Foreign Policy.
Country: State Protectorate under the Convention or Treaty with the
State Parent shaped Constitutional Monarchy.
make an international area for the Nation Boryaltra of 2400 Square
Kilometre to be Duchy of Boryaltra.
become independent and sovereign land for Boryaltra Tribe.
become independent and sovereign land for Boryaltra Tribe.
want to buy an area of 2400 Square Kilometre to be a royal state
which form of government is a constitutional monarchy with a
parliamentary system and the form of the state as a unitary
the maximum amount to the people -250,000. people.
the maximum amount to the people -250,000. people.
territory of the Kingdom of Boryaltra is an island covering an area
of 2,4 Square Kilometers with maritime territorial line along the
12-mile and 200 miles of shoreline into the exclusive economic
And bought an area of 100/2400 Square Kilometers in Antarctica.
The total population of 35,000 people maximum.
Conditions made exactly to the Pilot Games Harvestmoon Back to Nature and Harvestmoon other versions.
And bought an area of 100/2400 Square Kilometers in Antarctica.
The total population of 35,000 people maximum.
Conditions made exactly to the Pilot Games Harvestmoon Back to Nature and Harvestmoon other versions.
System Boryaltra kingdom.
A. Constitution.
Codified the basic law ( "Constitution") United Boryaltra
the outline can be declared to have set things below.
1. Human rights, in which also governs matters regarding:
a. international human rights;
b. respect for human dignity;
respect for equality regardless of race,
religion, gender, social status, etc .; security;
the abolition of slavery; punishment; marriage and
family; ownership of the object;
c. protection of the law, equality under the law, respect
the courts, vindication, presume the
d. individual liberty, private property, freedom of movement, freedom
religion, freedom of expression;
e. political rights, asylum, citizenship, freedom of assembly
and association and freedom of trade;
f. social rights, the right to work, working time, right to the place
housing, education, science, art, culture.
g. limitations of human rights.
2. Organization of state, which includes the setting of:
a. Common forms of government;
b. parliament, the House of Representative, idependent whole political, decision-making,
legislation, commissions, Princely House, finance, parliamentary ombudsman;
c. monarchy, the crown council, the government, the composition of the government, the lobby, the Advisory Board;
d. local government;
e. judicial, legal system, criminal court, civil court,
A. Constitution.
Codified the basic law ( "Constitution") United Boryaltra
the outline can be declared to have set things below.
1. Human rights, in which also governs matters regarding:
a. international human rights;
b. respect for human dignity;
respect for equality regardless of race,
religion, gender, social status, etc .; security;
the abolition of slavery; punishment; marriage and
family; ownership of the object;
c. protection of the law, equality under the law, respect
the courts, vindication, presume the
d. individual liberty, private property, freedom of movement, freedom
religion, freedom of expression;
e. political rights, asylum, citizenship, freedom of assembly
and association and freedom of trade;
f. social rights, the right to work, working time, right to the place
housing, education, science, art, culture.
g. limitations of human rights.
2. Organization of state, which includes the setting of:
a. Common forms of government;
b. parliament, the House of Representative, idependent whole political, decision-making,
legislation, commissions, Princely House, finance, parliamentary ombudsman;
c. monarchy, the crown council, the government, the composition of the government, the lobby, the Advisory Board;
d. local government;
e. judicial, legal system, criminal court, civil court,
Sekretariatan care of the state.
The administration of the state.
Take care of defense and homeland security.
Take care of the internal problems in the country.
Supervise, direct and designer of the village and district development planning.
Take care of the inauguration, supervise and develop local leaders and organizations.
Take care of the inauguration of the legal entity / private and state-owned organizations.
Take care of agrarian and maritime.
2. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
Take care of matters related to the relationship with the mother country.
Take care of matters related to international relations.
Take care of the affairs of the protection of citizens in foreign countries.
Take care of issues related to foreign policy and international agreements negari.
Take care of issues related to bilateral relations and international and mulitateral.
Care of planning the international relations.
3. The Ministry of Finance and Economy.
Taking care of tax matters.
Take care of the country's financial problems.
Take care of the country's economy.
Care of state social security issues.
Being a financial advisor, planning and implementation of the country's economy.
Take care of the customs of the country.
Care of state-owned enterprises (state enterprises).
Foundations and organizations taking care of state property.
Care of state investment.
Take care of the country's wealth.
Care of livestock, agriculture, farming and fisheries.
4. The Ministry of Social Affairs.
Take care of the country's social problems.
Take care of national communications.
Take care of the post.
Take care of education and national culture.
Take care of religion and culture.
The welfare of the people.
Care of public works.
Take care of the health problems of the country.
Take care of the social security plan.
Take care of urban spatial planning issues.
Care of the problem of preservation and environmental space planning.
Care of forestry issues.
The composition of the Governing Vertical Hierarchy and Organization of State Administration.
Government Council - Parliament - Supreme Court.
Administration & Service Official State.
State Law Regulations Boryaltra hierarchy.
Parliamentary Act.
Decree of the King.
Government regulations.
Ministerial regulation.
Administrasion Policy & Service Official State.
Regulation Villages & Cities.
All departments directly related to the ministry in implementing the state administration and governance as well as routine activities of the country.
Every citizen is obliged to carry out a national study funded by the state of elementary school, Intermediate School, High School and Education First Strata.
In addition to the National Education Formally, every citizen is obliged to participate
in the implementation of informal education organized by the state in accordance with the age citizens with education covering the economic, political, legal, health, sociology, psychology, religion and others.
King and the royal family attended a special training so that the nobility royal kingdom know how to perform their duties and obligations as a state leader.
Establish schools and universities outside the state boryaltra.
Establishing domestic state schools and universities with good quality and grade.
Institutions or scientific organizations as the development of scientific research. -
Establish educational and cultural character boryaltra good, ethical, virtuous and moral.
State finance national health affairs and to build adequate health facilities and citizens are entitled to a free health service.
For patients with mental illness are still treated equally and their rights and obligations equivalent to those normally until the time of his recovery and not always taking the drugs and no permanent mental illness.
The country established a modern hospital outside the country or inside the country in order to reach boryaltra ailing citizens wherever they are.
Every citizen is protected by health insurance and life insurance and accident insurance.
The country established a trading company to obtain national income / profit for the purposes of the welfare state.
State makes real agriculture, animal husbandry, agriculture and fisheries in the country and abroad.
Countries implementing the program self-sufficiency in various fields and sectors of industry, agriculture and maritime.
Countries implementing the cultural program crop and livestock / fish to create an agricultural country and maritime systems sustainable, sustainable, environmentally friendly, profitable, producing, non-people, educates, self-sufficiency and high economic value.
Countries implement modern industrialization program a friendly environment and the environmental impact statement.
The state takes 15 percent of the shares of each company established by its
citizens or foreign citizens as well as domestic and foreign organizations.
State owes prohibited unless there is a special purpose state / a precarious state of
emergency it is permissible in debt to a maximum of 15% of the country's wealth.
Countries apply retention policies Gold & Silver in this policy states collect as much
gold and silver to be included in the wealth of the country's national interests.
Producing goods in accordance with the logical request.
In countries boryaltra every citizen should work and there should be no unemployed according to the age prescribed by state law book.
In countries boryaltra every citizen facilitated or given a job by the state for the purpose of nation building.
Every citizen is given the house and yard in the country to prosperity.
Every citizen is obliged to be a rich man.
The state will share a bonus for every citizen if the state benefit in the form of allowances for food and transport allowances, cash and cash bonuses retired communications.
Every citizen has facilitated a house and a car outside the country (abroad).
Every citizen is required to pay in banks and invest funds.
Removing riba (interest rents) in the country's economy.
Imposes every citizen and people who have permission to stay in the country to pay
taxes boryaltra relatively low and is obliged to pay zakat / jizyah.
Countries set up institutions for help, guidance and resolution of problems faced by every citizen, it is intended that the state can investigate what the problems faced by the people and what the people's lives in economic and social issues as well as the state and society are given the mandate by the state must care and help solve them.
For the sake of social justice then if people in emergencies such as famine or
poverty then the king and the royal family also must be poor and hungry.
Every citizen should know each other, communicative and socializing for the sake of the country.
State acts or interfere in the private lives of citizens in terms of religious, social relationships, work, romance, marriage, etc.
State limit human population in the country, every citizen and the royal family are allowed to have two children be given dispensation to the already pregnant with her 3rd and citizens should follow a national program of population control.
Every Member of the Kingdom are required to wear the letter B on the front of their name to match the original name of the First King.
Every citizen should have one boat for one house on the island in anticipation of a tsunami or floods the sea as a countermeasure.
State making boryaltra communities outside the country aims for social and environmental activities.
The official language to be used boryaltra country is English and Indonesian.
State archives boryaltra establish a world language to learn various languages of the world. -
Boryaltra country established a center of scientific, scientific research and technological development.
Boryaltra country set up a research and observation space / space and space flight.
State Boryaltra create television channels and national radio channels.
The state religion is Islam mixes tradition and religious minorities boryaltra mixed boryaltra tradition.
Assign the appropriate character education boryaltra culture.
Each resident shall be circumcised only at the age of 12 years.
The country established community organizations to citizens who right of boryaltra constitution and any citizen who became chairman of the social organization are allowed to become King of the Organization with the rank of Lord & Baron.
In countries boryaltra always throw a party and festival meeting between the king and the people on the day - a great day and month of a particular month.
Every citizen who is a child and adolescent is a child of countries and is a member of the royal family of passive.
Romance same sex are allowed but restricted on condition should not have intercourse with anal sex and are not allowed to drink and swallow semen / sperm.
Sex aids may be used for both men and women.
Legal masturbation / masturbation is allowed for men and women as well as thepermissibility forbidden to masturbate together.
Permitted activities pornoaction and pornography at the time specified by the state and restrictions watching porn by the state for citizens is 30 times a year.
State prohibits the use of the hijab except in the month of Ramadan and religious holidays of Islam.
The prohibition of drinking alcohol and smoking for all citizens.
State prohibits all gambling activities.
Countries prohibit all activities of prostitution in the country.
State prohibits the activity of free sex.
The state banned the use of plastic.
State establishing a center for environmentally friendly waste management.
State sets national standards for various products in the form of goods or groceries.
Prohibit and destroy the lives of reptiles (snakes, frogs, crocodiles, lizards, etc.).
Every citizen has the right to obtain political office administration positions.
Status of the People's Monarchy (Regnum) is the same or equivalent power difference is special and preferential treatment given by the People (Regnum) to the Monarchy (Rex).
The state is the king because the king is the largest shareholder of the country and the king who buy state.
Each individual citizen has a right to be happy and have the right to improve the quality standard of living.
Every citizen is an individual who has a social responsibility and unity greatly needed by the state.
The whole country is in the state boryaltra are the property of the royal dynasty boryaltra (Land Keprabon / King Estate) because King bought all the land is in the country boryaltra but people permitted right to live, take advantage and control of the land and the people are forbidden to sell and pawn.
Land Rights in the State Boryaltra for people in positions of Attorney rights Land, leasehold and right to use land controlled while the monarch is Monarch Ground Right.
State security is guaranteed by the Kingdom of Boryaltra Abdi Police and Defense on hold by the Royal Military Abdi Boryaltra under the command of the governing council, parliament, supreme court and monarchy / crown council.
Military activities restricted to the defense in charge of guarding the border and across the country, searching for information and intelligence tasks and in charge of keeping the peace of the world.
If the new state is attacked then boryaltra attack.
military personnel are conscripts.
Every citizen in the compulsory to perform compulsory military service during the first year 5 times.
Police activities is to undertake repressive measures, prevention, maintaining the security of the state, society and the state regulate and assist military duty in overseeing state
And there is no impunity for the military and police.
There should be no killings, disappearances, detentions through 1 year, severe physical violence and verbal abuse in the country boryaltra mass.
Rights in the field of politics:
1. have the opportunity to get the opportunity to become a political tool of the country.
2. Getting the same treatment for the hearing political aspirations.
3. Using their voting rights both passive and active suffrage.
4. The right to be elected by the people.
5. Provide input into the political system, either supporting or rejecting a government policy
1. Get the same opportunity in the attempt.
2. Getting equal opportunities in trade.
3. Getting equal opportunities in work.
4. Getting the equal opportunity to grow the business.
5. The same right in setting up private entities.
6. The same rights to access to raw materials.
7. The same rights to get access to raw materials.
8. The same rights to get access to technology.
9. The same rights to get access to capital resources.
10. The same right to receive coaching effort.
11. The same right has the right of personal or collective.
12. The right not to be deprived of the right to private property its collective maupu arbitrarily.
1. Get the same opportunity in the attempt.
2. Getting equal opportunities in trade.
3. Getting equal opportunities in work.
4. Getting the equal opportunity to grow the business.
5. The same right in setting up private entities.
6. The same rights to access to raw materials.
7. The same rights to get access to raw materials.
8. The same rights to get access to technology.
9. The same rights to get access to capital resources.
10. The same right to receive coaching effort.
11. The same right has the right of personal or collective.
12. The right not to be deprived of the right to private property its collective maupu arbitrarily.
of the socio-cultural field:
1. The right to the same education.
2. The same right to choose education.
3. The same right to develop their talents and interests.
4. The same right to enjoy and develop the culture.
5. Equal rights in developing science.
6. The same right to benefit from science.
7. The same right to get a job.
8. The same right earn a decent living and improve quality of life.
9. The right to social security.
10. Rights & Obligations for running tradition and culture.
11. The right to receive compensation in the event of a disaster,
1. The right to the same education.
2. The same right to choose education.
3. The same right to develop their talents and interests.
4. The same right to enjoy and develop the culture.
5. Equal rights in developing science.
6. The same right to benefit from science.
7. The same right to get a job.
8. The same right earn a decent living and improve quality of life.
9. The right to social security.
10. Rights & Obligations for running tradition and culture.
11. The right to receive compensation in the event of a disaster,
The rights and obligations for all citizens equal and equitable to
become rich.
13. The right to compensation for people who are poor and neglected children.
14. The right to social justice.
13. The right to compensation for people who are poor and neglected children.
14. The right to social justice.
law and governance:
1. The right to equal treatment in law.
2. The right to adequate legal protection.
3. The right to citizenship.
4. The right to not be discriminated against
5. The right to not be prosecuted a second time in the same case in a criminal and civil justice.
6. The right to equality in positions in government.
7. The right to similarity to participate in government.
8. The right to submit to the government in order to be free of corruption, collusion and nepotism.
1. The right to equal treatment in law.
2. The right to adequate legal protection.
3. The right to citizenship.
4. The right to not be discriminated against
5. The right to not be prosecuted a second time in the same case in a criminal and civil justice.
6. The right to equality in positions in government.
7. The right to similarity to participate in government.
8. The right to submit to the government in order to be free of corruption, collusion and nepotism.
Getting personal freedom.
1. The right to issue opinions or views of mind.
2. The right to assemble and associate.
3. The right to have a religion.
4. The right to marry or not to marry.
5. The right to obtain wealth.
6. The right to offspring.
7. The right to freedom of movement and expression.
The same treatment in court proceedings:
1. The right to effective court.
2. The right to not be detained, arrested and exiled arbitrarily.
3. The right to legal assistance in a criminal or civil cases.
4. The right to be presumed innocent until proven against the defendants in court.
5. The right to obtain justice.
Obligations of Citizens:
1. Pay the tax and zakat / jizyah.
2. Obliged to obey the customs, laws, regulations, state and government agencies.
3. Obligations subject to restrictions in carrying out the law of human rights.
4. Obliged to respect other human rights,
5. Obliged loyal to the state.
6. obliged to participate in the defense and security of the state.
7. obliged to attend compulsory education.
8. Obliged to work for the state.
9. obliged to follow and implement national programs.
10. Obliged to honor and obey orders by the crown.
Legal and Expulsion:
The rights of displaced people are getting what has been attaching
to it as his or her property rights and the rights attached to it
as provided for in the State Law on Human Rights and Civil Law.
2. Except as rebellion and treason to the country were destroyed and abandoned.
2. Except as rebellion and treason to the country were destroyed and abandoned.
In law lifelong rebellion so that the state abandoned and destroyed by the criminal sentenced to death if there were no fatalities and criminal penalties of 25 years or absolute expulsion (without the rights attached to it).
In law for those who committed treason against the state with the expulsion penalty.
Collusion law:
In the social service law for 10 years for the person who committed the crime of collusion.
Legal Theft and Corruption and Fraud.
Regarding theft in criminal law with social work the longest lifetime.
If the culprit to return the money or result in the theft will lighten his sentence or parole by the state.
nominal amount of money taken.
criminal social work.
USD 0-300.
criminal burden of social service 3 years.
USD 300-1000.
criminal burden of social work 4 years.
USD 1000-5000.
criminal burden of social service six years and pay compensation.
USD 5000 to 10.000.
criminal burden of social service 8 years.
And confiscation.
criminal social work.
USD 0-300.
criminal burden of social service 3 years.
USD 300-1000.
criminal burden of social work 4 years.
USD 1000-5000.
criminal burden of social service six years and pay compensation.
USD 5000 to 10.000.
criminal burden of social service 8 years.
And confiscation.
Above USD 10,000.
Criminal Charity 15 years and confiscation of property.
Above USD 100,000.
Criminal Charity 20 years and confiscation of property.
Above USD 1,000,000.
Criminal Charity Life and confiscation.
Above USD 10,000.
Criminal Charity 15 years and confiscation of property.
Above USD 100,000.
Criminal Charity 20 years and confiscation of property.
Above USD 1,000,000.
Criminal Charity Life and confiscation.
Flogging 100 criminal flagellation and social events for 2 years for unmarried adultery and sentenced to flogging 100 times and exiled for 5 years for a married couple.
The penalty for incest was exiled for life / 20 years.
Adultery punishment under the age of 16 years by adults is a criminal social work 5 years, tied his hands and feet during the punishment and exile for 5 years.
The punishment for adultery conducted among children under the age of 18 years old then whipped 100 times and in cultivated by the state.
for Murder.
In prison for 20 years in the parent country.
For children under 18 years then given a lighter sentence to 10 years in prison.
for Drunk.
For those who are drunk or drinking alcohol subject to criminal flogging 100 lashes.
act of punishment.
Home imprisonment for 1 month for those who indulge in pornography and porn action beyond the time or the regulations prescribed by the state.
for gambling.
Home imprisonment for 2 months.
of Crimes Against Anti-Monarchy or Monarchy.
Anyone who hates and commit the crime to the Monarchy will be punished expulsion and if the crime that resulted in incidents of killings and other acts that endanger the monarchy it will be life imprisonment or the death penalty.
For criminal suspects child under 18 years hence lighten his sentence at a free or reduced even if the offense or minor criminal offenses except crimes of murder, rebellion and anti-monarchy.
The criminal suspects remained provide guidance for prisoners to be able to recover the body as well as mental health and social and personal life.
Services prison facilities are good standards compliant.
Forgiveness applies to inmates except evil king anti monarchy.
State boryaltra build solar power plants, power plants methane, hydrogen power plant.
Every citizen should have a solar power plant to meet the electricity needs of their own household.
Boryaltra countries make policies to its citizens and institutions to use motor vehicles fueled by solar power, electric, hydrogen etc.
Boryaltra countries make policies to meet the fuel needs of Bio Oil or Oil Alternative growing – plants.
State Boryaltra develop robotic technology to assist the work of man.
State establish waste management industry in environmentally friendly country to reduce carbon emissions and environmental pollution.
National development :
building a house - houses, palaces, castles, office buildings government administrators, hospitals, health care centers, schools, universities, libraries archives, sports stadiums, highways, ports, military bases (barracks), the market is full, storage sheds and clothing food, plant food and beverage industry, factory tekstile (indsutri manufacture of clothing), warehouse raw material storage buildings, storage sheds metal, storage sheds precious metals, storehouses of weapons, arenas party, plantation crops, livestock (poultry, cattle, buffalo, camels, sheep and goats), horse arena, farms, assembly center of the ship, forest, solar power plants, power plants methane, the center of the fishing industry, the research center of technology and healthcare, banks, hotels, the center of the blacksmith, the center of agricultural equipment , postal services, telecommunications and internet access center and mosque.
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